Pathology Programme News 27th March 2009 National Pathology Programme Board The Pathology Modernisation Project will formally conclude on 31st March 2009. The project team would like to thank to all those in the service who have contributed to the work of the project. We are sure you will agree that considerable progress has been made and the profile of Pathology has been raised significantly. The Minister for Health has approved continuation of the Diagnostic Services Programme enabling arrangements to be put in place to allow the transformation from the current Pathology Modernisation Project to a National Pathology Forum / Body whose role and responsibilities will be integral to the new national planning arrangements for Wales. Whilst detailed work to clarify future national planning processes takes place, a National Pathology Programme Board will be established to ensure that momentum and continuity are maintained. The National Pathology Programme Board will be chaired by Bob Hudson, Director of Strategic Direction and Planning in WAG, and will take a lead role in the ongoing planning and delivery of Pathology services in Wales. The Board will also be responsible for establishing appropriate structures which will continue to support the delivery of an integrated approach to the planning and delivery of Pathology services. The National Pathology Programme Board will meet for the first time on Thursday 18th May. National Pathology Programme Workstreams will include: Workforce delivered in partnership with NLIAH taking forward: • All Wales Pathology workforce plan • CQFW training units • Leading and Delivering Change in Pathology Quality delivered through Laboratory, Quality, Blood Transfusion Managers, POCT Coordinators taking forward: • Key Performance Indicators • POCT governance policy, quality manual • Achieving accreditation • Quality guides IM&T delivered in partnership with IHC taking forward: • Procurement of the replacement LIMS • Detailed work on integration, standardisation • Service readiness to implement the LIMS • Benefits realisation, change management Workstreams to address other recommendations contained in The Future Delivery of Pathology Services in Wales: • Funding / Finance • Equipment • Information • Molecular Pathology • Horizon scanning / R&D If you would like any further information on the National Pathology Programme Board or the programme workstreams, please contact Margie Fielden by telephone on 02920 207620 or by emailing Pathology Programme News 20th April 2009 National Pathology Programme Board In March the Minister for Health and Social Services approved continuation of the Diagnostic Services Programme. This has enabled a National Pathology Programme Board to be established in line with the recommendation in The Future Delivery of Pathology Services. Whilst detailed work to clarify future national planning processes is taking place, the National Pathology Programme Board will ensure that momentum and continuity are maintained and provide a continued approach to national planning and delivery of pathology services. The first meeting of the National Pathology Programme Board will be held on Thursday, 14th May, 2009. If you would like any further information on the National Pathology Programme Board or workstreams, please contact Margie Fielden by telephone on 02920 207620 or by emailing National Pathology Programme Workstreams are likely to include: Workforce delivered in partnership with NLIAH taking forward and developing work that is already underway including: • All Wales Pathology workforce plan • CQFW training units • Leading and Delivering Change Quality taking forward and further developing work that is already underway including: • Key Performance Indicators • POCT governance policy • Achieving accreditation • Quality guides IM&T delivered in partnership with IHC taking forward: • Procurement of the LIMS • Detailed work on standardisation • Readiness to implement the LIMS • Change management • Benefits realisation Workstreams to address other recommendations contained in The Future Delivery of Pathology Services: • Funding / Finance • Equipment • Information • Horizon scanning / R&D / Molecular Pathology Pathology Programme News 10th July 2009 National Pathology Programme Board The National Pathology Programme Board has been established as an interim body whose role is to ensure that the integrated approach to service planning and delivery established through the Pathology Modernisation Project is maintained at both national and local levels. The Board has held two meetings to date on 14th May and 1st July 2009. If you would like ay further information on the National Pathology Programme Board or workstreams, please contact Margie Fielden by telephone on 02920 207615 or by emailing As part of the Workforce workstream, a programme entitled Leading and Delivering Change in Pathology is being made available to Clinical Directors and Directorate Managers of Pathology Services. National Pathology Programme Board Workstreams Four workstreams have been agreed by the Board - Service Planning and Delivery, Workforce, IM&T and Funding / Finance Service Planning and Delivery including: Quality • Key Performance Indicators for pathology • Quality