SAP Sybase Replication Server for
High Availability & Disaster Recovery
Speaker’s Name/Department TBD
Month 00, 2012
Business Challenges
 Complexity of distributed data structure
 Downtime is unacceptable in today’s “always-on” world
 Real-time data is the new standard
SAP Vision
 Drive real-time data replication with an easy-to-manage,
database-independent solution
 Leverage database foundation through the Real-time
Data Platform
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High Availability & Disaster Recovery
Insurance Against Network Outages and Disasters
Downtime can have devastating effects:
Lost revenue and business opportunities
Reduced productivity
Damaged brand reputation
Relationship issues with partners and customers
Difficulty meeting SLAs
The High Cost of Downtime
Ponemon Institute Study
cites $5,600 per minute
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Prevent Loss of Revenue, Opportunity, and Productivity
What Is Your Plan?
Most backup or data retrieval systems don’t provide the protection today’s
enterprises need:
Triggers or repeating ETL queries can slow down the source database
With a script(s), there is risk of latency in terms of retrieval and loss of data
Reloading backups after an outage can be very time consuming
Extended timeframe to get database back online can result in lost productivity
Most hardware systems aren't consistent in replicating disk blocks:
 Using specific hardware can cause inconsistencies and results to broken records within
the database
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SAP Sybase Replication Server for
High Availability & Disaster Recovery (HADR)
Captures critical
transactions as they occur
No lost data if a system outage occurs, back up
and running within hours
Uses the database log or
No performance impact on source OLTP database
Works off-the-shelf
Quick deployment with built-in support for
SAP Sybase ASE
SAP certified
Seamlessly integrates with SAP Business Suite
High ROI
Pays for itself should your company experience
only one incident to the system
© 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
SAP Sybase Replication Server
Key Benefits
 Proven in real-time, mission-critical data replication environments:
Wall Street
U.S. Military
Retail & Logistics
Improved disaster recovery and the ability to store data far from a single site
High availability for continuous access to critical data
Superior performance reduces the time between source and copy systems
Unlimited scalability to grow as business dictates
Secondary copy can be used for reporting while reducing demands on primary database
© 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
SAP Sybase Replication Server for HADR
Key Features
 Continuous, real-time change data capture
 Heterogeneous database support (SAP Sybase ASE, SAP Sybase IQ, Microsoft SQL
Server, IBM DB2, Oracle)
 Bi-directional replication (from source to target and vice-versa)
 Maintains complete transactional integrity in replicate copy
 Works with PowerDesigner for replication modeling and script development
 Simple to deploy and manage
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How Is Replication Used?
To prevent loss of
operation or data
during a disaster or
network outage
To maintain
for critical
To provide
copy that can
be used for
reporting without
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Classic Replication Configuration
Use Case: Continuous Replications from One Location to Another
 Primary place of business backs up to another location
 Secondary database can be used for reporting
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Replication at Two Main Computer Centers
Use Case: Continuous Replications at Two Centers in Different Locations
 Replicates transactions at two main computer centers hundreds of miles apart
 If one system becomes unavailable, operations switch to the available system
 When the system that was unavailable returns to service, SAP Sybase Replication
Server automatically resynchronizes that system
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Decentralized Replication
Use Case: Replication at All Locations
 Shares transactions with all
sites in the business
 Each site has its own data
server which is continuously
linked to the other sites
 Any user is capable of
making a business decision
without having to consult
 Ensures consistency and
eliminates loss of business
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Business Continuity and Disaster Plan
National Leasing, Canada
Growth outpacing
performance capacity
of MS SQL database
 Growth outpacing performance capacity of MS SQL database
 Serving 50,000 active leases each month
 Estimated that an outage would cost company $400K per day
50,000 active
leases each month
 SAP Sybase Replication Server for HADR
 Fully distributed data replication
 Business continuity in the event of natural disaster or outage
$400K per day
 Remote facilities can be activated in about two hours
cost estimate for an
 Solution provides insurance against risk
 Pays for itself even if the system goes down for one day
“ ”
I can justify SAP Sybase Replication Server without tangible numbers in terms of our business continuity process.
Arthur Anhalt, Vice President of IT, National Leasing, Canada
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Operating Around the Clock
Maximum availabilty,
faster operations,
real-time replication
 Needed to develop a reliable system that enabled maximum availability,
faster operations, and real-time replication (All branches required
continuous access to prescription and stock information.)
 SAP Sybase Replication Server for HADR
concurrent users
 Supports entire infrastructure without problems
 Reduces licensing and maintenance costs
 Provides reliable back-up on all critical information
Enables real-time
across the enterprise
 Enables constant availability
“ ”
The mission-critical system operates around the clock, and does not exhibit performance problems, lock-ups, or crashes under
any circumstances.
Gil Zippori, Director of Information Systems, Superpharm
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SAP Sybase Replication Server
The Leader in Database Replication
18 years experience delivering highest performance levels in large, complex systems
More than 2,000 production customers worldwide
Extreme reliability proven under the most disastrous circumstances
Separate, enterprise-grade product (not built-in to database)
Non-intrusive, does not degrade source server’s performance
Widely recognized as most mature, robust product on the market
SAP certified for SAP Business Suite
© 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
SAP Sybase Replication Server for
High Availability & Disaster Recovery
Thank you
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