DV Workplace PPT - Memphis Area Women`s Council

Violence at Home.
Victims at Work.
Employers confront domestic violence
Training Team
Deborah Clubb, Executive Director,
Memphis Area Women’s Council
Dr. Carol Danehower
Charesse DeClue
Carol Ann Wardell
University of Memphis
Catherine Clubb-Brown
Splash Creative
Domestic Violence Employer
Education Project
“ This project is funded under an agreement with
the State of Tennessee, Department of Finance
and Administration, Office of Criminal Justice
Programs and is supported by Award #9779
awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance,
Office of Justice Programs, USDOJ. ”
Session Goal
• To help employers and employees recognize and
understand the devastating and costly effects of
domestic violence.
• To equip employers and employees with tools to
respond appropriately and compassionately.
Workplaces Respond to Domestic
and Sexual Violence:
A National Resource Center
• Much of this training session is based on information and
guidelines provided by the website of this center.
• “Workplaces Respond” was established in 2009 and was
funded by the US Department of Justice.
Before we start,
you should know…
• Locally the Memphis Police Dept. handled 22,000 domestic
violence assaults in 2010.
• 22,000 -- that is an average of 62 cases every day, seven
days a week.
• Another 4,000 police reports documented vandalism or
burglary related to domestic violence.
• The Shelby County District Attorney’s office reviewed 6,180
DV cases in 2010 and already had seen nearly 3,200 by the
end of May 2011!
Before we start,
you should know…
• Nationally, the intersection of domestic violence and the
workplace is receiving much attention…we need this
attention in Memphis!
• Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence, www.caepv.org
• Recent conference in Atlanta, “When Domestic Violence
Goes to Work” sponsored by SHRM-Atlanta & Partnership
Against Domestic Violence, http://www.padv.org/
Domestic Violence in the
what do you already know?
Let’s take a quiz. Click on this link before you go
any further to test your knowledge.
Domestic Violence is
a Business Issue….
It’s a matter of MONEY!
• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates
the annual cost of lost productivity due to domestic
violence is $727.8 million (1995 dollars)
• The Tennessee Economic Council on Women estimates that
domestic violence costs Tennessee approximately $174
million per year
Domestic Violence is
a Business Issue….
It’s a matter of safety and possible legal liability!
• OSHA requires that employers provide a safe and healthful
work environment for employees
• “Personal Relationship Violence” is noted as a Type IV
workplace violence by OSHA
• Employers who fail to protect their employees at work may be
liable – awards average $300,000 to $1.2 million
Domestic Violence is
a Business Issue….
And it is reaching epidemic proportions!
• According to a 2006 study from the U.S. Bureau of Statistics,
nearly 1 in 4 large private industry establishments reported
at least one incident of domestic violence in the past year
• 94% of corporate security directors rank domestic violence
as a problem
Domestic Violence is
a Business Issue….
And it is reaching epidemic proportions!
• A 2005 phone survey of 1200 full time American
employees found that 44% experienced domestic
violence’s effect on the workplace
• In the same survey, 21% identified themselves as
victims of domestic violence
• In Memphis, domestic violence is the ONLY crime
statistic that hasn’t decreased in recent years
What is Domestic Violence?
• Domestic violence is about power and control – one
person’s need and determination to dominate another
– Can be physical and sexual abuse
– Can also be verbal, emotional and financial abuse
• Domestic violence law covers the relationships in a
household or family including
boy- or girl-friends
uncle and nephew
grandson and grandmother
What is Domestic Violence?
• Under Tennessee law, it’s physical injury or attempting to
inflict physical injury on an adult or minor
– Including stalking and sexual assault
– Or putting them in fear of physical harm
• Stalking includes
– Harassment or unconsented contact
– Following a person or showing up at his/her house or job
– Calling or leaving items on their property
• It includes harm to or fear of harm to one’s animals.
Who is Abused and Who Abuses?
• Although both males and females experience domestic
violence, women overwhelmingly are victims of intimate
partner violence.
• Domestic violence cuts across all racial, educational,
occupational, religious, age and income groups.
• Certain attributes (alcohol and drug use, low income, and
violence experienced as a child) are strongly correlated
with domestic violence.
Why don’t DV victims
“just leave?”
Economic or emotional dependency
Believe they have no place to go
Low self esteem
Fear of the unknown
Don’t realize that what is happening to them is “abuse”
Religious/cultural beliefs
Other reasons…
What can employers do?
“Recognize, Respond, and Refer”
Possible Signs of DV Victims
Tardiness or unexplained absences
Anxiety, lack of concentration, changes in job performance
A tendency to remain isolated
Disruptive phone calls, emails, visits from intimate partner
Sudden requests to be moved from public locations
Frequent financial problems indicating a lack of access to
Unexplained bruises or injuries
Inappropriate clothes/accessories
Sudden changes of address
Time off requested for court appearances
Tips for Effective Workplace Education
• Introduce training or educational efforts to demonstrate
support for the issue
• Review the following prior to training to see how they may
be improved
personnel policies and procedures
employee services
security mechanisms
• Provide lists of referral resources during training
Tips for Effective Workplace Education
• Make training events mandatory when feasible, especially
for managers. But, allow employees who request it a chance
to opt out.
– The training may be emotionally overwhelming for some employees
who have been traumatized by violence in the past
• Allow employees to leave the training if necessary
– Have trained people (domestic violence counselors) available
• Acknowledge that, although women may be more at risk,
anyone may be a victim and anyone may be a batterer.
• Avoid statements that could be perceived as blaming men.
• Develop a workplace policy about domestic violence!
• Model policies exist!
• Workplaces Respond to Domestic & Sexual Violence:
A National Resource Center
• The Safe@Work Coalition
Secure Your Workplace
• Keep a copy of restraining orders that reference worksites
• Help abused employee develop a personal and work safety plan
• Move abused employee’s work area away from doors, windows,
lobbies, etc.
• Ask for a picture of abuser, description of car, license number
• Alter victim’s work schedule
• Save threatening emails or voicemail messages
When and How to Talk to your Employees?
This is not as hard as it may seem at first. The Department
of Justice, through its “Workplaces Respond” project, has
provided an interactive training exercise to help you know
how to handle this situation. Take a few minutes to go
through this online training exercise by clicking on
• Internal Source: Your own Employee Assistance
Programs (EAPs)
Make sure EAP services are well known and
communicated clearly to employees on a
regular basis.
• Community Resources: A number of agencies and faithbased groups offer services for DV victims in the Memphis
• Make your employees aware of what’s available and provide
them with contact information.
• Longtime DV service providers include Memphis Area Legal
Services, Exchange Club Family Center, YWCA of Greater
Memphis and soon the Family Safety Center.
• For a complete and updated list, go to
So remember…
Let’s keep our community and our employees safe.