Regional Power for Clean Transport Organized by Akershus County Council, in partnership with HyER 30th - 31st of October 2013 Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Oslo, Norway HYOP TIME AND VENUE: 30th - 31st of October 2013 > Akershus County Council at Galleri Oslo and Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel - Oslo, Norway Welcome to Akershus in the Oslo region, a world leading region in green mobility. Akershus County Council, in partnership with HyER (Hydrogen, Fuel cells and Electro-mobility in European Regions), are pleased to invite you to the conference “Regional Power for Clean Transport”. Europe is currently 94 % dependent on oil based fuels, and the need for a joint initiative to implement alternative fuel solutions is urgent. As a consequence, the EU package “Clean Power for Transport: Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Oslo, Norway and The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet A European alternative fuels strategy” is currently under consideration in the European Parliament. Foto: Erik Berg The conference focuses on the interaction of politics, research and industry - and regional perspectives to accelerate clean power for transport. There will be particular emphasis on biofuels, electro-mobility/batteries and hydrogen as energy carriers. TARGET AUDIENCE: Politicians, industry, R&D, public administration and other stakeholders in the transport and energy sector. CO-ORGANIZERS: AGA (a member of the Linde Group), Air Liquide, Akershus Energi, City of Oslo Waste-to-Energy Agency, Grønn bil (Green car), Hynor Lillestrøm, HYOP AS, Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), Mercedes-Benz, Norwegian Hydrogen Forum, OREEC, Osloregionen, Ruter, The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Toyota Norway, Transnova, ZERO 2 Emission Resource Organisation 3 DAY 1: Policy change in the EU and the role of the regions Moderator: Jos Dings, Director, Transport & Environment (TBC) 08.30 - 09.00: REGISTRATION 09.00 - 09.15: INTRODUCTION County Mayor Nils Aage Jegstad and Andreas Ziolek, HyER chair Perspectives: policy, industry & research 09.15 - 09.35: Clean Power for Transport. Summary of European policies and incentives. Kemal Onel, Policy Officer, Clean Transport & Sustainable Urban 11.15 -11.25 Presentation of HyER and selected HyER regions Marieke Reijalt, HyER Brussels Office Coordinator REGIONAL UPDATES: Introduction objectives? Carlo Fidanza, Member of European Parliament, Rapporteur for Clean Power for Transport (TBC) 09.55 - 10.10: National strategy for alternative fuels infrastructure Erlend Solem, CEO, Transnova, Norway 10.10 - 10.30: Nordic Research – Developing Visions for the Future Filip Ehrle Elveling, Project Leader for the Energy & Transport Programme, Nordic Energy Research of electro-mobility, hydrogen and related challenges 11.25 -11.40: The Oslo and Akershus region – A Pioneer in Climate Policy Solveig Schytz, Akershus County Council, Chair of the committee for Planning, Economic development and Environment Mobility Unit, DG MOVE, European Comission 09.35 - 09.55: What factors can promote and inhibit the implementation of EU How can regions contribute to fulfil european goals for clean power for transport? 11.40 -12.00: North Rhine-Westphalia Andreas Ziolek, Chair of HyER´s Board and Director Network for Fuel Cells and Hydrogen NRW 12.10 -13.00: PANEL DEBATE: Is Clean Power for Transport for all Europe feasible? What can regions do? Panel: Carlo Fidanza (European Parliament), Anette Solli (Akershus), Marieke Reijalt (HyER), Andreas Ziolek (North Rhine-Westphalia), Rosario Beretta (Mercedes-Benz) 13.00 -14.00: LUNCH 10.30 - 10.50: Towards Fossil Free Transport Rosario Beretta, General Manager for Mercedes-Benz, Daimler AG 10.50 - 11.15: BREAK 4 5 BATTERY VEHICLES - ASKER MUNICIPALITY WELCOME World leading in electro-mobility? Lene Winger Conradi Mayor, Asker municipality 14.00 - 18.00: Study visits and parallel sessions Transport by EV-taxis, and hydrogen and biogas buses > Departure from the hotel at 14.00 19.30: Dinner at the Opera House Why are thousands of Norwegians buying EVs? Lessons learned from the Norwegian EV market. Ole Henrik Hannisdahl, CEO, Green Car How did Norwegian politicians manage to agree on EVs? A political overview of present and future. Catharina Munthe, Transport Policy Advicer, ZERO Emission Resource Organisation Short break A supply-side view of the European market. What measures should be adopted by countries and regional markets? Jarkko Ahlbom, Manager, Zero Emission Strategy, Nissan Nordic Europe OY (TBC) Amsterdam: A different approach? Rob Legdeur, Programme Manager, Amsterdam Electric Return to Oslo Plaza 6 THE SMALL TOWN ASKER Asker is a small town in the Oslo metropolitan area, with a substantial number of people commuting to the capital city center daily. As a result of political incentives, such as access to restricted bus lanes to avoid rush hour queues, exemption from road tolls, as well as free parking, there are now 1200 electric cars in Asker, which account for 4 percent of all cars in the municipality. 