Executive Order 11246
Olivia Regalia
Nate Pardini
Diego Flores
Policies leading up to the Executive
Executive Order 11246
Executive Order 8802
 Issued by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941
 U.S. defense resisted hiring African-Americans
 A government act that prohibited discrimination based
on race, creed, color, or national origin in regards to
national defense jobs.
 A committee was created to help ensure it worked. This
was called a Committee on Fair Employment Practices.
 According to PBS, “Executive Order 8802 constituted the
first major federal government response to the plight of
blacks since Reconstruction.”
 This act was a response to a threat of protest in
Washington made by A. Phillip Randolph
Executive order 9346
 An extension of Executive Order 8802
 Brought on by the need for even more labor during
World War II
 Established the Committee of Fair Employment Practices
Executive Order 10308
 Made by Harry S. Truman
 Continued the ideas of 8802 and 9346
 Section 1 says, “The head of each contracting agency of
the Government of the United States shall be primarily
responsible for obtaining compliance by any contractor
or subcontractor with the said nondiscrimination
provisions of any contract entered into, amended, or
modified by his agency and of any subcontract
thereunder, and shall take appropriate measures to bring
about the said compliance.”
 Created the Committee of Government Contract
Executive Order 10479
 Made by Dwight D. Eisenhower
 Furthered the idea that the head of each contracting
agency was responsible for ensuring that contractors
and subcontractors would comply with the equality
Executive Order 10925
 Made by John F. Kennedy
 Insisted upon further expansion of equality measures.
 Used reasoning such as:
 “general interest and welfare of the United States to promote
its economy, security, and national defense through the most
efficient and effective utilization of all available manpower”
 “discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin
is contrary to the Constitutional principles and policies of the
United States”
 Created the Presidents’ Committee on Equal Employment
 This EO attempted to make the equality measures previously
taken much broader.
Executive Order 11246 Synopsis
 The Executive Order prohibits federal contractors and
federally-assisted construction contractors and
subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government
business in one year from discriminating in employment
decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin.
Synopsis cont’d
 The Executive Order also requires Government
contractors to take affirmative action to ensure that
equal opportunity is provided in all aspects of their
What Is Affirmative Action
 an active effort to improve the employment or
educational opportunities of members of minority groups
and women; also : a similar effort to promote the rights
or progress of other disadvantaged persons
Since then...
 Child care services, protective services for children and
adults, services for children and adults in foster care,
adoption services, services related to the management
and maintenance of the home, day care services for
adults, and services to meet the special needs of
children, older individuals, and individuals with
disabilities (including physical, mental, or emotional
 Transportation services;
 Job training and related services, and employment services;
 Information, referral, and counseling services;
 The preparation and delivery of meals and services related
to soup kitchens or food banks;
 Health support services;
 Literacy and mentoring programs;
Cont’d pt. 3
 Services for the prevention and treatment of juvenile
delinquency and substance abuse, services for the
prevention of crime and the provision of assistance to
the victims and the families of criminal offenders, and
services related to intervention in, and prevention of,
domestic violence; and
 Services related to the provision of assistance for
housing under federal law.
Presidential Actions Since then
 The Order assigned the responsibility for enforcing parts of
the non-discrimination in contracts with private industry to
the Department of Labor. Detailed regulations for
compliance with the Order were not issued until 1969, when
the Nixon administration made affirmative action part of its
civil rights strategy.
 In 1986, the Reagan administration was opposed to the
affirmative action requirements of this Executive Order and
contemplated modifying it to prohibit employers from using
"quotas, goals, or other numerical objectives, or any
scheme[,] device, or technique that discriminates against,
or grants any preference to, any person on the basis of
race, color, religion, sex, or national origin." The
contemplated change was never issued because it faced bipartisan opposition in Congress that threatened to
counteract it by enacting Executive Order 11246 into law
by a veto-proof majority
"Compliance Assistance By Law - The Executive Order 11246." Compliance
Assistance By Law - The Executive Order 11246. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2012.
"Executive Orders Disposition Tables Harry S Truman - 1951." Executive
Orders Disposition Tables. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2012.
"Harry S. Truman: Executive Order 10308 - Improving the Means for Obtaining
Compliance with the Nondiscrimination Provisions of Federal Contracts." Harry
S. Truman: Executive Order 10308 - Improving the Means for Obtaining
Compliance with the Nondiscrimination Provisions of Federal Contracts. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2012.
"Franklin D. Roosevelt: Executive Order 9346 Establishing a Committee on Fair
Employment Practice." Franklin D. Roosevelt: Executive Order 9346
Establishing a Committee on Fair Employment Practice. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct.
2012. <http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=16404>.