What to Do Congratulations You’re the Logistic Chief Emergency Operation Center What’s Up DOC Why do we need an EOC, DOC, ICS, SEMS, NIMS? Emergency Disaster Service Worker California Government Code Section 3100-3109: It is hereby declared that the protection of the health and safety and preservation of the lives and property of the people of the state from the effects of natural, man made, or war-caused emergencies which result in conditions of disaster or extreme peril to life, property, and resources is of paramount state importance…in protection of its citizens and resources, all public employees are hereby declared to be Disaster Service Workers . . . How does the field get additional SUPPORT? FIELD Local EOC California California County Office of Office of Emergency EOC Services Emergency Service Regional Federal Emergency Management Agency Standard Emergency Management System National Incident Management System Hierarchy of Disaster Response in California Federal Assistance Cal OES – Governor's Office California Coastal Regional County Operation Area Local City / School / Agency Field Incident SCCPPIR - D PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF EOC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. SUPPORT (MACRO) Communication (FACILITATE/SUPPORT) Coordination (RESOURCES) Policy (GUIDANCE) Priorities Information Management Resource Management Document Emergency Operations Center Management Section Emergency Operations Center Board of Supervisors Management Command Section (Similar to an Incident Command) SET THE MISSION Operations Section CARRY OUT THE MISSION Plan Section DOCUMENT AND FORECAST THE MISSION ACTION PLAN Logistics Section Finance Section Administration SUPPORTS THE MISSION RESOURCES PAYS FOR THE MISSION Board of Supervisor Management/Command Functions : – Sets policy for the jurisdiction – Provides for continuity – Directs the overall emergency response – Ultimate accountability – Public Information Board of Supervisors Operations Functions : • Coordinates inter-agency response • Receive, Evaluate and Respond to Requests for Assistance / Resources in accordance with the EOC Action Plan. • Participate in setting jurisdiction wide Priorities • Provide Field Status Reports to Command/Management and Planning Intelligence EOC Board of Supervisors Plan Section Management Section Operations Section Logistics Section Finance Section Field Incident Command Incident Command Incident Command Logistics Operations Logistics Operations Logistics Finance Plan Finance Plan Finance Operations Plan EOC Board of Supervisors Plan Section Management Section Operations Section Logistics Section Finance Section Field Incident Command Incident Command Incident Command Logistics Operations Logistics Operations Logistics Finance Plan Finance Plan Finance Operations Plan EOC Management Section Operations Section Plan Section Logistics Section Finance Section Field Field Incident Command Field Incident Command Field Incident Command Logistics Operations Logistics Operations Logistics Finance Plan Finance Plan Finance Operations Plan EOC Management Section Plan Section Operations Section Logistics Section Finance Section Field Department Operation Center Field Incident Command Field Incident Command Field Incident Command Field Incident Command Field Incident Command Field Incident Command Field Incident Command Board of Supervisors Planning/Intelligence Functions: • Collects / analyzes information • Develops Situation Reports • Documentation Services • Action Planning • Advance Planning • Technical Specialist • Demobilization Board of Supervisors Logistics Functions: • Order resources from offincident locations • Provides facilities, supplies, food, transportation, I.T. • Establish systems for describing, inventorying, requesting and tracking resources. Board of Supervisors Finance/Administration Functions: • Provide input in all plans for financial and cost analysis • Prepare all financial obligation documents • Prepare incident cost summaries as needed • Processing Claims & Compensation requests • Recovery (long-term) EOC AND RESPONSE “GOALS” 1. LIFE SAFETY (Save lives and protect health) 2. Protect Property 3. Preserve the Environment 4. Restore Area to Normal as Fast as Possible The Planning “P” Prepare for the Planning Meeting Conduct Action Planning Meeting New Op Period EOC Director Sets/Adjusts EOC Mission Policy & Priorities Execute and Revise Plan Assess Progress Incident/Event HOUR 1 EOC Activation Initial Briefing Notification EOC Action Plan Conduct Section Briefing/Shift Change Conduct Section Meetings and Set SECTION Objectives Assessment Finalize & Approve Action Plan – Five Step 1) Understand Situation 2) Establish Objectives and Initial Plan Strategies 3) Develop the Plan 4) Prepare, Approve & Distribute the Plan 5) Evaluate and Revise Plan The Planning “P” HOUR 2 Prepare for the Planning Meeting Conduct Action Planning Meeting EOC Action Plan Conduct Section Briefing/Shift Change Conduct Section Meetings and Set SECTION Objectives EOC Director Sets/Adjusts EOC Mission Policy & Priorities Finalize & Approve New Op Period Execute and Revise Plan Assess Progress HOUR 1 Assessment Notification Incident/Event EOC Activation Initial Briefing • Objectives: – What is to be accomplished (Big Picture – Macro) Initial Plan • Strategies: – Direction