Integrated project of the solidary development on the Eurasian continent (research and practical concept) Trans-Eurasian belt RAZVITIE Vladimir Yakunin, Ph. D. in Political Science, Head of the Centre for scientific rationale and implementation of the megaproject “Integrated Eurasian Transport System” ISPR RAS Moscow March 11, 2014 г. Which place should Russia take in the world? “After the loss in the Cold War the task of Russia is to provide the triumphed countries with the resources. But for this purpose they need only fifty-sixty million people”. J. Major. “Any fairness should be out of question until one country alone possesses such a territory as Siberia”. Madeleine Albright. Civilization challenges for Russia From the “growth” to the “development” value – Russian civilization answer External planning of the national policy Rejection of the national value goalsetting Values Latent value substitution Goals External designing Values of the external geopolitical subjects Means Result Which step should Russia take in the 21st century? One hundred years ago the KEPS was established – Commission for studying the natural productive forces of Russia – at the imperial Russian Academy of Sciences under the guidance of V. I. Vernadsky. The result of its work was, in particular, the well-known GOELRO plan, and later on – the industrialization of the USSR. The Trans-Eurasian belt Razvitie is such kind of the GOELRO plan of the 21st century. Слайд 5 Concept of the Trans-Eurasian belt “Razvitie” New industries Breakthrough developments of the basic sciences New workplaces High-technology production Design bureaus Mass production Markets New markets GDP growth DEVELOPMENT VS GROWTH The development policy suggests exceeding the scope of the monetary indicators towards determining the actual subject matter of transformation ensuring the qualitative change of the present world economy. The economic growth policy is the cornerstone and basis of the monetary liberalism. Since the linear character of growth is set primarily by the monetary indicators of the quantity increase in profit. The uncontrolled growth is like cancer. Infrastructure integration within the TEBR framework superhigh-speed traffic power bridge water transfer oil and gas transport new cities new branches of industry in Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan, China Concept of the integrated infrastructural system Comprehensive multi-infrastructure “Smart” powered transport infrastructure “Smart” railway infrastructure Railway infrastructure “Smart” transport infrastructure “Smart” energy infrastructure Energy infrastructure “Smart” pipeline infrastructure Information-communication infrastructure Pipeline infrastructure Infrastructure integration within the TEBR framework Cities and settlements Electric power lines Railroad transport Broad-band Internet Pilot project Each pilot project is an example of creating a multi-infrastructure Creation of the TEBR requires strategic planning The global infrastructure projects represent the methods for solving the priority largescale problems of a country or even a continent as a whole. The solution of the problem and delivery of this solution to the government of the country is the form of restoring the power vertical and manageability of the social-andeconomic processes. As of today there is no designated agency in Russia that could determine the priority issues, plan the comprehensive methods off solution and perform control of the follow-up measures. Слайд 11 TEBR is a global action project Global framework: the RAZVITIE platform for the whole world Transcontinental framework: “Europe and Asia are to the left and to the right from Russia” (V.V. Putin) In-country framework: change of the economic paradigm in Russia Eurasian Union structuring framework: territorial reorganization of Eurasia Civilization identity framework Civilizational identity Belarusian identity Yakut identity Russian identity Ukrainian Khanty identity Tatar identity Mansi Buryat identity Chechen identity Bashkir identity Kazakh identity Mission of Russia in the modern world As of today the mission of Russia as a state-civilization involves formation on the territory of the Eurasian continent of a new center for generating the world social wealth on the basis of the integrated infrastructure of new generation. The TEBR project as the integrated project for the joint development of all the civilization centers around Russia shall be considered as the method for realization of this mission of Russia. Thank you for your attention!