Clean Sky Reporting Info Day Brussels 13th June 2012 1 Agenda 10h00: Registration and welcome coffee 10h15: Introduction to the Reporting Info Day 10h30: Process for reporting: deliverables; periodic and final reporting; Form C; CFS Examples of experience and most frequent problems/mistakes CSJU Staff 12h00: Tools to be used EC staff, supported by CSJU ITO 13h00 Lunch Break 13h45 Questions and Answers/Interactions with all involved staff 16h00 Closure 2 Implementation – selected aspects (details: GA “core agreement” & Annex II) 3 Project Implementation CSJU PO € Deliverables Reports (pdf) Coordinator DELIVERABLES (doc/HW/SW) & REPORTS (no Cost Claim) TM Member of an ITD Reporting Tools SESAM & FORCE 4 Dependencies and responsabilities CSJU Grant Agreement execution Report to JU upon request Report to JU at end of each period Confirm to JU when necessary: - Amendment request - Significant change of work - Progress achieved by the project (check quality of deliveries) - Communication results outside Clean Sky - Contribution to CS objectives Provide PO with deliverables when available Provide information to JU upon request (communication, ...) Amendment request Coordinator - Day to day relation - Technical management TM Member of ITD 5 Summary of Reporting and Payments (1/2) Deliverables planned actual Only Reporting after specific Reporting Period is finished is legally binding but PO is to be informed in respect to (also approval by PO if relevant): Project duration E-mail notification of PO (Deliv. Nr, Title, date) 1. Project progress (notification regarding “approved” by the consortium deliverables) 2. Topics requesting modification of either DoW or GA (significant changes in DoW, partnership of beneficiaries (new beneficiaries/termination), extension of project duration, etc.) “Payment File” (Report + Form C) to be sent to the PO 1. PO will ask TM for opinion regarding the Report (technical aspects) 2. Payments (Pre-payment, Interim Payments, Final Payment) are to be done by CSJU ! 6 Summary of Reporting and Payments (2/2) Period 1 Period 2 Pre-financing Σ(Pre-financing + Interim payments) ≤ 80% CSJU contribution Deliverables planned actual 30 d 105 d Pay ment 105 d Final CSJU contribut. Pay ment Project duration To be reported to CSJU after are they acomplished 60 d Discussion: CSJU/PO to received notification regarding: - Deliverables/milestones - MoM from periodic reviews (TM involvement) - Events causing risk /mitigation of it - Important events/potential participation - Request of amendments Periodic Report 60 d Periodic Report Final Report Societal implication Plan for Using & Dissemin. Special Templates, Accessible via Participant Portal 7 JU Reporting Assessment Process Two main teams: Project Officers Team Administrative and Financial Team ) Technical reports are processed by Project officers Financial reports are processed by Financial officers 8 Summary – Components of Grant Agreement Annex VII – Form E Annex VI – Form D Annex V – Form C Annex IV – Form B Annex III – Form A Annex II – Gen Cond Annex I - DoW Annex II – General Conditions Grant Agreement Annex III – Form A – Accession of beneficiaries to the Grant Agreement Core text Annex IV – Form B – Request for accession of a new beneficiary Annex V – Form C – Financial Statement Annex VI – Form D – Terms of reference for the certificate on the financial ststements Annex VII – Form E – Terms of reference for the certificate on the methodology 9 II.4 – Reports and Deliverables (1/6) Periodic report The consortium shall submit a periodic report to the JU for each reporting period and a copy of it (excluding the financial statements) to the responsible ITD member as defined in Annex I, within 60 days after the end of each respective period. The reporting shall comprise: a) an overview, including a publishable summary, of the progress of work towards the objectives of the project, including achievements and attainment of any milestones and deliverables identified in Annex I. This report should include the differences between work expected to be carried out in accordance with Annex I and that actually carried out, b) an explanation of the use of the resources, and c) a financial statement, from each beneficiary together with a summary financial report consolidating the claimed JU contribution of all the beneficiaries in an aggregate form, based on the information provided in Form C (Annex V) by each beneficiary 10 II.4 – Reports and Deliverables (2/6) The consortium shall submit a final report to the JU and a copy of it to the responsible ITD member as defined in Annex I, within 60 days after the end of the project. The report shall comprise: a) a final publishable summary report covering results, conclusions and socioeconomic impact of the project. b) a report covering the wider societal implications of the project, including gender equality actions, ethical issues, efforts to involve other actors and spread awareness c) the plan for the use and dissemination of foreground. When providing a copy of their periodic and final reports to the responsible ITD member, the beneficiary(ies) may make the content of such reports subject to confidentiality provisions !!!. The coordinator shall submit a report on the