ING Belgium: Setting the standard, now and in the future Mr. Lieven Haesaert, General Manager Direct Channels, ING Belgium Dr. Ian Pearson, Futurologist, Futurizon Mobile banking press event November 26th, 2014 I The state of mobile banking - an ING view - Lieven Haesaert, General Manager Direct Channels Customers want to manage their money in an easy way, anytime, anywhere. Banking is a primary reason to use the internet 80 % of all Belgians connects at least once a week to the internet… while the European average is 72%1. 1. 58 % vs. 47 % of all Belgians uses the internet to do online banking… while the European average is 42%1. Source: FOD Economie (2014). Barometer van de informatiemaatschappij. of all Belgians uses the internet to communicate on social networks… while the European average is 43%1. 4 Smart mobile devices are now widely adopted… Share of Belgians owning smartphones and tablets1 Share of Belgians intending to purchase a smartphone or tablet1 38% 21% 19% 20% Feb ‘14 Dec ‘12 17% 46% 13% 30% 0% 10% 24% 1. 20% 30% 40% 50% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% of Belgians owns both a smartphone and a tablet GfK: Multi Screen & Mobility Survey (February 2014) 5 … and so is mobile banking 27% of Belgian internet users uses mobile banking1 Including both men and women1 30% 24% 0% 20% 40% 60% 27% Including all age groups1 18-24y 30% 25-34y 37% 35-44y 32% 45-54y 55+ y 0% 1. ING International Study (May 2014). Financial empowerment in the Digital Age. 24% 20% 20% 40% 60% 6 The mobile app has become the most frequented online channel Online banking sessions on PC, smartphone and tablet1 (Q1 2011 – Q3 2014) Number of online banking sessions 57% Q1 Q2 Q3 2011 1. Source: ING Belgium. Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2012 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2013 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2014 7 Customers log in almost every day on their smartphone Average number of logins per week1 (average week for an active user) 1 to 2 times 2 to 3 times >5 times 0 1. Source: ING Belgium. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tablet banking has created a new banking moment ING online banking usage throughout the day 1. Source: ING Belgium. 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 Normalized number of visits (weekdays, relative distribution per channel) 9 Mobile banking everywhere Share of sessions from abroad in an average week1 Where do Belgians log in the most when abroad1? (October 2014) (summer period 2014) 5% 10% 6% 11% 1. Source: ING Belgium. October Summer October Summer 1 France 2 The Netherlands 3 Spain 4 Morocco 5 Turkey 1 France 2 Spain 3 The Netherlands 4 Italy 5 USA 10 For mobile bankers, contact with the branch stays as important… Which of the following types of banking do you use and how often…1 1. ING International Study (May 2014). Financial empowerment in the Digital Age. 11 … and they are very eager to give feedback « J'adore l'application sur tablette ! Bravo ! Mais ça serait intéressant de pouvoir modifier les types d'achats dans 'Mon budget'. Par exemple: j'ai été acheté quelques bricoles dans une épicerie et ça me dans 'Divers'. Quand je vais dans une enseigne alimentaire bien connu, ça met logiquement dans 'Famille' » “App werkt zeer goed. Zeer gebruiksvriendelijk en overzichtelijk. Heel eenvoudig en in 'no time' te installeren. Prima ! Bedankt !” - M.S. (3/05/2014 ) - P.P.(10/07/2014 ) « Bravo!! Outil très intelligent et facile d utilisation. Meilleur gestion du budget et meilleur vue sur la gestion au quotidien. Vraiment bravo! » Bien, mais dommage qu'il ne soit pas possible d'avoir accès aux investissements - B.N. 02/11/2014 - R.D. (21/08/2014 ) > 5.000 feedbacks received in the last 6 months = key input for the evolution of our channels • Source: ING Belgium; Feedback given through the feedback form on the tablet app. 12 Our customers ask for easy and relevant banking solutions. 2014: More functionalities, still easy to use… 2011 2014 14 … confirmed by our ‘Customer Effort Scores’ “Easiness” of ING Direct Channels (Customer Survey 2014, ING Belgium) 92% Total sample (n = 449) 89% Total sample (n = 668) 78% Total sample (n = 539) • Top 2 = sum of respondents who answered “very easy” or “rather easy”. Customer effort score correlates with NPS and Satisfaction score 15 Almost 1 in 2 simple products bought online • Source: ING Belgium. 16 An increasing product offering on mobile … Savings accounts (Lion Deposit & Lion Premium) Travel insurance Credit Card Current account (Lion Assistance) (Visa Classic) (Lion Account) Make An Appointment 17 … and launching a new one Coming soon: Subscribe to an ING pension savings plan on mobile in 3 clicks 1 2 3 18 Anywhere, also for our business customers 1 Coming soon: “Second signature” on mobile 2 3 4 Robert Schumann R.S. Architecture R.S. Architecture Robert Schumann 19 What customers value most in mobile banking Since using mobile banking …1 Customers want intelligent tools for money management1 63% of respondents keep a household budget.1 41% of mobile bankers would use automatic categorisation of their spend on clothes, meals out, etc.1 1. ING International Study (May 2014). Financial empowerment in the Digital Age. 20 Therefore we launched the budget module in the tablet app 21 More than 750.000 downloads “In terms of iPad app developments ING (BE) stands out as one of the fresher examples of added PFM functionality over the last 12 months. 