City of Houston - Guiding Principles Presentation (PPT) - Kimley-Horn

Guiding Principles
June 2012
City of Houston
Parking Management Program
Guiding Principles
“Setting the Right Course”
City of Houston
Preliminary Project Goals
The following draft program goals were developed by the
project team based on a review of project background
materials and input from the initial round of stakeholder
1. Assess the current parking management program
2. Develop parking policies and programs that support the larger community
strategic and transportation plan objectives insuring that mobility within
the City remains a primary focus of the transportation system.
3. Provide tools and strategies to make public parking easier, more accessible,
sustainable, and more visitor friendly
4. Coordinate public and private as well as on-street/off-street parking
5. Frame a long-term parking management plan, identify new parking
program development goals and related funding strategies
6. Maximize the use of existing parking resources and evaluate the potential
benefits of a targeted public off-street parking development strategy linked
to economic and district development goals
7. Develop specific parking plan action items and the resources needed for
City of Houston
Parking Strategic Plan Objectives
The strategic parking plan should accomplish the following
overall goals and priorities:
 Support a vibrant community
 Encourage patrons to park once and access all of downtown via other
transportation modes
 Provide consistency in way-finding and signage for public parking
 Promote a system that is user-friendly; utilizing technology to
advance this goal
 Address the different needs of various users and districts
 Provide for coordination between publicly and privately owned
parking facilities
 Develop safety and security measures for facilities offered to the
 Balance the provision of public parking with private parking interests
 Evaluate the development of a public off-street parking development
program to be used in conjunction with other community and
economic development strategies
City of Houston
Parking Strategic Plan Objectives - continued
The strategic parking plan should accomplish the following
overall goals and priorities:
 Adopt “Green Parking” strategies to help promote the City’s larger
sustainable community program goals
 Management of on-street parking in such a way that overall mobility is
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Draft Vision Statement:
The City of Houston Master Parking Plan Program will strive to
develop a superior, customer-oriented parking system, responding to
the current and future needs of parkers, including visitors, employees,
employers and property owners through active planning,
management, community partnerships and communications.
The Master Parking Plan Program will be considered an integral
component of the community’s economic development and
sustainable transportation programs.
The Master Parking Plan Program will provide customized parking
management plans and services not only to the downtown area, but
also for the unique urban neighborhoods and business districts
throughout central Houston.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Draft Mission Statement:
The City of Houston Master Parking Plan Program is committed to
enhancing the parking experience for the City of Houston’s
customers and stakeholders.
Parking policies and programs will effectively support the larger
community’s strategic and economic development goals and
objectives by developing a focused, comprehensive strategy to
manage the issues that are important to the city’s patrons.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Service Areas:
The City of Houston’s
Master Parking Plan
Program will address
parking management
needs beyond the
central business
district, providing
specific parking
programs to meet the
unique needs of the
urban neighborhoods
and business districts
in the Houston area.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Draft Guiding Principles:
Customer Service Orientation
Community and Economic Development
Comprehensive Mobility Management/Sustainability
Leveraging Technology
Community Education
Program Development/Responsiveness
Information Clearinghouse/Coordinated Programs
Planning /Urban Design
Safe, Attractive & Well-Maintained Facilities
Effective Management/Accountability
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle # 1
The Parking Management Division will be organized to be “vertically
integrated” with responsibility for:
Managing on-street parking
Coordination of off-street parking
Parking enforcement
Parking planning and development
Parking demand management
 Consolidating the various parking functions under a single parking management
organization will establish a consolidated system that is action-oriented, responsive,
and accountable with improved coordination and operating efficiencies.
 Importance of a strong leader is a key element for success. The program leader
must have strong vision and communications skills, specialized parking and
planning expertise and be capable of educating other community leaders,
stakeholders and private sector partners on the importance and relevance of a
strong parking management program. Strong general management and financial
program development skills are also required.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle #2
 Parking will support the Houston area as a desirable destination for
businesses, shopping, dining, and recreation by making parking a
positive element of the overall parking experience.