distribution of the JU financial contribution between beneficiaries. This report must be submitted within 30 days after receipt of the final payment 11 II.4 – Reports and Deliverables (3/6) A certificate on the financial statements shall be submitted for claims of interim payments and final payments when the amount of the JU financial contribution claimed by a beneficiary under the form of reimbursement of costs is equal to or superior to EUR 200 000, when cumulated with all previous payments for which a certificate on the financial statements has not been submitted. A certificate on the financial statements will be submitted in all cases at the end of the project for all costs for which a certificate on the financial statements has not been submitted previously. (Form D – Annex VI). Certificates on the financial statements shall certify: • • that the costs claimed and the receipts declared during the period(s) for which they are provided meet the conditions required by the grant agreement. Where third parties’ costs are claimed under the grant agreement, such costs shall be certified. Certificates on the financial statements and on the methodology shall be certified by an external auditor and shall be established in accordance with the terms of reference attached to the grant agreement. Each beneficiary is free to choose any qualified external auditor, including its usual external auditor, provided that requirements are met, in particular that no conflict of interest exists between itself and the beneficiary in establishing this certificate. 12 II.4 – Reports and Deliverables (4/6) The cost of the CFS is an eligible cost and should be reported as “subcontracting cost” of “management” type of activity The CFS is composed of 3 separate documents (Annex VI of the GAP): Updated version on CS Web Site The term of reference The auditor’s Report of Factual Findings The procedures performed by the auditors which should be carried out without adaptation The reporting format by auditors is compulsory. GUIDANCE NOTES FOR BENEFICIARIES AND AUDITORS for FP7 project can be downloaded from Common Mistakes on CFS: Term of Reference: not signed by both parties (beneficiary and auditor) In addition, when the procedures performed by the auditors are not correctly reported and in particular Procedure 1 related to the “personnel cost” : the auditor reports the hours worked for the project while he has to report the average number of hours per year (regardless of the project) Procedures 5&6 : subcontract. The auditor declared having performed the check while no sub-contract was reported. 13 II.4 – Reports and Deliverables (5/6) Common Mistakes on CFS (follows): Procedure 10 : check on indirect costs must be performed if the “real method” has been used. The common mistake is the missing information about the type of ratio used for the calculation of such costs. Procedure 10&11 : indirect costs – when making use of a “simplified method” (procedure 11) the auditor should also confirm that the non eligible costs of procedure 10 have been excluded. Procedure 12 : exchange rate. One of the two options has to be reported (not both) Procedure 14 : interests yielded. Auditor reports that those have been checked but no interests are declared on formC. (for coordinators only). Common Mistakes on Financial Reporting: Summary financial report is missing Explanation of resources is missing 14 II.4 – Reports and Deliverables (6/6) The consortium shall transmit the reports and other deliverables through the coordinator to the JU by electronic means In addition, signed hardcopies of: - Form C - Summary Financial Report (SFR) - Certificate of Financial Statement (CFS) if applicable - Explanation of Use of Resources SESAM FORCE The layout and content of the reports shall conform to the instructions and guidance notes established by the JU. Deliverables identified in Annex I shall be submitted as foreseen therein => information to CSJU/ITD when it is done/approved (actual tracking of progress !) The JU may be assisted by external experts in the analysis and evaluation of the reports and deliverables 15 II.5 – Approval of reports & deliverables, time-limit for payments 1. At the end of each reporting period, the JU shall evaluate project reports and deliverables required by Article II.4 and the provisions of Annex I and disburse the corresponding payments within 105 days of their receipt unless the time-limit, the payment or the project has been suspended. 2. Payments shall be made after the JU's approval of reports and/or deliverables. The absence of a response from the JU within this time-limit shall not imply its approval. 3. The JU may reject reports and deliverables even after the time-limit for payment 4. After the reception of the report and deliverables the JU may: a) approve the reports and deliverables, b) reject the reports and deliverables by giving an appropriate justification and, if appropriate, start the procedure for termination of the grant agreement in whole or in part. c) suspend the time limit if one or more of the reports or appropriate deliverables have not been supplied, or are incomplete or not clear. The suspension will be lifted from the date when the last report, deliverable or the additional information requested is received by the JU. d) suspend the payment at any time, in whole or in part for the amount intended for the beneficiary(ies) concerned: - if the work carried out does not comply with the provisions of the grant agreement; - if a beneficiary has to reimburse to its national state an amount unduly received as state aid; - if the provisions of the grant agreement have been infringed; - if there is a suspicion of irregularity committed by one or more beneficiary(ies) in the performance of the grant agreement. 