STUDIO COME srl Studio Come S.r.l. is a consulting, training and research company, founded in 1998. It is located in Rome, but operates throughout Italy and Europe. Its customers are both public bodies and private enterprises. Studio Come’s premises is in Rome, via Ostiense 30. Work force in Studio Come is made up of six people: one administrator and manager, two permanent staff members, three stable contractors. When necessary, based on required tasks and activities, external independent contractors work for Studio Come. Studio Come has long-time experience in different policy areas, such as youth and family policies, gender equality and equal opportunities; health and social interventions; labour and occupational issues; migration policies; innovation in public administrations; integrated local networks and communication; quality and social development; technical assistance to public bodies. Studio Come has attained certification for compliance with ISO 9001:2008 in the areas of planning and providing training, consultancy and research services in labour, social, health and equal opportunity policies. In the field of social and health policies, Studio Come’s perspective pays a special attention to local development, by providing technical assistance to public bodies and supporting negotiating tables about the following issue: - Planning social policies; Social and health integration; Creation of integrated networks of services to citizens; Promotion of good practices and cultural exchanges with other; Supporting the design, implementation and monitoring of actions funded at regional, national and European level; Evaluation of public interventions; Development and management of observatories and databases; Communication of public interventions; Organization of events, conferences, seminars, workshops. Studio Come has a long time experience in research and consulting in: - - social policy intervention, services design and implementation at local level targeted to: older people, children, adolescents (bullying, school dropout ), disabled people, jailed and addicted people (gambling , drugs, alcohol , ...); violence against women, trafficking and prostitution ; social and health integration (development of home care services; continuity of care pathways…); integrated networks of services to citizens; assessment of social quality; organizational guidelines for effective accessibility to health and social services; programming and social care; mapping, simplification, formalization and reengineering of procedures; assistance for institutional accreditation services; organizational services and support tools in the field of social dialogue and capacity building of the Parties to the economic and social; promotion of local and national associations as a vehicle for social integration; anti-discrimination networks (race, color, language, disability, sexual orientation , political opinions, religion , etc...). - In the area of equality, equal opportunities and non-discrimination, Studio Come offers consultancy, research activities and training to public administrations and private enterprises in order to promote gender mainstreaming and interventions. In particular, Studio Come supports public bodies and private enterprises dealing with: - - Measures for the development of women's careers; Diversity management; Promotion of organizational well-being; Positive actions for women’s empowerment; Interventions in the area of work-life balance (promoting and testing in single organizations and in policies operational tools such as flexitime, teleworking, familyfriendly organizational formulas, nurseries or micro-nurseries, etc.); Models of intervention to facilitate women’s return to work after maternity leave; Corporate social responsibility; Gender mainstreaming and gender training; Awareness raising events and dissemination of gender-oriented culture; Technical assistance to implement gender sensitive policies; Monitoring and evaluation of public policies in gender equality and equal opportunities. Studio Come always opts for a participative method, with both public bodies and private enterprises, in order to promote local development and foster local networking between public authorities, private sector companies and associations, NGOs and civil society organizations. By virtue of its long-time experience at European, national and local level, Studio Come has currently numerous institutional and non-institutional contacts in welfare and equal opportunities areas. Recent projects (in the last five years): 2013 Umbria Region - Programming social health. Research and consultancy relating to the Region of provisions to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy. Mapping and analysis services, seminars for local health workers. Equal Opportunities Department of the Italian Government. Technical Assistance in the ESFR implementation (“Strengthening operational systems and capacities in Public Bodies about equal opportunities”). Technical support to plan, manage and monitor gender mainstreaming and equal opportunities interventions in Convergence Regions. 2012-2014 Confcommercio Rome - "Excellence in Rome" Support and expert advice to SMEs in Rome in order to promote “made in Italy” quality products for tourists. Puglia Region - VA.LE.RE. Evaluation research and monitoring of social inclusion policies. The project includes the following activities: assessment design; construction of indicators and data collection tools; analysis and interpretation of data; monitoring and evaluation of project results. Confcommercio Rome. Gender oriented corporate social responsibility in Rome. Research aimed at experimenting in private companies in Rome a set of indicators to promote and identify gender oriented CSR. The project aims to enhance gender differences, in terms of skills, abilities and needs, as an added value for the company in terms of competitiveness. IAD School - University of Rome Tor Vergata - project "Equal opportunities, empowerment of women workers and gender mainstreaming." Planning and implementation of a Distance Learning Course about “Equal opportunities, women workers empowerment and gender mainstreaming” addressed to Gender Authorities in Public Bodies or gender representative in private companies. Rome Province - Praxis - Project Active Network for Information Services, "funded by the Ministry of Interior under