Data-Collection and Data-Production in Migration Research

'There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.'
Sherlock Holmes Quote -The Bascombe Valley Mystery
Data-Collection and Data-Production in Migration Research
Programme Autumn meeting Dutch Association for Migration Research (DAMR)
Date: Thursday 14 November 2014 Place: CPO-zaal, Law Faculty, Nijmegen (see attached map)
9.45- 10.45 DAMR board meeting
10.45-11.00 registration with coffee/tea
11.00-11.30 key note speech Geertje Mak (History, Nijmegen)
‘Fabricating Migrants. Techniques, practices and materialities in the historical production of
categories of migrants.’
11.30-12.15 Liesbeth Rosen Jacobson (History, Leiden)/respondent Geertje Mak
‘Complementary sources in multidisciplinary comparative research: how to maintain balance?’
12.15-12.30 discussion
12.30-13.30 lunch
13.30-14.15 Tamara Last (Migration Studies/Law, VU Amsterdam) /respondent Iris Sportel
(Anthropology/Law, Nijmegen)
‘Methodological challenges of counting and accounting for deceased irregular migrants along the
southern borders of the EU.’
14.15-14.30 discussion
14.30-15.00 Carolus Grütters (Law, Nijmegen)
‘Hokus Pokus’
15.00-15.15 coffee/tea
15.15-16.00 Ralph Severijns (Law, Nijmegen/respondent Joanne van der Leun)
‘Discretion in fact finding.’
16.00-16.15 discussion
16.15-16.45 key note speech Joanne van der Leun (Law, Leiden)
‘Myths, facts and methodology.’
16.45 Closing and drinks