Emergency Management Course

Emergency Management and
Security/Workplace Violence
To every patient, every time, we will provide the care that we
would want for our own loved ones.
Health, healing and hope.
Emergency Management
Safety and Security Is The Responsibility Of
All GBMC Employees
This course explains how the GBMC “All Hazards” Emergency
Operations Plan is developed, what is included in GBMC
emergency preparedness planning ,and how employees of GBMC
can prepare themselves to follow the GBMC Emergency
Operations Plan in the event of a disaster or a high risk situation.
•GBMC Emergency Operations Plan: The Joint Commission
(TJC) requires healthcare facilities to have a current Emergency
Operations Plan (EOP) and an ongoing process to prepare and
train employees to that plan. The GBMC Emergency Operations
Plan and associated annex’s located on the Info-Web contains all
procedures for responding to incidents such as:
○Severe Weather or Natural Disasters
○Utility Failures
○Biological/Chemical Incidents
○Hospital Overload – Surge
○Active Threat/Suspicious Activity – bomb threat, active
shooter, civil unrest, abduction, terrorism
•Your role in an emergency/disaster: GBMC employees should
familiarize themselves with the Emergency Operations Plan and
annexes located on the Info-Web.
The GBMC “All Hazard” Emergency Operation Plan and
associated annexs include the required six critical areas needed to
address any emergency regardless of cause or hazard. Those six
critical areas are:
○Communication – maintaining communication.
○Resources and Assets – access to needed supplies and
support during an emergency.
○Safety and Security – maintaining a safe and secure
environment for patients, staff and visitors.
○Utilities Management – supply uninterrupted power to
critical life support systems.
○Clinical and support activities – address the needs of
clients during extreme conditions.
○Staff management – reporting, austere care, labor pools.
•Emergency Preparedness:
○The GBMC Critical Incident Committee is responsible for
conducting an annual Hazardous Vulnerability Analysis (HVA)
which identifies threats and vulnerabilities both internally and
○The GBMC Critical Incident Committee reviews all existing
plans making improvements and additions if necessary.
Planning also includes collaborating with community and
regional partners (police, fire, EMS, and other hospitals).
○GBMC conducts training and drills that test its Emergency
Operation Plan. Review of the exercises and training assist
GBMC to be prepared if and when an emergency strikes.
•Hospital Incident Command System:
○Using the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS), GBMC
Incident Command Teams can efficiently, use an “All Hazards”
scalable approach to mitigate, respond and recover from an
○GBMC has four Incident Command Teams that are available
○The Incident Command Teams are led by the Incident
Commander who makes all final decisions and activates Code
•Code Yellow: The Emergency code used to notify staff of an
emergency/disaster is Code Yellow. GBMC requires that
sufficient personnel, supplies and equipment be present to allow
the continuation of critical services, to protect the safety and
well being of GBMC patients and community, and provide
appropriate safe care to our patients during an
○All employees of GBMC are considered essential until
designated otherwise during a Code Yellow Event.
○During a Code Yellow event, employees should seek the
direction of their manager or designee with regard to
staffing needs.
○The manager will follow the direction of the Incident
Commander before releasing personnel.
○GBMC personnel are expected to make preparations for
transportation, coverage of family responsibilities, day
care, pet care, elder care, school transportation.
Security and Workplace Violence
This course is designed to familiarize GBMC employees with Security
practices and anti-workplace violence practices that assist GBMC in
providing a safe and secure environment for patients, visitors and staff.
•Sensitive Areas: GBMC has certain areas in the facility that are
safety/security sensitive areas due to patient populations (ex.
emergency department, maternal health, pediatrics, mental health),
hazardous and sensitive information.
○Public access is controlled in these areas:
◊Persons gaining access to sensitive areas must be approved
by the manager or security and will be issued appropriate
badges prior to access.
◊Employees working in sensitive areas receive education and
training on special procedures needed for these areas.
◊Employees are required to wear their badge at all times
while in the facility and should not grant unauthorized
access to anyone.
Workplace Violence: Who, What, When,
•Who is at risk?
○Labor Statistics show that healthcare is one of the most
dangerous and volatile environments in which to work. Studies
show that 9.3 injuries per 10,000 workers occur in the health
care setting, compared to 2 per 10,000 in the private sector.
•What is workplace violence?
○WPV is defined as violent acts (physical, verbal and implied)
directed toward persons at work or on duty.
•When is workplace violence likely to occur?
○Patient interaction.
○Times of high activity – shift change, meal times, visiting
○Transporting patients.
○Setting limits – eating, drinking, tobacco, alcohol/drug use.
○Extended waits for services (real or perceived).
•Where is Workplace Violence likely to
○Emergency rooms
○Waiting rooms
○Geriatric units
○Maternal health
○Mental health
Anti- Workplace Violence Safe Practice
•Warning Signs:
○Verbally expressed anger and frustration.
○Body language (threatening gestures, eye contact avoidance).
○Signs of drug or alcohol use.
○Presence of a weapon.
•Maintain Behavior That Helps Diffuse Anger:
○Present a calm, caring attitude, acknowledge person’s
○Don’t match threats or give orders.
○Avoid behavior that may be interpreted as aggressive.
•Stay Alert:
○Don’t isolate yourself, maintain an open path between you and
the door.
○Avoid wearing clothing, jewelry and work accessories that can
be used as a weapon against you.
○Use the “Buddy System” when interacting with aggressive
•If You Can’t Defuse The Situation Safely:
○Remove yourself.
○Dial Code Green ext. 2007 for help.
○Report any violent incidents to your immediate supervisor and
document appropriately.
Code Green: Ext. 2007
•What Is Code Green?
○Code Green is an internal response system activated when
assistance is needed by any GBMC staff member engaged
by an individual/s threatening or exhibiting disruptive,
aggressive or violent behavior.
•Who Is The Code Green Team?
○The Code Green Team is a trained and practiced group of
GBMC staff members who will respond to, and provide
appropriate control measures for the protection of patients,
visitors and staff during an aggressive behavior event.
•When, and How Do I Activate Code Green?
○Code Green may be activated by any GBMC employee
who feels that an individual/s who is threatening or exhibiting
disruptive, aggressive or violent behavior has escalated
beyond the staff members level of comfort and/or the staff
member feels that additional resources are needed to
maintain a safe environment.
Code Pink – Infant/Child Abduction and
•Safety and Security is the responsibility of all GBMC employees.
Special attention is required for infants and children who are unable to
protect themselves.
•Report any suspicious activity or persons to the Security Department
ext. 2222.
○Person/s lingering near exits.
○Person/s posing as lost, requesting access to maternal health
or pediatric units without proper ID.
○Staff not wearing appropriate ID for sensitive areas housing
infants and children.
○No one should be allowed access to maternal health, newborn,
NICU or PEDS without proper ID.
•If an abduction or pediatric elopement occurs IMMEDIATELY dial
ext. 2222 and activate CODE PINK.
•Attempt to stop the abductor/elopement if safe to do so. If not,
attempt to follow abductor/elopement at a safe distance and
obtain a good description and route of travel. Provide this
information to the Security Department.
•Upon hearing the Code Pink on the overhead page, GBMC
employees should report to the nearest elevator, stairwell or
exit, check all persons with bags/packages, observe and report
suspicious activity or person.