
CSE598D Storage Systems
Dr.Bhuvan Urgoankar
Optimizations within a disk for head movement –
Disk Scheduling and rearranging data blocks ..1
C-Miner: Mining Block Correlations in Storage Systems
Atropos: A Disk Array Volume Manager for Orchestrated Use of Disks
Christopher R. Lumb, Jiri Schindler, and Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie
Mellon University, FAST' 02
Configuring and Scheduling an Eager-Writing Disk Array for a Transaction
Processing Workload
Jiri Schindler, Steven W. Schlosser, Minglong Shao, Anastassia Ailamaki,
and Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon University, FAST' 04
Freeblock Scheduling Outside of Disk Firmware
Zhenmin Li, Zhifeng Chen, Sudarshan M. Srinivasan, and Yuanyuan Zhou,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, FAST' 04
Chi Zhang and Xiang Yu, Princeton University; Arvind Krishnamurthy, Yale
University; and Randolph Y. Wang, Princeton University, FAST' 02
Track-Aligned Extents: Matching Access Patterns to Disk Drive Characteristics
Jiri Schindler, John Linwood Griffin, Christopher R. Lumb, and Gregory R.
Ganger, Carnegie Mellon University, FAST' 02
Optimizations within a disk for head movement –
Disk Scheduling and rearranging data blocks ..2
Some new disk scheduling policies and their performance
Disk scheduling policies with lookahead
Hai Huang, Wanda Hung, Kang Shin (University of Michigan), SOSP' 05
Towards Higher Disk Head Utilization: Extracting "Free" Bandwidth from Busy
Disk Drives
Alexander Thomasian, Chang Liu, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance
Evaluation Review 2002
FS2: Dynamic Data Replication in Free Disk Space for Improving Disk
Performance and Energy-Consumption.
Alexander Thomasian, Chang Liu (Poster) ACM SIGMETRICS Performance
Evaluation Review 2001
Christopher Lumb, Jiri Schindler, Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon
University; Erik Riedel, Hewlett-Packard Labs; and David F. Nagle, Carnegie
Mellon University, OSDI' 00
Circus: Opportunistic Block Reordering for Scalable Content Servers
Stergios V. Anastasiadis, Rajiv G. Wickremesinghe, and Jeffrey S. Chase, Duke
University, FAST' 04
Role of the OS –
file systems, administration and management ..1
Using Model Checking to Find Serious File System Errors
Semantically-Smart Disk Systems
Zhihui Zhang and Kanad Ghose, State University of New York, Binghamton,
FAST' 03
Metadata Efficiency in Versioning File Systems
Muthian Sivathanu, Vijayan Prabhakaran, Florentina I. Popovici, Timothy E.
Denehy, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, and Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, FAST' 03
yFS: A Journaling File System Design for Handling Large Data Sets with Reduced
Junfeng Yang, Paul Twohey, and Dawson Engler, Stanford University; Madanlal
Musuvathi, Microsoft Research, OSDI' 04
Craig A. N. Soules, Garth R. Goodson, John D. Strunk, and Gregory R. Ganger,
Carnegie Mellon University, FAST' 03
GPFS: A Shared-Disk File System for Large Computing Clusters
Frank Schmuck and Roger Haskin, IBM Almaden Research Center, FAST' 02
Role of the OS –
file systems, administration and management ..2
Providing Tunable Consistency for a Parallel File Store
A Framework for Building Unobtrusive Disk Maintenance Applications
Wenguang Wang, Yanping Zhao, and Rick Bunt, University of
Saskatchewan, FAST' 04
A Versatile and User-Oriented Versioning File System
Eno Thereska, Jiri Schindler, John Bucy, Brandon Salmon, Christopher R.
Lumb, and Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon University, FAST' 04
HyLog: A High Performance Approach to Managing Disk Layout
Murali Vilayannur, Partho Nath, and Anand Sivasubramaniam,
Pennsylvania State University, FAST' 05
Kiran-Kumar Muniswamy-Reddy, Charles P. Wright, Andrew Himmer, and Erez
Zadok, Stony Brook University, FALL' 04
Tracefs: A File System to Trace Them All
Akshat Aranya, Charles P. Wright, and Erez Zadok, Stony Brook University,
FALL' 04
Role of the OS –
file systems, administration and management ..3
Energy-Efficiency and Storage Flexibility in the Blue File System
Life or Death at Block-Level
John MacCormick, Nick Murphy, Marc Najork, Chandramohan A. Thekkath,
and Lidong Zhou, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, OSDI' 04
A Low-Overhead, High-Performance Unified Buffer Management Scheme That
Exploits Sequential and Looping References
Muthian Sivathanu, Lakshmi N. Bairavasundaram, Andrea C. ArpaciDusseau, and Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
OSDI '04
Boxwood: Abstractions as the Foundation for Storage Infrastructure
Edmund B. Nightingale and Jason Flinn, University of Michigan, OSDI' 04
Jong Min Kim, Jongmoo Choi, Jesung Kim, Seoul National University; Sam
H. Noh, Hong-Ik University; and Sang Lyul Min, Yookun Cho, and Chong
Sang Kim, Seoul National University, OSDI' 00
Journal-guided Resynchronization for Software RAID
Timothy E. Denehy, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, and Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, FALL' 05
Role of the OS –
file systems, administration and management ..4
Semantically-smart disk systems: past, present, and future
Speculative Execution in a Distributed File System.