guides to support achieving accreditation • POCT governance policy • Further development of the National Pathology Framework Horizon scanning Equipment A Pathology community is being established on the NLIAH Improvement Online portal. This will enable information, resources and good practice to be shared and includes facilities for forum discussions where issues can be raised, ideas shared and solutions explored. As part of this workstream, an update of the Future Service Delivery atlas will be undertaken commencing in September 2009. Workforce including: Development of an All Wales Workforce Plan for Pathology Development of training units in line with the Credit Qualification Framework for Wales IM&T including: Development of a standardised set of information requirements for pathology in Wales Support for the procurement of the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) replacement solution Support for LHBs as they prepare for and implement the new LIMS through the LIMS Implementation Board chaired by Lindsey Davies, Diagnostic Services Programme Director As part of the work to achieve readiness to implement the new LIMS, organisations will be provided with support including locality readiness roadshows and a toolkit to assist them to establish local implementation projects and develop individual benefits realisation plans. Each LHB has a representative on the LIMS Implementation Board. Funding / Finance including: Development of a standardised set of data Forthcoming diary dates include: 12th August Microbiology standardisation group 7th September Laboratory Management Forum 8th September Microbiology standardisation group 10th September LIMS Project Board meeting 11th September National Pathology Programme Board meeting 11th September POCT Coordinators Forum Pathology Programme News 1st October 2009 Workstreams Update Information Service Planning and Delivery Consistent, robust, clearly defined information for all Pathology services in Wales will be required in future to inform, among others: Reports to LHB Boards eg Key Performance Indicators based upon accreditation status and compliance with regulations, user satisfaction and resource utilisation Reports required by WAG eg against Healthcare Standards for Wales Configuration of the new LIMS Service Redesign On 14th October a full day event open to all Pathology staff will be held in Builth Wells to provide an introduction to service redesign and improvement tools and techniques. NLIAH will host the day, providing background information and taster sessions, and colleagues from Pathology services will share their experiences of practical application of the tools and techniques and the benefits derived. Then, commencing in January 2010, two NLIAH Yellowbelt4Healthcare courses have been reserved for teams from Pathology and Imaging departments to receive training in the tools and techniques through using them to deliver a local project. Service Delivery Following publication by the Minister for Health of The Future Delivery of Pathology Services in Wales (FSD) in August 2008, a baseline against the recommendations was carried out. The wealth of information contributed by services around Wales was compiled into the first edition of the Future Service Delivery Atlas in February 2009. Information as at 30th September 2009 will be collected during the period October to December and the updated atlas will be available to further facilitate sharing of ideas and good practice between Pathology and other services. The atlas will also provide evidence for LHB Boards and WAG of the progress of Pathology services toward implementation of the recommendations contained in the FSD. With input from the discipline groups working to deliver the information required for configuration of the new LIMS and the Laboratory Management Forum, an initial dictionary of terms and definitions is being compiled. It is planned that where appropriate, elements of the information dictionary will be submitted to the Welsh Information Governance Standards Board (WIGSB) as national standards. It is also planned that responsibility for the future development and updating of the information dictionary will lie with the National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB). Workforce An all Wales network of those responsible for the management and development of Pathology Support Worker training is being formed linked to the NPPB. The purpose of the group will be to share resources and ideas, facilitate access to training and enable an all Wales approach to development of the band 4 role. The first meeting of the group will take place on 20th October in Builth Wells. Quality Guides and resources to assist laboratories to achieve CPA accreditation and meet other regulatory requirements such as MHRA and HTA continue to be developed by the Quality Management Forum and the POCT Coordinators. These are available through NLIAH Improvement Online, where a Pathology Community has been established. This can be accessed at If you would like further information on the National Pathology Programme Board, please go to If you would like further information on the programme work streams please go to or contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Project