中国沼气发电之路的探索 The Exploration to China Biogas Power Generation 胜动集团 赵建忠 ShengDong Group Zhao Jianzhong 2012年05月 May. 2012 内 容 提 要 Summary 中国沼气工程市场 Biogas Engineering Market in China 沼气工程案例 Biogas Engineering Cases 国际合作需求 Demands for International Cooperation 胜动集团简介 About Shengdong Group 1 中国沼气工程市场 Biogas Engineering Market in China 农作物秸杆焚烧令人触目惊心 Burning Crop Stalk is WRONG! 秸秆年资源量7亿吨——综合利用率不足70%——浪费3亿吨 Annual crop stalk resource up to 700 million tons; The amount of comprehensive utilization is below 70 %; 300 million tons crop stalk can not used every year. 数据源自发改环资【2011】2615号文件 The data is from NDRC 【2011】file 2615 大量的畜禽粪便没有处理 A huge amount of animal waste untreated 中国是肉类消费大国,养猪、养牛和养鸡等总量很大,目前没有较好处理 China is a country consuming a larger amount of meat products. A large number of animals are produced like pig, cow and chicken, etc. However, animal wastes have not being treated efficiently. 餐厨垃圾污染严重 Bad pollution from kitchen wastes 仅北京市每天产生1200吨餐厨垃圾,全国年餐厨垃圾不低于6000万吨 The everyday kitchen waste amounts to 1200 tons in Beijing , and not less than 60 million tons all over the country every year. 数据源自清华大学环境系固体废物污染控制及资源化研究所 The above data is from Solid Waste Pollution Control and Resources Institute of Tsinghua University 工业、生活污水大量排放 Industrial and sanitary sewage discharged 食品工业、造纸工业、印染工业、化学工业大量工业污水排放。。。 A large amount of industrial sewage are being discharged from food production, paper making, chemical , printing and dyeing industry. 各类法规、政策不断出台 Policies and Regulations Issued 2006年6月财政部关于印发《可再生能源发展专项资 金管理暂行办法》的通知(财建[2006]237号) "Provisional Measures on Special Fund for Renewable Energy Development" was published by Ministry of Finance in June, 2006 2008年8月《国务院办公厅关于加快推进农作物秸秆 综合利用的意见》(国办发[2008]105号) "Opinions On Promoting Comprehensive Utilization of Agricultural Straws" was issued by General Office of the State Council in August, 2008 2008年10月财政部印发《秸秆能源化利用补助资金 管理暂行办法》(财建[2008]735号) "Provisional Measures on Special Subsidies for Straw utilization" was issued by Ministry of Finance in Octomber, 2008 2009年1月《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》实施 "Circular Economy Promotion Law of P.R.C" came into effect in January, 2009 各类法规、政策不断出台 Series of policies and regulations have been introduced 2010年4月《可再生能源法修正案》颁布实施 "Amendments to Renewable Energy Law" was published and come into effect in April, 2010 2011年4月,国务院批转十六部委共同发出的《关 于进一步加强城市生活垃圾处理工作意见的通知》 "Opinion On Further Strengthening The Domestic Garbage Treatment" was issued by 16 ministries in April, 2011 2012年4月《可再生能源电价附加补助资金管理暂 行办法》(财建[2012]102号) Provisional Measures On Special Subsidies For Renewable Energy Electricity" was published in April, 2012 各专项十二五规划。。。 The 12th Five-Year Plan 各类地方法规。。。 Local rules and regulations 行业发展依旧缓慢 Slow Industry Development 项目规模小,做为分布式能源,发电上网仍有障碍 The distributed energy projects are in small scales, so generated power is not easy to the grid. 政策补贴较多,但有些界定模糊,周期长 Long cycle subsidy. 单体规模小,国有大型企业兴趣不足,应鼓励民间 资本投资 Private capital investment on biogas power generation should be encouraged. 可再生能源电量配额讨论稿刚刚形成,还未颁布 Electricity quota of renewable energy draft was just formed, but not published yet . 