the Annual Programme 2007-2013 EIF - European Fund for the Integration of third country nationals 2007-2013 Action 5 - "Information, communication and awareness ." Evaluation of project activities. Consortium for the creation of integrated welfare Poggiardo (Lecce – Puglia Region). Training, research and consultancy to the Consortium about the coordination and management of projects to support integration of school children from Third Countries over time. Association “Il Grifo e il Leone”. Training, consulting and research activities in two projects "Rising colors" and "Gemma", aimed to support integration of citizens of third countries. The first project aims to enhance differences and inter-culture in schools, through theater workshops. The second one provides for measures to facilitate communication with migrants in the use of local services. Abruzzo Region, Global Grant. "Networks for the accompanying social and working inclusion of disadvantaged people." Abruzzo PO FSE 2007-2013. It is a tool of Abruzzo Region aimed to strengthen the employability of disadvantaged people through training and work intertwining actions. Studio Come worked specifically in the research phase and in the creation and strengthening of regional networks on social policies and social inclusion. 2012 Isfol (National institute for workers’ training). Training, territorial cohesion and integrated planning. Assessment of the contribution of the European Social Fund to the design of integrated tools and practices. Implications for the 2014-20 programming. The research aimed to identify the strategies that act in an integrated manner at local level, binding different policy goals or making use of various channels of financing (combining European resources to national or regional funds) within a programmatic integration. Consultants: Patrizia Di Santo and Milena Lombardi. Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for Equal Opportunities. Production of a documentary intended to support the transfer of good practices concerning the contribution of the European Social Found in Convergence Regions in order to improve women’s conditions in terms of access and permanence in the labor market, within the PON "Governance and System Actions ". Support to the implementation of equal opportunities between women and men in employment, training, economic and social system. Lecce Province (Puglia Region). “Gender Social Agreement”. Research and local networking activities aiming at experimenting effective instruments to reconcile work and family life. Anolf CISL. WP6 FA.RE. Final evaluation of the project output for the purposes of validation / accreditation /products (accountability). The report sets out the conditions for validation of skills and training of the "facilitator of cultural relations in multi-ethnic businesses" developed within the project FA.RE. Rome Province, "Colored Schools" and "Open Schools". School integration of migrant children. Projects aimed to support new EU citizens in the processes of school integration and extracurricular school time, including actions aimed at enhancing and supporting the parental role . Isfol (National institute for workers’ training) "Survey assessment on the impact of Leonardo projects annuity 2007/2008/2009". As part of the investigation, entrusted to the company Poleis srl, Studio Come was responsible for the design and implementation of interviews and focus groups, direction and editing of the documentary film, and drafting of the final report. Lazio Region, “Emergence of undeclared work: Lavoro in Chiaro”. This project intends to be a Lazio Region’s tool for active labor market policies and the prevention of undeclared work, in the implementation of the European Social Found 2007-2013. It is managed by an Intermediate Body, made by Ernst & Young, MBS and Studio Come, which provides technical assistance to the Region, to local authorities and businesses that operate in the territory and monitors and controls the procedures. Studio Come is responsible for activities relating to local networking, communication, coaching and mentoring. 2011 AULSS 10 Eastern Veneto: Research and consulting for the development of the Integrated “Onestop shop for older people” to facilitate the access to services for dependent older people. Training, organizational consulting and communications activities. European Commission action program in the field of public health - FP 7 Health Interlinks. Research, modeling and analysis of health policies and health and social care in Europe on continuing operations for older people. The project involves 14 Member States: Studio Come is the Italian partner who is specializing in research about informal care. Isfol (National institute for workers’ training). “Gender oriented Corporate Social Responsability”– Empirical research (case studies) and recommendation about the sustainability of gender oriented CSR. Puglia Region. Research aiming to evaluate work-life balance policies. Analysis of socioeconomical context, evaluation of projects that promoted work-life balance in Puglia Region; interview and focus groups. Guideline elaboration and dissemination of results. Association “Il Grifo e il Leone”. Research on positive experiences of integration of migrant women in Siena, Grosseto and Prato. Implementation of 6 focus groups, training for 40 school and social workers. Organization and coordination of the final scientific seminar. 2010 Asl 4 Prato - "Secret Mom". Research and consultancy in the field of maternal and infant care, particularly in services to support parents. Umbria Region - Programming social health - ASL 2. Research aimed to monitor and strengthen protected discharge procedures for terminally ill patients who need palliative care, by implementing a network of public and private community services: hospital, community services and hospice care. Labsus - Laboratory for subsidiarity, Fondazione Roma - School of civic service in Rome, How to educate young Romans to take care of their school and their city. Evaluation of the project with the aim to assess the extent to which interventions produce an increase in students' sense of responsibility towards the common good "school," the extent to which the method adopted is able to effectively engage students and to what extent the project has increased the collaboration between the public and private partners involved. European Commission, DG Justice, Freedom and Security, European Fund for the Integration of Third Country nationals. Care Assistants Search Agency (CASA). Evaluation and monitoring of project activities. 