Prompt tracking of Govt. records is key to successful implementation of RTI Act, asCitizens to be supplied information within 30 days of receipt of applications. Failure to supply information within statutory period amounts information refused. Information not traceable/not supplied results serious action including imposition of penalty. Delay in locating files results supply of large documents free of cost u/s7(6), causing loss of govt. revenue. Wastage of man hour searching for files. Officials tracing files, lose focus on priority initiatives. Haphazard approach in searching files further disorganize arrangement of records. TIC now develops a new RMIS with technical support from NIC. Arrangement of records in Record Room has been modernized. TIC is ready to help govt. departments to introduce RMIS. Giving each file its physical address to be recorded on it. Once for all arrangement of all files according to address. Recording information of each file on a designed page, like File No. Subject File Location Address Page No. Other Information, if possible/if required A Record officer to remain in charge of Record Room. Biswajit roy Biswajit roy Similar System to arrange current files. Individual Officials to record address & arrange files handled /under their custody(an onetime exercise). System displays details about custodians of each file to protect SPIOs from facing penalty. Work in office enjoyable, being an organized environment.