disability - National Service Inclusion Project

How to Include People with Disabilities: Disability Awareness
"More than 1 billion of us live with disabilities. We must remove all
barriers that affect the inclusion and participation of persons with
disabilities in society, including through changing attitudes that fuel
stigma and institutionalize discrimination.”
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,
Secretary General of the U.N.
Presented by: Paula Sotnik
Institute for Community Inclusion,
School for Global Inclusion and Social Development
University of Massachusetts Boston
Made possible through a U.S. Department of State Grant to IREX Community Solutions Program
Having a disability – the real facts!
• one billion persons with disabilities face physical,
social, economic and attitudinal barriers that exclude
participation as equal members of society
• people with disabilities are the world’s poorest, and
lack equal access to basic resources, such as
education, employment, healthcare, social and legal
support systems
• disability has remained invisible in the mainstream
development agenda and processes
• lack of awareness and understanding of
accessibility and accommodations remain an
obstacle to the achievement of progress
Who are People with Disabilities?
Describe your vision for a world that includes
EVERYONE in all aspects of communities?
Legal term – ’disability’
• long-term health, physical or mental
‘impairment ’ that substantially limits one or
more major life activity
Full Inclusion
• persons with disabilities are integrated in all
aspects of the public life, they are viewed as
customers, students, contributors and leaders
What is the Convention on the Rights of People with
Disabilities (CRPD) about and why is it so important?
• international disability treaty
• framework for creating legislation and policies
around the world that embrace the rights and dignity
of all people with disabilities
• Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was the
model for the CRPD
What is the Convention on the Rights of People with
Disabilities (CRPD) about and why is it so important?
• promote, protect and ensure dignity and human
rights by persons with disabilities
• key areas include accessibility, personal mobility,
health, education, employment, habilitation and
rehabilitation, participation in political life, and
equality and non-discrimination
• uses a human rights approach to remove the
barriers and prejudices that lead to the exclusion and
marginalization of persons with disabilities.
Countries can be signatories (Nepal)
•agrees with the main idea of the convention
•not take any action to violate the main idea of the
•interested in fully joining the convention in the future
States Parties are countries who “ratified”
•legally bound to comply with its obligations under the
convention, creates legislation and policies
It makes sense!
• persons with disabilities are able to be employees,
employers, entrepreneurs, consumers, inventors,
musicians and contributors
• when excluded, we all lose out on contributions
• CRPD benefits all people - universal design features
such as elevators, ramps, and clear signage assist
many people in addition to persons with disabilities.
• Stevie Wonder
• Vincent Van Gogh
• Ludwig van Beethoven
• Frida Kahlo
• Stephen Hawking
• Helen Keller
• Sudha Chandran
Effective Outreach ~ Sending the Right Message!
Add statements such as:
"Qualified individuals with disabilities and those from diverse
backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.”
“We provide accommodations for individuals with
disabilities and conduct all activities in accessible settings."
• planning a meeting or an event? Always ask….
• Use International symbols in materials, on websites
• Products and interior decorations include images of
people with disabilities
Include quotes and/or testimonials
from people with disabilities.
Communications TIPs and Disability Etiquette
• people are not necessarily “sick” or “ill”
• if barriers exist, offer reasonable accommodations
• okay to offer assistance, and is often welcomed, sometimes not
•listen attentively when talking with people who have difficulty
speaking, wait for them to finish. Never pretend to understand
•give people enough time to understand or, say it another way
•Always focus attention on the person, not the sign language
interpreter or an assistant
•Do not pet, feed or distract a service dog
•Do not lean on a wheelchair, try to communicate at eye level
•Identify yourself and others to someone who is blind – let the
person know if you enter or exit
“See you later, Want to go for a walk” IT’S OK!!!!
It’s OK to make a mistake, apologize and move on!
Person First Language
WHY? Politically Correct?
• emphasizes the person, not the disability
• disability is no longer the primary, defining characteristic
• disability is one aspect of the whole person
• focuses on the person rather than the disability
I am a doctor, mother, wife, daughter and volunteer.
Sites, facilities, schools, work environments, services,
programs and recreation venues that are easy to
approach, enter, operate, participate in, and/or use
safely and with dignity by a persons with wide variety
of disabilities.
• accessible path to the building?
• accessible parking?
• a primary entrance accessible for everyone? (Ramps - foot for
an inch)?
• accessible common areas?
• accessible to move around?
• accessible restroom?
• accessible meeting, learning and conference spaces
• doors either automatic, or able to be opened by pulling with
average force?
• accessible routes free of protruding objects?
