Power point presentation on personal mastery

Personal Mastery
Mastery means
a) Gaining dominance over people or thinking
b) Also a special level of proficiency (personal growth & learning)
Personal Mastery is discipline of
Continually Clarifying
Deepening personal vision
Of focusing energies
Developing patience &
Seeking reality objectively
Lies in both
a) Eastern and western spiritual condition
b) In secular traditions as well
The discipline of PM, by contrast, starts with
a) clarifying the things that really matter to us,
b) of living our lives in the service of our highest aspirations.
Here authors tells us
Connection between personal learning & organization learning.
Reciprocal commitment between individual & organization
Special spirit of enterprise made up of learning
The spirit of the Learning Organization
 Organization learn only through individuals who learn.
 Few organizational leaders are recognizing importance of
individual learning.
If people are not
sufficiently motivated to
challenge goals of
growth and technology
development.. There
will be no growth, gain
in productivity.
Tap potential of people
What does it require?
New understanding of people’s
Subconscious mind
Will power
Action of the heart
Desire to serve the world
People with high level of PM are
continually expanding their ability to create the results
in life they truly seek.
Mastery & Proficiency
PM becomes discipline – an activity we integrate into our
lives– integrating in two movements
Continuous clarifying- we forget “why we are on the path?”
often spend too much time coping with problems along our path.
Deepening personal vision- continually learning how to see
current reality more clearly.
Juxtaposition of vision
(what we want ?)
“creative tension”
Clear picture of Current reality
(what we are relative to what we want)
Natural tendency of Tension is to seek Resolution
PM is learning how to generate and sustain creative tension in our lives
Learning in this context doesn’t mean acquiring more information, but expanding the
ability to produce the results we truly want in life.
Learning organizations is possible --- if they have people at every level who pratice
lifelong generative learning.
People with high level PM share several
basic characteristics
1.A vision is a calling rather than simply a idea
2.“Current reality” seen as ally, not an enemy
3.Learned to work with forces of change instead of resist forces
4.Deeply inquisitive
5.Feel connected to others & life itself with out loosing
6.Feel part of large creative process, which they can influence
but cannot unilaterally control.
What do they do?
1. Live in continual learning mode
2. They never arrive
3. For them PM is not you possess, it is a process
4. A life long discipline
5. Acutely aware of their ignorance, incompetence
6. Aware of growth areas, deeply self confident, values
7. Make commitment to goals larger than themselves, being
open, exercising free will, try to form accurate reality picture.
Why we want It ?
We believe there is no fundamental tradeoff between
Higher virtues in life --- economic success
We believe we have both
People have a broader and deeper sense of responsibility in their work. They
learn faster.
Traditionally there was a contract
Example: Honest day’s pay for an honest day’s labor.
Now there is a different relationship between Employee and Institution
Shift in attitude of work
From Institution to a Sacred View of Work
Institution: work is a instrument to generate income
Sacred: People or objects are sacred in the sociological sense
Traditionally organizations supported people’s development instrumentally.
O’Brien says that type of organization we seek to build–
a) development of people on equal plane with financial success.
b) Practicing the virtues of life & business success, both are not only
compatible but enrich one another.
c) This is far from the traditional ‘moral of the marketplace.’
Covenant --- Contract
Max de Pree, speaks of a “covenant” between organization and individual, in
contrast to the traditional “Contract”
Covenant: Relationship rests on a shared committeemen to
Ideas– issues—values—goals– to management process.
Covenant relationship reflect Unity—grace—poise. They are expressions of
sacred nature of relationship.
Contracts: are a small part of a relationship.
Who could Resist the benefits of personal mastery?
Yet many
a) People
b) Organizations. Because of radical departure from
traditional contract between employee & institution.
Why companies resist encouraging PM, because
a) It is “soft”
b) Based in part on unquantifiable concepts—intuition & personal vision
In materialistic culture as ours, it is difficult to discuss some grounds of PM
Worst for m of resistance is “Cynicism.”
This can be avoided by accurate view of human nature
Resistance- continue…
Some fear that PM will threaten the established org of a well managed co
Discipline of personal mastery must always seen as one among the set of
discipline of a learning organization ( common vision, common mental
If leaders are capable of building shared vision & motivated to guide local
decision makers then we say organization committed to PM.
How to develop sense of PM
1. Personal Vision
2. Holding Creative Tension
3. “Structural conflict”: The power of your powerlessness
4. Commitment to Truth
5. Using the Subconscious, or you don’t really Need to figure it all out
6. Integrating Reasons & Intuitions
7. Seeing our Connectedness to the world
8. Compassion
9. Commitment to the Whole
Personal Vision
Holding Creative Tension
Structural Conflict: The
Power of your Powerlessness
Commitment to the truth
Using the
Personal Vision
Personal vision come from within
Real vision cannot be understood in isolation from the idea of purpose
Vision with no sense of purpose is just good idea
Vision is a specific destination, picture of desired future
Vision is concrete, while purpose is abstract
Vision often gets confused with Competition– competition is useful way of
calibrating a vision ,of setting scale.
