
Md. Rashedul Hasan
What Is Multimedia
 In everyday life, multimedia is everything you hear
or see, e.g. text in books, sound in music, and
graphics in pictures.
 In computing multimedia is the presentation of
information by a computer system using text,
sound and graphics.
What Is Multimedia
 Multimedia is the field concerned with the
computer-controlled integration of text, graphics,
drawings, still and moving images (Video),
animation, audio, and any other media where every
type of information can be represented, stored,
transmitted and processed digitally.
 Multimedia is simply multiple forms of media
integrated together. Media can be text, graphics,
audio, animation, video, data, etc. An example of
multimedia is a Mozart web page that has text
regarding the composer, an audio file of some of
his music, and even a video of his music being
played in a hall.
What is Multimedia Application
It is an application which uses a collection of
multiple media sources e.g. text, graphics,
images, sound/audio, animation and/or
video. Multimedia applications were, until the
mid-90s, uncommon due to the
expensive hardware required. With increases
in performance and decreases in price,
however, multimedia is now commonplace.
Nearly all PCs are capable of displaying
video, though the resolution available
depends on the power of the computer's
video adapter and CPU.
Who uses multimedia?
 Education
In education, multimedia can be used as a source of
information. Students can search encyclopedias such
as Encarta, which provide facts on a variety of
different topics using multimedia presentations.
Teachers can use multimedia presentations to make
lessons more interesting by using animations to
highlight or demonstrate key points. A multimedia
presentation can also make it easier for pupils o read
text rather than trying to read a teacher’s writing on
the board. Programs which show pictures and text
whilst children are reading story can help them learn
to read; these too are a form of multimedia
Who uses multimedia?
 Business
Multimedia is used for advertising and selling
products on the Internet. Some businesses
use multimedia for training where CD-ROMs
or online tutorials allow staff to learn at their
own speed, and at a suitable time to the staff
and the company. Another benefit is that this
form of training saves the company money,
as they do not have to pay the additional
expenses of an employee attending a course
away from the workplace.
Who uses multimedia?
 Leisure
People use the Internet for a wide range of
reasons, including shopping and finding out
about their hobbies. The Internet has many
multimedia elements embedded in web
pages and web browsers support a variety of
multimedia formats. Many computer games
use sound tracks, 3D graphics and video
The basic elements of multimedia on
a computer are
 Text
 Still images
 Sound
 Movies
 Animations
 Special Effects
 World Wide Web
 Video conferencing
 Video-on-demand
 Interactive TV
 Groupware
 Home shopping
 Games
 Virtual reality
 Digital video editing and production systems
 Multimedia Database systems
Multimedia and the Future
As technology progresses, so will multimedia.
Today, there are plenty of new media
technologies being used to create the complete
multimedia experience. For instance, Today’s
video games include bio feedback. In this
instance, a shock or vibration is given to the
game player when he or she crashes or gets
killed in the game. In addition, as computers
increase their power, new ways of integrating
media will make the multimedia experience
extremely intricate and exciting.
Multimedia Computers: What to
Look For
The processor should run at a minimum of 3.0GHz, with a front bus speed of 800MHz.
Those that offer dual or quad-core processors are better at running multiple applications
and thus, rated better.
Multimedia requires a large amount of memory. The best computers offer at least a
500GB hard drive and 2GB of RAM.
Graphics Card
An exceptional graphics card is required for playing and recording DVDs, TV, digital video
and games successfully. The best multimedia PCs come with at least a 256MB card.
Multimedia Features
Systems configured for multimedia should include a DVD burner/reader, surround sound,
and inputs for connecting video, peripherals and other media devices.
Accessories include keyboard, mouse, software, monitor or other devices. Software can
be costly, so it is nice if the system comes ready to run with an operating system and the
ability to burn DVDs and edit videos, photos or audio.
Cost effective computers offer above average features at a below average price.
Customer Service
Setting up a system can get complicated, so it is useful if the manufacturer offers helpful
customer service by telephone, email and chat. Some companies may publish a
comprehensive online FAQs or tutorial, as well as offer driver and software downloads.
Components of a Multimedia
 Capture devices
-- Video Camera, Video Recorder, Audio Microphone,
Keyboards, mice, graphics tablets, 3D input devices,
tactile sensors, VR devices. Digitising/Sampling
 Storage Devices
-- Hard disks, CD-ROMs, Jaz/Zip drives, DVD, etc
 Communication Networks
-- Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, ATM, Intranets, Internets.
Components of a Multimedia
 Computer Systems
-- Multimedia Desktop machines, Workstations,
 Display Devices
-- CD-quality speakers, HDTV,SVGA, Hi-Res
monitors, Colour printers etc.
Multimedia software
Presentation packages
Presentation packages are application
packages that allow you to create multimedia
presentations. This is done by creating slides
or pages, which can include text, sound and
graphics. The most common presentation
package is Microsoft PowerPoint.
Multimedia software
Multimedia authoring packages
Multimedia authoring packages are similar to
presentation packages but have more
sophisticated facilities for creating your
multimedia presentation. To create standalone multimedia applications such as
Microsoft Encarta, professionals use
multimedia authoring packages such as
Hyperstudio and Macromedia Director.
