REPLACING CASH CHAIR: RICHARD JOHNSON, MONITISE Monitise Global Mobile Money Specialists 250 Banks Services 3.5m Users 150m transactions pa 200 staff Mobile Banking Mobile Platform for Mobile Payments Mobile Shopping Clients Replacing Cash Cash is brilliant! So why replace it? Because its there? Or $$$ and data? ‘10x Better’ Niche v Broadscale Seamless transition for ‘secure stuff’ (money and identity) between physical & virtual worlds EXPERT PANEL: Douwe Lycklama, Innopay Jane Zavashalina, Yandex Money David Steed, PayPoint UK Erich Ringewald, Boku, USA 4 Douwe Lycklama à Nijeholt Douwe Lycklama à Nijeholt (1965) is director and co-founder of Innopay, an independent consultancy firm specialised in online payments, e-identity, e-invoicing, mobile payments and scheme development. Innopay typically works for commercial business management, industry collectives and public sector, responsible for strategy, innovation and business development. Douwe Lycklama has been in the transaction services business since 1999, after an international career with Philips Electronics and strategy consulting with Adstrat. He holds a masters degree Electrical Engineering with Delft Technical University. 5 Erich Ringewald – CTO Boku, USA Erich is a 25-year technology veteran whose development efforts have powered millions of consumer and payment experiences on the web. Prior to BOKU, Erich architected and led several areas of development for Amazon, most recently creating the AmazonMP3 store. Erich originally joined Amazon after co-founding, the person-to-person payment infrastructure that was acquired by the e-commerce leader in 1999, and is still used by millions today. In the 1980s Erich held a number of senior engineering management positions at Apple Computer, where he is perhaps best known for bringing multitasking operating systems to the Macintosh family of computers. And in 1990 he co-founded the legendary PC operating system company Be, Inc. with another Apple refugee, Jean-Louis Gassée. 6