Shropshire Council – Planning for Neighbourhoods Jake Berriman Head of Strategic Delivery LOCALised planning in Shropshire Localism, Localism, Localism Transference of power Collaborative plan making Local Plans Place Plans Parish and neighbourhood plans LOCALised planning Parish and Neighbourhood Plans Place Plans SAMDev Core Strategy NPPF Neighbourhood Planning in Shropshire 5 Government Front Runners; Much Wenlock Town Oswestry Town and Lydbury North Parish Kinnerley Parish and in Shrewsbury, Underdale, Monkmoor and Abbey Neighbourhood Forum BUT……. Shropshire: Planning 4 Neighbourhoods ... Over 90 existing Town and Parish Plans New opportunities for community Planning in Shropshire Place Plans give voice to ALL communityled plans CIL provides financial backing to community aspirations Listening: Community Toolkit Events Leading: Linking development with improving places Need to improve sustainability – radically in the case of rural areas. Sustainability (Sustainable Growth) means different things in different places: the toolkit events help identify what is important locally. Top of the list is usually: • Affordable housing for local people • Jobs & economic development • Community facilities • Transport How is this achieved? Much Wenlock Issues: Creating a sustainable community Meeting local housing needs Creating a prosperous local economy Protecting our local environment Improving community services Much Wenlock Thoughts: Opportunity and cultural changes Governance and momentum Scope – the community’s ambitions Human Resources – skills, commitment, cooperation Project management disciplines Communications including managed public launch Learn from others Oswestry Issues: ~ Aligning new work with on-going Town Plan review ~ Establishing new governance arrangements ~ Developing a pragmatic approach linked to LDF ~ Securing professional support Community Planning Community Volunteering Actions e.g.litter picks, newsletters etc CCS Community Service Actions e.g. police, highways, GP, Business Actions library, Broadband e.g. Business Directory, Local website, Broadband, Local Produce Volunteer Time Funding Parish Council Shropshire Council AONB Community Community Actions VCS Actions e.g village hall, e.g. Extend Led Plan shop, pub, Classes, Good playing Neighbour Scheme Specialist field Support Parish Council Planning Actions Actions e.g. lobbying, e.g. adoption into improved Place Plan, hubs/ communication, Clusters, Full Neighaccountability bourhood plan. Local Businesses Community led Planning: simple Local Plan Provides Strategic overview Spatial plan role for parish/neighbourhood plans ~Shropshire will support Town/Parish Plan reviews as “neighbourhood plan” approach Council will “adopt” neighbourhood plans as material considerations (informal), AND… where requested support a hearing and referendum (formal approach) Sustainable Growth: Creating a “virtuous circle”. Core Strategy policies A more positive policy approach towards development Development is linked to improved infrastructure and affordable housing for local people Landowners have more opportunities to utilise their land for building CIL & s106 Land supply Infrastructure and affordable housing helps make places more sustainable Communities are more willing to accept more development Place Plans Understanding Places Establishing the Local Development Framework Investing Locally SHROPSHIRE PLACE PLANS Working Across Borders Managing Development Transforming Shropshire Council A better approach to planning Squaring the circle when the public want improvement but don’t like change – Shift the discussion to the positive benefits that development can bring: Not, “Do you want this development?” but, “How can we improve your place?” Place Plans put communities in the driving seat Part of the Council’s corporate approach to locality working: • Provides an ongoing process for building a shared vision, what needs to be done and how it will be achieved. • Identifies community priorities for developer contributions. • Reviewed annually to reflect changing needs and priorities. Place Plans as a tool for co-ordinating investment • Sets out infrastructure requirements by settlement • Provides transparency to local communities on discussions with infrastructure providers • Identifies opportunities for other funding & co-ordination between agencies Development & investment go hand-in-hand CIL receipts: 90% of CIL to be spent on ‘local infrastructure’ – defined as in or close to the settlement in which the development has taken place. Affordable housing: mix of on-site affordable homes and financial contributions. Financial contributions to be spent in parish within 1 year, or within Place Plan area within 5 years. After 5 years extended to Shropshire-wide. New Homes Bonus? Planning for Neighbourhoods: Portfolio Holder Gwilym Butler, says Shropshire is about: “Putting local communities in driving seat about development in their patch, giving communities a clear and powerful opportunity to identify needs and opportunities, for instance, helping villages identify whether they are willing to be hubs or clusters for development”