FAIR TRADE AND TOWN & COMMUNITY COUNCILS North & Mid Wales Association of Local Councils Attendance Record Notice of the meeting Minutes September 2014 Minutes October 2014 North & Mid Wales Association of Local Councils Actions taken since last meeting: Police items Future of Service delivery items Living Wage items '0' Hours Contracts items Blacklisting Planning consultations Fees Guest speaker North & Mid Wales Association of Local Councils Financial Report Executive Meeting WELSHPOOL TOWN COUNCIL ‘A planned experience’ WELSHPOOL TOWN COUNCIL How does it all work? It’s a team….. Councillors Town Clerk Staff Awards WELSHPOOL TOWN COUNCIL WELSHPOOL KNOW YOUR COMMUNITY Youth Council Business Forum Council Surgeries Accessibility Consultations WELSHPOOL Understanding your Town SIZE ACCESSIBILITY ECONOMIC BASE VISITORS ATTRACTIONS What does Welshpool look like? 30% of the population is over 60 years old 25% of the population is school age 15% work for Government/Councils 25% of the population do not have a car 22% are long term disabled 12% are full time unpaid carers THE COUNCIL COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE TOWN HALL What is Welshpool Town Council responsible for? MARKETS RECREATION CENTRE TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE 3 PUBLIC TOILETS 100 ACRES OPEN SPACES SPORTS GROUNDS 7 PLAYGROUNDS COUNTRY PARK MOTTE & BAILEY CASTLE CCTV SYSTEM CAR PARK MEALS ON WHEELS COUNCIL OFFICE AND MORE 20 staff and many volunteers THE COUNCIL Plus coming over to the Council soon? Day Centre Library Service Street Cleaning Litter Bins Footpaths Bridleways Community Transport Cemeteries Car Parks And more THE COUNCIL STRUCTURE PLANS AND DIRECTION THE ‘WATFORD GUIDE’ TOWN PLAN COMMUNITY PLAN TRACK RECORD TOWN PLAN Results: Markets Road Pattern Supermarket/Shops Signage Tourist Information Public Toilets Coach Parking Aspirations 8% Retail vacancy rate WELSHPOOL TOWN COUNCIL THE CHARTER Powys County Council What is in the Charter Budget cuts Working together COMMUNITY PLAN COUNTRY PARK NEW PLAYGROUNDS TOWN MAPS BUS INFORMATION WELCOME TO WELSHPOOL DOG CONTROL ALCOHOL ORDER (DPPO) CYCLE ROUTES ALLOTMENTS MOTTE AND BAILEY CASTLE COMMUNITY AWARDS EVENTS TWO MAJOR PROJECTS CAMBRIAN RAIL IMPROVEMENTS MID WALES HEALTH STUDY DIFFICULTIES!!! BUS SHELTER COCK PIT BUILDING THE TEAM COUNCIL – TOWN CLERK – STAFF STAFF MEETNGS & TOURS COUNTY COUNCIL WELSH GOVERNMENT YOUTH COUNCIL BUSINESS THE COMMUINTY MONEY WHY A FINANCIAL CRISIS WHAT WE DID AT WELSHPOOL INCOME V EXPENDITURE PLANS ATTRACTING GRANTS WORKING WITH PARTNERS FUTURE SERVICE DELIVERY FUTURE SERVICE DELIVERY WILLIAMS REPORT WHITE PAPER TOWN AND COMMUNITY COUNCILS CLUSTERING DELIVERY VIA TOWNS RELATIONSHIPS COUNCIL TOWN CLERK COUNTY COUNCIL BUSINESS YOUTH ADULTS WELSH GOVERNMENT OTHER TOWN & COMMUNITY COUNCILS SOME DEALS TOURIST INFORMATION OFFICE The building Capital Grant revenue Change in way it runs Issues SOME DEALS PUBLIC TOILET PROVISION The buildings Refurbishment Grant aid Misrepresentation Issues SOME DEALS DAY CENTRE Building Reserves Grant aid security Donations Issues and help SERVICE DELIVERY – THE RISKS AND ISSUES FUNDING EXPENDITURE BEST METHOD OF DELIVERY RESERVES PAYMENTS AND RECEIPTS EMERGENCY SINKING FUNDS MANAGEMENT STAFFING SUSTAINABILITY BUILDINGS VAT EXIT STRATEGY Council decision making & procedure CLUSTERING AND SERVICE DELIVERY Powys County Council Model Clustering Working with your County KEEPING INFORMED CONTACT WEB SITE NEWSLETTER SOCIAL MEDIA OFFICE BASE OPEN DAYS COUNCILLOR SURGERIES CAN DO CULTURE All elements needed – it’s a puzzle… • Plans • Team • County Council • Structure • Any bit missing and it does not work… THE TRUTH 101 OTHERS CAN WRITE BETTER PLANS 100 OF THOSE 101 WILL ACHIEVE LITTLE WE JUST MAKE SURE IT HAPPENS REPORTING AND UPDATES THE PUBLIC PERCEPTION We have one benefit in Welshpool we have a County Council we can do business with! FUTURE OF TOWN AND COMMUNITY COUNILS January 2015 – County Councils February 2015 – Town and Community Councils HEALTH STUDIES Mid Wales Health Study North Wales Health Study RAIL FRANCHISE 2018 MID WALES Mid Wales Route Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth and Pwllheli. Suggested submission There is an improved service due to be implemented in May 2015. The additional requests would be: c) a) b) A full hourly service with 4 carriage trains on the main line. A full 2 hour service (including the winter months) on the Coast Line. Standardisation of fares structure. RAIL FRANCHISE 2018 NORTH WALES North Wale Route Chester to Holyhead and branches to Bleauni Ffestiniog and Llandudno. Suggested submission The requests would be: a) Electrification of the main line service. b) A full 4 carriage service. c) Standardisation of the fares structure. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Welsh Language Policy Any other business National Transport Plan What is included for Mid and North Wales: Freight to be considered for rail Rationalisation of ticketing for rail and buses Advance technology for ticketing All buses to have WFI Develop concessionary fares schemes Single directorate in Counties for transport Import Road at Holyhead from A55 improved National Transport Plan What is NOT included for Mid and North Wales: Electrification of the North Coast Line Improvements to the Mid Wales Lines Improvements to the A55 generally Improvements to the Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth roads Note – lots about South Wales! COASTAL AND INLAND FLOOD CONSULTATION THE CONSULTATION EXAMPLES OF FLOOD AREAS Thank you for coming onto Lunch