Department of Human Services Access and Equity Implementation

Delivering for All
Department of Human Services Access and Equity Framework 2013-17
Implementation Plan
The implementation plan outlines:
Key elements for the effective implementation of the Access and Equity
Framework 2013-17
Recommended timeframes and staging
Broad governance, accountability and consultation arrangements through
the life of the Access and Equity Framework 2013-17
Proposed actions, and accountability for implementing them
Intended outcomes against which to measure the success of actions under
the plan
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Keys to success
1. Governance and Accountability
2. Consultation
3. Communication
A high level commitment to undertaking the
actions identified in the framework.
Consultation with relevant stakeholders on the
detailed implementation of the actions.
An effective and sustained communications
Yearly reporting to the board on progress against
the actions and outcomes.
Continuous improvement which is informed by a
regular consultation program will form part of
the implementation plan. Establishment of an
advisory Access and Equity Reference Group will
be crucial in this regard (see page 4 for more
Introduction of a staged communications plan
with a particular focus on raising awareness of
the new positive duty obligations under the
Equal Opportunity Act 2010.
DHS Board
Annual performance report
Regulation and
Reporting Unit
Individual business units responsible
for delivery of actions
on the
progress and
of actions
Refine action
based on
feedback from
staff and
Establish new
based on new
or emerging
General awareness raising seeking to
improve staff knowledge of the new
Access and Equity Framework 2013-17
Focus on Equal Opportunity Act 2010,
including targeting managers and
executives best placed to identify
discrimination, and responsible for new
policy development, service design and
practice development
Promote new access and equity
materials, including training modules, to
new and existing staff
Communication to the funded sector on
the resources and support the
department can provide in improving
diversity practice
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Governance and Accountability
The success of the policy will depend on good governance and accountability…
1. Governance and Accountability
A high level commitment to undertaking the
actions identified in the framework.
Yearly reporting to the board on progress against
the actions and outcomes.
DHS Board
Annual performance report
Regulation and
Reporting Unit
Individual business units responsible
for delivery of actions
The DHS Board will receive an annual report on progress against this implementation
plan including:
Progress against the individual actions identified
Outcomes of consultation with staff and advisory group
Any changes to the implementation plan
Overall progress toward outcomes identified in the implementation plan
The Performance, Regulation and Reporting Unit will:
Determine an appropriate reporting and monitoring process for individual
Compile the annual report to the board and monitor progress against the
Individual business units will be responsible for implementing actions under the
implementation plan including:
Re-scoping actions in response to feedback or effectiveness of work
Prepare and provide reporting against individual actions; and
Report on any additional work underway which contributes toward
achieving access and equity improvements
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
consultation with staff and stakeholders…
2. Consultation
Consultation with relevant stakeholders on the
detailed implementation of the actions.
Continuous improvement which is informed by a
regular consultation program will form part of
the implementation plan.
A number of actions included in this
implementation plan are aimed at
engagement with departmental staff
and clients on the effectiveness of
Access and Equity Framework
actions, and providing feedback on
other potential improvements.
The first year priority, Embedding
good practice in new ways of
working, will include the
establishment of an advisory Access
and Equity Reference Group,
potentially comprising members of
staff and external stakeholders or
The Access and Equity Framework is
intended to be a living document.
The high level actions under the plan can be
refined, re-scoped or replaced on the basis
of feedback from staff, stakeholders or
effectiveness. Any changes to the
implementation plan will be included in the
annual report to board.
The communications strategy will be
designed to emphasise the need to
incorporate the principles of access and
equity into everyday work.
on the
progress and
of actions
Refine action
based on
feedback from
staff, business
units and
Establish new
based on new
or emerging
Where necessary new actions or changes to
existing practices should be made according
to any new or emerging issues.
This is particularly relevant to the DHS areas
under the new structure where local issues
may present new or emerging barriers to
access DHS services (such as changing
demographics or emerging local issues).