 The parking management organization will develop and coordinate private and
publically owned parking facilities that are clean, convenient and safe.
 Parking enforcement program staff will present a friendly and professional
appearance and receive on-going customer service and ambassador training.
Parking enforcement will adopt new technology and more customer friendly
parking enforcement policies
 Responsiveness to community needs, openness to fresh ideas and active
participation in community planning and events will be among the ongoing goals of
the parking management organization.
 The Master Parking Plan Program will create an easy to understand and easy to
access parking program. This will be accomplished through the use of branding/
marketing/education programs, an integrated signage plan, validation programs, a
web-based information clearing house, special events programs, teaming with
transit riders, etc.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle # 3
The Parking System will be guided by community and economic
development goals and City Council adopted policy directives that are the
result of collaborative processes between Master Parking Plan Program
staff, other agencies and involved stakeholders.
 The Master Parking Plan Program will use its resources to promote mixed-use and
shared-use parking strategies as well as promoting alternative modes through the
creation of incentives, partnerships and programs to attract private investment.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle # 4 - “Balanced Access”
The Master Parking Plan Program will support the Downtown
Transportation Management Plan to promote a “Park Once” concept and a
balanced of travel modes, including light rail, bus, streetcar, vehicular,
bicycle and pedestrian, to meet community-wide access goals.
 The Parking Management Plan will promote a “park once” strategy that uses parking
supply efficiently and emphasizes “linkages” to other forms of transportation.
 “Green” strategies that can result in more efficient use of parking facilities and provide
other benefits, including reduced congestion, improved transportation choices, more
efficient land use, and improved streetscape aesthetics will be explored and
 Smart parking technologies will be leveraged to advance performance-based pricing to
balance varying demand within the fixed supply of parking resources and produce an
on-street occupancy of about 85%.
 Coordination of on-street parking resources and programs will involve explicit
coordination with the City Transportation Operations Division of Public Works &
Engineering Department.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle # 5
The Master Parking Plan Program will be an early adopter of
technology solutions to enhance customer service and parking
information options.
 A key goal is to make parking less of an impediment to visiting the desired areas
and more of an amenity. Tools such as Pay-by Cell Phone (deployed in October,
2011) and wireless sensor technology to allow for increased customer options
and flexibility will be considered and installed if practical.
 Technology will be leveraged to streamline and simplify access to available
parking will be a key parking management strategy.
 Another key technology related goal is to enhance the efficiency and
effectiveness of parking management staff and programs.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle # 6
Parking management programs and facilities will be developed to
function as a positive, marketable asset.
Parking management strategies and programs will be cross-marketed and
support multiple access modes as a way to maximize total access capacity and to
promote the City of Houston as a unique and visitor -friendly regional
Parking availability and program contributions will be well publicized to enhance
the perception of parking as a positive element of the City’s experience.
Reinvestment of parking resources back into the parking areas will be expanded
and promoted.
The Master Parking Plan Program will develop an effective branding program. A
focus on enhanced communications strategies and on-going community
engagement is recommended. Examples of this include a comprehensive website, the creative use of “how to” videos on-line, etc.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle # 7
One important role that the Parking Management Collaborative will
play is that of “community educator” on parking issues.
In addition to web-based information, the Master Parking Plan Program will
develop educational materials on topics such as: parking development trends,
parking safety tips, transportation alternatives, etc. The program will also
promote workshops for community groups, other City departments, private
parking facility owners/operators on topics such as facility condition assessments,
maintenance program development, parking management best practices, etc.
Parking programs and information should be well promoted and marketed. The
Master Parking Plan Program will work closely with the Central Houston,
HoustonFirst Corporation, surrounding urban districts, community and economic
development and other downtown agencies/stakeholders to promote, educate
and market parking programs in the City of Houston.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle # 7
However, the Master Parking Program will not regulate, incorporate, impact or affect
all, or any part of, the specific parking management programs in effect now or in the
future related to properties managed directly or indirectly by Houston First specifically
including, but not limited to, parking programs within, and in the vicinity of, the
Convention District and Theater District.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle # 8
Responsiveness to the Needs of a Diverse Customer/Citizen Base
The Master Parking Plan Program should aim high and strive to achieve a “bestin-class” parking program. All aspects of City of Houston parking should reflect
an understanding of what the customer desires in terms of a positive and
memorable experience.
