FINANCING ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS FOR SMEs Ministry of Economy and Energy Managing Authority of OP "Competitiveness" European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Bulgarian Energy Strategy 2020 Bulgaria 2020 targets 25 % improvement in energy efficiency compared to 2005 levels • 50% decrease in energy intensity 16 % share of energy consumption produced from renewable sources 20 % reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels High potential for energy efficiency improvement identified in: •energy production / transmission / distribution •final energy consumption: residential sector, transport, industry and services European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Energy Intensity in selected EU Countries [kgOe/1,000 €] Bulgaria has highest rate within EU-27 1.400,00 1.200,00 •Disadvantage for Bulgarian SMEs 1.000,00 800,00 600,00 •Lack of competitiveness 400,00 200,00 0,00 2000 •High expenses for energy services 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 EU - 27 Bulgaria Germany Austria Romania Croatia European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future 2006 Greece 2007 2008 2009 Hungary Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007 – 2013 Energy Efficiency and Green Economy Programme European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Framework • Joint Initiative between MoEE and EBRD • Promotion of Sustainable Energy Solutions for SMEs • Blending of EU Structural Funds and Commercial Lending in one Procedure European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Components • Grant Component: EUR 150 Mio. • Loan Component: EUR 150 Mio. • Technical Assistance Component European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Eligible Applicants and Projects Only SMEs are eligible Maximum of 250 employees, turnover of max. EUR 50 Mio. and/or total assets of max. EUR 45 Mio. (according to EU definition / Bulgarian Law on SMEs) Energy Efficiency Projects Projects which result in a reduction of energy (and/or fuel consumption) against a baseline or per unit of production Energy-Audit Projects must achieve a minimum of 10% energy savings! Renewable Energy Projects Projects which generate energy only for the own use of enterprises (solar thermal, geothermal and heat pumps) European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Implementation Approaches There are two different approaches: Technology-driven Approach Energy Audit Approach Technology-driven Approach: Small-scale projects specified in the „List of Eligible Material and Equipment“ Energy-Audit Approach: For larger and more complex projects, based on the results of a simplified Energy Audit European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Grant Funding Project Type Grant Intensity (% of total eligible costs) Technology Driven Projects (LEME) 30% Energy Audit Driven Projects 40% Bonus grant for the following features: LEME projects based on a voluntary energy audit Projects involving CHP Renewable energy projects covering the own needs of the enterprise Fuel switch projects Introduction of an Energy Management System Projects implemented in priority economic sector 10% (for each feature) • Maximum grant intensity is 50% of eligible costs • Maximum grant amount per project under „Regional Aid“ scheme is EUR 1 Mio. European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Functions Allocation Project Assistant Participating banks Contracting Authority Technical Eligibility Check Financial Eligibility Check Eligibility of Applicant Check • Project eligibility • State Aid Compliance • Eligibility of expenditures • Energy audit check • Procurement Check Information and counseling services to applicants Financing with own funds: Confirmation of availability of sufficient funds Loan financing: Loan approval or Term Sheet Double Financing Check Verification Assistant Project Monitoring Verification of products and services delivered • On-the-spot visit • Final report Check LEME maintenance PBs provide loans to applicants/beneficiaries at market rates European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Project Cycle European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 State of implementation • Initial project preparation completed: 750+ projects, well above programme budget • Submission mostly in the last two months before programme closure • Preference for Energy Audit Projects – scale and flexibility European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Operational Progamme „Innovations and Competitiveness“ 2014-2020 European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Programming framework Common Strategic Framework for the period 2014-2020 Priorities for funding recommended by European Commission Services 2. Innovation-friendly business environment Supporting business development Facilitating access to finance and advanced business services for SMEs and start-ups Supporting private R&I investment, infrastructure and capacities 4. Environment-friendly and resource-efficient economy Promoting a low-carbon economy, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources Thematic objective 1. Strengthening research, technological development and innovation Thematic objective 3. Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs Thematic objective 4. Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy Thematic objective 6. Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency OP „Innovations and Competitiveness “ PRIORITY AXIS 1: „Entrepreneurship, export and production potential“ 1.1. Technological development and innovations 1.2. Competitiveness and productivity of enterprises PRIORITY AXIS 2: „Green and effective economy“ 2.1. Green economy and resource efficiency 2.2. Energy technologies and energy efficiency PRIORITY AXIS 3: „Technical assistance“ European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Priority axis 1: Entrepreneurship, export and production potential Technological development and innovations - „smart“ growth (TO 1 of the CSF) development and embedding of new products, processes and business models in innovative enterprises development of mutual initiatives for researches and innovations support for innovative starting enterprises development of infrastructure for innovations and researches, etc. Competitiveness and productivity of enterprises - fast growing (TO 3 of CSF) renovation and excellence of technologies aiming to improve productivity and increasing efficiency of resources used through introduction of leading technological solutions introduction of new ICT-based services and applications improvement of manufacturing processes in enterprises support for development of clusters support for fast growing enterprises, etc. European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 Priority axis 2: Green and effective economy Green economy and resource efficiency – sustainable growth (TO 6 of the CSF) embedding of high-technology solutions for optimization of production processes and reduction of utilization of raw materials embedding of contemporary technologies for input of wastes as raw material in new production; wasteless technologies; innovation production materials; technologies for production of "green products“, etc. Energy technologies and energy efficiency - sustainable growth (TO 4 of the CSF) investments in technology solutions for optimization of production processes resulting in energy savings investments in renewable energy technologies for energy production, incl. CHP consultancy services for energy management systems development construction and repair works in buildings European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! European Regional Development Fund EUROPEAN UNION Investing in your future Operational programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013