条件成熟,机遇良好 Permitting conditions with good opportunities 目前生物质能源工程项目技术成熟 Mature biomass energy engineering technology 国家对能源和环保重视程度不断提高 Governments pay more and more attention paid on enviromental protection. 生活水平提升,有机垃圾增幅较大 Organic garbage increased rapidly. 能源价格提高,经济效益明显 Increasing energy price, high economic efficiency 2 胜动沼气工程案例 Shengdong Biogas Engineering Cases 厌氧发酵基本工艺 Anaerobic Fermentation Technology 胜动两级分相厌氧反应工艺 Two Stage Anaerobic Reaction Technology 蛋白质 Protein 脂肪 Fat 碳水化合物 Carbohydrate 液化阶段 Liquified phase 微生物 Microbes 低级脂肪酸 short chain fatty acids 产甲烷阶段 产酸阶段 Methane 氨基酸 醇类 Acid production Amino acid production Alcohols 中性化合物 脂肪酸 甲烷细菌 微生物 Methane Neutral Fatty acid Microbes bacteria compounds 单糖(或二糖) 氢、二氧化碳 Monose H2, CO2 甲烷 Methane 二氧化碳 CO2 沼气工程系统介绍 Biogas Engineering System Introduction 秸秆沼气制取系统主要由如下装置组成:储料场、进料装置、加热装置、 一次发酵装置、二次发酵装置、沼渣沼液储存池等组成。 The stalk biogas production system mainly consists of the following devices: storage yard, feeding device, heating device, primary digester , secondary digester, digestate pool, etc. 储料场 Material Storage yard 进料装置 Feeder 秸秆收获后粉碎,堆放于储料 场。储料场内储料使用深色塑料布 进行覆盖。 After crop harvest, stalks are crushed and stored in material yards. Covered with black plastic cloth, the stalks are piled for pre-decomposition. 堆沤发酵后的秸秆通过小型装 载机运送至进料仓,通过推料器进 入一次发酵罐进行一次发酵。 The stalk after pre-decomposition is transported into a feeding tank by loaders or trucks and then sent to the first-stage digester through a feeder. 沼气工程系统介绍 Biogas Engineering System Introduction 一次发酵装置 First-stage fermentation tank 一次发酵罐先加入一定量的牛粪作为接种物,再 加入堆沤后的秸秆物料进行发酵。一次发酵罐采用 高温发酵。As inoculum sources , first, a specified amount of cow manure is sent into the first-stage digester and then stalk after pre-decomposition is delivered into this digester. Fermentation in the first digester is carried out at high temperature. 二次发酵装置 Second-stage fermentation tank 秸秆在一次发酵罐内发酵达到预期活性后,通过压力差使料液从一次发酵罐自动流入二次 发酵罐。二次发酵罐采用中温发酵。二次罐兼作储气装置,顶部为恒压式双膜结构可有效控 制发酵罐内气体压力。 Fermentation in the first-stage digester carries out till digested material gets activated as expected. Then, digested material flows into the second-stage digester from the first-stage digester under the effect of pressure difference. Mesophilic fermentation goes on in the second-stage digester. The second-stage digester also functions also as a gasholder. Its roof is structured with double membranes at constant pressure, so the digester is sustained at a expected pressure. 结构:一次、二次发酵装置均采用钢筋混凝土基础,罐体采用电泳+喷涂拼装罐,该罐体 具有防腐性好,使用寿命长、安装快捷等优点。 Both the first and second-stage digesters are built in reinforced concrete foundation. The digester tanks are assembled and welded with steel plates. 沼气工程系统介绍 Biogas Engineering System Introduction 加热装置 Heater 为了维持一次、二次发酵罐内反应所需发酵温度,将一次、二次发酵罐内的发酵 液体与机组余热通过换热器进行换热,同时罐体进行保温处理。 In order to keep the digesters at a expected temperature in the process of fermentation, the feedstock inside will exchange heat with high temperature circulation water from the generator sets. At the same time, digesters have been protected against heat loss . 换热装置:大通道无堵塞夹套式换热器 Heat exchange device: Jacketed heat exchanger 沼渣沼液储存池 Digestate Ponds 反应后的沼渣、沼液从二次发酵罐底部排出,暂时存入沼渣池中,每天用罐车 运走销售,待施肥季节还田。 