16 II.6 – Payment modalities pre-financing in accordance with Article 6 (of GA) interim payments of the JU financial contribution corresponding to the amount accepted for each reporting period final payment of the JU financial contribution corresponding to the amount accepted for the last reporting period plus any adjustment needed The total amount of the pre-financing and interim payments for each project shall not exceed 80% of the maximum JU financial contribution set out in Article 5 (of GA) 17 Eligible costs of the project Costs incurred for the implementation of the project shall meet the following conditions in order to be considered eligible: a) they must be actual; b) they must be incurred by the beneficiary; c) they must be incurred during the duration of the project, with the exception of costs incurred in relation to the final reports and reports corresponding to the last period as well as certificates on the financial statements when requested at the last period and final reviews if applicable, which may be incurred during the period of up to 60 days after the end of the project or the date of termination whichever is earlier. d) they must be determined in accordance with the usual accounting and management principles and practices of the beneficiary. The accounting procedures used in the recording of costs and receipts shall respect the accounting rules of the State in which the beneficiary is established. The beneficiary’s internal accounting and auditing procedures must permit direct reconciliation of the costs and receipts declared in respect of the project with the corresponding financial statements and supporting documents; e) they must be used for the sole purpose of achieving the objectives of the project and its expected results, in a manner consistent with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness; f) they must be recorded in the accounts of the beneficiary; in the case of any contribution from third parties, they must be recorded in the accounts of the third parties; g) they must be indicated in the estimated overall budget in Annex I. 18 Financial Responsability and Recoveries • The financial responsibility of each beneficiary shall be limited to its own debt. • Reimbursement and recovery: if any amount is unduly paid to a beneficiary or if a recovery is justified under the terms of the grant agreement, the beneficiary undertakes to repay the JU via the coordinator the sum in question following a written request by the JU at the latest 30 days after its receipt. 19 Audits • Financial audits and controls: – Such audits may cover financial, systemic and other aspects (such as accounting and management principles) relating to the proper execution of the grant agreement. – They shall be carried out on a confidential basis. – They can take place at any time during the implementation of the project and up to five years after the end of the project. • Technical audits and controls: – Such audits and reviews may cover scientific, technological and other aspects relating to the proper execution of the project and the grant agreement. – The aim is to assess the work carried out under the project over a certain period, inter alia by evaluating the project reports and deliverables relevant to the period in question. The JU may initiate them at any time during the implementation of the project and up to up to five years after the end of the project. 20 II.10 – Communication of data for evaluation, impact assessment and standardisation purposes 1. Beneficiaries shall provide, at the request of the JU, the data necessary for: - the continuous and systematic review of the specific cooperation programme and the Seventh Framework Programme; - the evaluation and impact assessment of JU activities, including the use and dissemination of foreground. Such data may be requested throughout the duration of the project and up to five years after the end of the project. The data collected may be used by the JU in its own evaluations but will not be published other than on an anonymous basis. 2. Without prejudice to the provisions regarding protection of foreground and confidentiality, the beneficiaries shall, where appropriate, during the project and for two years following it send, inform the JU and the European standardisation bodies about foreground which may contribute to the preparation of European or international standards. 