Engaging the C-suite to Advance Pharmacy Practice Providing quality patient care through progressive pharmacy practice Getting Noticed: Establishing Strategy and Defining Success Joyce A. Tipton, R.Ph., M.B.A., FASHP Director of Pharmacy Memorial Hermann Memorial City Medical Center Houston, Texas Objectives • Define strategic operational planning • Identify the components and purpose of mission and vision statements • Discuss the steps in the strategic planning process • List the criteria for SMART objectives • Describe tools for reporting outcomes • Explain how strategic operational planning facilitates organizational alignment and success Strategic vs. Operational Planning • Not mutually exclusive • Future focus and strategy is vital in a rapidly changing healthcare environment • Clear operational goals are needed to maintain basics, continuously improve quality, and navigate new strategies Annual Strategic Operational Planning – Marketing the Impact Demonstrates thorough planning Consistent and systematic approach Achieves buy-in by key stakeholders Annual Strategic Operational Planning – Marketing the Impact • Accountability for pharmacy leadership Establishes and staff measurable evidence of success • Objective measures for upline reporting Facilitates alignment with organizational priorities • Mission and Vision • Strategies and priorities Supports a structured format for marketing • Specificity in goals, strategies, and metrics pharmacy • Highlights alignment contributions Annual Strategic Operational Planning – Plan the Planning • One to two months in advance • Schedule two sessions (full day and half day or two half days) and reserve room • Send written notice to participants outlining attendance expectations • Invite your VP or COO to bring greetings at the retreat • Invite Organizational Development to conduct a developmental session during the retreat (team building, time management, etc.) • Make assignments to managers and residents (let residents learn as they do) Annual Strategic Operational Planning – Plan the Planning • Two to three weeks in advance – Notify your internal public relations department and invite them to cover the event – Send agenda to participants, including pre-reading such as Pharmacy Forecast and brief thoughtprovoking questions they should answer prior to the retreat – Make arrangements for meals and snacks – Assign a photographer Steps in the Strategic Operational Planning Cycle The Planning Phase 1 2 3 • Customer Identification • Mission • Vision • SWOT Analysis 4 • Prioritize Issues • Establish Goals and Strategies 5 • Define metrics • Identify accountability 1 •Customer Identification Use Brainstorming technique to identify your customers – Internal – External Use to identify all those who are affected by the actions and outcomes of the pharmacy team 2 •Mission •Vision Mission feeds the confidence of your organization Vision creates the momentum of anticipation about the future Mission Statement The opportunities or needs that we exist to address Our Purpose Our Business Our Values What we do to address these The principles and beliefs that guide our work Mission Building a Compelling Mission Statement Inspire support and commitment Motivate Be convincing and easy to grasp Use proactive verbs to describe what we do Be free of jargon Be short enough to be easy to repeat Vision Motivates Inspires What does success look like? Stretches boundaries Paints picture 3 •SWOT Analysis Identify using Brainstorming process Internal Factors –Strengths –Weaknesses External Factors –Opportunities –Threats 4 •Prioritize issues •Establish Goals and Strategies Prioritizing issues Establishing goals and strategies/objectives SMART Objective Criteria Specific State exactly what is to be achieved Measurable Capable of measurement. Can determine if it is achieved Achievable Realistic given the circumstances in which it is set and the resources available to the business Relevant Relavant to the people responsible for achieving them Time Bound Set with a time frame in mind. These deadlines also need to be realistic The Beauty Pageant Objective My goal is to achieve world peace… 5 •Define metrics •Identify accountability • Define metrics • Assign accountability Example Day 1 Agenda 7:30 – 7:45 Breakfast and Overview 7:45 – 8:05 Mission and Vision 8:05 – 8:15 Executive Greeting 8:15 – 8:30 Creativity Exercise 8:30 – 8:55 Pharmacy Forecast: What Speaks to You? – Break out 8:55 – 9:15 Nursing Collaborative Session 9:15 – 9:30 Break 9:30 – 11:15 SWOT analysis 11:15 – 11:45 Develop Potential Focus Areas - Breakout 11:45 – 12:15 Lunch and Prioritization of Objectives 12:15 - 12:30 Wrap Up Session Example Day Two Agenda • • • • • • • 12:00 – 12:15 Introduction to Day Two 12:15 – 12:30 Smart Objectives 12:15- 1:00 Change Leadership: My Iceberg is Melting1:00 – 1:45 Proposed Strategic Objectives– Breakout 1:45 – 2:00 Break 2:00 – 2:45 Consensus on Objectives 2:45 – 3:45 Assignment of Objectives, Metrics Discussion • 3:45 – 4:00 Personal Mission Statements Who is Involved in the Planning? • • • • Leadership vs staff Combination Consider inclusion of “customers” Drive the strategic operational planning process to staff level • Developing cascading goal setting process • Always keep a strategic focus Sharing the Plan • Commit the plan to writing – Detailed and Matrix • Share with all members of the Department – Town Hall Meetings – Newsletters • Share with VP, CEO, and provide with budget documents Matrix Steps in the Strategic Operational Planning Cycle The Execution Phase 1 • Develop teams • Educate teams 2 • Gather baseline data • Refine metrics if needed 3 • Develop action plans • Timelines and targets 4 • Do it Reporting Require at least quarterly reports from each person accountable including specific metrics Create Dashboards or Score Cards for visual reporting Provide routine reports/presentations upline Provide updates to staff at Town Halls or staff meetings Post Dashboards on bulletin boards Publish status in newsletters Dashboard Dashboard Metrics • Highlight the metrics from Strategic Planning goals • Don’t confuse what you need to know with what your CEO needs to know – May need two Dashboards • Align the metrics with your organization’s strategies – Typically will align with the functional areas of operational, clinical, and financial Metrics and the Whole Story • Grab attention with the metric snapshot • Be prepared to tell the quality story – Why is the metric meaningful – How does it impact quality and the patient experience – Have a real patient example • Metrics and ROI are only part of the story – Quality is meeting and exceeding the customer’s needs and expectations for what they consider a reasonable price Where does the Pharmacist Add Value? Value = Outcomes + Customer Experience (+/-) ____________ Cost Paint the picture of Pharmacist value And if needed… put on your cowboy hat and dance! QUESTIONS