Building a More Resilient Financial System: Reforms in the Wake of the Global Crisis Jonathan Fiechter İnci Ötker-Robe Ceyla Pazarbasioglu Jay Surti FPD Chief Economist Talk The World Bank May 15, 2012 Outline Brief background Policy response to fix the system Views on the reform proposals Taking stock Looking ahead Conclusions 2 Global crisis exposed the existing cracks in the financial architecture Pre-Crisis global financial system was characterized by: Highly complex/interconnected financial systems in advanced countries Overleveraged financial institutions Reliance on short-term wholesale funding Incentives that encouraged excessive risk taking Poor risk management practices Inadequate regulation/supervision (individual/systemic level) Insufficiently wide regulatory perimeter Poor transparency/disclosure requirements Lack of effective resolution regimes & infrastructure to deal with failures of complex, interconnected institutions 3 How to Fix the System Make failures (1) less likely & (2) less costly/messy Reduce incentives that encourage excessive risk taking Tighten regulation (Basel 2.5, 3, SIFI framework) Better supervision Widen the regulatory/monitoring perimeter to cover shadow banks Address data/information gaps to facilitate market discipline/supervision Establish effective resolution regimes (domestic and cross border) Infrastructure to deal w/ interconnected, complex, TBTF institutions Focus on systemic risk and macro-prudential policies 4 Impact of the reforms on the industry Private sector ownership of the reforms key to successful implementation Business models and practices need to be aligned with the new financial structure But financial institutions will adjust business strategies in response to tighter prudential requirements Analyze the impact of regulatory reforms for ~60 LCFIs ◦ Basel 3 capital rules (higher and better quality capital) ◦ Liquidity requirements (NSFR—LT stable funding ) 5 Capital requirements: Greater effect on investment & universal banks 12 10 Core Tier 1 Ratio 2009 Basel III Core Ratio, 2012 8.8% 8 7.9% 7.1% 9.9% 2.9% 2% 6.8% (1.9% RWA effect) 7% 6 4 2 0 Commercial Banks Universal Banks Investment Banks 6 NSFR: Greater effect on investment and universal banks 180 Basel 3 requirement: NSFR ≧ 100 % 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Commercial Universal ‹15› Investment 7 Ultimate impact will depend on how banks will adjust • Basel 3 rules likely to affect investment and universal banks more • Also targeted by other measures (derivatives and securitization measures; SIFI measures, Volcker rule, other scope measures) • But these banks have more flexible business models adjust strategies to mitigate the impact: Some activities may shift to the unregulated shadow banking sector Some businesses may move to less tightly regulated locations/sectors Policy challenge: ensure adj’s in business models don’t generate systemic risks through these shifts Safeguards: - effective supervision - supervisory/regulatory coordination - extended regulation to nonbanking sector - enhanced transparency/disclosure 8 Health of Financial Institutions Depends on Many Factors: Internal Governance & Risk Management Economic & Market Conditions Market Confidence/ Discipline Financial Sector Performance SUPERVISION and Regulation 9 Regulations Require Effective Supervision – But Supervision was Inconsistent (pre-crisis): Was not proactive in dealing with emerging risks Did not sufficiently question business activities of regulated institutions In some cases, supervision: Did not keep up with the changing business environment Did not follow through – lacked skepticism 10 Main deficiencies reflected in FSAPs – areas of lowest compliance globally Banking Supervision Insurance Supervision Securities Regulation Consolidated Supervision Corporate Governance Operational Independence and Accountability Country and Market Risk Supervisory Authority (Independence, Accountability, Resources, Powers, Protection) Regulatory oversight of SROs Risk Management Process Group-wide Supervision Supervisory Powers, Resources and Capacity Operational Independence, Risk-assessment and Accountability and Management Resources Effective use of inspection, enforcement and compliance 11 “Good Supervision” is: Intrusive Comprehensive Adaptive Skeptical and Proactive Credible – Follow-through 12 Getting to “Good Supervision” The will to act High Quality Supervision The ability to act 13 Will to Act Clear Mandate Operational Independence Accountability 14 Ability to Act Strong Authority Adequate Resources Forwardlooking Strategy Internal Organization Interagency Collaboration 15 The Perimeter of Supervision & Regulation More intensive bank supervision and regulation will push some activities outside of banks Leave risks in the system (ownership /funding links with banks) Response: FSB/IMF/WB work on shadow banking risks Greater transparency of off-balance sheet risk Limit bank concentration risk to nonbanks Prohibit nonbank deposit-taking activities If non-bank credit intermediation (e.g., finance company), solution less clear Greater transparency/reporting – no downside Greater consumer/investor literacy 16 Enhanced transparency/disclosure complements… Adequate data/information key