PM is the process of continually focusing & reinforcing on what on etruly
wants, on ones vision.
Personal Vision—conti…
Vision is Multi features
1) Material
2) Personal
3) Service
Material – such as Where we want to live?,
How much money you want to have in bank?
Personal– Health – Freedom – being true to ourselves
Service– Helping other– contributing to the state of knowledge in a field
It takes courage to hold vision that are not in the social stream
( Clarifying vision is one of the easier aspects of Personal Mastery)
Holding Creative Tension
We are acutely aware of gaps between our Vision & reality
These gaps can make a vision seen as unrealistic or fanciful, which
discourages us make us feel hopeless.
Gap is source of “Creative Energy” – we call Gap as Creative Tension
Tension seeks
Resolution or release
How to reduce this?
“2” possible ways
a) Pull reality towards the vision
depends on whether we holds
b) Pull vision towards the reality
steady to the Vision
Creative Tension
Creative Tension leads to
Creative Tension is the Central principle of Personal Mastery
Creative tension leads to
a) Feeling/emotional associated with anxiety
Such as sadness
emotional tensions
“Negative“ emotions that may arise when there is creative tension are not
Creative tensions itself
Creative tension is completely under our control ---the Vision.
Creative Tension
Current reality becomes the Ally not the enemy
An accurate insightful view of current reality is an important as a clear vision
Truly creative persons knows that all creativity is achieved through working with
“Structural Conflict”: The Power of Your
The Reactions are evidence of deep-seated beliefs
“Most of us hold one or more opposing beliefs that limits our
--ability to create what we really want”
Name belief centers
Powerlessness—inability to bring into being all the things we really care
Unworthiness– that we do not deserve to have what we truly desire.
Fritz calls the system involving both the tension pulling us towards our goal
and the tension anchoring us to our underlying belief
Structure conflicting forces: pulling us simultaneously towards and away
from what we want.
Structural Conflict
How do we overcome the forces of structural
conflict ?
Fritz identified 3 generic “strategies”
Letting our vision erode
Conflict manipulation or negative vision
Will power
Belief changes gradually as we accumulate new experiences-- as we develop
personal mastery
Commitment to Truth
People always want formula, a technique, something tangible that can apply
to solve PROBLEM of Structural conflict
--- but Commitment to Truth is far more powerful than any technique
Here truth is --- relentless willingness to root out the ways we limit or deceive
ourselves from seeing what is.
--- continually broadening our awareness
( this means continually Deeping our understanding of the structure
underlying current event)
Critical task in dealing with structural conflict
Recognize them and resulting behavior when they are operating.
How do I recognize ? ---- warning signal i.e., blaming something/someone for
our problem.
Develop skill or know how to identify problem as structure. So that able to
look at “what I could do?, rather than at “What they had done?”
High level of PM here is discovery structures.
These structures readily change, gradually change, then need to work
more creatively within them acknowledging their origin, rather than
fighting the structure.
Structure—current reality
“Either way once an operating structure is recognized
The structure itself becomes part of “ Current reality”
They more committed to truth, the more creative tension comes into play,
because Current reality is seen more for what it really is?
Context of Creative
Commitment to
becomes a
generative force
Just as vision
becomes a
generative force
Using The Subconscious, or,
you don’t Really Need to Figure it all out
Implicit in the practice of personal mastery is another dimension of the mind
Through subconscious that “all of us” deal with complexity.
We have all mastered a vast repetitive of skills through “training” the sub
conscious. Once learned, they become so taken for granted. We don’t
even notice when we are exciting them.
High personal
High level of
Sub consciousness
In working more productively with the
subconscious mind
Integrating Reason & Intuition
People with High level of Personal Mastery achieve
“naturally” Integrating Reasons & Institution as a by product
of their commitment to use all resource at their disposal.
System thinking May hold a key to integrating Reason & Institution
Institution can’t be explained in terms of linear logic
As experienced managers find that many of their intuitions
become explicable by gaining facility with systems thinking
as alternative language.
Fostering personal mastery in an Organization
Personal growth is a matter of choice.
If forced guaranteed to back fire
Similarly organizations with aggressive in promoting PM for their
members get into difficulty
Leaders building organization where it is safe for people
to create vision,
Commitment to truth are the norms
Where status quo is expected
(obscuring aspects of current reality that people seek to avoid)
Organization climate will strengthen personal
mastery in “2” ways
Continually reinforce the idea that personal growth is truly valued in
The extent that individuals respond to what is offered, organization
provide an “on the job training”.
Core leadership: is simple be a model.
Commit to yourself to your own personal mastery.
Actions always speak louder than words.
Thank you