Manager, by telephoning 02920 207615 or emailing Pathology Programme News 28th October 2009 No. 5 Workstreams Update Quality Service Planning and Delivery The first all Wales survey of users of Pathology services is currently being undertaken. A questionnaire has been developed in collaboration with colleagues in A&E units. Information will be gathered from requesters of Pathology services in A&E units throughout Wales using an online tool which has already been successfully piloted. Information will then be analysed to produce indices of satisfaction. The pilot survey already undertaken has shown the indices to be a robust means of identifying those elements of Pathology services that users consider to be most important and measuring their satisfaction with the service they currently receive. The user satisfaction survey will also enable a great deal of information to be gathered consistently across Wales. FSD Atlas Version 2 Information to update the atlas and further share good practice is currently being supplied by Pathology services. The updated Atlas will be available in February 2010. It will help inform local service planning and provide a record of progress by Health Boards toward delivery of the recommendations contained in “The Future Delivery of Pathology Services in Wales” Service Improvement A very successful day, co-hosted by NLIAH and the Programme team, provided 41 representatives from Health Boards and national services with an opportunity to experience some taster sessions and to be introduced to the basic principles underpinning service improvement tools and techniques such as LEAN, Six Sigma and 5S. Teams from Pathology services will now have the opportunity to register for NLIAH yellowbelt4healthcare courses commencing in January 2010. User Satisfaction Survey Accreditation and Regulatory Requirements Following requests from Pathology services, HTA designated individuals and service managers are to commence meeting to network and share experience, resources and good practice relating to compliance with HTA regulations. Forum discussions will be able to take place through the Pathology community and duplication of effort will be able to be greatly reduced. Posters, slideshows and other resources produced by teams who have already undertaken LEAN and Six Sigma projects are being made available through the Pathology Community on Quality, POCT and Blood Bank managers already meet and make use of the forum discussion facility on the Pathology Community website in order to network and assist one another in the spirit of “do once and share”. Workforce IM&T Those with responsibility for Pathology workforce training and development have commenced meeting as an all Wales group. They will focus upon training and development of non-registered support staff in the first instance. Once a baseline has been completed during November, a collaborative approach will be taken to developing and writing accredited training units accessible to all organisations in order that support staff can accumulate transferable education and training credit. The group will also take an all Wales approach to development of the band 4 role. The LIMS procurement is well advanced with final rounds of dialogue with the 3 shortlisted suppliers currently taking place. Further information can be obtained on the Informing Healthcare website If you would like further information on the programme work streams please go to or contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Project Manager, by telephoning 02920 207615 or emailing Pathology Programme News 20th November 2009 No. 6 Workstreams Update Quality Service Planning and Delivery A dashboard of KPIs for Pathology is being developed based upon the categories Quality, User Satisfaction and Resource Utilisation. The current demonstration version of the dashboard can be viewed as Attachment 2 in the 11 th November Laboratory Managers’ Forum papers on HOWIS at FSD Atlas Version 2 Information to update the atlas and further share good practice is currently being supplied by Pathology services. The updated Atlas will be available in February 2010. It will help inform local service planning and provide a record of progress by Health Boards toward delivery of the recommendations contained in “The Future Delivery of Pathology Services in Wales” Service Improvement A very successful day, co-hosted by NLIAH and the Programme team, provided 41 representatives from Health Boards and national services with an opportunity to experience some taster sessions and to be introduced to the basic principles underpinning service improvement tools and techniques such as LEAN, Six Sigma and 5S. Teams from Pathology services are currently being registered for NLIAH yellowbelt4healthcare courses commencing in January 2010. Posters, slideshows and other resources produced by teams who have already undertaken LEAN and Six Sigma projects are being made available through the Pathology Community on Workforce Those with responsibility for Pathology workforce training and development have commenced meeting as an all Wales group to focus upon training and development of non-registered support staff in the first instance. Following gathering of baseline information