Information Systems Control & Audit(3) Shin, SooJung Based on Ron’s book Chapter 4 System Development Management Control (1) Approaches to auditing system development (1) (2) (3) Concurrent audit: auditors are member of the system development team Postimplementation audit: auditors seek to help an organization learn from its experiences in the development of a specific application system General audit: auditors evaluate systems development controls overall.(external audit이 주로 시행) (2) Normative models of the system development process SDLC Approach (1) Feasibility study Cost-benefit (2) Information analysis requirement (3) System design (4) Program development (5) Procedure &forms development (6) Acceptance testing (7) conversion (8) Operation & Maintenance (2) Normative models of the system development process Sociotechnical Design Approach Sociotechnical design Technical Social System Management Of the change process Diagnosis & entry System interaction Social System Design Adjustment of coordinating mechanisms High task accomplishment High quality of Working life Implementation Joint optimization Task systems design (2) Normative models of the system development process Political Approach Start Historical Analysis to determine power structure No Will Proposed system Change power Structure? Yes Face-to-face negotiation and compromise User Participation Continue (2) Normative models of the system development process Soft-Systems Approach Take action to Improve situation Recognize the Problem situation Express the Problem situation Produce root Definitions of Relevant systems Compare Conceptual models With problem situation Develop conceptual Models of Relevant systems Identify Desirable And feasible changes (2) Normative models of the system development process Prototyping Approach Elicit user requirement Design Prototype Implement Prototype Use Prototype Build Production System (2) Normative models of the system development process Information Engineering Approach - 전략정보계획에서부터 출발 분석/설계 중심 1. Information strategic planning 2. Business Area modeling 3. Business System Design 4. Technical Design 5. Construction 6. Transition 7. Production (2) Normative models of the system development process Contingency Approach (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Social system impact: impact가 크면 behavior issue(직무의 재설계 등에 사용자의 참여 등) 들을 고려하고 그렇지 않을 경우 중요하지 않음. Task systems impact: 시스템이 직무의 수행이나 효과, 효율성에 중심역할을 한다면 전문적인 개발인력이 참여하고 효과적인 커뮤니케이션과 높은 품질의 개발이 이루어져야 하고, 그렇지 않을 경우는 최종사용자에 의해 개발될 수 있음. System size: 대형시스템일경우 전문적인 개발인력이 참여하고 효과적인 컴뮤니케이션과 높은 품질의 개발이 이루어져야 하고, 그렇지 않을 경우는 최종사용자에 의해 개발될 수 있음. Commonality: 시스템이 상대적으로 common하고 요구사항이 잘 이해되고 있다면 패키지를 구입할 수 있음. 시스템이 impact가 작다면 사용자가 구입가능하고, 그렇지 않을 경우 정보시스템 전문가가 구입에 역할을 담당함. Requirements uncertainty: 요구사항이 분명치 않으면 프로토타이핑이 중요하고, 요구사항이 잘 이해되면 프로토타이핑은 불필요함. Technology uncertainty: 조직의 경험이 부족한 기술을 사용하여 개발한다면 개발의 주요역할은 정보시스템 전문가에 의해 수행되어야 함. (3) Evaluating the major phases in systems development process (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Problem/opportunity definition Management of the change process Entry and feasibility assessment Analysis of the existing system Formulation of strategic requirements Organizational and job design Information processing system design Application software acquisition and development HW/SW acquisition Procedure development Acceptance testing Conversion Operation and maintenance (3) Evaluating the major phases in systems development process (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) Problem/opportunity definition If possible IS solutions to the problem or opportunity will be material in terms of size or impact, have formal terms of reference been prepared? If so, have they been approved by a steering committee or well constituted project committee? If possible IS solutions will have a major impact on task systems or social systems, what level of acceptance exists among the stakeholders on the need for change? Do the terms of reference consider the need for consultation and negotiation ? If there is a high level of requirements uncertainty or technological uncertainty surrounding possible solutions to the problem or opportunity, do the terms of reference take into account strategies that might help alleviate the uncertainty? Do the stakeholders agree on the definition of the problem or opportunity? If they disagreed at the outset, what approaches were used to try to reach consensus? Reach Agreement! Understand the threat! (3) Evaluating the major phases in systems development process (2) Management of the change process Auditor의 관심: 프로젝트 관리와 변화 과정을 위한 결정의 질을 평가 Project Management Planning Analysis Design Change facilitation -unfreezing the organization -moving the organization -refreezing the organization Construction Implementation Evaluate quality of decision ! (3) Evaluating the major phases in systems development process (3) Entry and feasibility assessment The purpose : is to obtain a commitment to change and to evaluate whether cost-effective solutions are available to address the problem or opportunity that has been identified. Auditor의 관심(during): 변화가 사용자들에게 강요되지 않았나?, feasibility 분석이 채택되고 수행되기 위해 적절한 접근이 이루어졌는가? Auditor의 관심(post): entry 전략과 feasibility assessment의 기법을 선택하기 위해 사용된 프로세스, entry 전략과 feasibility assessment 이 얼마나 성공적이었는지 평가 Technical Can the input data be collected for The system? Output usable? Is the available technology sufficient to support the proposed Project? Operational What impact ‘ll the system have on The users’ QWL? Economic Behavioral DO the benefits of the system exceed the costs? System development process (3) Evaluating the major phases in systems development process (4) Analysis of the existing system (1) (2) history, structure & culture: study를 했는가? 