Administrative Matters

Module 4: Administrative Matters
SESSION 4.1: Ako ay Kawani ng
Photo credit: Dennis Bautista,
We envision a society where the poor,
vulnerable and disadvantaged are empowered
for an improved quality of life.
Towards this end, DSWD will be the world’s
standard for the delivery of coordinated social
services and social protection for poverty
reduction by 2030.
To develop, implement and coordinate social
protection and poverty-reduction solutions for
and with the poor, vulnerable and
Respect for Human Dignity
Service Excellence
Session Guide
• Session 4.1 Ako ay Kawani ng Goyerno:
The Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards of Public Officials and
• Session 4.2 Salary and TEV Claims, and
office related transactions
• Session 4.3. Operational Support
• Session 4.4. The ACT Office
Session 1: Ako Ay Kawani ng
1. Present and discuss the Code and
Ethical Standards of Public Officials and
2. Discuss potential administrative issues
related to ACT operations.
3. Ensure commitment of KC Staff to high
ethical and moral standards.
Ang Panunumpa ng Kawani ng
Ako’y kawani ng gobyerno
Tungkulin ko ang maglingkod ng tapat at
Dahil dito, Ako’y papasok nang maaga at
Nang lampas sa takdang oras kung
Magsisilbi ako ng magalang at mabilis
Sa lahat ng nangangailangan;
Pangangalagaan ko ang mga gamit, kasangkapan
At iba pang pag-aari ng pamahalaan;
Magiging pantay at makatarungan ang
pakikitungo ko
Sa mga lumalapit sa aming tanggapan
Magsasalita ako laban sa katiwalian at
Hindi ko gagamitin ang aking panunungkulan
Sa sarili kong kapakanan
Hindi ako hihingi o tatanggap ng suhol
Sisikapin kong madagdagan ang aking talino at
Upang ang antas ng paglilingkod sa bayan ay
patuloy na maitaas
Sapagkat ako’y kawani ng gobyerno
At tungkulin ko ang maglingkod nang tapat
At mahusay sa bayan ko at sa panahong ito;
Ako at ang aking kapwa kawani
Ay kailangan tungo sa isang maunlad,
Masagana at mapayapang Pilipinas,
Sa harap ninyong lahat;,
Ako’y taos-pusong nanunumpa.
Discussion Points
1. What are the key messages in Oath of
Public Officials?
The Code and Ethical Standards of
DSWD Employees
Section 1 of Article XI of the 1987
Philippine Constitution provides that
public service is a public trust and that
public officers and employees must, at all
times, be accountable to the people, serve
them with utmost responsibility, integrity,
loyalty and efficiency; act with patriotism
and justice and lead modest lives.
The DSWD is committed to:
• good governance;
• eradication of graft and
corruption; and the
• upholding of the highest ethical
standards among its officials
and employees.
Principles of Conduct
1. Everyone shall endeavor to
contribute his utmost to nation
2. Everyone shall give paramount
importance to the well-being of
those whom he helps.
3. Everyone shall accept with
respect and understanding
clients, colleagues, and all those
who come within his sphere of
professional activity.
4. Everyone shall engage in
social action which according to
his convictions will further the
best interests of the people and
the country.
Section 2. - Fidelity to Duty
2.1. Officials and employees shall
at all times exhibit utmost respect
to the public and deep sense of
commitment to the mandate of the
2.3. Officials and employees shall perform
their duties efficiently, courteously,
honestly, promptly, fairly and without bias
or prejudice.
2.4. Officials and employees shall avoid
impropriety and the appearance of any
impropriety in all their activities.
2.5. Officials and employees shall not
engage in activities incompatible with the
faithful discharge of their duties.
2.6. Officials and employees shall at
all times perform their duties properly
and diligently. They shall fully commit
themselves to the duties and
responsibilities of their position.
2.7. Officials and employees shall
not discriminate nor manifest, by word
or conduct, bias or prejudices based
on race, religion, national or ethnic
origin, gender, political belief or
2.8. Officials and employees shall use
the assets and resources of the office,
including funds, properties, goods and
services, economically, productively,
effectively and only for official
activities and solely for the purpose
required by law.
2.9. Officials and employees shall
carry out their duties and
responsibilities with utmost and
genuine courtesy, fairness, honesty
and in compliance with the law.
2.10. Officials and employees shall
submit performance reports and other
documents required by law such as
Statement of Assets and Liabilities and
Net Worth and Income Tax Returns and
other public documents as may be
2.11. Officials and employees shall not
remove, destroy or conceal documents
or papers officially entrusted to them.
2.12. Officials and employees shall not
reveal any secret known to him by
reason of his official capacity, or shall
wrongfully deliver papers or copies of
papers of which he may have charge
and which should not be published.
2.13. Officials and employees to whom
the secrets of any private individual
shall become known by reason of his
office shall not reveal such secrets.
2.14. Officials and employees,
upon demand from competent
authority, shall not fail to lend his
cooperation towards the
administration of public service, if
such failure shall result in serious
damage to the public interest or to
third party.
Section 3. - Transparency
- is openness in transactions
involving public interest, such as but not
limited to financial and procurement
transactions, programs, operations and
employment policies and procedures.
Transparency leads to accountability,
credibility and good governance.
1. Officials and personnel shall always
exercise transparency in dealing with
the public.
2. Officials and personnel shall uphold
the public’s right to information by
providing them access to reliable and
timely information concerning
DSWD’s policies, programs, services
and procedures, and other forms of
public transactions. These shall be
communicated to the public in clear
and understandable language.
