Quality Manual for Producer Group

Quality Manual
Producer Group
Empowering Indian Agriculture – www.eFreshIndia.com
This Quality Manual is prepared to comply with
the requirements of GLOBAL G.A.P for :
Producer Groups(Option 2)
Individual Producer (Option I)
with multi sites with QMS.
This is released by Global GAP Scheme owner, Food Plus, GmbH
based in Germany.
Version.4 (Obligatory from 1st January 2012)
Empowering Indian Agriculture – www.eFreshIndia.com
Global GAP Ver. 4.
E-Fresh noted the requirements of Global GAP & Presented the expectations
based on the expert advice received from the experts. It is only a generic
opinion about the expectations of the requirements to be useful for the users
as a guidance document.
Each producer company or option1 with multi sites has to prepare the QMS
documentation and maintain the records based on the actual operations of
the organization.
The purpose of E-Fresh in submitting the producer group manual is only to
create awareness amongst the implementers
For specific requirements and its updation , user has to visit
for compliance with the requirements as documented by Global GAP.
Empowering Indian Agriculture – www.eFreshIndia.com
Quality Manual:
Introduction about the organization
Quality Policy
Management Representative
Roles and Responsibilities
Empowering Indian Agriculture – www.eFreshIndia.com
Quality Manual (QM) - Purpose
Quality Manual and related documents should be prepared based on
the requirements of the Global GAP General Regulations – Part II/
Rules for Option II and Option I Multi sites with QMS (Version -4).
The main purpose of this manual is to set forth the policies and
general responsibilities of the producer Group and Option I Multi sites
with QMS (Version -4) as applicable. This manual also includes the
contracted farmer’s activity of farm produce.
Empowering Indian Agriculture – www.eFreshIndia.com
Introduction About the Organization
Brief Note About the Organization:
A brief note about the organization , its year of
establishment ,its achievements, its promoters, their
experience and operational activities to be mentioned here.
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Quality Manual - Scope
Quality Manual should broadly cover the following scope of the
• Legal agreements with contracted growers.
• Duties and responsibilities of the contracted growers and the producer group.
• Conducting of internal inspection for the contracted growers
• Conducting Internal audit of Producer group QMS
• Providing technical advices covering the usage of fertilizers , plant protection
products etc
• Supply of inputs, if any
[continue in next slide]
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Quality Manual - Scope
Quality Manual should cover the following scope of activities:
• Monitoring of the practices of contracted growers during cultivation and
harvesting .
• Providing training to employees and workers
• Calibration of the equipments being used in the farm area.
• Sample collection of the produce and testing of produce for pesticide
• Engaging suitable sub contractors, if any for various farm operations
• Facility of cold stores / pack houses / storage area of fresh farm produce, if
these facilities are used on the farm.
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Quality Manual – Quality Policy
 To adopt farming methods based on the Good Agricultural
Practices during the production, harvesting, processing and
supply of fruits and vegetables to the satisfaction of the
customers without harmful residues.
 This will be reviewed and updated, if necessary , at every
Management Review Meeting.
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Quality Manual – Quality Policy
Good Agriculture Practices
Hygienic condition of farm
Reviews in Management review
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QM – Quality Objectives
 The quality objectives of the producer group should be present in the
quality manual of G.A.P.
 The quality objectives should cover the operational as well as financial
performance of group . The objectives to be measurable.
For Example:
1. Customer Satisfaction: The level of customer satisfactions can be
measured through customer feedback forms and the goal shall be to
maintain the level of 3 on scale of 4.
2. Financial Sustainability: To ensure surplus of income over
expenditure for the activities carried on by the organization which can
be measured once in a year through its income and expenditure
account/ balance sheet.
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QM – Quality System Documentation
The Quality Manual System should consists of:
Quality Manual (Policies)
Procedures( refer hyperlinks )
Work Instructions
Documents (Internal/ External)
Forms / Records (Refer slide 52)
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QM – Management Representative
The management representative for the Global GAP should be
selected by top management of the producer group.
He should be representing both the P.G and contracted
He should be qualified with required skills with experience.
His reporting should be directly to the top management.
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QM – Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and responsibilities along with the reporting authority of all the
personnel working within the Producer Group should be defined and
explained properly.
This will help in knowing the organizational setup and work
responsibilities assigned..
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2. Quality Management System – Requirements/ Standards
This part/ section of the QMS, establishes the requirements and standards of
producer groups , which should be implemented and complied by them to
achieve the certification.
