Strategic Diagnosis: Background • Evolution of change • Management confronts Agenda makes it two Key Problems dangerous to base – Each Organization needs future plans on to diagnose its unique successful responses future challenges, threat to historical and opportunities challenges – Each firm must design • There is no single and implement its unique prescription for future response to these success which will challenges apply to all firms Strategic Diagnosis: Definition • A systematic approach to determining the changes that have to be made to a firm’s strategy and its internal capability in order to assure the firm’s success in its future environment • Environmental Turbulence is a combined measure of the changeability and predictability of the firm’s environment – – – – Complexity Novelty Rate of Change Visibility Strategic Diagnosis: Example Environmental Turbulence Strategic Aggressiveness Responsiveness of Capability Repetitive Expanding Changing Repetitive Slow Incremental Fast Incremental Stable Custodial Reactive Adapts to Change Anticipatory Seeks Familiar Change Discontinuous Predictable Entrepreneurial Strategic Surprising Unpredictable Creative Flexible Strategic Segmentation Strategic Information Model Competitive Positioning • How can we systematically “divide” our environment into “workable areas”? • How do we make sure that the information we received from the environment involves legitimate (perceived) information? • How do we systematically design a competitive organization? • How do we interpret qualitative data? • Perception vs. Reality for Organizational Leaders Ansoff and McDonnell, 1990 Created by Robert Moussetis, 2000 SBA:A Strategic Business Area which is a distinct segment of the environment in which a firm does (or may want to do) business • In which SBAs will the firm do business in the future? What competitive position will the firm occupy in each SBA What competitive strategy will the firm pursue to gain this position • • SBA Segmentation • • • SBA1 SBA SBA SBU SBU Firm SBA2 Environment • Dimensions: Need, Customer type, Technology and Geography Characteristics: Growth, Performance (Profitability), Turbulence and Success factors Strategic Resource Area: In the resource based postindustrial universe, managers have to balance what they want to do against what they can do Strategic Influence Groups: Firms increasingly legal and societal pressures Stakeholder Management Ansoff and McDonnell, 1990 Created by Robert Moussetis, 2000 CRITICAL MASS CM: INVESTMENT BELOW WHICH A FIRM BECOMES UNPROFITABLE IN AN STRATEGIC BUSINESS AREA ROI + Optimal Mass INVESTMENT IN AN SBA - Critical mass Ansoff and McDonnell, 1990 Created by Robert Moussetis, 2000 ENTRPENEURIAL PLANNING ENVIRONMENT SBA SBA STRATEGIC SEGMENTATION SBA STRATEGIC SUCCESS HYPOTHESIS FIRM’S OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC DIAGNOSIS Degree of Preparedness SBA PROSPECTS SBA ATTRACTIVENESS TARGET COMPATITIVE POSITIONING COMPETITIVE POSTURE IN SBA PORTFOLIO POSTURE Ansoff and McDonnell, 1990 Created by Robert Moussetis, 2000 Strategic Information Model • • • Power Filter: It is nature for managers and departments, whose power is threatened by discontinuities, to minimize or even refuse to recognize the impact of discontinuity. Mentality Filter: Rejection of novel information and predisposition on success models Strategic and Creative Mentalities focus on – Future, Novel and Unfamiliar change – Entrepreneurial drive and tolerance of failure • Management Information Environment Surveillance Filter Data Mentality Filter Perception Power Filter Actions Information Ansoff and McDonnell, 1990 Created by Robert Moussetis, 2000 Competitive Positioning • Boston Consulting Group matrix ? High Volume Growth Low Cash Cows High Dogs Low Market Share as a function of leading competitor • Estimating SBA attractiveness – Global forecast – Future Turbulence – Historical Trends extrapolated into the future – Changes in the historical demand – Overall shifts in growth prospects – Numerical estimates of Future growth – Future shifts in the profitability SBA Attractiveness = a G + b P + g O - d T Ansoff and McDonnell, 1990 Created by Robert Moussetis, 2000 Example: North Central College • • • • MBA • Administrative Services – Admissions -Registrars -Financial Aid Educational Leadership • Academic Services Biology – Advising - Technology Needs History • Facilities – Buildings and Services – Recreational Activities – Classrooms and Teaching Domains Identify Future Turbulence Establish Strategic Aggressiveness Establish Responsiveness of Capability Ansoff and McDonnell, 1990 Created by Robert Moussetis, 2000 COMPETITIVE POSTURE IN AN SBA • STRATEGY (S) • CAPABILITY (C) • STRATEGIC INVESTMENT (I) • • • • • • GROWTH THRUST (Domain) MARKET POSITION (Domain )MARKET DIFFERENTIATION SERVICE-PRODUCT DIFFERENTITION CRITICAL MASS VERITCAL INTEGRATION • • • • • MANAGEMENT FINANCE MARKETING R&D PRODUCTION • • • IN STRATEGY IN CAPABILITY IN FACILITIES POSTURE = SXCX(I-Icr) Ansoff and McDonnell, 1990 Created by Robert Moussetis, 2000