Athicha Muthitacharoen, Benjie Chen (MIT), David Mazieres (NYU), SOSP' 01
Stasis: Flexible Transactional Storage
Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, Shun-Tak Leung (Google), SOSP' 03
"A Low-Bandwidth Network File System"
Edmund B. Nightingale, Peter Chen, Jason Flinn (University of Michigan),
SOSP' 05
The Google File System
Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, Lakshmi N.
Bairavasundaram, Timothy E. Denehy, Florentina I. Popovici, Vijayan
Prabhakaran, Muthian Sivathanu ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation
Review 2006
Russell Sears and Eric Brewer, University of California, Berkeley, OSDI' 06
Rethink the Sync
Edmund B. Nightingale, Kaushik Veeraraghavan, Peter M. Chen, and Jason
Theory of Storage Key data structures and algorithms, hardness results etc.
Zodiac: Efficient Impact Analysis for Storage Area Networks
Aameek Singh, Georgia Institute of Technology; Madhukar
Korupolu and Kaladhar Voruganti, IBM Almaden Research Center,
FALL' 05
A Logic of File Systems
Muthian Sivathanu, Google Inc.; Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H.
Arpaci-Dusseau, and Somesh Jha, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
FAST' 04
Active disks and Network attached disks
Obtaining High Performance for Storage Outsourcing
Wee Teck Ng, Hao Sun, Bruce Hillyer, Elizabeth Shriver, Eran Gabber,
and Banu Ozden, Bell Labs, FAST' 02
Storage area networking
Appia: Automatic Storage Area Network Fabric Design
Julie Ward, Hewlett-Packard Labs; Michael O'Sullivan, Stanford
University; and Troy Shahoumian and John Wilkes, Hewlett-Packard
Labs, FAST' 02
Network attached storage/Distributed Storage ..1
EnsemBlue: Integrating Distributed Storage and Consumer Electronics
Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data
Darrell Anderson, Jeff Chase, and Amin Vahdat, Duke University, OSDI' 00
Making the Most Out of Direct-Access Network Attached Storage
Fay Chang, Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Wilson C. Hsieh, Deborah A.
Wallach, Mike Burrows, Tushar Chandra, Andrew Fikes, and Robert E.
Gruber, Google, Inc, OSDI' 06
Interposed Request Routing for Scalable Network Storage
Daniel Peek and Jason Flinn, University of Michigan, OSDI' 06
Kostas Magoutis, Salimah Addetia, Alexandra Fedorova, and Margo I.
Seltzer, Harvard University, FAST' 03
The Direct Access File System
Matt DeBergalis, Peter Corbett, Steve Kleiman, Arthur Lent, Dave Noveck, Tom
Talpey, and Mark Wittle, Network Appliance, Inc, FAST' 03
Network attached storage/Distributed storage .. 2
Obtaining high performance for storage outsourcing
Feasibility of a serverless distributed file system deployed on an existing set of
desktop PCs
Sage A. Weil, Scott A. Brandt, Ethan L. Miller, Darrell D. E. Long, and Carlos
Maltzahn, University of California, Santa Cruz, OSDI' 06
Distributed Directory Service in the Farsite File System
William J. Bolosky, John R. Douceur, David Ely, Marvin Theimer, ACM
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2000
Ceph: A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System
Wee Teck Ng, Bruce K. Hillyer, SIGMETRICS '01
John R. Douceur and Jon Howell, Microsoft Research, OSDI' 06
The Chubby Lock Service for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems
Mike Burrows, Google Inc, OSDI' 06
Qos issues and multimedia storage
Comparing random data allocation and data striping in multimedia servers
DASD dancing: a disk load balancing optimization scheme for video-on-demand
computer systems
Steven W. Schlosser, Intel Research Pittsburgh; Jiri Schindler, EMC
Corporation; Stratos Papadomanolakis, Minglong Shao, Anastassia Ailamaki,
Christos Faloutsos, and Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon University, FAST'
Design and Implementation of Semi-preemptible IO
Joel L. Wolf, Philip S. Yu, Hadas Shachnai SIGMETRICS '95/PERFORMANCE '95
On Multidimensional Data and Modern Disks
Jose Renato Santos, Richard R. Muntz, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto, ACM
