Life Insurance Planning

Personal Finance
Ninth Edition
Chapter 12:
Life Insurance
PPT slide program prepared by
Amy Forgue and Ray Forgue.
Learning Objectives
1. Understand the reasons why you
might need life insurance and
calculate the appropriate amount of
2. Distinguish among the types of life
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Learning Objectives
3. Explain the major provisions of life
insurance policies.
4. Apply a step-by-step strategy for
implementing a life insurance plan.
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• Risk of dying too soon
• Risk of living too long
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How Much Life Insurance Do You
• The primary reason for buying life
insurance is to allow the family
members of the deceased to continue
with their lives free from the financial
burdens that death can bring.
• Beneficiary: The person named in the
policy to receive the funds.
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What Needs Must Be Met?
• Final expenses: One-time expenses
occurring just prior to or after a death.
• Income-replacement needs
• Readjustment-period needs
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What Needs Must Be Met?
• Debt-repayment needs
• College expense needs
• Other special needs
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What Needs Must Be Met?
• Government benefits can reduce the
level of need.
– Social Security survivor’s benefits
– Social Security blackout period
• Existing insurance and assets reduce
the level of need.
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What Dollar Amount Do You Need?
• The Multiple-of-Earnings Approach:
easy but flawed.
• The Needs-Based Approach: a better
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Two Basic Types of Life Insurance
• Term Life Insurance (or Pure
– Face amount
• Cash-Value Life Insurance
– Cash-Value: Represents the value of the
investment element in the life insurance
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Term Life Insurance
Guaranteed Renewable Term
– Protects you against the possibility of
becoming uninsurable.
Level-Premium Term Insurance
– Level-Premium Term Insurance
– Reenter Provision
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Term Life Insurance
• Decreasing Term Insurance
• Convertible Term Insurance
• Group Term Life Insurance
• Credit Term Life Insurance
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Cash-Value Life Insurance
• Some forms of cash-value life insurance
pay a fixed return:
– Cash-Value Life
– Permanent Insurance
– Whole (or Straight) Life Insurance
– Limited-Pay Whole Life Insurance
– Adjustable Life Insurance
– Modified Life Insurance
– Endowment Life Insurance
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Cash-Value Life Insurance
• Some forms of cash-value life insurance
pay a variable return:
– Universal life insurance
– Variable life insurance
– Variable-Universal (or Flexible-Premium)
life insurance
• Don’t be fooled by vanishing-premium
or return-of-premium policies.
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Understanding Your Life Insurance
• Life Insurance Policy
• Owner (or Policyholder)
• Insured
• Contingent Beneficiary
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Policy Terms and Provisions Unique to
Life Insurance
Life Insurance Application: The
policyholder’s offer to purchase a
Lives Covered
– First-to-Die Policies: Cover more than
one person but pay only when the first
insured dies.
– Survivorship Joint Life Policy: Pays
when the last person covered dies.
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Policy Terms and Provisions Unique to
Life Insurance
• The Incontestability Clause
• The Suicide Clause
• Cash Dividends
– Insurance Dividends
– Participating Policies
– Nonparticipating Policies
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Policy Terms and Provisions Unique to
Life Insurance
• Death Benefit: Amount that will be paid
to beneficiary when the insured dies.
• Grace Period
– Lapsed policy
• Multiple Indemnity
– Multiple Indemnity Clause
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Settlement Options
• Lump sum
• Interest income
• Income of a specific amount
• Income for a specific period
• Income for life
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Policy Features Unique to Cash-Value
Life Insurance
The Policy Illustration
– Guaranteed Minimum Rate of Return
– Current Rate
Nonforfeiture Values
– Cash-Surrender Value
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Policy Features Unique to Cash-Value
Life Insurance
• Policy loans
– Automatic Premium Loan
– Living Benefit Clause
– Viatical Companies
• Waiver of premium
• Guaranteed Insurability (or Guaranteed
Purchase Option)
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Step-by-Step Strategy for Buying Life
1. First ask whether or not, and for how
much, your life should be insured.
2. Then properly integrate your life
insurance into your overall financial
3. Buy term and invest the rest.
Layering term insurance policies
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Where and How to Buy Your Life
You can easily buy life insurance
– Premium Quote Service: Offers
computer-generated comparisons among
20 to 80 different companies.
Or you can use a local insurance
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Where and How to Buy Your Life
Compare costs among policies
– Net Cost Method
– Interest-Adjusted Cost Index Method
– Interest-Adjusted Net Payment Index
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The Top 3 Financial Missteps in Life
Insurance Planning
People slip up in when they do the following:
1. Let their life insurance agent convince
them how much and what type to buy.
2. Buy their life insurance during their
childbearing years through cash-value life
3. Ignore their changing need for life
insurance as their life progresses.
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Good Money Habits in Life Insurance
Calculate your life insurance needs every
three years or when major life events
occur, such as the birth of a child.
Avoid being talked into buying types and
amounts of life insurance that you do not
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Good Money Habits in Life Insurance
Shop for term life insurance on the
internet to obtain the lowest possible
Employ the principle of “buy term life
insurance and invest the rest” with
guaranteed renewable or level-premium
term life insurance.
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Good Money Habits in Life Insurance
• Contribute the money saved by
purchasing term rather than cash-value
insurance into your retirement plan.
• If you decide that you need a cashvalue life insurance policy, get one with
a guaranteed insurability option.
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