Utrecht University School of Law PHD-subjects March 2014 PHD’S: REGULAR Name Supervisor Subject Berge, Lukas van den Hol/ Schueler Recht tussen norm en belang [Law between norm and interest] Broek, Melissa van den Addink /Unger (USE) Effectiveness from a comparative perspective: a research on the legal effectiveness of preventive anti-money laundering policies in the member states of the European Union Buga, Irina Soons De evolutie van internationale verdragen [The evolution of international treaties] Congrui, Qiao Qiao Zwart Freedom to protest in China Coppen, Tom Myjer, Rusman De internationaal-juridische dimensies van de niet-verspreiding van nucleaire wapens [The international legal dimension of the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons] Dobson, Nathalie Ryngaert/ Trevisanut The European Union as a Global Environmental Actor Fernando Coelho, Nelson Ryngaert/ Trevisanut Port State Jurisdiction and protection of universal values Fortin, Katherine Flinterman/Van der Wilt Armed Groups and International Human Rights Fraser, Julie Zwart The receptor approach and public international law Gijselaar, Ellen Kristen/ Giesen Doorwerking van positieve verplichtingen uit het EVRM in het materiële aansprakelijkheidsrecht [Relation between positive obligations from European Convention on Human Rights and national crimina land private law] Gispen, Marie Elske Goldschmidt/ Duwell Human rights norms and standards for maintaining a balance between drug control and access to opiates for medical purposes, with a special focus on access to pain treatment in Africa. Gray, Jaki Boele Exploring the Boundaries of Party Autonomy in Cross-Border Family Matters Groenouwe, Marjan Kristen/Sikkema Zorgplichten van ondernemingen ter voorkoming van strafbare feiten, een multidimensionaal onderzoek Haket, Sim Haijer, Friederycke Widdershoven/Van Harten Ryngaert/ Kristen/Sikkema Consistent Interpretation: A Union Concept in a Pluralistic Legal Order State jurisdiction, corruption and the protection of global values Hees, Sander van Van Rijswick Sustainable development Hepping, Kristien Weijers/ Liefaard Rechtspositie van ouders in het jeugdbeschermingproces en het jeugdstrafproces [The legal position of parents in youth protection law] Honniball, Arron Ryngaert/Molenaar Port State Jurisdiction and the protection of global values Hornman, Mark J. Kristen/Sikkema Individual criminal responsibility of managers Huijer, Joost Boele/ Weijers Grondslagen van jeugdbescherming [Legal foundations of youth protection law] Janssen, Willem Manunza Towards a coherent and efficient EU legal framework for public procurement Jong, Elbert de Keirse De attributie en distributie van verantwoordelijkheden door het aansprakelijkheidsrecht en/of contractenrecht, voor de gevolgen van schadelijke handelingen [Individual and corporate responsibility for societal and environmental damage] Kessel, Laura van Giesen/ Jongbloed/Goldschmidt Remedying Human Rights Violations in Civil Proceedings Kuijper, Emilie Struijken/ Keirse Bescherming van derivatencliënten [Protection of derivatives clients] Kulk, Stefan De Cock Buning Third party liability with Intellectual Property infringement in Web 2.0 applications Kurtovic, Elina Boone Criminal records and reintegration Lachnit, Eva Ottow/ Gerbrandy Alternative enforcement of competition law Links, Stacey Zwart The existence of a Sino-African human rights approach Misiedjan, Daphina v Rijswick/ Buyse Botsende grondrechten in de EU. Het waarborgen van grondrechten bij naleving van internationale afspraken: de Yusuf en Kadizaak [Clashing fundamental rights in the EU. Securing of fundamental rights with complying of international agreements: the Yusuf and Kadi case] Morree, Paulien de Kummeling The forfeiture of political fundamental rights: protecting democracy? Nikolina, Natalie Boele-Woelki/ Rigt Poortman Divided Partents, Shared Children; Legal Aspects of children's residence arrangements after parental separation Phoa, Pauline De Vries Ernst Plambeck Van Rijswick Rijsbergen, Marloes van Senden/Ottow Creating a New Legal Narrative for Europe – a Law and Literature Approach to the relationship between the EU Single Market and Fundamental Rights Legitimate and Effective Water Management in the European Union: the Stakeholders? Perspective in times of proceduralisation . The Emergence of European Regulatory Agencies. How to reconcile their effectiveness and legitimacy concerns? Ringnalda, Allard Hol/Kool/Brants Comparative criminal procedure Roestenburg-Morgan, Ingrid Roorda, Lucas Zwart Optimizing the legitimacy and efficacy of the ICC within the African Union Ryngaert/Enneking Global values, local actions: universal civil jurisdiction for litigating corporate human rights abuses (Corporate Social responsibility) Taal, Sandra Langbroek/van der Velde (USBO) Consistency of case management of judicial decision making Taylor, Mistale Ryngaert/Vervaele Data retention and privacy Verhagen, Evelien Boele-Woelki Good faith in family law: a magic potion of flexibility or poisonous uncertainty Verhallen, Tessa Kristen Gezinsinterventie bij Nederlandse en Curacaose gezinnen [Gender Diversity and "Vulnerable" Groups] Zanger, Wouter de Kristen Shifts in the application of confiscation measures and its effects on the legal position of the convicted person Zoetekouw, Mark