Special programs to address retail enhancement initiatives, residential parking
needs, shared-use parking, employee parking, special/large events parking, etc.
will be developed. These programs will be developed in a collaborative manner
and designed to support larger community goals and objectives.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle # 9
Parking Information Clearinghouse & Coordination of On-Street, OffStreet Programs
The Master Parking Plan Program will take a lead role in parking and
transportation program coordination. From a planning and information
clearinghouse perspective, the Organization will be a unifying and centralized
resource that will coordinate and distribute information related to parking
supply, availability, planning, and special programs, event activities and other
This will be done through physical signage, branding and marketing, a robust
planning function and a strong web-based information program.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle # 10
The Master Parking Plan Program shall have an active and
comprehensive planning function.
The Master Parking Plan Program will be included in all downtown strategic and
transportation planning efforts.
The Master Parking Plan Program will work with City Planning staff to review and
evaluate parking requirements, the development of parking design standards
that promote good urban design principles related to parking structures and
mixed-use projects, and the creation of transit oriented development parking
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle # 11
Clean, Safe, Attractive and Well-Maintained Facilities
Emphasis will be placed on enhancing parking facility appearance,
maintenance, safety and security. The Master Parking Plan Program will
promote standards to encourage comprehensive and pro-active facility
maintenance and security plans.
Facility maintenance reserves and other maintenance best practices will be
encouraged in City owned facilities. Publicly available parking facilities
marketed through the Parking Management program will agree to a community
developed set of parking facility standards. Participating facilities will be
routinely monitored.
The City of Houston already has some facilities that have incorporated public
art and creative level identification/theming to enhance the parking
experience. Continued development of these initiatives will be supported.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle # 12
The Master Parking Plan Program will be a forward thinking, “best in
class” parking and access management program.
The Master Parking Plan Program should anticipate future patron needs in the
context of the Overall City Transportation Plan and other planning initiatives and
seek to integrate supportive parking and multi-modal access strategies as
Evaluation of other parking management best practices and new technologies
should occur on an on-going basis.
Effective facility maintenance, infrastructure reinvestment and other system
management fundamentals will be routinely addressed. This area will see
increased focus in the next five years.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
Guiding Principle # 12
The parking system will work towards a goal of being a self-supporting
enterprise fund, develop a parking management program that is responsive
to community needs and that is “action oriented” and accountable to
By aligning all parking revenue streams from on-street, off-street, enforcement, (and
potentially special assessment fees and fee-in-lieu programs), it is possible to develop
a parking system that self-funds all operating and maintenance expenses, facility
maintenance reserves, planning studies and future capital program allocations.
A consolidated parking revenue and expense statement should be developed to
document all parking related income streams and expenditures to give a true
accounting of parking finances.
Parking management strategies and programs should provide an integrated, actionoriented and accountable system of access that supports, facilitates and contributes
to creating an ideal downtown.
Parking management strategies will be developed honoring all prior financial and
contractual commitments.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
 These Guiding Principles will serve as a foundation for near and
long-term decision making and implementation of parking
management strategies in the community.
 These strategies are intended to support the on-going economic
development and vitality of the community. This is a process
not a one-time task.
 The consensus nature of these principles should provide a solid
foundation from which to begin implementation of an effective
program of strategies designed to support the community.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”
 It will be important for the City of Houston to codify the Guiding
Principles for Parking and Access Management as part of the City
or agency code to assure their on-going role in facilitating
decision-making for the parking and access systems over time.
 Teamwork and collaboration between the Master Parking Plan
Program, City officials, downtown and transportation agencies,
HoustonFirst Corporation and other stakeholders will be a key
for success moving forward.
City of Houston
Guiding Principles - “Setting the Right Course”