1” Overview of average ratings in the App Store & Google Play Store since the launch of our apps2 (iOS & Android consolidated) - MAPA independent global research Our Smartbanking apps have been downloaded more than 750.000 times since the launch in June 2011 2. 1. 2. PFM Insight Series: Edition 4, MAPA research, June 2014, the Financial Brand June 2014 Source: ING Belgium. 22 Dr Ian Pearson Future of mobile banking Part 1: short term trends • Always on – coverage, data rate, battery life, ease of use • Instant gratification – what you want, where you are, now • Eurostat: Half of EU internet access is via mobiles • Originally phone, email, social nets, news, reading, games, music • Now photos, searching, ordering, payment, ticketing, fulfilment • Services are becoming commoditised • Many users own phones, tablets and laptops, need common feel • Users now assume suppliers know their location & preferences • and assume they can pay and ticket using mobile • Need more personalised experience to differentiate Mobiles cover every area of the modern lifestyle. So must payments. Better mobile nets, devices and apps lead people to lead a more mobile anything/anywhere lifestyle. Globally, 50% use mobiles Virtuous circle for app, web & enterprise development Ease of use Easy & secure authentication & payments Ubiquity More willing entrepreneurs Higher High speed market data & Improving OS, visibility location interfaces & displays Result: growing use and richer lifestyles Reorganisation and restructuring Much wider variety of ad-hoc business models with more freelancers, coops and virtual companies, each with custom apps and structures but all needing payments. As new and unfamiliar organisations grow quickly, and as people use their mobiles for more and more things, trust in the underlying authentication and payments systems becomes more important. Having a proven record is essential to success. Trust-based services Payments Security Context/ Location Certification Identity management Privacy/ Smart filters Services Virtual companies Augmented reality Custom overlays Reputation & Recommendations Sensor nets Interfaces Brand assurance Trust is the most essential ingredient for successful business IT Converging with other sectors via Internet of Things Thin, flexible & cheap displays Retail Phones will be scattered Tracking & tablets everywhere as TV well as assorted Augmented visors and all reality Profiling Visors Health Home & the usual phones and office Food Games Film tablets devices Mags Cars E-ink Clothes IT will converge with every technology area. Accelerating lifestyle innovation Familiarity Ease of use Accessibility Mobiles are the obvious choice for most things most of the time. A virtuous circle of accessibility, familiarity and ease of use leads to more use and increased feeling of safety. Biometrics helps all three so may be a big driver. Banking is main driver for internet use. Managing your money effectively underpins living to the best of your resources. Low stress mobile payments Without stress Trust yields use Good design Peace Freedom of Lifestyle Simple secure apps Biometrics Intuitive payments mechanisms Encryption Secure Device and Network People want to manage & spend their money anywhere, any time, on any device. Having an easy interface with easy biometric authentication and knowing it is still secure leads to peace of mind – and greater use! Death of passwords • People can’t remember many tough passwords. Wearable devices are adding to a range of biometrics to replace passwords as primary means of authentication • Mobiles include near field comms for payments. Mobile is a security token itself but some now have fingerprint and face recognition. • Wristbands and rings are also being tried • Fingerprints, voice, gestures, signatures, iris… • Nothing is risk-free so there is always a trade-off between ease of use and security. Banks have to absorb tech risk. Sponge nets, ad-hoc nets, fog… Laptops Tablets Smart phones Wireless links Display devices Wireless LAN link Digital jewellery to web and Beacons between clusters Street furniture Custom devices Smart clothing Active skin Direct inter-device networking may soon become an important alternative internet platform, diversifying choice of network on the move AR – Enhancing the real world Hi-res, 3D content overlays for email, leisure, socialisation, navigation etc Dual appearance – Can blend games or TV or ads into real world lifestyles – You can choose how you appear in the broadcast virtual world – Everyone can see the world differently – Fight off aliens while your partner chooses an outfit Will further increase range of services that integrate online payments II ING: setting the standard for mobile banking now and in the future We are proud of our track record in adopting trends 1985: First Self’Bank 1992: First PC banking platform 2007: First universal