Powerpoint Notes on Ethics

Computer ethics
plural noun
1 ( used with a singular or plural verb ) a system of moral principles: the
ethics of a culture.
2 the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human
actions or a particular group, culture, etc.: medical ethics; Christian ethics.
3 moral principles, as of an individual: His ethics forbade betrayal of a
4. (usually used with a singular verb ) that branch of philosophy dealing
with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and
wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the
motives and ends of such actions.
[mawr-uhl, mor-]
1. of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or
the distinction between right and wrong; ethical: moral attitudes.
2. expressing or conveying truths or counsel as to right conduct, as a speaker or a
literary work; moralizing: a moral novel.
3. founded on the fundamental principles of right conduct rather than on
legalities, enactment, or custom: moral obligations.
4. capable of conforming to the rules of right conduct: a moral being.
5. conforming to the rules of right conduct ( opposed to immoral): a moral man.
Computer ethics
Computer Ethics is a branch of practical philosophy which deals with how computing
professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct.
3 Internet Privacy
4 Internet Control
5 Computer Reliability
8 Ethical standards
There are a number of computers based ethical dilemma that are
frequently discussed. One set of issues deals with some of the new
ethical dilemma that have emerged, or taken on new form, with the
rise of the Internet and Social Networking. There are now many ways
to gain information about others that were not available, or easily
available, before the rise of computers. Thus ethical issues about
storage of personal information are now becoming an ever
increasing problem. With more storage of personal data for social
networking arises the problem of selling that information for
monetary gain. This gives rise to different ethical situations regarding
access, security, and the use of hacking in positive and negative
Situations regarding the copyright infringement of software , music,
movies, are widely becoming discussed, with the rise of file sharing
programs such as Napster , Kazaa , and the BitTorrent (protocol) . The
ethical questions that arise from software piracy are : is it immoral or
wrong to copy software, music, or movies?
The use of Internet as a tool for abuse; spreading child porn,
harassment of others, and other challenges as a result of kids use of
this media for both consumption and producing. A second set of
questions pertaining to the Internet and the societal influence that
are becoming more widely discussed are questions relating to the
values that some may wish to promote via the Internet. Some have
claimed that the Internet is a "democratic technology”. Does the
Internet foster democracy and freedom of speech? What are the
ethical implications of this process on the world? Does the digital
divide raise ethical issues that society is morally obligated to change
and spread the ability to access different forms of electronic
Ethical standards
Various national and international professional societies and
organizations have produced code of ethics documents to give
basic behavioral guidelines to computing professionals and users.
They include:
Association for Computing Machinery: ACM Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct
British Computer Society:BCS Code of Conduct & Code of Good
IEEE: IEEE Code of Ethics
Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics. Created by the Computer Ethics Institute
1. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To
Harm Other People.
2. Thou Shalt Not Interfere With
Other People’s Computer Work.
3. Thou Shalt Not Snoop Around In
Other People’s Computer Files.
4. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To
5. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To
Bear False Witness.
6. Thou Shalt Not Copy Or Use
Proprietary Software For Which You
have Not Paid.
7. Thou Shalt Not Use Other People’s
Computer Resources Without
Authorization Or Proper Compensation.
8. Thou Shalt Not Appropriate Other
People’s Intellectual Output.
9. Thou Shalt Think About The Social
Consequences Of The Program You Are
Writing Or The System You Are
10. Thou Shalt Always Use A Computer
In Ways That Insure Consideration And
Respect For Your Fellow Humans.
50 Facts that should change the world
Jessica Williams (2007)
Icon Books, Cambridge
The last Comanche Chief:
The Life and Times of Quanah Parker.
Bill Neeley (1995)
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.