21 II.12 – Information and communication The beneficiaries shall, throughout the duration of the project, take appropriate measures to engage with the public and the media about the project and to highlight the JU financial support. Unless the JU requests otherwise, any publicity, including at a conference or seminar or any type of information or promotional material (brochure, leaflet, poster, presentation etc), must specify that the project has received JU research funding and display the JU's logo and the European emblem. Envisaged Communication means: 1. Website of the project? 2. Other 22 II.12 – Information and communication The JU or the Commission shall be authorised to publish, in whatever form and on or by whatever medium, the following information: – the name of the beneficiaries; – contact addresses of beneficiaries; – the general purpose of the project in the form of the summary provided by the consortium; – the amount and rate of the JU financial contribution granted to the project; - the estimated amount and rate of the JU financial contribution foreseen for each beneficiary in the table of the estimated breakdown of costs in Annex I; and after the final payment, the amount and rate of the JU financial contribution accepted by the JU for each beneficiary. – the geographic location of the activities carried out; – the list of dissemination activities and/or of published patent (applications) relating to foreground; – the details/references and the abstracts of scientific publications relating to foreground and, where provided pursuant to Article II.30.4, the published version or the final manuscript accepted for publication; – the publishable reports submitted to it; – any picture or any audiovisual or web material provided to the JU for publication purposes in the framework of the project. 23 II.30 - Dissemination 1. Each beneficiary shall ensure that the foreground of which it has ownership is disseminated as swiftly as possible. If it fails to do so, the JU may disseminate that foreground. 2. Dissemination activities shall be compatible with the protection of intellectual property rights, confidentiality obligations and the legitimate interests of the owner(s) of the foreground. 3. At least 45 days prior notice of any dissemination activity shall be given to the other beneficiaries, members or partners concerned, including sufficient information concerning the planned dissemination activity and the data envisaged to be disseminated. 4. All publications or any other dissemination relating to foreground shall include the following statement to indicate that said foreground was generated with the assistance of financial support from the JU: The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) for the Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative under grant agreement n° [xxxxxx]. Any dissemination activity shall be reported in the plan for the use and dissemination of foreground, including sufficient details/references to enable the JU to trace the activity. Furthermore, an electronic copy of the published version or the final manuscript accepted for publication shall also be provided to the JU. “Dissemination" means the disclosure of foreground by any appropriate means other than that resulting from the formalities for protecting it, and including the publication of foreground in any medium; 24 Useful documents NEW b2c_-_2012-05-08_-_guide_to_financial_issues_for_cs_gaps_-_final.pdf 25 Years after … End of project 2 years 5 years 10 years A. II.10 Impact assesment A. II.10 Contribution to standards (beneficiary initiative) A. II.9 Confidentiality A. II.22 Financial audits and controls Keep original docs ! A. II.23 Technical audits and reviews A. II.23 Ethics audits A. II.25 Excluding from grants in case of an offence ≤ 2 years A. II.25 Doubling of financial penalties if repeated offence A. II.43 End of entitlements between JU and beneficiary 26 © 2012 by the CleanSky Leading Partners: Airbus, AgustaWestland, Alenia Aeronautica, Dassault Aviation, EADSCASA, Eurocopter, Fraunhofer Institute, Liebherr Aerospace, Rolls-Royce, Saab AB, Safran Thales and the European Commission. Permission to copy, store electronically, or disseminate this presentation is hereby granted freely provided the source is recognized. No rights to modify the presentation are granted. 27 Additional Materials: Administrative Aspects 28 Eligible costs for the project a) They must be actual; Exceptions: possibility to declare average personnel costs, according to beneficiary accounting practice – whole FP7; SME owners and other natural persons, who do not receive a salary, can now charge as personnel costs a flat rate based on the allowances used in the People Specific Programme; b) they must be incurred by the beneficiary; c) they must be incurred during the duration of the project; d) they must be determined in accordance with the usual accounting and management principles and practices of the beneficiary and respect the accounting rules of the State in which the beneficiary is established; e) they must be used for the sole purpose of achieving the objectives of the project and its expected results; f) they must be recorded in the accounts of the beneficiary; g) they must be indicated in the estimated overall budget in Annex I 29 Non-eligible costs a) identifiable indirect taxes including value added tax, b) duties, c) interests owned, d) provisions for possible future losses or charges, e) exchange losses, cost related to return on capital, f) costs declared or incurred, or reimbursed in respect of another Community or JU project, g) debt and debt service charges, excessive or reckless expenditure. 