Idar Schei
Managing Director, AquaOptima AS
1973 MSc, Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH- NTNU), Civil engineering, water supply and
water treatment
Research Engineer, The River and Harbour Laboratory, SINTEF
Consulting Engineer, Ødegaard & Grøner as.
A member of RIF (The Association of Professional Engineers) since 1983.
Head of aquaculture research program, The SINTEF Group.
Research manager, Fjord- and Ocean Environmental section,
(1990-01-01 - 1991-04-01), SINTEF NHL (Norwegian Hydrotechnical Laboratory)
Research manager, Section of Water and Wastewater treatment
(1992-01-01 - 1993), SINTEF NHL
Managing Director of AquaOptima
Idar Schei is holding a MSc in sanitary engineering from NTNU, Norway, of 1973. He has been in
SINTEF (an independent research institute in Norway with >2000 employees) as a researcher within
water flow in pipes and tanks and reservoirs for 3 years, then 8 years as professional engineer in a private
consultancy company, working with design, engineering and supervising of constructions of water
treatment plant for municipalities. From 1982 also design of Salmon farming facilities. From ’85-’93 he
was Head of the aquaculture research program at SINTEF, and also involved in R&D projects within
water hydraulics in fish tanks and RAS. In 1993 he founded AquaOptima AS with some colleagues from
SINTEF, to industrialize patented technology and know-how from the R&D activity, and has since then
been the CEO of AquaOptima AS. Idar Schei has written publications regarding water hydraulics in tanks
and its impact of water quality and fish welfare, and within the importance of solids removal from tanks
in RAS, and given presentations at several international conferences.
Water hydraulics and water flow in pipes and rivers. Erosion in rivers, and protection of river beds and
Waste water outlet in marine recipients. Type of outlets: Water power plants, industry and municipal
waste water.
Oscillation calculations of water supply systems of water power plants.
Design and planning of municipal waste water treatment, pipe systems and pump stations.
Development of new type of coagulation and filtration treatment method for purification of potable water.
Design and planning of municipal water supply systems, with pipes, pump stations and basins, and water
treatment plants in special. Building inspector in the construction and starting up period of these plants.
Design and planning of salmon smolt production farms.
Tunneling beneath the seabed for offshore exploitations and operations. Troll - Øygarden. Project
management of a feasability study carried out by a multidisciplinary group of consulting engineers and
research scientists.
Strategic planning of aquaculture research in the SINTEF group.
Project initiating and coordination of the research activity within aquaculture in SINTEF.
Head of SINTEF's program for aquaculture R&D, involving responsibility of coordinating the activity in
the different departments with disciplinary activities within aquaculture, planning of new strategic areas
for R&D within the SINTEF Group, reporting directly to President of the SINTEF Group. (1985-1993)
Project management of projects within intensive farming systems in tanks, both landbased and seabased,
and projects regarding water treatment systems and recirculation of water.
Program leader for SINTEFs strategic research program concerning effects of handling and farming
conditions on fish meat quality (from 1991).
Manager of the section of Fjord and Ocean Environment (1.5 year) and the section of Water and
Wastewater treatment, SINTEF NHL (1 year).
See AquaOptima reference list
Schei, I. (1979) Fullrensing av vann. Kommunalt Tidsskrift 1979-02-07
Schei, I. (1983): Landets første direktefellingsanlegg for rensing av drikkevann satt i drift. Ingeniør-nytt
Schei, I. (1984): Drikkevannsbehandling - nye erfaringer. Ingeniørnytt 37A/84.
Schei, I. (1986): Lufting av vann i fiskeoppdrett. Vannbehandling i akvakultur, VAR '86.
Tapir forlag.
Schei, I. (1986): Lukkede anlegg, land- og sjøbasert. NIF-kurs: Akvakultur - fiskeoppdrett. Trondheim,
juni 1986.
Schei, I. (1987): Research and development trends within fishfarming technology, Fish farming
infrastructure seminar, Vancouver, June 1987.
Braaten, B., Schei, I. (1987): Culturing technologies, new developments. Aquaculture
Europe '87, Amsterdam.
Schei, I. (1988): Matfiskoppdrett av laksefisk (I). Fordeler og ulemper ved forskjellige anleggstyper.
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 11/88.
Schei, I. (1988): Matfiskoppdrett av laksefisk (II). Status for alternative anleggstyper. Norsk
Fiskeoppdrett 12/88.
Schei, I. (1989): Anleggstyper status, trender. NIF-kurs: Utforming og konstrukjon av akvakulturanlegg Åpne og lukkede anlegg. Trondheim, mai 1989.
Schei, I. (1990): Behandling av blodvann ved slakting av fisk.
Foredrag. NAFO-konferanse om slakting av oppdrettsfisk - Behandling av blodvann og fast avfall.
Kristiansund, 20-21 mars 1990.
Schei, I., Y.A. Torgersen (1990): Behandling av blodvann og forsøk med fiskepatogener. Havbruk, s 2325, 7/90.
Schei, I. (1991): Hvilke muligheter og begrensninger innebærer lukkede anlegg. NIF-kurs, Akvakultur og
miljø, Trondheim mai 1991.
Schei, I. (1991): Disinfection and waste reduction of effluent from fish slaghteries. WAS, Puerto Rico,
juni 1991.
Schei, I., J. Hunter (1991): Aquacultural production technologies that are environmentally friendly. ENS
Conference, Stavanger, august 1991.
Schei, I (1992): Treatment of waste and effluent from salmon slaughtering. ExpoPesca, December 1992,
Santiago, Chile.
T. Lunde, S. Skybakmoen, I. Schei : ECO-TRAP - A new system for operation of fish rearing tanks. (in
Norwegian). Norsk Fiskeoppdrett Nr 11/93.
I. Schei: Hva er galt med landbaserte anlegg? Feature article (in Norwegian), Norsk Fiskeoppdrett Nr.
I. Schei: Fra idé til kommersielt produkt. Firmaetablering med utgangspunkt i FoU-resultater.(in
Norwegian) Nyskapingskonferansen ´94, Ålesund 24.-25 oktober 1994.
I. Schei: Betydning av vannsparing og temperaturkontroll for å oppnå lønnsom drift (in Norwegian),
s.137 - s.145, Kveite - fra forskning til næring. Kystnæringen, Forlag og informasjonskontor, 1995.
I. Schei, T. Lunde, S. Skybakmoen, : ECO-TRAP - A new system for fish rearing tank solids removal.
Oral presentation at WAS´meeting in San Diego, 1995.
I. Schei, S. Skybakmoen: Control of water quality and growth performance by solids removal and
hydraulic control in rearing tanks. FISCHECO ’98, Int. Symposium on Fisheries and Ecology, Trabzon,
Turkey, October 2-4 1998.
Schei, I. 2008. Partikkelfjerning og slamavvanning av utløp fra settefiskanlegg. Sluttrapport IFU.