Business Session I: Development Strategies, Governance and Human Development General Economics Division (GED) Planning Commission Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Development Vision of the Govt. The government has adopted a long term vision for the development of the country that will be reflected in the long term Perspective Plan (2010-2021). The Perspective Plan has some specific objectives: Eliminate illiteracy by 2014; Attain cent percent enrolment in the 12th class by 2021 with gender parity; Reduce poverty to 15% or less by 2021; Strengthen IT to establish a digital Bangladesh; Emphasise energy availability to provide per capita energy consumption of about 600 kWh by 2021; The nation wants to be a prosperous middle income country by 2021 GED 2 Sixth Five Year Plan (2011-15) This Plan would emphasise: Accelerated Economic Growth; Employment Creation; Universal Social Protection for the Hardcore Poor; Role of Market, State & Community to be harmonized; PPP to be encouraged to invigorate private investment; Regional and Sub-Regional Connectivity for making Bangladesh an open economy; Gender Responsive Plan; GED 3 Sixth Five Year Plan (contd) Technology base to be strengthened for ‘Digital Bangladesh’; Human Resources Development will receive top most priority; Environment and Climate Change adaptation mechanism to be ensured; Good Governance, Human Rights and Democratic Polity to be ensured; Least-Cost National Security systems to be adopted; Effective Implementation and Monitoring will receive priority. GED 4 Planned Development: Perspective Plan, SFYP, PRSP II (in vogue) For realizing the Vision, the government would start implementation of Sixth Five Year Plan (2011-2015) from July 2010 for balanced development; The present NSAPR II shall remain in force until FY11; The time frame for MTBF (medium term budget framework) shall be extended from three to five years to match with the Five Year Plan process; MTBF shall ensure efficient use of public resources and transparency as well as link budgetary process as an instrument for realizing policy objectives. GED 5 Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) PRSP II completely a homegrown document owned by the government; The Revised NSAPR II (Steps Towards Change: NSAPR II FY: 2009-11) reflects AL led Government’s development vision in terms of poverty reduction, economic growth and other socio-economic goals. GED GED 6 Revised NSAPR II: Five Priority Areas (Medium term action in the light of long term vision) are: 1. maintenance of macroeconomic stability and stabilising commodity prices (in the face of global economic meltdown); 2. continue effective actions against corruption; 3. ensure adequacy of energy and power ; 4. elimination of poverty and inequality; and 5. establishment of good governance at every tiers of the Government. GED 7 Achievements: Macroeconomic stability GDP growth has been steadily increasing and reached over 6 percent; National saving (32.4% of GDP) is 7-8 percentage points higher than aggregate investment (24.6% of GDP); Current account balance is higher since last year which is 2.4% of GDP; Foreign reserve is increasing and exceeded US$ 10 billion; Total remittance receipts rose by 22.4%; The per capita GDP exceeds US$ 600; Bangladesh economy withstood the global financial crisis effectively showing strong resilience and inner strength. GED 8 Progress in poverty reduction The national head count index of poverty measured by the upper poverty line declined from 56.6 percent in 1991-92 to 40.0 percent in 2005; The poverty has been estimated at 38.0 percent in 2008; Cash transfers programme, Food security programme, Housing programme for landless or homeless, special programmes for poverty alleviation and micro-credit programmes for self-employment are doubled; All indicators like life expectancy at birth (66.6 year), infant mortality rate (43 per thousand), population having access to drinking water (97.8%), and adult literacy rate (56.3%) have shown significant improvements. GED 9 Progress in achieving MDGs particularly in health and education Bangladesh has successfully achieved gender parity in primary and secondary education; The country is on track to achieve the targets of halving the proportion of people living below the poverty line; The estimated poverty level in 2015 would be less than 30 percent, equal to the MDG target; The prevalence of underweight children at the national level will be 36.5 percent in 2015 (MDG target 33%); Complete coverage in primary enrolment will be achieved within 2011; The under-five mortality rate (60 per thousand life birth in 2007) will reach even below the target (48 per thousand) within 2010. 