Ticket and Partnership Plus Hosted/Facilitated by: Miranda Kennedy, NDI Technical Assistance Team Presented by: Mary Lynn ReVoir, NDI Technical Assistance Team and Sallie Rhodes, Ticket to Work Specialist with Maximus Operations Support Manager U.S. Department of Labor 2013 Ticket/EN Series 2 Questions/Comments If you have a comment or question we encourage you to submit it to the host in writing via the Chat or Q&A Box to the right. Your question will either be addressed during the training, responded to in the Chat or Q&A Box, or followed up on after the training. 3 Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) According to the SGA, DEI Projects at the state level and/or local level participating LWIBs are required to become Employment Networks (ENs) under Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) Ticket to Work Program. Training and Technical Assistance to DEI Projects in attaining Employment Network status and implementing effective EN operations is provided under U.S. DOLETA contract with NDI Consulting, Inc. and the National Disability Institute (NDI). Evaluation of the impact of the DEI Projects implementation and outcomes as Employment Network will be provided under U.S. DOL ODEP contract with Social Dynamics. 4 Learning Objectives Upon completion of this training webinar, DEI grantees and participants and partners from the public workforce system will have the following: • Knowledge of the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) programs participation in the Ticket to Work program • Information on how Partnership Plus can be used as an opportunity to address beneficiary needs for ongoing supports after job placement • Information on how State VR agencies and Workforce entities can collaborate to expand the scope of services available to beneficiaries and improve services coordination • Examples of how Job Center Employment Networks can partner with other community agencies 5 Subject Matter Expert ReVoir Mary Lynn ReVoir DEI TA Liaison P: (515) 975-2344 E: mlrevoir@ndi-inc.org 6 Agenda • Introduction of State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program and Cost Reimbursement • Introduction to Partnership Plus • Other partnership opportunities • Next Steps • Q&A 7 Subject Matter Expert Rhodes Sallie Rhodes Ticket to Work Specialist Operations Support Manager E:SallieRhodes@maximus.com 8 Introduction of State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program and Cost Reimbursement (CR) 9 The State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Administered by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) in the US Department of Education • A federal/state program: RSA distributes federal funding to the states based on a formula and the availability of the state match • 24 states fund a general VR agency and VR blind agency Authorized under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 • Prescriptive while allowing state flexibility results in variation in state plans Annually State VR agencies serve approximately 1 million consumers, placing close to 200,000 in employment 10 VR Legislative Priorities Emphasize Employment Outcomes: Entering or retaining full-time or, if appropriate, part-time “competitive” employment in the “integrated” labor market Presumptive Eligibility: Individuals receiving SSI/SSDI benefits are presumed to be eligible for VR services as long as they are seeking to enter employment Order of Selection (OOS): If available resources are deemed inadequate, State VR agency must prioritize services for those with the most significant disabilities first • Most significant is defined by the state • Individuals, including Social Security beneficiaries, who do not meet priority categories may be wait-listed • Every year, approximately 40 State VR agencies operate under an OOS 11 Social Security Authorizes Two Compensation Programs Cost Reimbursement program – Compensation is based on the cost of services provided – Available only to State VR agencies Ticket program – Compensation to service providers is based on beneficiaries achieving employment-related milestones and outcomes as they move towards self-supporting employment – Available to approved Employment Networks (ENs) VR given choice, on a case by case basis State VR agencies can opt to act as an EN 12 Cost Reimbursement (CR) Program State VR agency submits for a lump sum payment when a beneficiary achieves 9 months (within a 12month period) of earnings above Substantial Gainful Activity • Claim must be submitted within 12 months of the 9th month of earnings above SGA • Payment includes reimbursement for the cost of approved services provided plus an administrative fee for each month of service provision 13 Cost Reimbursement (CR) and Ticket Program Similarities • Both are outcome-based programs • Goal is to reduce or eliminate reliance on Social Security disability benefits (SSDI/SSI) • Both promote Individual Choice – Choice of employment goal – Choice of services to reach that goal – Choice of service providers • Individualized services and employment plans – State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies = Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) – Employment Networks (ENs) = Individual Work Plan or equivalent plan 14 Measurement of Success Differs Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) – Employed minimum of 90 days – No reference to level of pay, number of hours worked, or Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) Cost Reimbursement (CR) – Submits for payment when a beneficiary achieves 9 months of earnings above SGA (i.e., within a 12-month period) – Payment is based on cost of services provided Employment Network (EN) – Payments made based on milestones Ticket Holders achieve after assigning Ticket to the EN/State VR agency, and after job placement – Payment thresholds based on Trial Work Level and SGA 15 Subject Matter Expert ReVoir Mary Lynn ReVoir DEI TA Liaison P: (515) 975-2344 E: mlrevoir@ndi-inc.org 16 Introduction to Partnership Plus 17 What is Partnership Plus? • Established in 2008 Ticket revisions, under which SSA will compensate both a State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency and an EN • Only applies when VR chooses CR for beneficiary being served • The Ticket can only be in use or assigned to one service provider at one time • Payments based on provision of sequential, not concurrent, services VR provides up-front services leading to job placement Beneficiary has option of assigning Ticket to an EN after VR closes the case to receive ongoing employment supports (VR agencies are not designed to provide long-term employment supports. VR cases are commonly closed after 90 days of successful employment) 18 If State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) receives Cost Reimbursement (CR) • If VR is serving the beneficiary under cost reimbursement and the beneficiary is working when the VR case is closed, the Phase 1 milestones are not available to the EN that gets the Ticket assignment. • All of Phase 2 and Outcome payments are left on the table for EN 2013 payments Payment Type SSI Payment Amt SSDI Payment Amt Total Phase 2 $4,140 $4,411 Total Outcome $13,800 $14,436 Total potential of Phase 2 + Outcome $17,940 $18,857 19 Examples of ongoing employment supports • ENs are required to provide ongoing supports after job placement, either directly or though an arrangement with another service provider • Workforce ENs can offer a variety of ongoing support services to assist beneficiaries to maintain and advance in employment after VR places a beneficiary in employment and closes the case Job retention services / Consultation if problems arise on the job Benefits planning services at key points of transition Skill building (e.g., computer skills training, certification/licensure, etc.) Assistance and services for a career move (ladders and lattices) Job Accommodation information and assistance Asset Development strategies to assist beneficiaries to move towards greater self-sufficiency 20 Example of Partnership Plus case • Jane, a woman with bi-polar disorder, is being served by the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency under the Cost Reimbursement (CR) program • VR pays for bookkeeping training and places Jane with a health food store working part-time as a bookkeeper • Jane works 25 hours a week, earning $8.25 an hour (approximately $825 a month) • VR closes Jane’s case after she is employed for 3 months • Jane assigns her Ticket to Careers, Inc., the local Job Center • Careers, Inc. arranges for Jane to begin night courses to become an accountant • The health food store increases Jane’s salary to $9.00 an hour and her hours to 30 a week • Jane is now earning over $1080 a month 21 Example of Partnership Plus case (continue) • Careers, Inc. begins submitting for Phase 2 Milestone payments as Jane continues earning above SGA ($1040 in 2013) • Careers, Inc. continues working with Jane as she continues studying to be an accountant • Upon completion of her course work, the health food store moves Jane to a full time position with a salary of $11.50 an hour (earnings > $1840 a month) • Careers, Inc. starts receiving outcome payments when Jane’s cash benefits cease • VR submits for reimbursement when Jane has worked 9 continuous months with earnings above SGA • Everybody Wins! 22 Win-Win-Win for All • Jane is employed and experiences emotional benefits of working • Jane has higher income and is in a position to build personal assets • Workforce Employment Network (EN) and Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) both achieve agency’s goals – employment for customer • Workforce EN receiving Phase 2 and Outcome payments • VR receives Cost Reimbursement (CR) • Community benefits for a new wage earner contributing to tax base 23 When is a written VR/ Workforce EN agreement required? Only one instance requires a written agreement • Ticket regulations state that an EN can refer a beneficiary being served under the Ticket program to a State VR agency for services only when the State VR agency and the EN have a written agreement that specifies the conditions under which services will be provided by the State VR agency (20 CFR 411.400) Applies only when the EN keeps Ticket assignment VR agencies would not be able to get cost reimbursement for these beneficiaries These “referral agreements” must be in writing, signed by both VR and the EN, and sent to MAXIMUS to keep on file 24 When is a written VR/EN agreement recommended? Although a written agreement is not always needed, a written agreement can be important when • Trying to create a coordinated system of services that includes structured referrals between VR and ENs • Sharing information on beneficiary service needs, work history, earnings, etc. Sharing personal information requires a signed “Release of Information” The VR regulations allow VR agencies to treat the Ticket as a comparable benefit (i.e., an alternative source of funding for VR services) • Revenue