These requirements need to be internally and externally assessed via GLOBAL
G.A.P QMS(Relative version) checklist to ensure completeness and
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QMS Requirements - The QMS Documentation shall address the following requirements:
Requirements for Producer Groups.
Requirements for Multi Sites ( Producers & Production sites )
Producer & Site Internal Register
Requirements for Multi sites ( Site Internal Register )
Structure of Management
Competency and Training of the Staff
Document Control
Compliant Handling
Internal Quality Management System Audit
Internal Producer & Production Management Unit Inspections
Non-Compliances , Corrective Action & Sanctions.
Product Traceability and Segregation
Withdrawal of product
Sub Contractors
Registration of additional producers or PMUs to the certificates
Internal Auditor and Inspector Qualifications and Responsibilities
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1. Legality
The producer group or multi sites with option1 must be established as a legal entity like
private limited company, society, partnership form etc..
The objective of legal entity must include right to carry out agriculture production or
trading and must be able to sign contracts with the group members and production sites.
Each legal entity must enter agreement with Global GAP through approved certification
body of Global GAP. The legal entity must be the holder of the Global GAP Certificate.
It is to be noted that one single entity can operator only one QMS per crop per country.
Only legal entity that can be certified under Option1 can join the group for Option2
In case if a group or multi sites joins another group or multi site the two quality
management system shall merge into one to be managed by one single legal entity that will
be holding the Global GAP certificate.
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2. Requirements for Producer Groups
Producer Group must enter written contract between each
member producer group.
A model copy of the Agreement for Guidance: CLICK.
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3. Requirements for Multi Sites( Producers & Production Sites)
All production management units either to be owned or rented and shall be
under the direct control of the legal entity. In case the site is rented there has to
be Rental Agreement between the producer group and the site owner.
Model copy of the Rental Agreement for Guidance: CLICK
Empowering Indian Agriculture – www.eFreshIndia.com
4. Producer & Site Internal Register
The Producer group must maintain a register incorporating the details of
the producer members and of all the applicable sites used for production in
accordance with Global GAP Standards.
All producers as mentioned in the internal register must be registered
individually on the Global GAP data base according to the requirements of
the General Regulation part 1: Annex 1.1
Those producers who do not apply for inclusion in the Global GAP Group
Certification to be listed separately and or not required being registered in
Global GAP data base.
A model copy of the Internal Register: CLICK
Empowering Indian Agriculture – www.eFreshIndia.com
5. Requirements for Multi sites ( Site Internal Register )
Additionally in case of multi sites the register shall contain
additional information.
A model copy of the internal register: CLICK
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6. Structure of Management:
The Producer Group must prepare Quality Management System Documentation for
Compliance by all its Member Growers in a uniform manner complying with the
requirements of Global GAP Standard as mentioned above and also mentioned here in
Suitable trained personnel to be available for implementing the requirements by all the
producers and at all the Production Units.
 An organization chart to be prepared mentioning the Roles and also the responsibilities
of all the personnel responsible for implementing the Quality Management System
Documentation (QMS).
An individual should be authorized and responsible for managing the implementation of
Global GAP, Managing the QMS, Internal Inspection of each Producer Member and / PMU
annually, the Internal Audit of the QMS and Verifications of the Internal Inspections
Report. There should be a Technical Advisors Responsible for advising the Group & Its
Organization Chart - Sample: Given Below
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Management Structure
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house In
7. Competency and Training of the Staff
The competency requirements, like Education, Training & Experience for all the
Key Personnel handling the QMS documentation to be documented. These
competency requirements must meet the Global GAP requirements for Example
Internal Auditor & Internal Inspectors (Annex II.1 of Part II General Regulationsclick here for details.).
These Key Personnel are adequately trained on the Global GAP requirements
and they are aware of the development, issues and legislative changes relevant
to the compliance to the Global GAP Standard.
In case the Producer Group does not have the Internal Auditor with Food Safety
& GAP Training but has only QMS Training / Experience, then another person with
these qualifications can form part of the audit team to perform the approval of
the farm inspections. This position must be identified in the QMS documents.
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7. Competency and Training of the Staff
Records of qualifications and Training, shall be maintained for all key personnel involved
in the Compliance with Global GAP requirements and demonstrated in case of external
audit etc..,
Similarly records of completed online training and passing of exam as required by the
Global GAP for Internal Inspector / Auditor to be maintained (Annex II.1 of Part II General
In case of more than one Internal Auditor / Inspector, all of them shall undergo training
and evaluation for ensuring consistency and their approach and interpretation of the
standard (Shadow Audits / Inspections to document). Shadow Audit / Inspection means –
One Auditor doing the audit under the supervision of another auditor and in another
audit the auditor doing supervision in earlier audit will be doing the audit under the
supervision of the earlier auditor doing the audit. These audit/ inspection records to be
Competency requirements documents – Sample : CLICK
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Training for Farmers / Contractors
Training should be
provided at regular
intervals . Records to
be maintained
Click here for knowing the sample procedure for training.