30 Identification of direct costs • Direct costs are all those eligible costs which can be attributed directly to the project and are identified by the beneficiary as such, in accordance with its accounting principles and its usual internal rules. • Personnel costs: – either the costs of the actual hours worked by the persons directly carrying out the work under the project, OR – average personnel costs. – For SME owners and other natural persons who do not receive a salary: they can charge as personnel costs a flat rate based on the allowances used in the People Specific Programme. 31 Identification of indirect costs Indirect costs are all those eligible costs which cannot be identified by the beneficiary as being directly attributed to the project but which can be identified and justified by its accounting system as being incurred in direct relationship with the eligible direct costs attributed to the project Identification of the indirect costs: – The actual indirect costs method – The beneficiary must have an analytical accounting system – Simplified method – The 20 % flat rate option of its total direct eligible costs, excluding its direct eligible costs for subcontracting and the costs of resources made available by third parties which are not used on the premises of the beneficiary. 32 Upper funding limits • Research and technological development activities, the JU financial contribution may reach a maximum of 50% of the total eligible costs of the beneficiaries. – However, for beneficiaries non-profit public bodies, secondary and higher education establishments, research organisations and SMEs, the rate may reach a maximum of 75% of the total eligible costs. • For demonstration activities, the JU financial contribution may reach a maximum of 50% of the total eligible costs. • For other activities, inter alia, management activities and training, the JU contribution may reach a maximum of 50% of the total eligible costs. – However, for beneficiaries that are non-profit public bodies, secondary and higher education establishments, research organisations and SMEs, the rate may reach a maximum of 75% of the total eligible costs. 33 Summary of legal basis • Model GAP, available on the CSJU website (; IMPORTANT: Annex VI-Form D and Annex VII-Form E already updated and adopted by CSJU. • New Guide on Financial issues is now available on Clean Sky web site. 34 Main deviations between CS GAP & EC GA • • • • • • GAP Annex VI and VII GA Annex VII - Forms D and E included; Controls and on-the-spot checks among the beneficiaries performed by the JU are also extended to the Commission and to the Court of Auditors; Recipients of reports: JU (AND ITD in copy-excluding the financial statements) When providing a copy of their periodic and final reports to the responsible ITD member, the beneficiary(ies) may make the content of such reports subject to confidentiality provisions. GAPs: Submission of certificate on the financial statements for amount of the JU financial contribution = or > EUR 200 000 A certificate on the financial statements will be submitted in all cases at the end of the project for all costs for which a certificate on the financial statements has not been submitted previously. In EC GAs: = or > 375.000. GAPs: Confidentiality of any data preserved towards members and other partners for 10 Years after end of project; EC GA: 5 Years. 35 Requirements about auditors Certificates on the financial statements and on the methodology shall be prepared and certified by an external auditor and shall be established in accordance with the terms of reference attached to the grant agreement. Each beneficiary is free to choose any qualified external auditor, including its usual external auditor, provided that the cumulative following requirements are met: i) the auditor must be independent from the beneficiary; ii) the auditor must be qualified to carry out statutory audits of accounting documents in accordance with national legislation implementing the Directive on statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated accounts or any Union legislation replacing this Directive. Beneficiaries established in third countries shall comply with national regulations. Public bodies, secondary and higher education establishments and research organisations may opt for a competent public officer for their certificate on the financial statements and on the methodology. 