for accomplishing objectives HOUR 2 Prepare for the Planning Meeting Conduct Action Planning Meeting New Op Period EOC Director Sets/Adjusts EOC Mission Policy & Priorities Execute and Revise Plan Assess Progress Incident/Event EOC Activation HOUR 1 Initial Briefing Notification EOC Action Plan Conduct Section Briefing/Shift Change Conduct Section Meetings and Set SECTION Objectives Assessment Finalize & Approve Select Objectives and Strategies: 1. Acceptable 2. Makes Good Sense Initial Plan 3. Feasible 4. Sound Practice 5. Political considerations 6. Alternatives strategies HOUR 4 DEVELOP HOUR 2 Prepare for the Planning Meeting Conduct Action Planning Meeting Finalize & Approve EOC Action Plan Conduct Section Briefing/Shift Change Conduct Section Meetings and Set SECTION Objectives New Op Period EOC Director Sets/Adjusts EOC Mission Policy & Priorities Execute and Revise Plan Assess Progress Assessment Notification Incident/Event EOC Activation HOUR 1 Initial Briefing Emergency Operations Action Plan Prepare for Planning Meeting - Intelligence Initial Plan - Resources - Update - Revise - EOC Action Plan Draft HOUR 2 HOUR 4 HOUR 5 Prepare for the Planning Meeting Conduct Action Planning Meeting Finalize & Approve EOC Action Plan Conduct Section Briefing/Shift Change Conduct Section Meetings and Set SECTION Objectives New Op Period EOC Director Sets/Adjusts EOC Mission Policy & Priorities Execute and Revise Plan Assess Progress Assessment Notification Incident/Event EOC Activation HOUR 1 Initial Briefing Initial Plan HOUR 2 HOUR 4 HOUR 5 Prepare for the Planning Meeting Conduct Action Planning Meeting HOUR 6 Finalize & Approve EOC Action Plan Conduct Section Briefing/Shift Change Conduct Section Meetings and Set SECTION Objectives New Op Period EOC Director Sets/Adjusts EOC Mission Policy & Priorities Execute and Revise Plan Assess Progress Assessment Notification Incident/Event EOC Activation HOUR 1 Initial Briefing - Prepare - Approve Initial Plan - Finalize - Distribution HOUR 5 Conduct Section Meetings and Set SECTION Notification Incident/Event EOC Action Plan Change New Op Period EOC Director Sets/Adjusts EOC Mission Policy & Priorities Assessment Finalize & Approve Conduct Section Briefing/Shift Objectives Initial Briefing HOUR 1 Conduct Action Planning Meeting Execute and Revise Plan Assess Progress EOC Activation HOUR 2 Prepare for the Planning Meeting HOUR 6 Initial Plan HOUR 11 HOUR 4 1. An overview of what has transpired in the last operational period for their Section 2. Objective that have been accomplished in the last Operational Period 3. New Objectives that have been developed to address changing conditions 4. Any trends that appear to be happening 5. Any outstanding issues from the last operational period. Emergency Operations Center 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Coordinate (inter-agencies / resources) Conduit (additional resources) MACRO vs Micro Strategic vs. Tactics Promote problem resolution at the lowest level. 6) Cascading Events 7) ANTICIPATE Needs ANTICIPATION • Activate EOC 1. EOC Website geo-mapping, on wall 2. EOC Action Plan 3. Information verified, share intelligence 4. Feeding, sleeping, shifts, breaks 5. Recovery Plan • Water (Bottle, Truck, Pipeline) • Sewer (Port-a-potty, infrastructure) • Electric (generator, grid) • Food-Feed (Field, Community, Shelters, EOC) • Care and Shelter 1. Location, American Red Cross, Capacity-ADA Compliance 2. Animal Shelter / Control 3. Evacuation (notificationtransportationCommunity Health / Medical / Vector) • Communications (News release, radio) 1. PIO Press releases 2. ACS/Ham 3. Joint Information Center 4. Public Health Information Release 5. Police-Sheriff Dispatch CAD 6. Social Media • • • • • • • • • • • • • Security Triage / Hospital / Medical Supplies Debris (box, removal) Volunteer Management (Volunteer Ctr.) Donation Management (Salvation Army) Cash Donation (Finance Dept/ARC) Schools (Shelter in Place, Evacuation, Shelters) Shift Changes (field, EOC) Recovery Planning / Disaster Assistance Center 1. How to sustain economic base? 2. Short / Long term housing 3. Permit Process - Mitigation Proclamation of Disaster Damage assessments (Windshield, inspectors, engineers) Barricades, generator, batteries, vests . . . Staging Area 1. Resource Management 2. Demobilize / Redeployment Begin with the End in Mind GENERAL TIPS Anticipate needs. Put first things first Do Not Prioritize what is on Your Schedule, but Schedule your Priorities. Think Win - Win Success follows a Co-operative Approach more naturally than the Confrontation of “Win” or “Lose”. Seek First to Understand Then to be understood Diagnose before you Prescribe Synergize The whole is greater than the Sum of its Parts FACTS AND TIPS Recovery starts with Response Standing Contracts Document, Document, Document Relationships Debris 40% of costs No Free Money Use your resources first, good luck getting someone else’s money TEST - Field vs. EOC Who does Tactics? Field Operations Who does Strategies and not Tactics? Emergency Operation Center (EOC) EOC Main Function? Support Field Operations Via communications and coordination providing policy, prioritization, information management, resource management and public information DISASTER CYCLE – 4 PHASES PREPAREDNESS Ed Buonaccorsi (707) 565-2550 Ed.Buonaccorsi@sonoma-county.org