10 GED Reforms in governance Judiciary has been separated from the executive branch of the government; The Anti Corruption Commission has been reconstituted and made independent; The Election Commission has been enjoying the independent status; The Right to Information Act 2009 has been passed in the parliament; An independent Information Commission has been constituted; In a bid to strengthening the local government system, Upazila Parishad Election was held in 2009 after two decades of nonfunctioning and other local council elections will be held in 2010; The Government has promulgated a new law titled’ Public Money & Budget Management Act- 2009’ to ensure accountability to the Parliament. GED 11 Promoting Gender Equality Government introduced quota system Parliament and in the government services; in the Gender responsive budget preparation system has been introduced through MTBF to monitor poverty reduction and their development; The number of reserved seats of women in the parliament has been increased to 45 from 30; Bangladesh has already achieved gender parity in primary and secondary education at the national level. GED 12 Challenges Ahead: Enabling macroeconomic environment for pro-poor growth Annual GDP growth is projected to grow to 6.0% in FY10, 6.7% in FY11, and 7.2% in FY12; Inflation rate is projected to decline during the NSAPR II period, investment/GDP is projected to improve, revenue/GDP and government expenditure/GDP are projected to improve in FY10. Budget deficit will be contained within 5% of GDP; However, the challenge would be to raise and consolidate domestic resource mobilization efforts, increase tax GDP ratio, increase private sector confidence shrunk as a consequence of on-going global economic downturn and power shortage; Expansion of tax base and streamline the banking system to generate domestic resources for development financing. GED 13 Social Protection for the Vulnerable SSNP has been envisioned in the perspective plan (2010-2021) to protect the poor and disadvantage group from social evils, economic hardship and natural shocks; The NSAPR II has put social protection of the vulnerable at one of the top of its agenda; For sustaining the government’s programmes in the long-run generous supports from the development partners is needed. GED 14 Development of Human resources Establish a Knowledge-based society; In the revised NSAPR II, 582.30 billion taka or US $ 8.44 billion (20.69% of total) is estimated for Education, training and research making this as a number one priority; Ensure quality health, nutrition and family welfare services which are affordable, attainable and acceptable to the people; The government plans to establish 18,000 Community Clinics (CCs) in phases to ensure access of the poor to public health care services; The Government has taken improving access and quality of education, health, nutrition and social protection services for all vulnerable groups though is a challenge. GED 15 Promoting good governance Making parliamentary process effective; Reorganization of civil service and strengthening the public service system based on merit and performance; Reforming the legal and judicial system to ensure judicial help for the poor and women; Rule of Law to be firmly established; Combating corruption, ensuring human rights, accessing information, improving project implementation capacity; Initiating some reforms particularly in decentralizing government to be more responsive to citizen’s priorities and needs will be attempted though challenging; Improve public services delivery through GO-NGO collaboration and ensure public sector performance and accountability. GED 16 Enhancing productivity and efficiency through science and technology The quality of life of people of the disadvantaged groups will be improved through enhancing quality of education and health care by innovative application of ICT; Enhancing productivity in agriculture through the application of biotechnology. GED 17 Thoughts on Way forward Ensure full implementation of the NSAPR-II and SFYP to accelerate growth and reduce poverty; Increasing revenues and investment for buttressing development and growth; Partnering with the private sector to realize full potential of the economy; Making public expenditure more effective through improvements in budgeting, budget-planning linkages and through aid effectiveness; Increasing Regional cooperation especially in cross-border trade, transport and energy; Building a better governed Bangladesh through an improved accountability framework and reforms to civil service which rewards merit and performance, and e-governance; Bringing ‘services to people’s doorsteps’ by decentralizing services, strengthening local government and enhancing local accountability mechanisms; Improve access to and utilization of quality education, health, nutrition and social protection services; Implementing Bangladesh Climate Changes Strategy and Action Plan. GED 18 Role of the Development Partners in Facing Global Financial Crisis Adverse effect of global financial crisis is evident as our export earning from readymade garments, frozen foods, jute and jute goods and leather are showing downward trend, and likely to be severely hit, if the financial crisis prolongs; Contraction of employment opportunities globally, particularly in the Middle east may hit our remittance flow; Bangladesh’s main export item of readymade garments are