Introduction Tomorrow’s Workplace Project: • Surrey Board of Trade partnered with SUCCESS to help business create solutions for a sustainable future • Brings business and community together to show how working together will benefit both • Details proven, replicable processes in “A Guide for Business Leaders” Current Situation • Small businesses contribute significantly to Canada’s economy and local communities, and employ 49% of the private sector labour force. • Canada needs small business to be resilient and high performing • Upcoming skill and labour shortages will impact all businesses Prepare for the Future Today Is This Guide For You? • Practical Strategies • Who is this for? Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) owners and managers Chambers of Commerce Boards of Trade HR and Business Managers Internal or External Consultants 360 Assessment • Step one: A ‘whole’ business approach • Conducting a 360 assessment: Financial management Organizational Customers, Structure Marketing Internal Processes Human Resources Leading Tomorrow’s Workplace • Leadership affects all aspects of business • Productivity, employee satisfaction, and retention result from strong leadership • Leadership involves: – Defining the business direction – Communicating that direction to staff – Motivating, inspiring and empowering others Leadership Attributes • Model the way • Inspire a shared vision • Challenge the Process • Enable others to act • Encourage the heart The TW Journey Modules 1. Mapping the Journey 2. Building the Culture 3. Living in Tomorrow’s Workplace 4. Community Partners 1. Mapping the TW Journey Strategic Planning • Formal plan for a business’s future course: What does our business do? For whom do we do it? How do we excel? • Considers options, potential challenges, new opportunities, knowledge gaps. • Promotes implementation of new initiatives. 2. Building the Culture Mission, Vision and Values (MVV) • Clarifying MVV sets the stage for your business: Defining the core purpose of your business Setting the values you want to cultivate Setting the overarching vision will inspire • Leading MVV: Involve staff and other stakeholders Share outcomes with all stakeholders Exploring Mission, Vision and Values Building the Culture Diversity • Includes a broad range of differences such as ethnic, age, gender, religion, education, family, physical/mental ability, language. • Future workforce growth will met through immigration • Need for practices and values to establish an inclusive workplace RedFM Radio: “for the community, by the community” 3. Living in Tomorrow’s Workplace Human Resources • Links employees with the strategic needs and objectives of the business. • Employees: Power your business Hold the intellectual capital of your business Represent the knowledge, relationships and skills your business needs. Living in Tomorrow’s Workplace Human Resources (cont’d) • Implement core HR fundamentals, and: Ensure you acknowledge the value employees bring to your bottom line Communicate with employees and seek their ideas on a regular basis Provide opportunities for them to develop; people need to belong and feel they contribute to business success Employees power your business Living in Tomorrow’s Workplace Financial Management • More than just an accounting model • Encompasses the people, technology, policies and processes that provides information for financial decisions • Measures an aspect of business sustainability • Getting Started Obtain industry standards and ratios Conduct a financial review Living in Tomorrow’s Workplace Operations • Internal processes, systems and controls used to manage day-to-day activities. • Enhancing work and information flow to improve delivery of products/services to customers. • Effective operations improves business performance. Lean Operations Improve Business Performance Living in Tomorrow’s Workplace Customers, Marketing, and Sales Customers drive your business Marketing initiatives attract customers Sales measures customer satisfaction • Develop a Marketing Plan • Make customer experience an unrelenting focus • Skilled sales people 4. Tomorrow’s Workplace Partners Community • The health of a community influences business. • Customers expect businesses to be sensitive to local needs and issues • Employment Service Providers offer free services that benefit your business • Identify and partner with community stakeholders PICS: Progressive Intercultural Community Services Society TW Key Findings Fundamental elements of business must be in place to enable growth There is a strong business case for diversity - it is the future. Clarity of Mission, Vision and Values provides direction and aligns all staff Review all 11 key findings in the Guide. Your Business Journey Where do I begin? • Review our process, pages 8-12 Source internal or external expertise Conduct a 360 assessment (Appendix I) Review findings and select priorities Conduct Mission, Vision, Values sessions Set an action plan for priority items Involve staff in the process Acknowledgements The Tomorrow’s Workplace Project would like to thank our generous funding partners: The Employment and Labour Market Services Division The BC Ministry of Housing and Social Development The Government of British Columbia Western Economic Diversification Canada / Diversification de l’economic de l’Quest Canada Coast Capital Savings Credit Union Prepare your Business for Tomorrow’s Workplace