Biogas digestate or liquid is discharged from the bottom of the second-stage digester and then transported into ponds or sent back to lands by trucks every day. 沼气工程系统优势 Advantages of Biogas Engineering System 胜动集团秸秆沼气制取及发电技术,具有以下特点: Shengdong biogas production and power generation technology features: 1、自动化程度高,整个工作过程全用计算机控制; The system is controlled completely by advanced computerized technology. 2、工艺流程紧凑,两级发酵,系统封闭,自动运行; With compact processing, the double-stage digestion system runs automatically in a closed condition. 3、连续运行,进料、排渣连续自动运行,人工使用少,工作条件优越; The system operates continuously. Both material feeding and digested stalk discharge in the system are carried out continuously and automatically. Less labor is required. 4、无高温环节,运行平稳; The system runs reliably without high temperature required. 5、无机械搅拌装置,无水泵和发电机以外的运动机械,运行可靠; No mechanical mixing device,no other running machine except water pump and genset, reliable operation. 节能 Energy saving 环保 Environmental protection 安全 创效 Safty Profitable 沼气工程系统优势 Advantages of Biogas Engineering Project 6、装置使用寿命长,可运行20年;热效率高,发电机组余热用于发酵罐中沼液的加 热发酵; 20 years service time, high efficiency; Genset waste heat to be used to heat feedstock in the digesters. 7、对物料要求低,鲜的、变腐的均可以使用,对物料存放要求低; Low requirements to feedstock , no matter if it is fresh or decomposed. 8、生产过程基本不耗水; Almost no water consumption during whole operating process; 9、无污染物排出; No pollutant discharged; 10、可以用秸秆与其他废弃有机物混合发酵。 Crop stalk is mixed with other organic wastes to be digested. 节能 Energy saving 环保 Environmental protection 安全 创效 Safety Profitable 秸秆沼气利用代表案例 Showcase of Stalk Biogas Uilization 临淄秸秆沼气工程 Biogas engineering in Linzi 建站规模 500kW Installation capacity 输出功率 500kW Power output 建成时间 2011年10月 Completion: Oct. 2011 年发电量 300万kWh Annual Power el 3 million kWh 年减排CO2 20000t Annual CO2 reduction 胜动沼气专用发电机组 Shengdong Biogas Genset 胜动针对沼气的特点,专门开发了以纯沼气为燃料的发电机组: ——190系列沼气发电机组 Shengdong Group develops biogas gensets according to biogas features: --------------190 Series biogas gensets 6190 Series 180GF-RZ 260GF-PwZ 300GF-PZ 12V190 Series 400GF-RZ 500GF-PwZ 600GF-PZ 代表产品 Recommended Product 600GFZ1-PwZ(ESM1) 全自动沼气发电机组 Automatic Biogas Genset 胜动沼气利用成绩 Biogas Utilization of Shengdong 应用于秸秆、粪便、酒精、淀粉、污水处理、制药等行业 The products are applied in alcohol, cultivation, starch, sewage treatment, pharmacy and other industries. 100多个沼气发电项目 Over 100 biogas power generation projects 装机容量20万kW Installation capacity to 200.000kW 年发电13亿kWh,减排CO2 800万t Annual 1.3 billion kW.h powerel and 8 million tons of CO2 reduction 合作伙伴 Cooperation partner 3 国际合作需求 Demands for International Cooperation 加强技术交流 Technical communication 学习德国分布式建设经验,建立示范工程项目 Absorb German experiences in distributed energy and setup demo projects 交流先进成熟的技术模式,提高项目经济效益,建立中国沼气工程产业发 展模式 Exchanges with mature and successful project developers and find good development methods for Chinese market. 加强商务合作 Commercial Cooperation 资源、技术、装备制造和服务合作,共同发 展,互利共赢 We have strengthened cooperation in resources, technology, equipment manufacturing and services. We are expecting win-win outcomes. 