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2000
Zoran Dimitrijevic, Raju Rangaswami, and Edward Chang, University of
California, Santa Barbara, FAST' 03
Façade: Virtual Storage Devices with Performance Guarantees
Christopher R. Lumb, Carnegie Mellon University; Arif Merchant, Hewlett-Packard
Labs; and Guillermo A. Alvarez, IBM Almaden Research Center, FAST' 03
Caching and Pre-fetching ..1
Program-Counter-Based Pattern Classification in Buffer Caching
DULO: An Effective Buffer Cache Management Scheme to Exploit Both Temporal
and Spatial Localities
Binny S. Gill and Dharmendra S. Modha, IBM Almaden Research Center, FALL'
CAR: Clock with Adaptive Replacement
Xuhui Li, Ashraf Aboulnaga, and Kenneth Salem, University of Waterloo; Aamer
Sachedina, IBM Toronto Lab; Shaobo Gao, University of Waterloo, FALL' 05
WOW: Wise Ordering for Writes—Combining Spatial and Temporal Locality in NonVolatile Caches
Song Jiang, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Xiaoning Ding, Feng Chen, Enhua
Tan, and Xiaodong Zhang, Ohio State University, FALL' 05
Second-Tier Cache Management Using Write Hints
Chris Gniady, Ali R. Butt, and Y. Charlie Hu, Purdue University, OSDI' 04
Sorav Bansal, Stanford University; Dharmendra S. Modha, IBM Almaden
Research Center, FAST' 04
ARC: A Self-Tuning, Low Overhead Replacement Cache
Nimrod Megiddo and Dharmendra S. Modha, IBM Almaden Research Center , FAST'
Caching and Pre-fetching ..2
Empirical evaluation of multi-level buffer cache collaboration for storage
Zhifeng Chen, Yan Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhou, Heidi Scott, Berni Schiefer, ACM
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2005
Reliability/Availability and Fault tolerance ..1
Ursa Minor: Versatile Cluster-based Storage
Improving Storage System Availability with D-GRAID
Muthian Sivathanu, Vijayan Prabhakaran, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, and Remzi
H. Arpaci-Dusseau, University of Wisconsin, Madison, FAST' 04
Row-Diagonal Parity for Double Disk Failure Correction
Michael Abd-El-Malek, William V. Courtright II, Chuck Cranor, Gregory R.
Ganger, James Hendricks, Andrew J. Klosterman, Michael Mesnier, Manish
Prasad, Brandon Salmon, Raja R. Sambasivan, Shafeeq Sinnamohideen, John
D. Strunk, Eno Thereska, Matthew Wachs, and Jay J. Wylie, Carnegie Mellon
University, FALL' 05
Peter Corbett, Bob English, Atul Goel, Tomislav Grcanac, Steven Kleiman,
James Leong, and Sunitha Sankar, Network Appliance, Inc. FAST' 04
Myriad: Cost-effective Disaster Tolerance
Fay Chang, Minwen Ji, Shun-Tak Leung, John MacCormick, Sharon Perl, and Li
Zhang, Compaq SRC, FAST' 02
Comments: Cross site checksum via erasure codes instead of mirroring
SnapMirror: File-System-Based Asynchronous Mirroring for Disaster Recovery
R. Hugo Patterson, Stephen Manley, Mike Federwisch, Dave Hitz, Steve Kleiman,
and Shane Owara, Network Appliance, FAST' 02
Reliability/Availability and Fault tolerance ..2
Chain Replication for Supporting High Throughput and Availability
Trading Capacity for Performance in a Disk Array
James Lee Hafner, Veera Deenadhayalan, and KK Rao, IBM Almaden Research
Center; John A. Tomlin, Yahoo! Research, FALL' 05
STAR: An Efficient Coding Scheme for Correcting Triple Storage Node Failures
Navendu Jain and Mike Dahlin, University of Texas at Austin; Renu Tewari, IBM
Almaden Research Center, FAST' 05
Matrix Methods for Lost Data Reconstruction in Erasure Codes
Xiang Yu, Benjamin Gum, Yuqun Chen, Randolph Y. Wang, and Kai Li, Princeton
University; Arvind Krishnamurthy, Yale University; and Thomas E. Anderson,
University of Washington, OSDI' 00
TAPER: Tiered Approach for Eliminating Redundancy in Replica Synchronization
Robbert van Renesse and Fred B. Schneider, Cornell University, OSDI' 04
Cheng Huang, Microsoft Research; Lihao Xu, Wayne State University, FALL' 05
WEAVER Codes: Highly Fault Tolerant Erasure Codes for Storage Systems
James Lee Hafner, IBM Almaden Research Center, FALL' 05
Reliability/Availability and Fault tolerance ..3
IRON File Systems.