3. Officials and employees shall
generate public participation in
implementing DSWD’s programs
4. Officials and personnel shall
make available to the public, upon
request and within reasonable
time, public documents except
those which are considered
Section 5. - Relations With The Public
The following shall be observed by all
DSWD officials and employees in
dealing with the public which
includes: colleagues in the
government (LGUs, NGAs and
legislators, etc.); colleagues within the
Department; other partners (business,
socio-civic groups and academe,
NGOs involved in social welfare and
development; foreign and multilateral agencies; media and the
general public.
1. Respect and protect every person’s
dignity and rights contained in the
2. Be polite, helpful and reasonably
accessible in dealing with the public at all
times, treating members of the public as
customers who are entitled to receive
high standards of service.
3. Serve the public in an unbiased,
impartial, proper, honest and sincere
manner in order to create confidence in
the public service.
4. Recognize the public’s right of access to
information, excluding confidential
information as well as information that is
specifically protected by law.
5. Provide services within the prescribed
6. Take the time to explain in a manner that
will allow the public to understand the
situation and what needs to be done to
achieve whatever it is he/she wants.
7. Indorse or refer properly to appropriate
parties in order that the receiving party is
able to act promptly on their needs.
8. Avoid inappropriate public comments
and personal opinions that can be
construed as official.
9. Do not unfairly discriminate against any
member of the public on account of race,
gender, ethnic or social origin, sexual
orientation, age, disability, religion,
Section 2. - No DSWD official
or employee shall receive
tips or other remuneration
for assisting or attending to
parties engaged in
transactions or involved in
actions or proceedings with
the Department.
Rule IV – Policy on Gift Giving, Accepting
of Gifts, Donations and Sponsorship
A “gift” refers to a thing or a right
disposed of gratuitously, or any act
of liberality, in favor of another
who accepts it, and shall include a
simulated sale or an ostensible
disposition thereof (RA 6713)
In general, DSWD shall follow a “no
gift policy”.
Section 1. - Officials and employees shall not
directly or indirectly request or receive any gift
regardless of the amount, share percentage, or
benefit for himself or for any other person in
connection with any contract or transaction
with the Department, wherein the official or
employee in his capacity can intervene or
influence under the law.
Section 2. - Officials and employees
shall not accept or receive any gift,
donation and sponsorship, directly or
indirectly, regardless of amount from
any of the following:
a. Any bidder, supplier, contractor,
service provider, technical expert or
any other entity including their
agents with contract/s with DSWD.
Rule VI – Policy on Whistle Blowing
Section 1. - Encouraging Reporting of
Malpractices, Corruption and Other
Protected Disclosures
The Department recognizes that an
internal whistle blowing and reporting
policy is necessary to encourage honest
and excellent public service that will
deter undesirable and corrupt practices
1. Disclosures are made to
the proper public entity;
2. The inappropriate
publication of
unsubstantiated disclosures
does not damage the
reputation of the
3. Proper records of disclosures
are kept; and
4. That all whistleblowers
emanating from Central Office,
Field Offices, attached Agencies
and Centers/Institutions shall
be within the original
jurisdiction of the DSWD
Central Office.
Group Discussion
1. What controls and mechanism can ACT
agree on to ensure compliance to
DSWD Code of Conduct and Ethical
2. What administrative policies will be
required to support adherence to the
Session 4.2 Salaries and TEVs
1. What’s my pay?
Basic salary
What documents are needed for salaries?
1. Accomplishment Reports (CF reports,
AC reports)
2. Daily Time Record (DTR)
– What is a correct DTR?
– Initialized by AC
– Approved by the SRPC
Claiming TEVs
Documentary Requirements:
1. Obligation Request (2 copies)
2. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies)
3. Appendix A (Itinerary of Travel) (4
4. Appendix B (Certificate of Travel
Completion) (4 copies)
5. Feedback Report (4 copies)
TEV Claim Attachments
1. Receipts/ used tickets/ RER
2. Certificate of Appearance
3. Special Order
Issues and Concerns over Salaries
and TEVs
Absent/late/ truancy
Improved documentations
Excessive travel expenses
Session 4.3 Administrative
1. ACT supplies
2. IT equipment are LGU counterpart
3. Communication support
Session 4.4 The ACT Office Checklist
1. Office Space and amenities
Adequate office space (2.5
m2/person + working space for
Ventilation and fans
Computer and accessories
Tables and chairs
Cabinets and shelves
Water supply/Dispenser
2. Manuals and references
CEAC/DROM Manual Field Guide
Community Infra Manual
Community-based Procurement
KC Finance Manual
Municipal Maps (resource map,
infrastructure maps, road maps,
political maps)
Municipal Plans (DANA, PDNA, CDP,
ACT Work and Financial Plan
Organizational chart
3. Reports
NPMOs, RPMO, SRPMT memos/letters
AC, DAC, MFA, CF Journals/reports and
Individual IPC and IPCR
Municipal and Brgy. Monthly reports
Minutes of ACT-MCT meetings
Minutes of MIAC meetings
4. Charts and Progress Monitoring
CEAC Tracking Chart
Physical and Financial Accomplishment
Benchmarking/Procurement Chart
File of Physical Accomplishment report
(GANTT Chart)
RFR Tracking chart
Posting of source of NOL
Mun Monitor/AC Procurement Tracking
KC 10-Folder filing system
5. Finance
File of Financial Report Intact VLCC/CBIS
ACT/MCT Cash Book, Journal, Annex 11
6. M and E
Grievance Redress Box
GRS intake forms
GRS IEC materials
M and E Forms and Reports
7. ACT Office Management
DTR pouch
Locator Chart
Organizational Chart