電腦的故事 - 國立陽明大學

From Wikipedia
陽明大學 高怡宣
The Story of Computer
– adapted from Wikipedia
Historically, computers evolved from
• mechanical (機械式) components to
• vacuum tubes (真空管), then to
• transistors (電晶體).
• The ability to store and execute lists of
instructions called programs (程式)
makes computers extremely versatile,
distinguishing them from calculators.
The most common examples for mechanical
computers are adding machines. They were
used in gun fire control in World War II and
the Korean War.
Hamman Manus R mechanical computer, produced in Germany by the
DeTeWe company between 1953 and 1959.
Computers using vacuum tubes (真空管) as
their electronic elements were in use
throughout the 1950s.
The Zuse Z3, 1941, was considered the
world's first working programmable and
fully automatic computing machine.
The ENIAC, which became operational in
1946, was considered to be the first
general-purpose electronic computer.
The mathematical
operations used in
an electric (電子的)
analog (類比的)
computer are:
• summation
• integration
• inversion
• multiplication
• exponentiation
• logarithm
• division
A Polish analog computer AKAT-1, made of transistors in 1959.
A transistor (電晶體) is used to amplify (放大)
and switch (切換) electronic signals and
electrical power.
In 1947, William Bradford Shockley Jr. with
John Bardeen and Walter Houser Brattain,
at Bell’s Laboratory invented the transistor.
Photo of (from left)
John Bardeen,
William Shockley and
Walter Brattain, the
inventors of the transistor.
They were awarded the 1956 Nobel Prize in
In 1956, Shockley opened Shockley
semiconductor laboratory.
As a result of Shockley‘s abusive (粗魯的)
management style, eight engineers left the
company to form Fairchild Semiconductor
(半導體) in 1957. The group later became
known widely as the Traitorous (背叛的)
Eight (8人).
The “Traitorous Eight” are eight men who
left Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory
in 1957, to form Fairchild Semiconductor.
Over the course of 20
years, eight of Shockley’s
former employees started
65 new enterprises (企業).
From: maps.google.com.tw
Shockley Semiconductor
and these companies
formed the nucleus of
what became Silicon
Valley (矽谷), which
revolutionized the world
of electronics.
Two of the original employees of Fairchild
Semiconductor, Robert Noyce and Gordon
Moore, later founded INTEL.
INTEL was an early developer of static and
dynamic Random Assess Memory (DRAM)
chips, from 1971 to 1981.
INTEL created the first commercially
available microprocessor (微處理器) (4004)
in 1971 and one of the first microcomputers
(微電腦) in 1972.
By the end of the 1990s, its line of Pentium
central processer units (CPU) had become a
household name.
The Intel 4004 is
a 4-bit CPU
released by
INTEL in 1971.
The 6502 is an 8-bit
CPU produced by
MOS Technology
(related to Motorola)
in 1975.
In 1976, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and
Ronald Wayne, with funding from
A.C. "Mike" Markkula Jr., founded the
Apple company.
Wozniak in 1983
Apple I was hand-built by Wozniak and it
was sold as an assemble kit at a market
price of $666.66 in 1976.
Apple I computer, with a 6502 CPU @ 1 MHz
Apple Computer, Ronald Wayne
Wayne drew the first
Apple logo and wrote the
Apple I manual.
Wayne received a 10%
stake in Apple, but
relinquished his stock for
US$800 on April 13,
The Apple II is a home computer, one of the
first highly successful mass-produced
microcomputer products, designed primarily
by Wozniak in 1977.
The Apple II computer has a 6502 CPU
running at 1 MHz, 4 kB of RAM, an audio
cassette for loading programs and storing
data, color monitor, and the Integer BASIC
programming language built into the ROMs.
Apple II
The Apple II computer on
display at the Museum of the
Moving Image in New York City
Apple Computer, Steven Jobs
In 1983, Jobs lured John
Sculley away from PepsiCola to serve as Apple's
CEO, asking,
The first Macintosh,
released in 1984
"Do you want to sell sugar
water for the rest of your life,
or do you want to come with
me and change the world?”