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
…and effective, sustained communication.
3. Communication
An effective and sustained communications
Stage 1 - The initial focus of the communications strategy will be to raise awareness
among all DHS staff of the Access and Equity Framework and the core principles
contained in it. This will include some targeted communications.
Stage 2 - The newest legislative obligation which has been incorporated into the Access
and Equity Framework is the positive duty to identify and address both direct and
indirect discrimination. This will be the specific focus of the second stage of the
communications plan.
Given the duty to identify systemic discrimination (including indirect discrimination
which are practices likely to have the effect of disadvantaging groups covered by equal
opportunity legislation), this communication will be targeted at executives and
managers who will be best placed to identify if there are potential discriminatory
service delivery or human resource practices emerging.
Introduction of a staged communications plan
with a particular focus on raising awareness of
the new positive duty obligations under the
Equal Opportunity Act 2010.
General awareness raising seeking to
improve staff knowledge of the new
Access and Equity Framework 2013-17
Focus on Equal Opportunity Act 2010,
including targeting managers and
executives best placed to identify
discrimination, and responsible for new
policy development, service design and
practice development
Promote new access and equity
materials, including training modules, to
new and existing staff
Communication to the funded sector on
the resources and support the
department can provide in improving
diversity practice
Stage 3 – The implementation plan includes a review of the department’s access and
equity materials and resources to ensure relevance and consistency with the new DHS
structure. This stage will include raising awareness among staff of revised materials
and new or existing training opportunities.
Stage 4 – As part of the commitment included in the Access and Equity Framework to
provide leadership to our government and service sector partners, this stage of the
communication plan will focus on raising awareness of access and equity issues among
the service sector, including the availability of new or revised resources.
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Proposed Timelines
The roadmap below outlines proposed timeframes for implementation of the key focus areas within the Access and Equity Framework.
Development of full
implementation plan and
Actions aimed at Embedding Good Practice in New Ways of Working
Area 1
Actions aimed at Building Understanding of Organisational Diversity and Better Identifying
Area 2
Area 3
Actions aimed at Improving our Diversity Competence and Practice
Area 4
Actions aimed at Ensuring Services Meet Diverse Needs
Consultation and Reporting
Initial endorsement
to Board
Progress report
Final Report
Regular consultation
with stakeholders
Overall review and
development of new
Progress report
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Proposed Actions
The following initial actions have been identified for inclusion in the framework.
Focus Area 1
Embedding Good Practice in
New Ways of Working
Build on Our Understanding of
Organisational Diversity and
Better Identify Discrimination
Improve Organisational
Diversity Competency and
Review the effectiveness of data
collection relating to outcomes for
clients from diverse backgrounds
Develop and implement a process
for consultation and monitoring of
the DHS Access and Equity
Expand existing references to the
Charter of Human Rights and
Responsibilities Act 2006 in
Performance, Progression and
Development Plan templates to
include access and equity principles
Review language services to ensure
the service delivery model maximises
access, efficiency and responsiveness
to need
Review and update the department’s
policy on the use of translating and
interpreting services
Incorporate modules on the positive
duty obligations under the Equal
Opportunity Act 2010 in staff and
manager development
Provide accessible information and
communication that takes into account
the needs of people with a disability
Improve staff and funded sector
awareness of and access to diversity
and equity resources
Improve support for service delivery
partners to improve diversity
competency as part of the human
services sector reform
Celebrate diversity at local area levels
through a calendar of events, and
ensuring positive representations of
diverse groups in DHS publications
Strengthen employment pathways
for people with a disability and
improve the department’s
employment and retention of
people with a disability
Review and update the department’s
cultural diversity guide
Consider ways to drive
improvements in the accessibility
of DHS locations
Focus Area 4
Ensure Services Delivered
Meets Diverse Needs
Review sources of data relating
to the diversity of DHS staff,
including recommendations for:
improving employment
opportunities in DHS for people