direct bank 2011: First mobile banking app 2012: First in-app banking product sales 2013: First budget module on tablet 2014: First Private Banking app 37 TREND 1 From a physical wallet to a virtual wallet That virtual wallet will be your ING banking app Coming soon: pay by mobile 39 TREND 2 From “Easy” to “Easier” Biometrics offer the solution Willingness to adopt biometrics for banking1 (UK bank customers, 2014) 100% 90% 80% 79% 70% 60% 52% 50% 40% 33% 30% 30% 29% 27% Heartbeat Voice 20% 10% 0% In favour of biometrics instead of passwords 1. British survey commissioned by Intelligent Environments, 2014 Fingerprint Eye Face 41 Where could fingerprint replace codes? Interest levels in using fingerprint as alternative to codes1 Fingerprint to unlock screen 61% Fingerprint to replace all internet passwords 52% Fingerprint for credit card purchases 50% 0% 1. 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Source: Ericsson Consumer Lab Analytical Platform (2013). Base: 5.000 iPhone/Android smartphone users in 10 major cities (worldwide), who use internet daily 42 Fingerprint instead of codes 1 2 44 1985: First Self’Bank 1992: First PC banking platform 2007: First universal direct bank 2011: First mobile banking app 2012: First in-app banking product sales 2013: First budget module on tablet 2014: First Private Banking app 2014: First Belgian bank to implement biometrics on mobile 45 Part 2: 5 year view Miniaturisation: Even smart watches are only half way there Social status Medical monitoring, alarms Communication, data distribution Sensing Networking Digital image augmentation Any form Digital bubble Decoration Mobile Tribal signalling website Identification, security, payments Miniaturisation will bring everyday IT down to wearable and jewellery size. Combinations of devices can monitor and relay a wide variety of data. Trust in Payments 2020 • 73% worried about password & credit card theft • Electronic payments will use combinations of intuitive security mechanisms & biometrics such as fingerprints or voice recognition • Social tokens can also enhance trust: Handshake + voice recognition + gesture – e.g. “here is €20”. Signal travels between devices via the skin across handshake, with time, GPS location, both IDs, voiceprint. • Friendly, intuitive, no passwords, very secure The body becomes an IT platform Epidermis Wearable layer Membrane layer Ink layer Mid-term layer Permanent layer Skin Dermis Skin-based electronics can link blood chemistry and nerve signals to external computers and systems 49 Active skin progress so far Seoul National University A flexible electronic skin patch has strain gauges to measure tremors, and heating elements to release drugs held inside nanoparticles Epidermal Electronic System, US, China, Singapore team Once basic sensors become available, there will be rush for software to interpret and use the data. Main market is medicine but IT interfacing and virtual biometrics will also feature. Different situations, same care Personal Friendly Context aware Any provider can provide increasingly commoditised services. Differentiation in an age of advancing AI will come from having people who know and understand the customer, what they need in this situation, and how best to make it happen. IoT 2020: Getting the Context Clouds, tags, mobiles and sensor networks Comms Store Processing Sensor Sensor Store Sensor Tag Tag Display Tag Processing Display Comms Tag Store Sensor Sensor Comms Tag Sensor Processing Environment will be full of processors, tags, data stores, sensors, displays & communicators. Self organising to produce massive raw ground-up data pools with their own intelligence. Big data will be replaced by biomimetic smart systems. Creates ‘digital air’ context and AI channel between Store customer and suppliers Keeping customers on board Satisfy and develop Create awareness People will only buy what they want, but they don’t know what they want till they are shown it! Use social nets to monitor and cultivate customer trust Look for new demands Grow markets Tapping needs Developing expectations Basic technology development Care economy businesses Value of Community & Personal contact Value of physical/ intellectual Work as AI develops time More face to face interaction, needing emotional and ‘human’ skills Trust will be a very key factor and requires better integration Companies need to work more closely with individuals & community Sector winners and losers Centralised manufacturing High Street shops Knowledge based jobs Bricklaying/plumbing etc Administration Machine operation Traditional Companies Advisors Transaction processors IT Departments Green energy production Custom manufacturing Try-on outlets Human skill based jobs Personal services Lifestyle support services Caring Entertainment, sport, arts Law Modular prefab construction Virtual world design Advice/Counselling Freelancing Social organisations Health care Regulation Survival priorities Trustworthiness Brand integrity Business diversity Social responsibility Foresight Think clouds Bravery Agility & adaptability Think virtual Focus on being human Thank you Thank you for your attention, we welcome your questions 58