to reducing info asymmetries Increased transparency and disclosure essential to ◦ Enhance supervisors’ ability to capture risks on time ◦ Increase market ability to assess risks/impose market discipline Aimed both at banks and shadow banks to limit regulatory arbitrage Progress made on addressing data gaps—BIS/FSB/IMF initiatives (info on G-SIFI exposures, structure, interconnectedness etc) But slow progress (subset of the data available by end 2014 ) 17 Effective resolution regimes Recovery and Resolution Plans (living wills) Special national schemes for orderly and timely resolution of financial institutions Financial sector contribution (FSC) to cover costs Arrangements for bailing-in creditors Cross-border resolution and burden sharing Resolving TITF institutions—requires tough decisions 18 IMF Proposal for Resolution of Cross Border Financial Institutions Permit cooperation where possible Adherence to core standards with non-discriminatory treatment of domestic and foreign creditors Coordination Agreement on procedures for rapid and predictable resolution Framework for burden sharing and allocation of responsibilities 19 What are CoCos for (tool for prevention & resolution)? Higher capital buffers to recapitalize a bank under difficult market conditions Private sector involvement /more burden sharing between creditors and equity holders Reduce debt level in times of stress / prevent firesale of assets Prudent risk management and monitoring 20 Contingent Capital is only one intervention tool Status Liquidation Type of capital / debt affected Senior Secured / Covered Bonds / Others Loss sharing by all creditors Intervention mechanism Resolution Bail-In of Senior Unsecured Gone Concern “Bail-in Capital”: Regulatory discretion to convert to equity or write-off at point of non-viability Non-step cancellable coupons, with principal write-down or equity conversion Contingent Capital (Post Conversion ) Core Equity Common Shares and Retained Earnings Capital Conservation measures Management Actions Future Earnings Profit Losses New Style Hybrid Tier 1 Going Concern Regulatory Intervention 0 Gone Concern Regulatory discretion to impose conversion/losses on all creditors Probability of occurrence 21 Useful addition to the toolkit … Provide extra loss-absorbing capital at cheaper cost than equity May help SIFIs meet the capital surcharge Facilitate automatic burden sharing with private investors May help prevent a bank failure or reduce the severity of failure 22 …but carries risks… May complicate and obscure capital structures Negative signaling effects of conversion Speculative investors may trigger a conversion; cause a “death spiral” in stock prices Domino effect on equity prices triggering one conversion after another Significant risk transfer to institutional investors and political economy considerations 23 …that should be safeguarded against Supervisors need to be vigilant in monitoring ◦ the design and issuance of contingent capital instruments ◦ the implied transfer of risks within the financial system ◦ potential build-up of systemic risks, including liquidity risks. Circuit breakers to avoid potential “death spirals” Instrument standardization to maintain capital transparency 24 Bottom line CoCos may work in support of the regulatory agenda to meet supplementary capital requirements (Pillar 2, SIFI surcharge) provided suitable measures are taken to assure convertibility when needed and guard against risk but some incentives may be necessary to garner investor interest 25 How about living wills (Recovery Resolution Plans)? Blueprints (contingency plans) jointly developed by firms/regulators Guide smooth orderly resolution of a failed bank to stem contagion to the broader financial system Valuable contribution to effective resolution frameworks Global SIFIs required to prepare RRPs to improve “resolvability” (drafts by June 2012; finalized by end-2012), to: show how they would recover under stress & unwind if they fail provide information on firm’s structure, commitments, exposures, A&L expected to facilitate recovery, supervision and resolution efforts encourage/force firms to simply their structure to facilitate R&R 26 Implementation has been very slow, however… Very limited progress in preparing living wills by 29 G-SIFIs (recent Ernst & Young survey) Only 1/19 institutions completed a draft RRP European and Japanese banks particularly lagged behind US/UK Resolution part of RRPs: least progress made (1/3rd not started) Cross-border differences among regulators biggest hurdle Further highlights the need to establish effective cross-border regimes for cooperation, information-sharing, decision-making 27 Lack of progress for effective resolution regimes at the core of Too-Important-To-Fail (TITF) Problem TITF problem Difficult to manage, supervise, resolve High capacity to disrupt the entire system / economy: ◦ Large size ◦ Interconnectedness & complexity ◦ Limited substitutability Too Important To Fail Share in the global financial system doubled during the crisis … likely to have grown further SIFIs 40 35 30 2000 2009 25 20 15 10 Bailing out generates moral hazard 5 influence over regulatory process competitive funding advantage 0 Systemic Other banks Institutional Others 1/ banks in the investors sample 28 TITF funding/competitive advantage (US SIFIs) 1.4% (Difference in Cost of Non-deposit Liabilities between insured US banks with assets over $100 bn compared to those with assets $10-100 bn) 1.2% 1.0% 80 bp 0.8% 57 bp 0.6% 0.4% 14 bp 0.2% 0.0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Q1 2010Q2 2010Q3 2010Q4 29 Greater challenge for countries with large financial systems Systemically important bank assets multiples of home GDP (%) (In percent) 30 Framework to Reduce SIFI Moral Hazard Market-based approach Reducing probability/consequences of “systemicness” More stringent capital and liquidity requirements Consistent with SIFI’s contribution to systemic risk Intensive and proactive supervision Consistent with complexity and riskiness of the institutions Enhanced transparency and disclosure Facilitate risk pricing Capture emerging risks in the system Internalizing systemic risks Effective resolution regimes (national/globally) Recovery and resolution plans (Living wills) Creditors share losses (CoCos, Bail-in) 31 However, long before TITF is put to rest… Methodology to identify SIFIs and scope of application (for D-SIFIs) Level/composition/coverage of the capital surcharge (for D-SIFIs) Translating SIFI supervision recommendations to national practices Enhancing disclosure and closing data gaps Understanding/monitoring/regulating the shadow banking system Obstacles to national and cross-border resolution frameworks Compensation policies to limit incentive for excessive risk taking 32 What should be done in the interim? Growing pressure at the national level to take immediate action to limit the risk posed by SIFIs Reaching a consensus internationally more difficult Credible and visible actions are needed in the interim: Require SIFIs to hold significantly more loss-absorbing capital Subject them to enhanced and intensive supervision Globally coordinate these actions to maintain a level playing field Provide a reasonable transition period 33 More direct approaches to address the TITF problem? Preventing institutions from becoming systemic Limits on size Absolute size Relative size (assets, liabilities) (GDP or system aggregates) Limits on scope Narrow banking Volcker rule Swap push out Limits on structure Organizing groups as a set of separate, self-sufficient subsidiaries Caps on future growth Deleveraging Breaking up banks 34 34 Why re-scope business models? Banking leveraged intermediation managed by agents with profit-sharing & limited liability Assumption of risk excessive from capital suppliers’ perspective Incentive problem significantly magnified in case of SIFIs Presumption of diversification size and complexity at low capital cost SIFIs are TITF presumption of wide (implicit) public backstop Complexity prevents use of appropriate resolution options in a crisis Ways forward? Goal ensure continuity of retail business + protect retail deposits Approach reduce leverage, risky investments, complexity Side-benefits credibly reduce perimeter of public guarantees increase incentives for market discipline 35 Narrower banks General idea Reversion of deposit funded banks to payments function outfits Lending restricted to mortgages, retail cards, etc. Securitization, trading, risky investments shipped out to stand-alone finance companies Only narrow banks receive public backstop / deposit insurance Concrete policy proposals Volcker Rule of the U.S. Dodd-Frank Act U.K. Retail Ring-fence 36 What do the proposals entail? Volcker rule Prohibited businesses Proprietary trading Investments in hedge funds, private equity funds Application of prohibition to To all levels, including: group structure parent bank all affiliates holding company Geographic reach Impact severity Applies to: U.S. banks globally Foreign banks’ U.S. businesses/transactions More on IBs U.K. retail ringfence All IB business All non-EEA business Only applies to retail business that must: be subsidiarized be subject to solo capital/liquidity standards Applies to: U.K. banks globally Foreign banks’ U.K. retail businesses More on IBs 37 Will re-scoping do the job? Proposals are, in principle, structured carefully to address key objectives However, implementation is made challenging because Complex business models Desirable / risky transactions sharing same markets and counterparties Incentives to push risky activity into shadow banks Prohibiting trading via structural constraints—is it overkill? Could Basel’s trading book fundamental review already do the job? Success will depend on a number of complementary measures 38 ‹5› Structuring banks as subsidiaries vs. branches ? “Subsidiarization” as a way to reduce financial stability concerns Distressed affiliates can leave home/host authorities with heavy financial obligation burden sharing issues “To minimize financial stability risks from distressed foreign banks” affiliates must be: ◦ under the regulatory oversight of local supervisors and ◦ Hold self sufficient levels of capital and liquidity Easier to ensure under a system of host-supervised subsidiaries 39 Pros and Cons… Subsidiary structure can: • • Shield an affiliate from losses in other parts of the group (reduced interconnectedness) • Easier to spin off /restructure businesses and