from diverse backgrounds, and
monitoring levels of diversity
among employees
Implement ways to survey staff on
issues and experiences relating to
diversity and discrimination
Develop accountability
arrangements to ensure that
principles of access and equity are
embedded in policy development
Develop and implement a
communications plan to raise
awareness of the Equal
Opportunity Act 2010
Focus Area 3
Work with the Victorian Equal
Opportunity and Human Rights
Commission to ensure that
Services Connect practices are
consistent with positive duty
Build internal access and equity
governance and accountability
arrangements under new
organisational structure
Focus Area 2
Consider ways to receive feedback on
the experience of people with a
disability and other diverse groups
accessing services
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Focus Area 2
Build on Our Understanding of
Organisational Diversity and
Better Identify Discrimination
Focus Area 1
Embedding Good Practice in
New Ways of Working
Build internal access and equity
governance and accountability
arrangements under new
organisational structure
Focus Area 3
Improve Organisational
Diversity Competency and
The organisational restructure provides an opportunity to consider the most appropriate
governance and accountability arrangements to:
• Monitor and report on progress against the actions;
• Consider new ways to measure the department’s success in supporting people
from diverse backgrounds;
• Respond to emerging issues or concerns about access and equity in the
This implementation plan provides the basic accountabilities for individual actions. The
department will ensure that key diversity, equity and human rights responsibilities are
allocated under the new structure including:
• Policy development
• Capacity building
• Oversight of positive duty obligations
• Local area engagement and responsibility for access and equity issues
Work with the Victorian Equal
Opportunity and Human Rights
Commission to ensure that
Services Connect practices are
consistent with positive duty
The Case for Change outlines the direction of service delivery reform and the Services
Connect model. Building access and equity principles into our policy development and
service design will help to enshrine good practice from the very beginning and make a
lasting difference.
The Services Connect model is currently being trialled in South Division (Dandenong) and
West Division (Barwon Area).
As part of the design of staff practice manuals, the department has been consulting with
the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission to ensure that the
positive obligations under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 are effectively built into service
delivery design from the start.
Proposed Actions
Focus Area 4
Ensure Services Delivered
Meets Diverse Needs
Objective of Action
There is an ongoing commitment
to continuous improvement in
access and equity practices across
the department.
Implementation Timeframe
By July 2013
Lead Accountability
Policy and Strategy
Objective of Action
Services Connect practices reflect
positive duty obligations under the
Equal Opportunity Act 2010.
Implementation Timeframe
By December 2013
Policy and Strategy
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Focus Area 1
Embedding Good Practice in
New Ways of Working
Develop accountability
arrangements to ensure that
principles of access and equity are
embedded in policy development
Focus Area 2
Build on Our Understanding of
Organisational Diversity and
Better Identify Discrimination
Focus Area 3
Improve Organisational
Diversity Competency and
Building on our experiences and work to implement the Charter of Human Rights and
Responsibilities Act 2006, the department is committed to continuous improvement so that
our legislative obligations and principles of access and equity are embedded in policy and
practice reforms.
As a number of departmental policy reform initiatives take shape over the coming years, the
department will consider streamlined mechanisms to ensure that the principles of Access
and Equity in Delivering for All are addressed at an appropriate stage of policy development
and service design. This may include the preparation of a short assessment tool, or by
exception reporting.
Develop and implement a process
for consultation and monitoring of
the DHS Access and Equity
The department will establish appropriate external consultation and monitoring of our
access and equity principles, obligations and practices to promote transparency in order to
support continuous improvement through a responsive approach to the views of employees
and users of DHS services.
The department will support the establishment of an Access and Equity Reference Group,
which potentially includes staff nominees and an appropriate external membership to advise
on existing and emerging issues.
The department will also consult with appropriate external stakeholders on the Access and
Equity Framework, which will be included in reports to the board on necessary revisions or
new actions.