7 BIOFUELS - ESVAL ENVIRONMENTAL PARK HYDROGEN - AKERSHUS ENERGY PARK Hynor Lillestrøm - making hydrogen green Hynor Lillestrøm is both a hydrogen technology test center and one of the most advanced refueling stations in the world, located just north of Oslo. At the station hydrogen is produced from landfill gas, hydro power and local solar power. The test center facilitates R&D projects of international importance, both on hydrogen production, compression and second generation carbon capture technologies. Hynor Lillestrøm is the result of a broad collaboration where ambitious local and regional authorities play a crucial role for its success. WELCOME Lillestrøm Centre of Expertise Anita Orlund CEO, Lillestøm Business Area FCEV development in Europe Frank Meijer European Fleet Sales & Remarketing Manager at Hyundai Motor Eurpoe Hydrogen development in Denmark Mikael Sloth Business Development Manager H2 Logic The Oslo Region – Joined forces on Hydrogen Bjørn Simonsen Secretary of the Norwegian Hydrogen Council HYOP - a dedicated hydrogen operating company Ulf Hafseld, Managing Director, HYOP AS Akershus Energipark - a sustainable and innovative energy park Frank Sagvik, Manager, Akershus Energi Varme (participants limited to 25) Esval Miljøpark (Environmental park) Romerike Biogas plant The Waste-to-Energy Agency’s (EGE) biogas plant at Romerike processes food waste from the Oslo region. At the innovatively designed plant the waste is utilized to produce liquid biogas (LBG) and bio fertilizer. The liquid biogas fuels city busses and waste collection vehicles, and the bio fertilizer is used for agricultural purposes. This creates a closed loop, where waste resources are exploited in the best manner possible. The production started January this year with the capacity to fuel 135 buses and fertilize 100 medium-sized local farms. In 2012 EGE, and its industrial partner Cambi, won a National Innovation Award for the design of the plant and the cooperation between public sector and industry. WELCOME Esval Miljøpark (Environmental park)/Romerike Biogas plant Oddmar Blekkerud Mayor, Nes municipality Urban waste solution; Biogas from food waste Øystein Ihler, Strategy and Development Director, City of Oslo, Waste-to-Energy Agency Technology converting food waste to fuel Wojtech Sargalski Business Development Manager Biowaste, Cambi as Industrial biogas plant - Research and Development Tormod Briseid, Head of Department, Bioforsk Guided tour to Romerike Biogas plant Return to Oslo, Plaza Hotel From Renewable Energy Sources to Hydrogen for Fuel Cell Vehicles, Guided tour - Hynor Lillestrøm Hydrogen Refueling Station Øystein Ulleberg, Principal Scientist, Institute for Energy Technology IFE Return to Oslo, Plaza Hotel 9 DAY 2: Visions, trends & development Moderator: EU perspectives for the regions - interactions of the different technologies 09.00-09.30: What are the implications of the EU-package for the regions? What Incentives and private industry 12.30-13.00: Infrastructure roll-out for non-fossil fuels, a global perspective Emmanuel Rothan-Cederberg, Global Account Manager, Air Liquide 13.00-13.30: Infrastructure development - Clean energy, hydrogen, natural gas Jos Dings, Director, Transport & Environment (TBC) and biofuels Olof Källgren, Head of Clean Energy, Merchan LNG, Linde Group 13.30-14.00: Sustainable CO2 free Hydrogen production from Municipal Waste to Stefan Petters, GUO - Business Development 14.00-14.20: Break 10.00 - 10.30: Break 14.20-14.40: Summary and concluding remarkS 10.30 - 11-00: The roles and interactions of different technologies in the Nordic 14.20-14.40: Concluding remarks: Towards a fossil free transport sector – What are the obstacles? Focus on fuel cells, batteries and biofuels Dr Saima Kalev, rapporteur in the Committee of the Regions (TBC) 09.30-10.00: How to achieve 100 % fossil free public transport in the Oslo region by 2020? Bernt Reitan Jenssen, CEO, Ruter - public transport in Oslo and Akershus market power the Public Transport system is needed? Lars Erik Årøy, Managing Director, Toyota Norway Jos Dings, Director, Transport & Environment (TBC) 11.00-11.30: Sustainable use of biofuels in the commercial aviation sector 14.40-14.50: Summary Jon Sjølander, Director of Strategy, Avinor Dr Saima Kalev, Rapporteur in the Committee of the Regions. (TBC) 14.50-15.00: Closing remarks Solveig Schytz, Akershus County Council, Chair of the committee 11.30- 12.30: LUNCH for Planning, Economic development and Environment. 10 11 Sign up today!