during November, a collaborative approach will be taken to developing and writing accredited training units accessible to all organisations in order that support staff can accumulate transferable education and training credit. The group will also take an all Wales approach to development of the band 4 role. IM&T The LIMS procurement is well advanced with final rounds of dialogue with the 3 shortlisted suppliers currently taking place. Further information can be obtained on the Informing Healthcare website Dashboard of Key Performance Indicators User Satisfaction Survey The first all Wales survey of users of Pathology services is currently being undertaken. A questionnaire has been developed in collaboration with colleagues in A&E units. Information will be gathered from requesters of Pathology services in A&E units throughout Wales using an online tool which has already been successfully piloted. Information will then be analysed to produce indices of satisfaction. The pilot survey already undertaken has shown the indices to be a robust means of identifying those elements of Pathology services that users consider to be most important and measuring their satisfaction with the service they currently receive. The user satisfaction survey will also enable a great deal of information to be gathered consistently across Wales. Accreditation and Regulatory Requirements Following requests from Pathology services, HTA designated individuals and service managers are to commence meeting to network and share experience, resources and good practice relating to compliance with HTA regulations. Forum discussions will be able to take place through the Pathology community and duplication of effort will be able to be greatly reduced. Quality, POCT and Blood Bank managers already meet and make use of the forum discussion facility on the Pathology Community website in order to network and assist one another in the spirit of “do once and share”. National Pathology Programme Board The next meeting of the NPPB will take place in Llantrissant on 1st December 2009. If you would like further information on the National Pathology Programme Board, please go to If you would like further information on the programme work streams please go to or contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Project Manager, by telephoning 02920 207615 or emailing Pathology Programme News 18th December 2009 No. 7 Workstreams Update Quality User Satisfaction Survey Service Planning and Delivery FSD Atlas Version 2 Information to update the atlas and further share good practice has been supplied by Pathology services. The updated Atlas will be available in February 2010. It will help inform local service planning and provide a record of progress by Health Boards toward delivery of the recommendations contained in “The Future Delivery of Pathology Services in Wales” Service Improvement Teams from Pathology services commence NLIAH yellowbelt4healthcare courses in January 2010. Posters, slideshows and other resources produced by teams who have already undertaken LEAN and Six Sigma projects are being made available through the Pathology Community on Workforce Following an initial meeting of those with responsibility for training and development of non-registered Pathology support staff, during 2010 a collaborative approach will be taken to developing and writing accredited training units accessible to all organisations in order that support staff can accumulate transferable education and training credit. The first all Wales survey of users of Pathology services is currently being undertaken. A questionnaire has been developed in collaboration with colleagues in A&E units. Information will be gathered from requesters of Pathology services in A&E units throughout Wales using an online tool which has already been successfully piloted. Information will then be analysed to produce indices of satisfaction. The pilot has shown the indices to be a robust means of identifying those elements of Pathology services that users consider to be most important and measuring their satisfaction with the service they currently receive. The user satisfaction survey will also enable a great deal of information to be gathered consistently across Wales. Accreditation and Regulatory Requirements Laboratory, Quality, POCT and Blood Bank managers continue to meet and make use of the forum discussion facility on the Pathology Community website in order to network, sharing experience, resources, and good practice relating to compliance with CPA, MHRA and HTA requirements. In this way, duplication of effort is able to be reduced and colleagues from across Wales are able to assist one another in the spirit of “do once and share”. National Pathology Programme Board The next meeting of the NPPB will take place on 4 th February 2010. If you would like further information on the National Pathology Programme Board, please go to IM&T The LIMS procurement is well advanced with “best and final offers” from the 3 shortlisted suppliers currently being submitted and assessed. Further information can be obtained on the Informing Healthcare website If you would like further information on the programme work streams please go to or contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, by