Proposed Actions
Focus Area 4
Ensure Services Delivered
Meets Diverse Needs
Objective of Action
Consistency with the department’s
Access and Equity principles are an
explicit consideration in policy
Implementation Timeframe
By December 2013
Lead Accountability
Policy and Strategy
Objective of Action
Regular consultation and feedback
from stakeholders is received and
Implementation Timeframe
Ongoing (establishment of
Reference Group by July 2013)
Lead Accountability
Policy and Strategy (consultation)
Community and Executive Services
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Focus Area 1
Embedding Good Practice in
New Ways of Working
Develop and implement a
communications plan to raise
awareness of the Equal Opportunity
Act 2010
Focus Area 2
Build on Our Understanding of
Organisational Diversity and
Better Identify Discrimination
Focus Area 3
Improve Organisational
Diversity Competency and
Focus Area 4
Ensure Services Delivered
Meets Diverse Needs
Objective of Action
A key element of the framework is raising awareness among DHS staff of the new positive
duty requirements under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, and promoting continuous
improvement in access and equity practices.
The department will develop and implement a communications strategy which:
• Promotes the new framework and principles
• Raises awareness and understanding of the new Equal Opportunity Act 2010
among departmental staff
A broad understanding of
obligations under the Equal
Opportunity Act 2010 across DHS
Implementation Timeframe
July – December 2013
Lead Accountability
Community and Executive Services
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Focus Area 1
Embedding Good Practice in
New Ways of Working
Review sources of data relating
to the diversity of DHS staff,
including recommendations for:
improving employment
opportunities in DHS for people
from diverse backgrounds, and
monitoring levels of diversity
among employees
Implement ways to survey staff on
issues and experiences relating to
diversity and discrimination.
Focus Area 2
Build on Our Understanding of
Organisational Diversity and
Better Identify Discrimination
Focus Area 3
Improve Organisational
Diversity Competency and
Focus Area 4
Ensure Services Delivered
Meets Diverse Needs
Understanding the diversity of our staff assists us cater for the needs of our people, and recognise
where we may need to do more to attract people from different backgrounds to our organisation.
There is also a requirement under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 to move beyond responding to
complaints when they occur to actively considering where patterns of direct and indirect
discrimination might emerge.
Objective of Action
Any emerging discriminatory
practices are identified and
addressed at the earliest
A key element of meeting this obligation is ensuring that staff data information is collected and
reviewed in a way so that the department can:
• Consider any appropriate ways to encourage greater diversity in the workplace.
• Ensure emerging concerns about systemic discrimination can be addressed at the
earliest opportunity.
The department encourages
diversity in the workplace.
Implementation Timeframe
2013-14 priority
The department will review sources of data relating to the diversity of DHS staff, and the
department’s ability to identify where patterns of discrimination may be occurring.
Lead Accountability
Corporate Services
Receiving feedback from our staff about how they perceive the organisation’s commitment and
obligations to access and equity will assist to better identify where we may need to focus our
efforts to build a fair and diverse workplace.
Objective of Action
Training and support for staff on
access and equity issues are
effective and properly targeted to
For example, the DHS bi-annual culture survey could be utilised to elicit staff feedback and
attitudes towards access and equity issues. This could provide a basis for designing future training
and communications strategies. Alternatively a stand alone survey could be administered that
could look at auditing the department’s accessibility as an employer.
The department will develop a process for evaluating whole of DHS workforce attitudes to and
experiences of direct and indirect discrimination, and access and equity practices more broadly.
Implementation Timeframe
2013-14 priority
Lead Accountability
Corporate Services
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Focus Area 1
Embedding Good Practice in
New Ways of Working
Review the effectiveness of data
collection relating to outcomes for
clients from diverse backgrounds
Focus Area 2
Build on Our Understanding of
Organisational Diversity and
Better Identify Discrimination
Focus Area 3
Improve Organisational
Diversity Competency and
Good data collection assists in ensuring that our services achieve outcomes that do not vary
in effectiveness depending on cultural or diverse backgrounds of clients.