affiliates individually • Facilitates living wills by simplifying structure of a group But: imposing self-sufficiency regardless of business models: • Limits advantages of a given structure to a particular business model • Undermines ability to manage risks given the intra-group constraints • Leaves affiliates alone under stress, if local markets are shallow 40 ‹3› Bottom line 1) One size does not fit all - neither branch nor subsidiary structure is obviously preferable 2) Organizational structures themselves cannot reduce the probability of cross-border bank failures 3) Imposing certain structures can be costly/inefficient for certain banks 4) 1st BEST: a combination of policies and practices that involves: Harmonized resolution regimes and coordinated supervision Adequate buffers and risk management capacity Home/Host can be more indifferent between different legal structures Banks can choose a structure that fits best their business focus 41 Where are we today in the reform efforts? Considerable progress has been made in correcting the weaknesses that led to the crisis, especially in ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ banking regulation framework for effective supervision frameworks to identify and deal with SIFIs infrastructure to deal with OTC derivative markets But important challenges remain with respect to ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ resolving the TITF problem agreement on resolution regimes—esp. for cross border banks implementation of new Basel standards implementation of agreed frameworks: SIFI policies, supervision, … understanding and overseeing shadow banking system 42 Looking Ahead Rapid progress remains crucial to complete the unfinished agenda Regulatory uncertainty weighs on the financial system and economy not conducive to lending Potentially large shocks may still be upcoming (euro area tensions) Financial system is not sufficiently resilient with pockets of weaknesses in advanced countries New regulatory framework not yet complete to protect the system from future crisis EMDEs need a benchmark to limit a build up of financial imbalances There is less policy and political room to maneuver across the board 43 Key conclusions? Current reforms are moving in the right direction—towards building a more resilient financial system to support sustainable growth Progress has been made in some areas Some novel ideas put forward (living wills, CoCos, bail-ins..) But implementation lagged in many areas and Disagreements over some others Policy/regulatory coordination Cross border resolution frameworks Information gaps Adequate cushions sized up to risks Realigning incentives 44 Thank You… 45 Extra Slides Enhancing Resilience: Individual institutions Prudential regulation (probability of failure) Better supervision (probability of failure) Effective resolution (cost of failure) • • • • • More and better quality bank capital (greater loss absorption) Better risk recognition for market/counterparty risk Capital conservation buffer Non-risk based leverage ratio More bank liquidity and stable funding • • • • More intensive supervision Proactive and adaptive to changing conditions Capacity and willingness to act Mandate, resources, independence, accountability • Special resolution regimes for orderly wind down, at national and global levels • Recovery and resolution plans (living wills) • Arrangements for burden sharing by creditors (CoCos/Bail-in) 47 47 Enhancing Resilience: System as a Whole Regulation/ supervision (probability of failure) Resolvability (cost of failure) Market infrastructure (impact of failure) Countercyclicality (impact on economy) • Systemic capital and liquidity surcharges • Systemic levies (for banks and non-banks) • More intensive supervision of SIFIs in line with systemicness • • • • • Effective national resolution schemes for SIFIs Cross-border resolution-burden-sharing regimes for global SIFIs Living wills (resolution plans to wind-down SIFIs if they fail) Bail-in’able debt at a point of nonviability Structural measures (subsidiarization/size-scope limits) • OTC derivatives clearance through central counterparties (CCPs) to limit contagion • Repo markets (collateral, margining practices) • Credit rating agencies (greater oversight, less mechanistic use of ratings) • • • • Countercyclical capital charges Forward looking loan-loss provisioning Fair-value accounting Macro-prudential policies against cycles and systemic risk 48 48 Basel III: More and Better Quality Capital 12 Higher Level of Capital 10 8 6 4% 2% 7% 4 Higher Quality of Capital Tier 2 4.5% 2 Other Tier 1 2% Common Equity 0 Basel II Basel III minimum ratio Basel III minimum + conservation buffer Implementation over a gradual phase-in period till 2019 to allow smooth adj. 49 Basel III: Liquidity Rules: Higher liquidity & Stable Funding Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) High quality liquid assets to meet short-term stresses Enough liquidity to last 30 days without new borrowing Net stable funding ratio (NSFR) Reducing maturity mismatches More long-term funding; less reliance on volatile and ST wholesale funding sources Implementation considerably phased out to allow smooth adjustment and calibration (2015 for LCR ; 2018 for NSFR) 50