Ryngaert/v.d. Linden Internet/jurisdiction PHD’S: NOT EMPLOYED ANYMORE, FINISHING DISSERTATION EXPECTED SOON Aelen, Margot Ottow European Principles of good Market supervision Boschen, Bettina Soons/ Oude Elferink Jurisdiction of marine areas beyond national limits Carnero Rojo, Enrique Olasolo/ Brants The procedural status of victim in international criminal proceedings Eijken, Hanneke van Prechal The role of European citizenship in the constitutionalization of the European Union Groot, Caroline de Pennings Levensloop [Life course and job mobility] Korsse, Daan Schueler/ Van Buuren Provinciale verordeningen in het omgevingsrecht [General rules in the Dutch Spatial planning act] Leber, Lianne Lennarts / Kruisinga db Letter of comfort: does it offer any comfort? Leeuwen, Jacqueline van Boele/ Schenk (USE) Pensioenfondsen en prudentie bij beleggingen [Pension funds and prudence in investments] Logchem, Youri van Soons Rights and duties of states with respect to disputed maritime areas not covered by provisional arrangements Rouwette, Rene Flinterman/Malcontent The European Union Influence on the Character and effectiveness of the Dutch Conduct in the UN Commission on Human Rights, 1970-2006 PHD’S: JUNIOR LECTURER/RESEARCHER Berenos, Yildiz Boele-Woelki Post-divorce family relocation disputes Herbach, Jonathan Myjer International law and the nuclear security regime Lindeman, Joep Brants/ Vervaele Afschermen van opsporingsinformatie [Screening of investigative information] Quist, Kees Hol Rechtsbronnen en Rechtsorde. Een visie vanuit het hedendaags rechtspositivisme [The Possibility of a Descriptive Jurisprudence] Vytopil, Louise Lennarts/ Keirse CSR in the supply chain Waals, Sanne Roos van der Zaman/ Lennarts De optimale rechtsvorm voor de samenwerking tussen vrije beroepsbeoefenaren [The optimal corporate legal form for cooperation between professionals] PHD’S: WITH EXTERNAL FUNDS Dadan Anwar Addink Good governance and integrity in the public sector. A normative comparative study between Indonesia, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom Arenas-Catalan, Eduardo Besselink(UvA)/ Nehmelman The compound interrelationship of new constitutionalism and neoliberalism Babunska, Bojana Prechal/ van den Brink (db) Judge made EU–law: requirements for national procedural and remedial autonomy. The possible implications for the Macedonian judiciary” Castro Barriga, Carlos Addink Principles of good governance and the ombudsman. The development of a new legal approach in the public sector in Peru Contreras Garduno, Diana Goldschmidt / Letschert, Tilburg Reparations of mass victimization in the context of international criminal proceedings Dadusc, Deanna Siegel/Zaitch Crackers-social media- cyber- Europe Do Giang, Nam Boele/ Hondius The tension between the freedom of contract and the protection of the weaker party: A comparative study of Vietnamese and Dutch law Dai, Li Ping Van Rijswick/ Schueler Ecosystemservices in het waterbeheer [Ecosystem services in the Water Management] Habumagishu Amy Hidayaturahmi Addink/Duijkersloot Addink Good governance and Banking law within Central Banks of East African Community Good governance and public services, a comparitive study on public complaint system in public services between Indonesia, the Netherlands and United Kingdom Kayihura, M.D. Dorresteijn/Lennarts Corporate Governance and the liability of Corporate directors: the case of Rwanda. Kim, Heye-min Goldschmidt/ ryngaert Introducing the concepts of joint responsibility and complicity into the context of international human rights law Larruscahim, Paula Gil Siegel/Zaitch grafitti, resistance Liu, Kai Pennings Marwan, Awaludin Addink Mbembe Binda, B. (Elvis) Addink Behind the Mask: Chinese Migrant Workers’ Right to Occupational Health and Safety Good Governance and Minorities from a Comparative Perspective Good Governance and Foreign Investments Law Mol, Hanneke Siegel/Zaitch Soy trade- corporate crime Nagy, Veronika Siegel Roma- exclusion –European policy Novrizal, Muhammad Kummeling Is the European Parliament Political Party System possible to be applied in Indonesia? Patriani, Mulia Buyse, Gerbrandy Peng Qinxuan goldschmidt Potential Human Rights Risks Emanating from the ASEAN Economic Community and the Roles of Regional Legal Procedures as Legal Safeguards Women migrant workers as domestic helpers' human rights protection in China - dynamic interpretation based on international standards Quynh Anh Tran Hondius The theory and practice of consumer protection in electronic contracts under European and Vietnamese law. Julia Ruschenko Siegel/ Weijers mail-ordered brides Tang Tao Ottow The Application of “Consumer Choice” in Competition Law Regulation of Internet Industry Tran, Yen Soons/Oude Elferink Regional Fisheries Management Cooperation in the South China Sea: A Legal Perspective Ven, Katinka van de Siegel/Zaitch (db) Doping enterprises in Europe.An analysis of the illicit trade of doping substances on a transnational level. Wibowo, Richo Addink Good governance to enhance public procurement Wildt, Roos de Zulpikar Umar Oude Breuil/Siegel Addink Human trafficking Good Local Governance and Decentralizationin Indonesia, A Comparative Study Between Indonesia, The Netherlands and The United Kingdom Zhang, Shuai Vervaele The Internal and External Publicity in Chinese Criminal Hearings