The Protecting Victoria’s Vulnerable Children inquiry report noted issues with the availability
of data on CALD clients. The Government has also requested community feedback on how
we can more effectively measure the effectiveness of Government policy and service
provision as part of the Vision for Citizenship in a Multicultural Victoria.
As part of our cultural diversity planning, the department will review and consider options
for improving the sources of data available relating to client outcomes for clients from CALD
Focus Area 4
Ensure Services Delivered
Meets Diverse Needs
Objective of Action
The department has a strong
understanding of outcomes
among CALD clients which informs
approaches to client-centred
service practices.
Implementation Timeframe
2013-14 priority
Lead Accountability
Community and Executive Services
Consider ways to drive
improvements in the accessibility
of DHS locations
A full understanding of where improvements in accessibility are required can support future
infrastructure and accommodation planning, raise awareness of accessibility issues, and
allow for adjustments to be made at the local level.
Communication and information accessibility can also impact on the capacity for people with
a disability to obtain the services, facilities or resources that they require.
The department will develop options for reviewing the physical accessibility of DHS
locations. Together with the review of the department’s policy on the use of translating and
interpreting services and the other action in relation to increasing the accessibility of
departmental information, this framework will seek to promote better overall access to
departmental services for people with a disability.
Objective of Action
The department regularly reviews
and addresses physical
accessibility issues, and includes
them in its infrastructure planning.
Implementation Timeframe
2014-15 priority
Lead Accountability
Corporate Services
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Focus Area 1
Embedding Good Practice in
New Ways of Working
Expand existing references to the
Charter of Human Rights and
Responsibilities Act 2006 in
Performance, Progression and
Development Plan templates to
include access and equity principles
Focus Area 2
Build on Our Understanding of
Organisational Diversity and
Better Identify Discrimination
Focus Area 3
Improve Organisational
Diversity Competency and
Proposed Actions
Focus Area 4
Ensure Services Delivered
Meets Diverse Needs
Including references to the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 in staff
Performance, Progression and Development Plans (PPD) played an important role in
raising awareness of staff’s human rights obligations.
The department will revise the PPD template to encompass access and equity principles.
This will assist in raising broader staff awareness of the department’s access and equity
principles, broader legislative obligations and encourage staff to think about how to
incorporate them into work practice.
It will also assist staff to consider their own professional responsibility to contribute to
equity and rights, facilitate conversation between staff and managers, and understand
how their work can contribute to the department improving its access and equity
Incorporate modules on the positive
duty obligations under the Equal
Opportunity Act 2010 in staff and
manager development
The positive duty obligation is relatively new. It will require staff, managers and executives in
the department to fully understand the meaning of discrimination under the Equal
Opportunity Act 2010 and be aware that they have an obligation to actively identify where
discriminatory practices may be occurring.
Objective of Action
Our workforce is committed to
improving its awareness and
competency in meeting access and
equity obligations.
Implementation Timeframe
Changes finalised for 2013-14 PPD
Lead Accountability
Corporate Services
Objective of Action
Broad awareness within the
department of the positive duty
obligations under the Equal
Opportunity Act 2010
DHS staff should be provided with consistent policy advice about the Act, and other relevant
policies and legislative requirements. The department’s induction training is currently under
review, and this provides the opportunity for training modules to be reviewed or introduced.
Implementation Timeframe
2013-14 priority
The department will include training on obligations under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 into
three training modules for DHS staff.
Lead Accountability
Corporate Services
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Focus Area 1
Embedding Good Practice in
New Ways of Working
Improve staff and funded sector
awareness of and access to diversity
and equity resources
Focus Area 2
Build on Our Understanding of
Organisational Diversity and
Better Identify Discrimination
Focus Area 3
Improve Organisational
Diversity Competency and
A broad range of resources exist both within and outside DHS that can assist in improving
diversity competency and understanding of equity issues. For example, the Victorian Equal
Opportunity and Human Rights Commission website provides comprehensive resources
and information regarding human rights and equal opportunity legislation. In addition,
under this plan the department will review and revise current access and equity resources
such as the cultural diversity guide and language services policy.