• accessible emergency plan?
Make Your Virtual Space Accessible!
An accessible website allows people with disabilities to
experience, navigate and interact with the website
Five Basic Webpage Accessibility Tips:
•Keep pages simple and consistent throughout the website
•If using images, keep them to a minimum and describe with "alt"
•Use HTML as the default information format
•Text color contrasts with page background
•Only use clear, commonly used fonts
Information on how to make your website accessible:
Reasonable Accommodations…
•initially expressed in U.S. disability law
•modifications and adjustments to ensure persons with
disabilities exercise all human rights and fundamental
•Requires steps to raise awareness to accommodate,
measures that can be taken, and compliance mechanisms.
•extends to a broad array of agencies, organizations and
businesses, including the State, employers, education
providers, health care providers, testing and qualification
bodies, providers of goods and services and private clubs.
Laws, policies and practices are not designed to
….to make more, or better than, or lower standards, or
make special……
but, to EQUAL the playing field!
Most Accommodations cost very little!
Examples of Accommodations:
• changes in schedules
• modified tables, desks, workspaces
• talking watches, calculators, rulers
• private, quiet space
• headphones
• technology solutions, computer software
• color coded tape
• photos and visuals with text
• verbal or audio descriptions of visuals and videos
• audio-recorded, Braille or electronic-formatted notes, handouts, and text
• instructions provided in multiple formats, including visual, auditory and tactile
• sign language interpreters
• large print materials, contract enhanced (black type on white paper, simple font)
U.S. research shows most accommodation costs are under 500.
Universally Designed
products and
environments are to be
made usable by all
people, to the greatest
extent possible, without
the need for adaptation
or specialized design.
-Center for Universal Design at
NC State
Outcome = seamless use
of the environment by all
people, regardless of
diversity or disability - a
culture that includes and
is welcoming to all
The Seven Goals of Universal Design have been articulated
by Professor Edward Steinfeld of the IDEA Center as:
Body fit - accommodating a wide a range of body sizes and abilities
Comfort - keeping demands within desirable limits of body function and
Awareness - insuring that critical information for use is easily perceived
Understanding - making methods of operation and use intuitive, clear
and unambiguous
Social integration - treating all groups with dignity and respect
Personalization - incorporating opportunities for choice and the
expression of individual preferences
Appropriateness - respecting and reinforcing cultural values and the
social and environmental context of any design project.
What Does Universal
Design Look Like?
• Curb cuts
• Closed-captioned
• Accessible restrooms
• Adjustable desks
•Lever door handles
•Auditory crosswalks,
•Motion sensor door openers
•International symbols
Perceptible Information
IKEA Assembly
Body Fit: Accommodate people with the
widest range of body sizes, postures
and movement abilities
Sufficient space between
furniture, tables, etc. for
maneuverability in spaces
Different Environments and the
Need for Reasonable
Seamless and Intentional
Being Accessible and Inclusive
in everything we do, from start
to finish!
One last word…. PARTNER!!!
• identify and connect with disability organizations (DPOs)
• outreach, let them know you are an inclusive
organization, ask their help and tell them what you can
• conduct joint presentations
• recruit board members, staff, customers and others
• ask for technical assistance – how can we become
• include in planning and evaluation processes
• partner to leverage resources and obtain funds
• link websites
• organize a joint one day community project
DPOs and Disability-Oriented Organizations, Schools, and Agencies
An organizational commitment to planning an inclusive
space often begins with a statement or policy.
An accessibility policy shows that your organization
welcomes everyone and has planned ahead in an attempt
to meet the needs of all employees, customers, participants
who may work, visit or attend a meeting or event.
For Your Participation!
What Can Your Organization Do?
1. Tomorrow?
2. Next Week?
3. Next Month?
4. In a Year?
Paula Sotnik
Directed 12 federal and state grants supporting individuals with disabilities, including
traditionally underrepresented groups, in their communities. Current focus is on capacity
building and strategic planning with nonprofits to enhance culturally responsive systems that
fully include all aspects of diversity, including individuals with disabilities. Currently examining
how national service can serve as a path to reintegration for Wounded Warriors and Veterans
Nationally known expertise on assessing and coordinating access and reasonable
accommodation details to ensure inclusive and accessible conferences, events and meetings
of all sizes. Recognized expert, trainer and author on culture brokering; outreach and
recruitment strategies; team and partnership development; measurable outcome oriented
strategic planning; national service, volunteerism and disability legislation, policy and practice
acquired through years of personal, educational and professional life experiences.
Institute for Community Inclusion