36 Additional Materials: Technical Aspects 37 Outline Periodic Report Final Report 2 Different Reports 38 Periodic Report Front page Declaration by the scientific representative of the project coordinator Core text Publishable summary Project objectives, work progress and achievements, project management o Project objectives for the period o Work progress and achievements during the period o Project management during the period Deliverables and milestones tables Explanation of the use of the resources SESAM .pdf 3.5 Financial statements – Form C and Summary financial report 39 Documents and forms for Periodic Report SESAM .pdf 40 Front Page Template PROJECT PERIODIC REPORT Grant Agreement number: Project acronym: Project title: Funding Scheme: Date of latest version of Annex I against which the assessment will be made: Periodic report: 1st □ 2nd □ 3rd □ 4th □ Period covered: from to Name, title and organisation of the scientific representative of the project's coordinator : Tel: Fax: E-mail: Project website address: 41 Declaration by the scientific representative of the project coordinator I, as scientific representative of the coordinator of this project and in line with the obligations as stated in Article II.2.3 of the Grant Agreement declare that: The attached periodic report represents an accurate description of the work carried out in this project for this reporting period; The project (tick as appropriate) : □ has fully achieved its objectives and technical goals for the period; □ has achieved most of its objectives and technical goals for the period with relatively minor deviations. □ has failed to achieve critical objectives and/or is not at all on schedule. The public website, if applicable □ is up to date □ is not up to date To my best knowledge, the financial statements which are being submitted as part of this report are in line with the actual work carried out and are consistent with the report on the resources used for the project (section 3.4) and if applicable with the certificate on financial statement. All beneficiaries, in particular non-profit public bodies, secondary and higher education establishments, research organisations and SMEs, have declared to have verified their legal status. Any changes have been reported under section 3.2.3 (Project Management) in accordance with Article II.3.f of the Grant Agreement. 42 Publishable Summary This section must be of suitable quality to enable direct publication by the CSJU/Commission and should preferably not exceed four pages. The publishable summary has to include all the distinct parts described below: A summary description of project context and objectives, A description of the work performed since the beginning of the project and the main results achieved so far , The expected final results and their potential impact and use (including the socioeconomic impact and the wider societal implications of the project so far), The address of the project public website, if applicable In line with this, diagrams or photographs illustrating and promoting the work of the project (abp: reason for pdf), as well as relevant contact details or list of partners can be provided without restriction. The publishable summary should be updated for each periodic report 43 Project objectives for the period Please provide an overview of the project objectives for the reporting period in question, as included in Annex I to the Grant Agreement. These objectives are required so that this report is a stand-alone document. Please include a summary of the recommendations from the previous reviews (if any) and indicate how these have been taken into account. 44 Work Progress and Achievements During the Period Please provide a concise overview of the progress of the work in line with the structure of Annex I to the Grant Agreement For each work package, except project management, which will be reported in another section, please provide the following information: • A summary of progress towards objectives and details for each task; • Highlight clearly significant results; • If applicable, explain the reasons for deviations from Annex I and their impact on other tasks as well as on available resources and planning; • If applicable, explain the reasons for failing to achieve critical objectives and/or not being on schedule and explain the impact on other tasks as well as on available resources and planning (the explanations should be coherent with the declaration by the project coordinator) ; • a statement on the use of resources, in particular highlighting and explaining deviations between actual and planned person-months per work package and per beneficiary in Annex 1 (Description of Work); • If applicable, propose corrective actions 45 Project Management During the Period Please use this section to summarise management of the consortium activities during the period. Management tasks are indicated in Articles II.2.3 and Article II.16.5 of the Grant Agreement. Amongst others, this section should include the following: • Consortium management tasks and achievements; • Problems which have occurred and how they were solved or envisaged solutions; • Changes in the consortium, if any; • List of project meetings, dates and venues; • Project planning and status; • Impact of possible deviations from the planned milestones and deliverables, if any; • Any changes to the legal status of any of the beneficiaries, in particular non-profit public bodies, secondary and higher education establishments, research organisations and SMEs; • Development of the Project website, if applicable; The section should also provide short comments and information on co-ordination activities during the period in question, such as communication between beneficiaries, possible co-operation with other projects/programmes etc. 46 Deliverables and Milestones TABLE 1. DELIVERABLES Del. no. Deliverable name Version WP no. Lead