The department’s communication strategy will incorporate:
• The need for widespread staff understanding of how and when it needs to
consider or refer to access and equity materials (for example, when translating
or interpreting services are required), and
• Providing leadership and support for funded services in accessing material to
assist them to build on existing access and equity practices.
Celebrate diversity at local area levels
through a calendar of events, and
ensuring positive representations of
diverse groups in DHS publications
A regular program of events can help maintain awareness of the valuable contribution
people from all backgrounds bring to our community. It is also an opportunity to raise the
level of understanding of complex issues that may arise when working with people from
different cultures or with different needs.
The department will continue to encourage local events and initiatives which celebrate
diversity, reflect on human rights achievements and challenges, and promote positive
representations of people from diverse backgrounds. This may include:
• a review of the DHS image bank to identify diverse groups who are not
represented, and include these people in future photo shoots
• the establishment of a calendar of events
• building a network of local access and equity champions
Proposed Actions
Focus Area 4
Ensure Services Delivered
Meets Diverse Needs
Objective of Action
Departmental and funded agency
staff have knowledge of readily
accessible and practical diversity
and equity resources.
Implementation Timeframe
2014-15 priority
Lead Accountability
Community and Executive Services
Objective of Action
The department is committed to a
workforce which is diverse and
encourage engagement in access
and equity issues.
Implementation Timeframe
2014-15 priority
Lead Accountability
Community and Executive Services
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Focus Area 1
Embedding Good Practice in
New Ways of Working
Strengthen employment pathways
for people with a disability and
improve the department’s
employment and retention of
people with a disability
Focus Area 2
Build on Our Understanding of
Organisational Diversity and
Better Identify Discrimination
Focus Area 3
Improve Organisational
Diversity Competency and
The department will review the level of support for employees with disabilities. This will
inform planning in relation to encouraging sustainable employment opportunities.
Issues should include:
• The promotion of the Disability Employment Advisory Services (DEAS) as a
resource to support staff with a disability
• A review of DEAS to coincide with the end of the DEAS contract and future
• Encouraging DHS units to accept work experience students with disabilities
• Encourage increased diversity (and representation of people with a disability)
on boards and committees
• If service agreements could be used to promote access and equity (such as the
uptake of disability action planning)
• Options for the DHS Board and executives to provide mentoring opportunities
to people from diverse backgrounds.
Proposed Actions
Focus Area 4
Ensure Services Delivered
Meets Diverse Needs
Objective of Action
The department encourages and
promotes diversity in the
Implementation Timeframe
2014-15 priority
Lead Accountability
Community and Executive Services
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Focus Area 1
Embedding Good Practice in
New Ways of Working
Review language services to ensure
the service delivery model maximises
access, efficiency and responsiveness
to need
Focus Area 2
Build on Our Understanding of
Organisational Diversity and
Better Identify Discrimination
Focus Area 3
Improve Organisational
Diversity Competency and
The department is reviewing the provision of language services including how to implement
a consistent, streamlined system for quality language services accessed by departmental
staff and funded agencies in a way which complements the new organisational structure and
service reform priorities.
Proposed Actions
Focus Area 4
Ensure Services Delivered
Meets Diverse Needs
Objective of Action
A language services system which
is responsive to client needs and
prioritises available resources.
Implementation Timeframe
By July 2013
Lead Accountability
Service Design and Implementation
Review and update the department’s
policy on the use of translating and
interpreting services
The department will review its language services policy to ensure that it:
• Reflects current organisational structure and service reform directions
• Is consistent with broader Victorian Government multicultural and language
services policy, practices and priorities
• Provides sufficient guidance and support to funded agencies in providing
support for clients from non-English speaking backgrounds and those who
are Deaf for whom AUSLAN is their first language.