Competency Matrix
• The Producer Group shall identify the competency requirements for
carrying out the operational activities and shall appoint the
personnel who are competent with the requirements.
Internal Auditor and Inspector
Annexure II.1 of part II of general
regulations, version 4. (click for
Click Here for Competency matrix sample format link.
Note: The competency requirement for other identified positions to be
Empowering Indian Agriculture – www.eFreshIndia.com
8. Documentation Control
1) All documentation relevant to the operation of the QMS for GLOBALG.A.P
Compliance shall be adequately controlled. This documentation shall include, but
is not limited to:
Quality Manual
Global GAP Operating Procedures
Work Instruction
Record Formats
Relevant external standards – current
global GAP normative documents
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8. Documentation Control
QMS documentation prepared for compliance with Global GAP to be
adequately controlled.
Minimum documents include, the Quality Manual, Operating Procedures,
Work Instructions, Formats / Records and relevant external standards.
The QMS Documentation as relevant to the key personnel shall be available to
them and also to the Producer Group Registered Members.
The Contents of the QMS Documentation shall be reviewed by the approved
personnel periodically for ensuring the continued compliance and update as per
the changes.
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1.3 Documentation Control
The documents should be approved by authorized personnel
inclusive of reviews and changes required.
Control of Document Procedures – Sample: Click
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9. Records
Records shall be maintained for demonstrating effective control
and implementation of the QMS and the Global GAP requirements.
These records shall be kept for a minimum period of 2 years.
These records can be kept online electronically or manually.
These records must be available during the inspections and
Control of Records Procedures – Sample: CLICK
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10. Complain Handling
Producer Group shall have an effective system for managing the
customer complaints and relevant part of the complaint system
shall be available to the Producer Group Members.
A procedure to be documented indicating how complaints are
received, registered, identified, investigated, followed up and
And the procedure shall be available to the customers and shall
cover both complaints to the Producer Group and against individual
producers or the sites.
Compliant handling Procedures – Sample : CLICK
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11. Internal Quality Management System Audit
The internal Audit system clause explains the following requirements:
The QMS Document to be audited minimum once in a year. The Auditor shall
meet the requirements of Annex II.1 of part II General Regulations. To avoid
conflict of interest the Internal Auditors shall be independent of the areas being
audited. The Person responsible for the day today ongoing management of the
QMS is not allowed to undertake the QMS Internal Audit.
Records of the Internal Audit, Non-Conformances if any and follow up
corrective actions as a result of internal audit shall be maintained.
The Internal Auditor completed QMS Check List with his remarks shall be
available on site for review during the external audit.
Internal Audit Procedure – Sample: CLICK
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12. Internal Producer and Production Management Unit (PMUs) Inspection
Internal inspection of the Producer Group Members / Production Management
Units (PMU) shall be carried out one per year against the Global GAP control points
and compliance criteria. The competency requirements of the Internal Inspector are
documented in Annex II.1 of Part II of General Regulations. Internal Inspectors cannot
inspect their own daily work and shall be independent for the areas being audited.
New Members of the Group and New PMUs shall always be internal inspected and
approved prior to entering into the internal Global GAP register.
The Inspection Reports & Notes shall be maintained and available during external
Internal inspection
Report format Click here
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Internal Producer and Production Management Unit (PMUs)Inspection
 The Internal Auditor shall review inspection reports of the Internal Inspectors
for making a decision whether the producer or site is compliant with the
Global GAP requirements.
 In case there is only one internal auditor who also perform the internal
inspections, another person like Management Representative identified in the
QMS must approve the Internal Inspections Reports.
 In case the Internal Inspections are continuous over a 12 month period, then
per-defined schedule shall be in place.
13. Non- Compliances, Corrective Action and Sanctions
A Procedure to be documented to handle Non-Compliances and
Corrective Actions which are resulted as a result of Internal /
External Audits / Inspections , Customer Complaints etc.,
Corrective Actions and Sanctions - Sample: Click
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14. Product Traceability and Segregation
There must be a system in place for tracing the Global GAP and Non Global GAP
A documented procedure to establish for the identification of registered product
and to enable traceability of all products both confirming and non-confirming to be
applicable production sites.