2009 Isfol (National institute for workers’ training) - Equal Opportunities Unit. Analysis and system actions on discrimination related to differences arising from racial or ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation in the Convergence Regions of Campania, Calabria, Puglia, Sicily. Mapping of existing anti-discrimination networks in the workplace, social, health, educational, fields and development of guidelines for territorial cooperation. Rome Province, Department of Social and Family. "Towards a health system open social implications. Experiences of the Province of Rome". Research on the forms of cooperation that social and health districts, hospitals are experimenting with the resources, patients, family members, volunteers and organizations at local level. Rome Province. Designing and implementing the training course "The Role of active policies in the construction of a new social model" played in the 17 districts in the province of Rome in the 19 municipalities of the City of Rome, addressed to managers and workers of public and private social and health organizations. Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of social planning in the province. Isfol (National institute for workers’ training). Support to Municipalities XI and XIII of the City of Rome, respectively in social work and social education policies. Lazio Region – “Vie d’uscita” - training, networking, actions against trafficking based on the priorities established by the European Union to deal with the phenomena of trafficking and prostitution. Organization of workshops in Region 7 (5 in each province and two at regional level). Cagliari Province, Consigliera di parità. Consulting in planning Three-Years Plan of Positive Actions for Women. Chieti Province, Consigliera di parità. Gender Budgeting. Coordination Women SPI CGIL - Equality and Freedom - Training course aimed at women responsible for coordinating regional and metropolitan area on gender issues. Consigliere di parità, Abruzzo Region – Conciliare si puo’- Action and animation to support the development of policies for work/life balance in the Abruzzo region from the perspective of gender equality. Pesara Province, Consigliera di parità. Consulting in planning Three-Years Plan of Positive Actions for Women. European Commission action program in the field of public health - "Healthy Inclusion". Indications and guidelines for the definition of integration standards in the provision of health services to immigrants. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs - DG IV. Equal Project - Leader. DG IV, as part of the ESF EQUAL projects, admitted to financing the project called LEADER - Labor and employment without discrimination Ethnic and Religious promoted IMED - Institute for the Mediterranean (referent) with Studio Come, IRES, Cesos, Agfol, Arci, Anolf. Studio come takes care of the communication of the project and local in 6 geographic realities of the testing of RITA local antidiscrimination networks (REGIONS: Veneto, Liguria, Tuscany, Lazio, Campania, Sicily). Isfol. ESF 2000/2006 - PON OB. 3 Research in social services professions who work there, the needs of emerging professions, educational programs and regulations that govern social services at the local level in the areas of Lombardy, Lazio, Campania and Abruzzo. La Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Communication Sciences. Master People Strategy "Communication and organizational human resource management." Studio Come is a partner in the design and implementation of the master. Studio Come has got a specific expertise in equal opportunities and diversity management. Recent publications (in the last five years) by Studio Come’s researchers: Di Santo P., Villante C. (2013). Genere e Responsabilità sociale d’impresa. Ediesse, Roma. (Gender and Corporate Social Responsibility) M. Naiditch, J. Triantafillou, P.Di Santo, S. Carretero, E.H. Durrett (2013) “User Perspectives in Long Term Care and the role of Informal Carers, da pag. 45 a pag. 80, in “Long-term care in Europe”, Palgrave Macmillan. R. Bednarik, P. Di Santo, K. Leichsenring (2013) “The Care gap and migrant carers” in Long Term Care and the role of Informal Carers, da pag. 213 a pag. 231, in “Long-term care in Europe”, Palgrave Macmillan. Di Santo, P., Piva, P. (2009), "Towards a health open to the social?" p. 26-40, Feb. No. 230, Social Animation. Studio Come’s main clients so far are: - EU institutions and organizations: The European Commission, Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC), Council of Europe, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, - Italian institutions: Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Industry, Department of Equal Opportunities, National Commission for Equal Opportunities; Isfol (Instutute for Workers Training); - Regional and local Italian institutions: Social Policy, Training and Employment Departments in Regions (Abruzzo, Campania, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Tuscany, Umbria, Sardinia) and Provinces (Arezzo, Cagliari, Chieti, Ferrara, Genoa, Grosseto, Latin, L'Aquila, Lucca, Mantua, Milan, Padua, Palermo, Pescara, Pisa, Pordenone, Reggio Emilia, Rome, Rovigo, Siena, Teramo, Torino, Varese, Venice, Verona); - Equal opportunities bodies in Regions Lazio, Abruzzo, Sardinia and in Provinces of Rome, Latin, Frosinone, Rieti, Viterbo, Chieti , Teramo, L'Aquila, Pescara, Cagliari, Verona; - Equal opportunities bodies in private firms (Ferrovie dello Stato, Acea, etc.); - Local municipalities and social authorities: Isontino, Arezzo, Frosinone, Castiglione delle Stiviere, Catania, Chieti, Civitavecchia, Biella, Cossato, Alessandria, Susa Valley, Piossasco , Florence, Genoa, Modena, Prato, Portici, Rome, Sulmona, Todi, Venice ; - Local health authorities: Asl 7 Calabria , AUSL 12 Viareggio, Department of Mental Health - ASL Roma B, ASL 7 Catanzaro, District G4 (Province of Rome), AULSS 10 Eastern Veneto, Umbria Region Asl 2; - Trade unions: CESOS -CISL , CGIL , CISL VERONA , CISL FIBA , FIBA CISL Italian Federation of Banking Insurance , FNP -CISL , the FP- CGIL, CISL - ISCOS , SPI -CGIL national coordination women SPI - CGIL, UIL UILP Rome and Lazio.