Platform-based engineering - Center for Software Engineering


Azad Madni


Director, SAE Program

Viterbi School of Engineering

Platform-based Engineering:

Rapid, Risk-mitigated Development of Adaptive Systems


Rapidly changing battlespace

 irregular, hybrid warfare

 adaptive, asymmetric threats

Need new class of adaptive systems

 developed with speed and agility

 capable of adapting to new missions, threats, operational contexts

Existing SE methods, processes, tools are woefully inadequate

Systems 2020, a DDR&E initiative, identified Platform-Based

Engineering as a “game changer” for building adaptive systems


Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni

Platform-Based Engineering

A cost-effective, risk-mitigated system development approach that employs a common structure from which high quality derivative products can be developed rapidly

Intended to achieve rapid time-to-fielding through reuse of platform and core assets

Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni



Configurable, extensible, reusable system implementation infrastructure comprising hardware, software, and networked systems

Encompasses domain-specific components and services that reflect

 commonalities of systems in the domain (configured as reusable physical/informational components)

 variabilities across domains (individually developed domain product line)

 interface conventions for “plug and play” with domain infrastructure and common components


 physical platforms (e.g., aircraft) designed to support a range of payloads or missions

 information platforms that provide layered services for network management, operating system, data management, and mission support


Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni


Develop platforms that can accommodate or evolve to satisfy changing mission goals and the needs of variable, uncertain operational environments

Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni


PBE “Game Changers”

“Game Changers” are technologies or processes that enable development of fast, flexible, and adaptable systems

PBE game changers include

 adaptive product line architectures

 agility platforms

 architectural patterns

Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni


Adaptive Product Line Architectures

An adaptive architecture used to develop a family of systems

 using a common set of core assets in a prescribed way

 sharing a common set of features satisfying the needs of a market/mission

Enable rapid insertion and “test-drive” of new system capabilities and system evolution as part of a product line

Enable reduction of product development cycle time, cost, and risks by starting with “a partial solution” provided by the platform

Extend useful life of the platform by building in mechanisms for product line adaptation and evolution


Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni

Agility Platforms

Platforms that enable fast and cost-effective adaptation to change

 exploit emerging technologies

 adapt to changes in regulation, policy, or threat characteristics

Enabled by technological advances

 virtualization – assures transparency of computing resources and locations

 cloud computing – enable on demand provisioning of services that support rapid, cost-effective increases/decreases of resources

 architectural patterns

– facilitate software development and integration

 adaptive product line architectures – facilitate automated reasoning about the platform to achieve adaptive system behavior and seamless legacy integration


Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni

Architectural Patterns

Offer solutions to specific software and hardware development problems within a particular domain that can be exploited (with modifications) in many systems development contexts

Facilitate automated reasoning about platform to achieve adaptive system behavior and seamless legacy integration

Offer a foundation for architectural style, reference architectures, middleware platforms, and application frameworks

Enable faster development of flexible/adaptable systems

Applications include

 achieving alignment of organizations and systems

 discovering new ways to rapidly build flexible, adaptable, versatile platforms (e.g., data mining to uncover latent patterns in architecture and find opportunities for reuse of components/subsystems)


Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni

PBE Game Changer Relationships

• real options

• resource buffers

• schedule buffers

• technology options provision



facilitate reasoning in design of enable exploit





• virtualization

• cloud computing

• dynamically composable services

• dynamically composable capabilities accelerate development of


Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni

Critical Research Areas:

Adaptive Product Line Architectures

■ Mechanisms for introducing real options to enable downstream introduction of new technology in cost-effective fashion

■ Methodology for designing resource and schedule buffers to absorb changes in product line

■ Methodology for determining how far a product line can be adapted before it loses its value proposition and competitive advantage


Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni

Critical Research Areas:

Agility Platforms

■ Methodology to analyze multiple tradeoffs impacting platform agility

■ Methodology to evaluate tradeoffs between product line scope and platform agility, and between product line robustness and platform agility

Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni


Critical Research Areas:

Architectural Patterns

■ Scale proven software architectural patterns to systems

Specify integration patterns for hardware-software integration and human-system integration

■ Develop reasoning mechanisms based on system architectural patterns

Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni


PBE Benefits

Adaptive Product Line Architecture

 extend useful life of the product line by “absorbing” or “adapting to” change

Agility Platform

 rapid, cost-effective adaptation to new requirements and changes in the operational and regulatory environment

Architectural Patterns

Facilitate and accelerate development and integration of APLAs and


Speed up of 4x to 10x observed in commercial firms.


Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni


Copyright © 2010 Azad M. Madni