facing uneven competition in the US and European markets. As least developed country Bangladesh should be granted duty free and quota free access to the US market, and rule of origin criterion may be relaxed for entry into European market; GED 19 Facing Global Crises (Contd.) Bangladesh should receive enhanced under Aid for Trade instrument. support In order to address these challenges we need strong support from our development partners in the form of direct investment, unhindered market access for our exports, simplification and relaxation of rules of origin, capacity building in trade and investment for creating domestic demand. Bangladesh needs more aid in grants to develop human resources and improve educational standards. GED 20 Macroeconomic Framework During NSAPR II Period 2007-08 Actual 2008-09 Provisional / Actual 2009-10 Projected 2010-11 Projected 2011-12 Projected Real GDP Growth (%) 6.2 5.9 6.0 6.7 7.2 CPI Inflation 9.9 6.7 6.5 6.1 6.0 Gross Domestic Savings (% of GDP) 20.3 20.0 20.5 20.9 21.3 Gross Domestic Investment (% of GDP) 24.2 24.2 24.6 26.1 27.4 Total Revenue (% of GDP) 10.8 10.4 11.4 11.9 12.2 Total Expenditure (% of GDP) 15.9 13.8 16.5 16.9 17.0 Domestic Borrowing (% of GDP) 3.5 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.6 External Borrowing (% of GDP) 1.6 0.6 2.4 2.3 2.2 Total Borrowing (% of GDP) 5.1 3.4 5.1 5.0 4.8 GED 21 Indicative Costs of Achieving Goals and Targets set out in NSAPR II (Revised) At the macro level, expenditure projection from the medium term budgetary framework was taken into consideration. At the micro level, the cost of implementing the activities was taken into consideration; These costs are indicative and were identified in consultation with the relevant stakeholders in the ministries/agencies; Effort was also made not to overestimate implementation needs. GED Indicative Cost of NSAPR II by Thematic Areas Thematic Area (Strategic Blocks & Supporting strategies) Cost in billion Tk. at FY 2008 prices % of Total Cost 1. Macroeconomic Environment for Pro-poor Economic Growth 31.43 1.12 2. Resource Mobilization 29.75 1.06 180.00 6.39 4. Water Resources Development and Management 42.49 1.51 5. SMEs Development 14.04 0.50 6. Promoting Decent Employment 38.10 1.35 7. Private Sector Development 54.76 1.95 3.78 0.13 80.81 2.87 536.66 19.07 3. Agricultural Growth towards Poverty Reduction 8. Land Use Policy and Management 9. Housing Development 10. Infrastructure development including power, energy & Communications (2) GED 23 Indicative Cost of NSAPR II (contd.) 11. Social Protection (SSNPs, FS, DM, MicroCredit and RNFA) (3) 319.39 11.35 12. Education, Training & Research 582.30 20.69 13. Health, Nutrition and Family Planning 207.94 7.39 14. Social Inclusion and Empowerment (Women’s and Children’s advancement, Indigenous people, People with disability, disadvantaged and Extreme poor groups) 48.66 1.73 15. Promoting Good Governance & Public Services (4) 300.95 10.69 16. Utility Services Delivery including water, sanitation & urban services 168.00 5.97 17. Caring for Environment and tackling Climate Change 125.03 4.44 50.72 1.80 2814.81 100.00 (1) 18. Technology Policy including ICT and Biotechnology Total GED 24 Indicative Costs of NSAPR II: Resource Gap Costs for NSAPR II Period Total (FY09-FY11) in FY08 Prices A. Resource needs for NSAPR II (billion Tk) B. Non Discretionary Expenditure (billion Tk) 2814.81 642.59 B1: Interest Payment 425.59 B2: Defence Expenditure 217.00 C. Total expenditure needs (A+B) 3457.40 D. Total Domestic resources available (billion Tk) 2582.56 D1: Total Revenue 2077.94 D2: Domestic borrowing 504.62 E. Domestic Resource Gap (C-D) (billion Tk) F. Domestic Resource Gap in billion USD GED GED 874.84 12.50 25 Meeting Resource Gap Resource requirement (US$ 4. 166 billion/year) exceeds the usual level of foreign assistance (US$ 2.00–2.5 billion) that we receive from our Development Partners; Government will continue its efforts to increase taxGDP ratio by expanding the tax net; The revenue administration system would be overhauled, restructured and broadened to raise revenue flow; Development Partners of Bangladesh should increase their development assistance to met the projected resource gap in order to meet her development challenge. Financial Sector Reform will continue and enabling environment will be created to encourage PPP and FDI. GED 26 Monitoring NSAPR II Activities and Implementation Policy Matrices are developed for all the 18 thematic areas so that concerned Ministries can develop Action Plans for their implementation; A list of Indicators for all the 18 thematic areas are also developed for implementation monitoring and evaluation. Capacity building will be necessary in all institutions involved in the implementation monitoring and evaluation task and for this: – Capacity of BBS to generate data will be strengthened – Planning Wings/Units in all the Ministries/Divisions/ Agencies will be strengthened; Capacity of strengthened monitoring. GED/Planning Commission will be for NSAPR II implementation and GED 27 Thanks