telephone on 02920 207615 or by emailing Pathology Programme News 5th February 2010 No. 8 Workstreams Update Service Planning and Delivery Quality FSD Atlas Version 2 Information to update the atlas has been supplied by all Pathology services. The updated Atlas is now available to help inform local service planning and provide a record of progress by Health Boards and national services toward delivery of the recommendations contained in “The Future Delivery of Pathology Services in Wales” Service Improvement 20 delegates from Pathology services commenced the NLIAH yellowbelt4healthcare course in January. Such is the interest that further courses are going to be reserved for Diagnostics during 2010. Posters, slideshows and other resources produced by teams who have already undertaken LEAN and Six Sigma projects are available through the Pathology Community on Workforce Preparatory work is currently underway with a view to collaboratively developing and writing accredited units for training and development of non-registered Pathology support staff, during 2010. These units will be accessible to all organisations in order that support staff can accumulate transferable education and training credit. As part of the Leading and Delivering Change in Pathology programme, a member of the Modernising Scientific Careers programme will attend a seminar on 23rd February with Pathology Clinical Directors and Directorate Managers. IM&T The LIMS procurement is well advanced and the Final Business Case is in the process of being completed. Pathology disciplines are engaged in intensive work to develop the standardisation detail required to inform configuration of the new LIMS. User Satisfaction Survey The first all Wales survey of users of Pathology services is currently being undertaken with colleagues in A&E units. Information is being gathered using an online tool, following which responses will be analysed to produce indices of satisfaction at site, Health Board and all Wales levels. A previous manual survey has shown the indices to be a robust means of using measures of user satisfaction as an indication of service quality and results will be used to form part of the reporting of KPIs for Pathology in 2010. Accreditation and Regulatory Requirements Laboratory, Quality, POCT, Blood Bank managers and HTA Designated Individuals continue to network, sharing experience, resources, and good practice relating to compliance with CPA, MHRA and HTA requirements. In this way, duplication of effort is able to be reduced and colleagues from across Wales are able to assist one another in the spirit of “do once and share”. National Pathology Programme Board Work Plan for 2010 / 2011 At the meeting of the NPPB on 4th February 2010, priorities for the coming year were discussed. The proposed work plan for 2010 / 11 will be finalised before the Board next meets on 15th April. Priorities include the development of an all Wales approach to workforce redesign to underpin service planning and delivery. If you would like further information on the National Pathology Programme workstreams please go to or or contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, by telephone on 02920 207615 or by emailing Pathology Programme News 8th March 2010 No. 9 National Pathology Programme Board Accreditation Requirements The National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) has met 5 times since it was formed in April 2009. A work programme for 2010 / 2011 has been developed reflecting the following priorities: Quality, including the design of services to meet appropriate accreditation and regulatory requirements such as CPA, Blood Bank MHRA and HTA Workforce, including an All Wales approach to the design of an appropriate workforce to underpin future service planning and delivery Information standards that will support reporting Pathology KPIs and benchmarking Development of appropriate standardisation to reduce variation and support configuration and implementation of the new LIMS In a spirit of “do once and share”, Laboratory, Quality, POCT, Blood Bank Managers and HTA Designated Individuals continue to collaboratively develop resources and share good practice relating to CPA accreditation and compliance with MHRA and HTA regulatory requirements. Resources developed recently include an All Wales Blood Transfusion Request form and All Wales Post Mortem Consent forms. On 25th March a combined meeting of the Quality Managers’ and HTA DIs will be attended by a representative from the HTA. Workforce 20 delegates from Pathology services will complete the NLIAH yellowbelt4healthcare course in April. Further courses are going to be reserved for Diagnostics during 2010. Opportunities to share the outcomes of projects undertaken will include posters, slideshows and other resources being made available through the Pathology Community on As part of the Leading and Delivering Change in Pathology programme, a member of the Modernising Scientific Careers programme team recently attended a seminar with Pathology Clinical Directors and Directorate Managers. The policy document Modernising Scientific Careers: The UK Way Forward has been published and is available on this link: .aspx?CMSPageID=470 