obtained through EN payments will be shared 25 Factors that aid Partnership Plus success • Build a common vision by VR and EN with focus on customer service - “what is the most appropriate, readily available service for the customer?” • Strive for a responsive state system through collaborative efforts • Recognize the fact there are more Ticket holders than what any one, single agency can serve • If a beneficiary comes to the Job Center first – assess person’s employment goal, services and supports needed to reach that goal and determine if the Job Center is able to provide – If needed meet as a group (VR counselor, Job Center personnel, Customer) to identify the most appropriate available services 26 VR and Workforce EN actions support Partnership Plus • State VR agency must be timely in electronically reporting their cost reimbursement cases to Operations Support Manager (MAXIMUS) to release the Ticket for assignment • Coordinate messaging between State VR and EN • Some State VR agencies are willing to include information about Ticket in case closure letters • Together State VR and EN develop Partnership Plus brochures and both distribute • Whenever possible State VR staff and Job Center staff co-present at training internally or public venues • Encourage State VR Counselors discuss Ticket program key times: orientation, plan development, case closure 27 Workforce ENs contribute to successful Partnership Plus • Workforce ENs need to be proactive in reaching out to Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies to work in partnership meeting the employment support needs of beneficiaries Make sure State VR agency’s administrative offices are aware that your Job Center is an approved EN that can provide job placement assistance to beneficiaries who are being wait-listed and ongoing supports to beneficiaries whose VR cases have been closed Every VR agency has a designated point of contact for cost reimbursement and Ticket issues – Start the conversation with this person Consider written agreements established at the state level and then implemented at the state and the local level. Reduces # agreements. Build relationship with local VR offices and conduct decision making at the local as much as possible 28 Understanding Pre and Post Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Service Options • Beneficiary has the option to assign the Ticket after closure of VR case • Ticket provides option for beneficiaries on order of selection wait list to seek services from an EN rather than waiting for VR services • EN and VR could discuss this service model and include such information: In the VR letter they send to wait-listed beneficiaries On a fact sheet about the Ticket program to wait-listed beneficiaries On a flyer at the Job Center In the written agreement state conditions: referral to an EN when a beneficiary is wait-listed, release the Ticket back to VR when the VR case is open, and refer back to the EN after the VR case is closed 29 Blending Programs • An individual can have an open case file with State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services while also receiving WIA intensive and training services. After the VR closes the case, the Ticket can move to the Workforce EN, if the individual chooses to do so. • Why would this be done? – – – – VR, WIA, and Ticket share same desired outcome Increases likelihood of success rate Both programs can take credit Potential to reduce cost per person which allows each program to serve more ticket holders 30 Other Partnership Opportunities 31 Exploring other partnerships • The Workforce Employment Network (EN) can partner with other agencies, such as community rehabilitation providers or behavioral health centers or another EN • Key components – – – – Know what services each agency provides Discuss how the services can compliment one another Determine a “statement of work” Determine value of the partnership and the terms of monetary exchange • Fee for service based on outcome of employment? • Shared EN revenues? What percentage? – Have a signed written agreement and start with and option to renew for one additional year 32 Do you need examples to get started? • Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) / Workforce Employment Network (EN) written agreements for Partnership Plus • Pre and Post VR Flyers to post at Job Centers • Shared VR / EN brochures • EN and community agency statement of work Contact NDI’s Ticket Coordinator, Mary Lynn ReVoir and/or your TA Liaison to obtain examples. 33 Summary, Next Steps and Q&A 34 Summary In today’s presentation we covered the following: • The State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) involvement with Ticket to Work • Cost Reimbursement (CR) and the Ticket Program • What Partnership Plus is and example of how everyone can “win” • A successful Partnership Plus handoff • Agreements to partner with other agencies 35 Next Steps Stay tuned to the DEI listserv for and register for the following upcoming May and June trainings in our continuing Ticket/EN Series: - Workforce EN Staffing and Services - Workforce EN Billing - Workforce EN Marketing and Outreach 36 Questions/Comments If you have a comment or question you can: A: Submit it to the host in writing via the Chat or Q&A Box to the right, or… B: Click on the “raise hand” icon to have your line un-muted and ask your question/make your comment. 37 Contact Information Mary Lynn ReVoir NDI Technical Assistance Team P: (515) 975-2344 E: mlrevoir@ndi-inc.org 38