If a member of the group registers for parallel production, the traceability and
segregation control points (AF12) shall be applicable for that member.
In case of certification for Fruit & Vegetables, the Produce Handling sites shall
operate procedures which enable registered product to be indefinable and traceable
from receipt, through handling, storage and dispatch
An exercise to be made for demonstrating the compliance with the above system &
record to be maintained and to be shown during the Internal / External Inspections.
Click Here for sample procedure on product traceability and
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Food Chain
Traceability system – Practical Approach
Producer Groups
Member farmers
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15. Product Withdrawal
A system to be put in place for managing the withdrawal of
registered products.
Click Here for sample procedure on product withdrawal
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16. Sub-Contractors
A Procedure to be documented in case any service are sub
contracted to third parties and to ensure the activities carried on in
accordance with requirements of the Global GAP Standard ( All
Farm – AF3.6.1) .
Sub Contractors must work in accordance with the Produce Group
QMS and relevant procedures and same to be documented in the
service agreements entered with the sub contractors.
Click Here for sample procedure on subcontractors
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16. Sub-Contractors
17. Registration of Additional Producers or PMUs for Certifications
Any new Producers and sites may be added to the certificate, subject to the
internal approval procedures.
The Producer Group or Multi Site holder has to update the Certification Body
(CB) for any addition / deletion of sites from the list of Registered Producers.
Up to 10% of new Producers sites can be added in one year to the approved list
by registering the producer’s sites with the Global GAP approved CB without
further verification by the CB.
In case number of approved registered producers sites increase by more than
10% in one year, external sample inspections of the newly added producer sites
will be required during that year before additional producers added to the
approved list ( Minimum is the Square root of new producers / Sites ).
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17. Registration of Additional Producers or PMUs to the
Certificate. (continue..)
Optionally an audit of the QMS can also be conducted by the
Certification Body during that year.
Without regard to the percentage by which the number of
approved registered producers sites increases in one year, in
case the newly register farms increases the area approved
registered products by more than 10% in one year or there is a
10% change of producers, further external sample inspection of
the newly added farms or producers to be conducted during the
year before additional farms or producers added to the
approved list ( Minimum is square root of the new producers /
farms) optionally QMS also can be added.
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18. Internal Auditor and Inspector Qualifications
and Responsibilities – Click for Detail
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List of Records to be Maintained
Serial Number
Name of Record
Link for the Sample Format
Records of Farmer Registered
Click here for sample format
Training Records
Click here for sample format
Training Attendance Record
Click here for sample format
Supplier Contractor Record
Click here for sample format
Audit Plan Form
Click here for sample format
Audit Summary Report
Click here for sample format
Corrective Action Record
Click here for sample format
Complain Records
Click here for sample format
Records Master list Report
Click here for sample format
Document Master List Report
Click here for sample format
Empowering Indian Agriculture – www.eFreshIndia.com
Producer Group
Implementation of GLOBALGAP
Producers Group Quality Management System
Monitoring of the Member Farmers Compliance
by the Producer Group
Member Farmer
Implementation of GLOBALGAP control point
Requirements by each member of the PG
Internal Inspection of 100 % Member Farmers by
Internal Inspector of Producer Group
Conducting of Internal Audit by Producer
Corrective Actions on Internal Inspection Reports
Corrective Actions on Internal Audit Reports
Producer Group External QMS Audit by
Certification Body ( CB )
C/A’s by PG for NC’s, if any
External Inspection by CB minimum : Square
root of the total member farmers
Submission of Corrective Actions on NC’s by the
Member Farmer
Successful Compliance - Grant of Certificate in the name of the Producer Group with the list of Member
Application from Producer Group
Signing of contract
Conducting of Producer Group QMS Audit by
Implementation of Requirements by each
member farmer and internal inspection of
all the members by the PG
Inspection by CB minimum : Square root
of the total member farmers
Submission of C/A’s actions on
NC’s by the farmer
C/A’s by PG for NC’s
Review and approval by CB
Granting of Certificate to PG
Letter to Client
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This Manual is only generic. The Producer Groups or any
other user of this manual has to consider the
requirements as may be applicable to him for the crops
cultivated and has to appropriately modify it to suite his
own requirements. This is only a guidance document. For
the requirements of GlobalGAP and its up-dation,
visit - www.globalgap.org
“E-fresh India” shall not be responsible for any
consequences arising out of the use of this manual.
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