Preparatory work is currently underway with a view to collaboratively developing competence-based units for in-house training of non-registered Pathology support staff. Units will be accessible to all Health Boards and organisations in order to reduce duplication of effort and enable support staff to accumulate transferable training credit. User Satisfaction Survey Colleagues in A&E departments throughout Wales have completed an on-line survey of user satisfaction. Information is currently being analysed and reports will include indices of satisfaction at site, Health Board and All Wales levels. This method providing a measure of user satisfaction as an indication of service quality will be used to form part of the reporting of KPIs for Pathology in 2010. Service Improvement Tools and Techniques IM&T The LIMS Full Business Case has been prepared for submission to WAG for final approval. Pathology disciplines are engaged in intensive work to develop the standardisation detail required to inform configuration of the new LIMS. Portfolios of standardisation are being quality assured by the discipline SSAGs and issued through the NPPB. This will enable services to begin to take advantage of the opportunities these All Wales standards provide for future service planning and delivery across Health Boards and national services. If you would like further information on the National Pathology Programme, please go to or or contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, by telephone on 02920 207615 or email Pathology Programme News 6th April 2010 No. 10 National Pathology Programme Board User Satisfaction Survey The National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB), which includes Clinical Directors of Pathology and Directorate Managers from all Health Boards and national services, will meet next on 15th April 2010. The Board’s work programme for 2010 / 2011 reflects the following priorities: Quality, including the design of services to meet appropriate accreditation and regulatory requirements such as CPA, Blood Bank MHRA and HTA Workforce, including an All Wales approach to the design of an appropriate workforce to underpin future service planning and delivery Information standards that will support reporting Pathology KPIs and benchmarking Development of appropriate standardisation to reduce variation and support configuration and implementation of the new LIMS Colleagues in A&E departments throughout Wales have completed an on-line survey of user satisfaction. A draft interim report at All Wales level is currently available – Health Board and site level reports will be available shortly. The purpose of this first exercise in carrying out an online survey on a variety of sites in a variety of Health Boards was to try out the idea and assess whether the concepts of All Wales surveys and user satisfaction indices have potential for the future. From the interim report, that certainly appears to be the case. Even though this initial sample of users is a small one, it is clear from the report that such surveys can be a tremendously useful vehicle to stimulate valuable engagement with users and support future service planning. The survey also provides a really good insight into what requesters consider to be the important aspects of Pathology services and those areas where there is clearly potential for educating users. There is no doubt that this first All Wales user survey is a very important step toward measuring user satisfaction in a manner that enables it to truly be a robust indicator of quality of which the service can feel genuine ownership. Accreditation Requirements Laboratory, Quality, POCT, Blood Bank Managers and HTA Designated Individuals continue to collaboratively develop resources and share good practice relating to CPA accreditation and compliance with MHRA and HTA regulatory requirements. Resources currently under development by the HTA group include All Wales consent forms and accompanying guides for Post Mortem examinations. Resources currently under development by the Pathology Quality Management Forum include Identification and Control of Non-Conformities guidance and guidance for the Content of a Service Level Agreement between a Pathology Department and a User / Customer. Printing of the All Wales Blood Transfusion Request form is currently out to tender. Completed resources are posted on the Pathology Community website on Please contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, on 20920 207615 or by IM&T The LIMS Full Business Case has been submitted to WAG for final approval. A number of workshops are currently being held as part of the work by Pathology disciplines to develop the standardisation detail required to inform configuration of the new LIMS. Please contact Margie Fielden if you have any queries about who to contact if you are not already engaged in your discipline’s activity. Portfolios of standardisation are being quality assured by the discipline SSAGs and issued through the NPPB. This will enable services to begin to take advantage of the opportunities these All Wales standards provide for future service planning and delivery across Health Boards and national services. For further information on the National Pathology