COMPUTER ETHICS Computer Ethics What is ethical behavior? How do we make ethical decisions? Matherial from Ethical Decision Making and Information Technology by Kallman & Grillo Ethical Decisions Ethical decisions are made based on ethical princilples. Ethical principles are ideas of behavior that are commonly acceptable to society. Why Should We Care About Ethics? We make a number of ethical decisions daily. Some unethical decisions can put us on the wrong side of the law. Decisions can affect our career and reputation. Obliged to uphold the principles of the society in which we live. Computer Ethics Most experts agree that there is no special category of computer ethics. There are ethical situations in which computers are involved. Capability of computers can lend a special character to the problem. Computer allows people to perform actions faster or to perform actions too difficult Three Phases of Ethical Decision Making Recognize the ethical problem exists. Attack the problem logically and consider alternative actions. Make decision on action to take based on ethical principles. What Affects Our Behavior? Drive for food, shelter and love - Biological Level Rules from government, religion, institution and the family - Societal Level Ethical considerations - Higher Level How Do We Make an Ethical Decision? Research the law Use guidelines Person’s rights Person’s duty Use Guidelines Informal guidelines Formal guidelines Informal Guidelines Are “Shushers” involved? The “Mom Test” The “TV Test” The “Smell TEST” Formal Guidelines Corporate policy Corporate or professional codes Golden rule ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Contribute to the improvement of society and to the well-being of human lives Take care not to harm others Speak the truth and merit trust Treat others with fairness Honor the intellectual property rights of others ACM Code Cont. Give proper credit when using the intellectual property of others Respect the right of privacy of individuals Honor confidentiality Ten Commandments of Computing - Computer Ethics Institute Thou shall not use a computer to harm other people Thou shall not interfere with other people’s computer work Thou shall not snoop around in other people’s computer files Thou shall not use a computer to steal Thou shall not use a computer to bear false witness Ten Commandments - Continued Thou shall not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid Thou shall not use other people’s computer resources without authorization and proper compensation Thou shall not appropriate other people’s intellectual output Thou shall think about the social consequences of the program you are Person’s Rights The right to know The right to privacy The right to property Person’s Duty To foster trust To act with integrity To be truthful To do justice To act with appropriate gratitude Make appropriate reparation What Special Ethical Problems Involve Computers Computers cause personal contact to be reduced Little time is available in making a decision Electronic information is easily changed Information more vunerable to unauthorized access Easy access to information Special Ethical Problems Cont. An error in a program could be devastating Software piracy – – – Public Domain Software Shareware Copyrighted Software Pornography – – Internet has no single authority Filtering Software such as Cyber Patrol A 4-Step Process for Ethical Analysis and Decision Making Understand the situation - what are the ethical issues? Isolate the major ethical dilemma. – State it in the form: Should someone do or not do something? Analyze the ethicality of doing or not doing the action. Make a Defensible Ethical DecisioN