Apple Computer, Steven Jobs
In 1985, Jobs was fired by Sculley; and
Jobs founded NeXT Inc., five months later,
in the same year.
Apple Computer, Steven Jobs
In 1986, Jobs bought Pixar.
He was the executive producer
of the movie: Toy Story (1995).
Other movies include: A Bug‘s
Life (1998); Toy Story 2 (1999);
Monsters, Inc. (2001); Finding
Nemo (2003); The Incredibles
(2004); Cars (2006); Ratatouille
(2007); WALL-E (2008); Up
(2009); and Toy Story 3 (2010).
Apple Computer, Steven Jobs
In 2006, Disney
purchased Pixar
and Jobs became
the Walt Disney
Company's largest
single shareholder.
In 1996, Jobs
returned to Apple
Apple Computer, Steven Jobs
The introduction of the iPod in
2001 resulted in Apple
becoming a major player in
the music industry. Also, the
iPod's success prepared the
way for the iTunes music store.
The iPhone was released on
June 29, 2007. The iPad was
released on April 3, 2010.
Apple Computer, A.C. (Mike) Markkula
He made millions on stock options he
acquired as a marketing manager for
Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel, and
retired at 32.
Markkula brought his business expertise
along with US$ 250,000 and became a
one-third owner of Apple and employee
number 3. (Venture Capital, 創業投資基金)
Apple Computer, A.C. (Mike) Markkula
In 1985 Markkula took Sculley's side in a
dispute with Jobs, causing the latter to
leave the company,
and in 1993 he helped to force Sculley out.
In 1996, Jobs returned to Apple company.
IBM (International Business Machine)
IBM introduced the
personal computer (PC)
in 1981.
IBM decided on an
open architecture, so
that other manufacturers
could produce and sell
peripheral components
and compatible software.
Microsoft, Paul Allen
Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and
Paul Allen in 1975, to develop and sell
BASIC for Altair 8800 computer.
Microsoft, Bill (William) Gates
IBM approached Microsoft in 1980 regarding
an operating system. Gates referred them to
Digital Research. IBM and Digital Research
did not reach an agreement.
Microsoft, Bill (William) Gates
In 1981, Microsoft purchased QDOS (quick
and dirty operating system) for $50,000.
Microsoft licensed it to IBM, and the license
also permitted Microsoft to sell DOS to other
companies. This contract led to Allen and
Gates' wealth.
Microsoft, Bill (William) Gates
Microsoft DOS was
released in 1981.
Microsoft Windows was
released in 1984.
Microsoft Office, including:
Word, Excel, Power Point,
was released in 1990.
Bill Gates response to Steve Jobs
On Windows Rip-Off Claim
Their meeting was in
Jobs’s conference room,
where Gates found
himself surrounded by
ten Apple employees
who were eager to
watch their boss
assail (責罵) him.
Bill Gates response to Steve Jobs
On Windows Rip-Off Claim
Jobs didn’t disappoint
his troops. “You’re
ripping us off!”
He shouted. “I trusted
you, and now you’re
stealing from us!”
Gates just sat there coolly, looking Steve in
the eye, before hurling back, in his squeaky
voice, what became a classic zinger.
“Well, Steve, I think there’s
more than one way of
looking at it.
I think it’s more like we both
had this rich neighbor named
Xerox and I broke into his
house to steal the TV set
and found out that you had
already stolen it.”
Jobs versus Gates
Engineers at Xerox invented: the graphic
interface, the computer mouse, and
desktop computing.
The board of directors ordered the Xerox
engineers to share them with Apple
technicians. The features were taken on
by Apple and, later, Microsoft.
Chinese Computer and 朱邦復
Chinese Computer and 朱邦復
Chinese Computer and 朱邦復
價的中文電腦,朱邦復利用當時Apple II 電腦
Chinese Computer and 朱邦復
朱邦復於1990年將Windows 3.0 中文化。當
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