필요한 면이 무엇인가? 어느정도 했는가? Product & information flow: 조사의 범위와 근원?, 사용한 방법론? CASE Tool의 사용? OLD SYSTEM Existing History, culture & structure NEW SYSTEM Existing Product & information flow * 분석방법 - Structured Analysis - OO Analysis - SSM (3) Evaluating the major phases in systems development process (5) Formulating strategic requirements (1) (2) strategic requirements: the overall goals and objectives the system must accomplish Auditor: 시스템 설계자가 연속되는 설계작업의 품질을 위해 전략적인 요구사항들을 파악하는 중요성을 이해하고 있는지 파악 (6) Organizational & Job Design (1) (2) - strategic requirements의 만족을 위해 Organizational & Job redesign필요 Auditor 제안된 시스템이 조직의 구조나 직무에 영향을 줄 경우 시스템 개발팀이 조직의 역사나 실행에 숙련된 전문가로부터 고품질의 어드바이스를 받는지 파악 조직의 구조나 직무설계를 책임지는 인력들이 각 담당자 그룹의 대표를 포함하는지, 설계작업이 어떻게 이행되고 있는지, 갈등이나 불확실성들을 어떻게 해결하는지, 최종적으로 선택되는 설계에 관련된 결론의 레벨이 어느 정도인지를 파악함. (3) Evaluating the major phases in systems development process (7) Information processing system design (1) Auditor 설계가 전략적 요구조건을 만족하는지 시스템내부에 설계된 control의 신뢰성 평가 System의 auditability (2) 6 major activities Elicitation of detailed requirements Design of the data/information flow Design of DB Design of UI Physical design Design and acquisition of HW/system SW platform Requirement elicitation UI Design Data/information Flow design SW platform Design Physical Design DB Design (3) Evaluating the major phases in systems development process (8) Application software acquisition& development (1) (2) - 구입시 벤더에게 제공되는 요구 스펙의 충분성 소프트웨어 평가 절차의 품질 (소프트웨어의 품질, 벤더 유지보수 및 지원의 충분성) 개발시 설계, 코딩, 컴파일링, 테스팅, 문서화 단계 동안 수행되는 절차의 평가 Client RFP Adequacy of requirement spec? Proposal Compliance with requirements? Quality of documentation? Vendor stability & support? Nature of contractual obligations? Vendor (3) Evaluating the major phases in systems development process (9) HW/ System SW Acquisition (1) - Auditor 벤더에게 제공되는 요구 스펙의 충분성(RFP) 평가 절차의 품질 벤더의 viability, ongoing support, the availabilty of source code & maintenance support 등의 파악 (10) Procedures Development (1) (2) (3) - 이 단계에서 설계자는 사용자가 시스템의 계속적인 운영과 유용한 산출물을 얻기 위해 수행해야 할 activity들을 정의해야 한다. 절차개발 Design of procedures Testing of procedures Implementation of procedures Documentation of procedures Auditor 절차설계의 품질 평가(minimum spec of procedures) 시스템이 behavioral impact를 가져올경우 절차 설계팀에 관련자 대표 포함 절차를 테스트하는데 사용되는 접근법을 평가함. 절차 문서화의 품질을 평가함. (3) Evaluating the major phases in systems development process (11) Acceptance Testing (1) The purpose: is to identify as far as possible any errors and deficiencies in the system prior to its final release into production use (2) 4 Types of testing program testing: 개별 프로그램을 개발한 프로그래머가 자신의 프로그램의 정확성, 완전성, 효율성을 테스트함. System testing: 개발팀의 몇몇 팀원들이 여러 프로그램들과 서브 시스템간의 인터페이스가 정확하게 작동하는지 파악하기 위해 전체 시스템을 테스트 User testing: 사용자가 조직구조설계, 직무설계, 시스템 인터페이스, 프로그램, 절차 등 전체 시스템을 테스트 QA testing: 시스템이 표준을 준수하는지 테스트 (3) Auditor How was the testing process planned How were test data designed and developed What test data were used What test results were obtained What actions were taken as a result of errors and deficiencies identified What subsequent modifications to test data were made How was control exercised over test data and acceptance testing process Program test User Test Program test Program test System Test QA Test (3) Evaluating the major phases in systems development process (12) Conversion (1) The conversion phase comprises those activities undertaken to place the new system in operation. (2) Conversion activities Personnel training Installation of new HW & SW Conversion of files and programs Scheduling of operations and test running (3) Auditor Disruption의 위험 Conversion시기 Trade-off Careful planning old New old New old New (3) Evaluating the major phases in systems development process (13) Operation & Maintenance In production Repair maintenance: logic errors discoved in the system are corrected Adaptive maintenance: changes in the system environment might necessitate system modification Perfective maintenance: changes might be made to improve processing efficiency - formal change process : to identify and record need for changes to a system and to authorize and control the implementation of needed changes. (3) Evaluating the major phases in systems development process (13) Operation & Maintenance(Source Library control) Systems Development programmers Systems maintenance programmers System Development Test library SPL Application program Application program System Maintenance Test library Application program Compile & Link edit SPL Management System Application Load module Maintenance request users -프로그램 저장 -유지보수를 위해 프로그램 추출 -라이브라리에서 프로그램제거 -프로그램변경 문서화 Program Listing Program Change report Documentation file Production