beneficiary Dissemination Nlevel a t u r e Delivery date from Annex I (proj month) Actual / Forecast delivery date Dd/mm /yyyy Status No submitted / Contractual Comments Yes/No Submitted PU = Public PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services). RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services). CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services). Make sure that you are using the correct following label when your project has classified deliverables. EU restricted = Classified with the mention of the classification level restricted "EU Restricted" EU confidential = Classified with the mention of the classification level confidential " EU Confidential " EU secret = Classified with the mention of the classification level secret "EU Secret " TABLE 2. MILESTONES Mileston e no. Milestone name Work package no Lead beneficiary Delivery date from Annex I dd/mm/yyyy Achieved Yes/No Actual / Forecast achievement date dd/mm/yyyy Comments 47 Explanation of the Use of the Resources Please provide an explanation of personnel costs, subcontracting and any major costs incurred by each beneficiary, such as the purchase of important equipment, travel costs, large consumable items, etc., linking them to work packages. There is no standard definition of "major cost items". Beneficiaries may specify these, according to the relative importance of the item compared to the total budget of the beneficiary, or as regards the individual value of the item. These can be listed in the following tables (one table by participant): TABLE 3.1 PERSONNEL, SUBCONTRACTING AND OTHER MAJOR Work Package Item description Ex: 2,5, 8, 11, 17 Personnel direct costs 5 8, 17 11 Subcontracting Major cost item 'X' Major cost item 'Y' ……….. Remaining direct costs Indirect costs TOTAL COSTS [1] Amount in € with 2 decimals 235000.00 €* 11000.02 €* 75000.23 €* 27000.50€* 15000.10€* COST ITEMS FOR BENEFICIARY 1 FOR THE PERIOD Explanations Salaries of 2 postdoctoral students and one lab technician for 18 months each* Maintenance of the web site and printing of brochure* NMR spectrometer* Expensive chemicals xyz for experiment abc* 363000.85€* Total costs have to be coherent with the costs claimed in Form C. 48 Explanation of the Use of the Resources: Subcontracting TABLE 3.2 PERSONNEL, SUBCONTRACTING AND OTHER MAJOR COST ITEMS FOR BENEFICIARY 2 FOR THE PERIOD Work Package Item description Amount in € with 2 decimals Explanations Personnel direct costs Subcontracting Major cost item 'X' Major cost item 'Y' ……….. Remaining direct costs Indirect costs TOTAL COSTS10 49 Final Report Front Page Final publishable summary report Use and dissemination of foreground Report on societal implications 50 Documents and forms for FINAL Report SESAM .pdf 51 Publishable Summary This section must be of suitable quality to enable direct publication by the Commission and should preferably not exceed 40 pages. This report should address a wide audience, including the general public. The publishable summary has to include 5 distinct parts described below: • An executive summary (not exceeding 1 page). • A summary description of project context and objectives (not exceeding 4 pages). • A description of the main S&T results/foregrounds (not exceeding 25 pages), • The potential impact (including the socio-economic impact and the wider societal implications of the project so far) and the main dissemination activities and exploitation of results (not exceeding 10 pages). • The address of the project public website, if applicable as well as relevant contact details. Furthermore, project logo, diagrams or photographs illustrating and promoting the work of the project (including videos, etc…), as well as the list of all beneficiaries with the corresponding contact names can be submitted without any restriction. 52 Use and Dissemination of Foreground (1/2) A plan for use and dissemination of foreground (including socio-economic impact and target groups for the results of the research) shall be established at the end of the project. It should, where appropriate, be an update of the initial plan in Annex I for use and dissemination of foreground and be consistent with the report on societal implications on the use and dissemination of foreground (section 4.3 – H). The plan should consist of: Section A This section should describe the dissemination measures, including any scientific publications relating to foreground. Its content will be made available in the public domain thus demonstrating the added-value and positive impact of the project on the European Union. Section B This section should specify the exploitable foreground and provide the plans for exploitation. All these data can be public or confidential; the report must clearly mark non-publishable (confidential) parts that will be treated as such by the Commission. Information under Section B that is not marked as confidential will be made available in the public domain thus demonstrating the added-value and positive impact of the project on the European Union. 53 Use and Dissemination of Foreground (2/2) Although there are dedicated tables in SESAM for this feedback please add them also to the Final Report (Potential Impact in Publishable Summary) 54