Information storage solution - Tripura Information Commission

Prompt tracking of Govt. records is key to
successful implementation of RTI Act, asCitizens to be supplied information within 30
days of receipt of applications.
 Failure to supply information within statutory
period amounts information refused.
Information not traceable/not supplied results
serious action including imposition of penalty.
 Delay in locating files results supply of large
documents free of cost u/s7(6), causing loss of
govt. revenue.
 Wastage of man hour searching for files.
 Officials tracing files, lose focus on priority
 Haphazard approach in searching files further
disorganize arrangement of records.
 TIC now develops a new RMIS with technical
support from NIC.
 Arrangement of records in Record Room has
been modernized.
 TIC is ready to help govt. departments to
introduce RMIS.
 Giving each file its physical address to be recorded on
 Once for all arrangement of all files according to
 Recording information of each file on a designed page,
File No.
File Location Address
Page No.
Other Information, if possible/if required
 A Record officer to remain in charge of Record Room.
Biswajit roy
Biswajit roy
Similar System to arrange current files.
Individual Officials to record
address &
arrange files handled /under their custody(an
onetime exercise).
System displays details about custodians of
each file to protect SPIOs from facing penalty.
Work in office enjoyable, being an organized