Multimedia Authoring Tools
A multimedia authoring tool is a
program that helps you write
multimedia applications. A
multimedia authoring tool enables
you to create a final application
merely by linking together
objects, such as a paragraph of
text, an illustration, or a song.
They are used exclusively for
applications that present a
mixture of textual, graphical, and
audio data.
With multimedia authoring software
you can make video productions
including CDs and DVDs, design
interactivity and user interface,
animations, screen savers, games,
presentations, interactive training
and simulations.
Types Of Authoring Tools
 Card- or Page-based Tools
 Icon-based Tools
 Time-based Tools
Card- or Page-based Tools
In these authoring systems,
elements are organized as
pages of a book or stack of
cards. The authoring system
lets you link these pages or
cards into organized sequence
and they also allow you to play
sound elements and launch
animations and digital videos.
Page-based authoring systems are
object-oriented: the objects
are the buttons, graphics and
etc. Each object may contain a
programming script activated
when an event related to that
object occurs.
EX: Visual Basic
Icon-based Authoring Tools
Icon-based, event-driven tools
provide a visual programming
approach to organizing and
presenting multimedia. First
you build the flowchart of
events, tasks and decisions by
using appropriate icons from
a library. These icons can
include menu choices, graphic
images and sounds. When the
flowchart is built, you can
add your content: text,
graphics, animations, sounds
and video movies.
EX: Authoware Professional
Time-based Authoring Tools
Time-based authoring tools are the most common of
multimedia authoring tools. In these authoring systems,
elements are organized along a time line. They are the
best to use when you have message with the beginning
and an end. Sequentially organized graphic frames are
played back at the speed that you can set. Other elements
(such as audio events) are triggered at the given time or
location in the sequence of events.
EX: Animation Works Interactive
Multimedia software
Desktop publishing packages
DTP packages, such as Microsoft Publisher and
Quark Express use material such as text and
graphics that have already been created and saved
to another file. The material already created is
imported into the DTP package, which allows you to
lay out your page in any format you choose. Most
DTP packages come with a number of templates
such as Newspaper Front Page, Birthday Cards and
Calendars ready for you to import material to create
your own design.
Elemental Tools
Elemental tools help us work with the important basic elements of your
project: its graphics, images, sound, text and moving pictures.
Elemental tools includes:
Painting And Drawing Tools
Cad And 3-D Drawing Tools
Image Editing Tools
OCR Software
Sound Editing Programs
Tools For Creating Animations And Digital Movies
Helpful Accessories
Painting And Drawing Tools
Painting and drawing tools are the most
important items in your toolkit
because the impact of the graphics in
your project will likely have the
greatest influence on the end user.
Painting software is dedicated to
producing excellent bitmapped
images .
Drawing software is dedicated to
producing line art that is easily
printed to paper. Drawing packages
include powerful and expensive
computer-aided design (CAD)
Ex: DeskDraw, DeskPaint, Designer
CAD And 3-D Drawing Tools
CAD (computer-aided design) is a software used by architects, engineers,
drafters, artists and others to create precision drawings or technical
illustrations. It can be used to create two-dimensional (2-D) drawings
or three dimensional modules. The CAD images can spin about in
space, with lighting conditions exactly simulated and shadows properly
drawn. With CAD software you can stand in front of your work and
view it from any angle, making judgments about its design.
Ex: AutoCAD
Image Editing Tools
Image editing applications are
specialized and powerful tools for
enhancing and retouching existing
bitmapped images. These programs
are also indispensable for rendering
images used in multimedia
presentations. Modern versions of
these programs also provide many
of the features and tools of painting
and drawing programs, and can be
used to create images from scratch
as well as images digitized from
scanners, digital cameras or
artwork files created by painting or
drawing packages.
Ex: Photoshop
Sound Editing Programs
Sound editing tools for both
digitized and MIDI sound let
you see music as well as hear it.
By drawing the representation
of the sound in a waveform, you
can cut, copy, paste and edit
segments of the sound with
great precision and making
your own sound effects.
Using editing tools to make your
own MIDI files requires
knowing about keys, notations
and instruments and you will
need a MIDI synthesizer or
device connected to the
Ex: SoundEdit Pro
Tools For Creating Animations
And Digital Movies
Animations and digital movies are sequences of bitmapped graphic
scenes (frames), rapidly played back. But animations can also be
made within an authoring system by rapidly changing the location
of objects to generate an appearance of motion.
Movie-making tools let you edit and assemble video clips captured
from camera, animations, scanned images, other digitized movie
segments. The completed clip, often with added transition and
visual effects can be played back.
Ex: Animator Pro
and SuperVideo Windows
Multimedia Hardware
 Input devices
 Output devices
 Storage devices
 Communication devices
_Network Interfaces
Input Devices
Keyboards And Mice
Scanners And Digital cameras
MIDI Keyboards
Touch screens
 Voice recognition systems
 Infrared remotes
 Magnetic Card Encoders And Readers
 Video cameras
Output Devices
VR helmet and VR immersive display
Video Devices
Storage Device
 Syquest drives
 CD-ROM Drives
 Magneto-optical drives
Laserdisc Player