Objective of Action
A new Language Services Policy
that is easy to understand and is
consistent with the organisations
obligations under the Equal
Opportunity Act 2010.
Implementation Timeframe
Lead Accountability
Service Design and Implementation
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Focus Area 1
Embedding Good Practice in
New Ways of Working
Provide accessible information and
communication that takes into
account the needs of people with a
Focus Area 2
Build on Our Understanding of
Organisational Diversity and
Better Identify Discrimination
Focus Area 3
Improve Organisational
Diversity Competency and
Accessing information can be difficult for some people with a disability and careful
consideration needs to be given to how the department can make its information more
The department will review its current communication practices and identify ways to
make its communication more accessible for people with a disability including through
use of accessible formats, readable print and compliance with AA or AAA web standards.
Review and update the department’s
cultural diversity guide
The Cultural diversity guide assists programs and agencies by;
• supporting the human services system to meet its obligations under Whole-ofGovernment reporting on responsiveness to cultural diversity
• identifying available strategies to improve cultural responsiveness and effect
cultural change
• illustrating the different strategies and levers with examples of good
multicultural practice that already occur across the human services system
• providing guidance on additional resources and supports for programs and
agencies in managing cultural diversity.
The department will review and update the existing guide so that it:
• Reflects current organisational structure and service reform directions
• Is consistent with broader Victorian Government multicultural and language
services policy, practices and priorities
• Provides sufficient guidance and support to funded agencies in providing
support for clients from non-English speaking backgrounds.
Proposed Actions
Focus Area 4
Ensure Services Delivered
Meets Diverse Needs
Objective of Action
Departmental information and
communication is accessible
Implementation Timeframe
2013-14 priority
Lead Accountability
Community and Executive
Objective of Action
An updated Cultural Diversity
Guide which is easy to understand
and provides practice support for
staff in the department and
funded agencies.
Implementation Timeframe
2014-15 priority
Lead Accountability
Service Design and Implementation
Delivering for All – Access and Equity in the Department of Human Services
Focus Area 1
Embedding Good Practice in
New Ways of Working
Improve support for service delivery
partners to improve diversity
competency as part of the human
services sector reform
Focus Area 2
Build on Our Understanding of
Organisational Diversity and
Better Identify Discrimination
Focus Area 3
Improve Organisational
Diversity Competency and
Proposed Actions
Focus Area 4
Ensure Services Delivered
Meets Diverse Needs
The department will work in partnership with the funded sector to consider ways to help
improve diversity competency as part of the department’s ongoing work with the human
services sector on service delivery reform. The Office for Youth, the Office for Disability, and
the Office for Women’s Affairs will continue to drive and support whole of Victorian
Government policy in these areas - for example by supporting and encouraging partner
agencies to produce disability action plans.
The department will also consider ways, including through resources such as the cultural
diversity and language services guides, to provide leadership to non-government agencies in
building on current access and equity practices.
This could include promoting diversity accreditation or auditing programs provided by the
community sector, including the Rainbow Tick accreditation program through Gay and Lesbian
Health Victoria, and the Communication Accessibility Audit offered by Scope, or promotion of
resources, training sessions or cultural events.
Consider ways to receive feedback on
the experience of people with a
disability and other diverse groups
accessing services
Understanding the user experience is crucial to knowing whether our efforts to ensure
access and equity are effective.
Objective of Action
The department provides
leadership and support for the
service sector in improving access
and equity practices.
Implementation Timeframe
2014-15 priority
Lead Accountability
Policy and Strategy
Objective of Action
Departmental services are
responsive to need
The department will look at ways of receiving continuous feedback on service delivery
Implementation Timeframe
2015-16 priority
Lead Accountability
Service Design and
Implementation and Divisions