成立合资公司,联合投资项目,共同进行市 场开拓 we hope to set up a joint venture company or joint investment projects to explore markets, 4 胜动集团简介 About Shengdong 黄河入海的地方 Location: mouth of Yellow River 分布能源专家 技术服务全球 Expert of distributed power system Global energy service and technology provider 胜动和气体能源利用 Shengdong and gas utilization 1985年天然气发动机投入运行 油田伴生气直接驱动抽油机 First natural gas engines in operation in 1985. The gas engine by associated gas drives pumping units. 2000年瓦斯发电站运行 可以自动适应气体浓度变化 In 2000, the first advanced CMM power plant put into operation. This power plant can automatically response fast to variation of methane concentration. 2002年天然气发电三联供系统 供应集团总部办公楼等12000㎡ In 2002, the first natural gas CHP system put into operation at12000 ㎡ Shengdong headquarter . 2003年沼气发电站运行 可以适应甲烷浓度最低25%沼气 2003, the first low concentration biogas power plant put into operation. This power plant fueled biogas at 25% concentration. 胜动和气体能源利用 Shengdong and gas utilization projects 2004年与威立雅合作的项目, 实现了发电与沼气系统的综合利用 In 2004, the co-operation biogas project with Veolia Water. Cogeneration technology is used. 2005年淮南谢一矿瓦斯发电站, 6%甲烷的瓦斯被利用发电 In 2005, the low concentration CMM power plant put into operation in Xieyi coal mine of Huainan City, with advanced control technology, Shengdong gas engines fueled directly coal mine gas at 6% concentration. 2008年济南垃圾填埋气发电站,48%甲烷沼气每m³发电1.84度效率 超过36% In 2008, the Landfill gas power plant in Jinan City achieved 36% efficiency and generated 1.84 kWh. per 1 m³ biogas at 48% concentration. 2010年通风瓦斯氧化技术应用,0.3-1%甲烷乏风制取过热蒸汽发电 In 2010, Ventilated Air Methane (VAM) oxidation technology was applied, which produces steam and electricity by VAM of 0.3% to 1%. 中国相关标准制定者 Setter of relative standards in China 《JB/T 10629-2006 燃气机通用技术条件》 JB/T 10629-2006 Technical Conditions of Gas Engine 《AQ 1074~1078-2009 低浓度瓦斯利用系列标准》 AQ 1074~1078-2009 Standards of Utilizing Low Density Coal Mine Gas 《NY/T1704-2009 沼气电站技术规范》 NY/T1704-2009 Technical Specification of Biogas Power Plant 新兴能源产业成套技术提供商 Technology provider and contractor in new energy industry 发电设备的研发生产销售 R&D, manufacturing and sales of power generation equipments 发电站设计安装建造总包 Turn-key provider of power plants: design, construction… 发电工程项目的运营服务 Power plant service provider: Operation & Maintenance 项目遍及世界各地 our projects are over the world 中国国所有省市 Every province and very city in China 30多个国家成功应用 总装机容量150万千瓦 Total installed capacity: 1.5 million kW 年燃气能源发电70亿度 More than 30 countries worldwide Annual gas power generation up to 7 billion kW.h 建设新能源项目600多个 减排二氧化碳约6000万吨 More than 600 new energy projects CO2 reduction – approx.40 million 胜动集团期待与全球的减少温室气体排放的国家、企业合作,共同承担起减缓 温室效应的责任。 Shengdong Group hopes to work with all enterprises in the GHG reduction around the world GHG reduction to share the responsibility of slowing down global warming 同时欢迎各界朋友到中国、到胜动去做客,通过我们的合作促进节能减排技 术提升和排放减缓。 We warm welcome our friends to come to China and to visit Shengdong. Our efforts will improve technology to reduce emission much better. 胜动集团 Shengdong Group 给能源更多效能 给世界更多可能 Better efficiency Better world 减排在胜动••• •••让我们做得更好 We are dedicated in emission reduction, every minute, every second