Vijayan Prabhakaran, Nitin Agrawal, Lakshmi N. Bairavasundaram, Haryadi
S. Gunawi, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau (UW,
Madison), SOSP' 05
EXPLODE: A Lightweight, General System for Finding Serious Storage System
Junfeng Yang, Can Sar, and Dawson Engler, Stanford University, OSDI' 06
Enterprise storage systemsstorage virtualization and self management issues ..1
Polus: Growing Storage QoS Management Beyond a "4-Year Old Kid"
Aqueduct: Online Data Migration with Performance Guarantees
Sean Rhea, Patrick Eaton, Dennis Geels, Hakim Weatherspoon, Ben Zhao,
and John Kubiatowicz, University of California, Berkeley, FAST' 03
Selecting RAID Levels for Disk Arrays
Chenyang Lu, University of Virginia; and Guillermo A. Alvarez and John
Wilkes, Hewlett-Packard Labs, FAST' 02
Pond: The OceanStore Prototype
Sandeep Uttamchandani and Kaladhar Voruganti, IBM Almaden Research
Center; Sudarshan Srinivasan, University of Illinios at Urbana-Champaign;
John Palmer and David Pease, IBM Almaden Research Center, FAST' 04
Eric Anderson, Ram Swaminathan, Alistair Veitch, Guillermo A. Alvarez,
and John Wilkes, Hewlett-Packard Labs, FAST' 02
Hippodrome: Running Circles Around Storage Administration
Eric Anderson, Michael Hobbs, Kimberly Keeton, Susan Spence, Mustafa Uysal,
and Alistair Veitch, Hewlett-Packard Labs, FAST' 02
Enterprise storage systemsstorage virtualization and self management issues ..2
Database-Aware Semantically-Smart Storage
Muthian Sivathanu, Google Inc.; Lakshmi N. Bairavasundaram,
Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, and Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, FAST' 05
Designing for Disasters
Kimberley Keeton, Cipriano Santos, and Dirk Beyer, Hewlett-Packard
Laboratories; Jeffrey Chase, Duke University; John Wilkes, HewlettPackard Laboratories, FAST' 04
Power and thermal management
Hibernator: Helping Disk Arrays Sleep Through the Winter.
Qingbo Zhu, Zhifeng Chen, Lin Tan, Yuanyuan Zhou (University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Kimberly Keeton, John Wilkes
(Hewlett-Packard Laboratory), SOSP' 05
Modeling Hard-Disk Power Consumption
John Zedlewski, Sumeet Sobti, Nitin Garg, and Fengzhou Zheng
Princeton University; Arvind Krishnamurthy, Yale University; and
Randolph Wang, Princeton University, FAST' 03
Sensor storage and p2p storage ..1
"Storage Management and Caching in PAST, A Large-scale, Persistent Peer-topeer Storage Utility"
Pastiche: Making Backup Cheap and Easy
Athicha Muthitacharoen, Robert Morris, Thomer M. Gil, and Benjie Chen,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, OSDI' 02
MicroHash: An Efficient Index Structure for Flash-Based Sensor Devices
Landon P. Cox, Christopher D. Murray, and Brian D. Noble, University of
Michigan, OSDI' 02
Ivy: A Read/Write Peer-to-Peer File System
Antony Rowstron (Microsoft Research), Peter Druschel (Rice University),
SOSP, 01
Demtrios Zeinalipour-Yazti, University of Cyprus; Song Lin, Vana Kalogeraki,
Dimitrios Gunopulos, and Walid A. Najjar, University of California, Riverside,
FALL' 05
Adaptive Data Placement for Wide-Area Sensing Services
Suman Nath, Microsoft Research; Phillip B. Gibbons, Intel Research Pittsburgh;
Srinivasan Seshan, Carnegie Mellon University, FALL' 05
Sensor storage and p2p storage ..2
Samsara: Honor Among Thieves in Peer-to-Peer Storage
Landon P. Cox, Brian D. Noble (University of Michigan), SOSP' 03
Preserving Peer Replicas By Rate-Limited Sampled Voting
Petros Maniatis, Mema Roussopoulos, TJ Giuli, David S. H. Rosenthal, Mary
Baker, Yanto Muliadi (Stanford University), SOSP' 03
Archival storage and secure storage ..1
Decentralized User Authentication in a Global File System
Plutus: Scalable Secure File Sharing on Untrusted Storage
Ethan Miller and Darrell Long, University of California, Santa Cruz; William Freeman,
TRW; and Benjamin Reed, IBM Research, FAST' 02
A Framework for Evaluating Storage System Security
Sean Quinlan and Sean Dorward, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, FAST' 02,
Awarded best paper.
Strong Security for Network-Attached Storage
Mahesh Kallahalla, Hewlett-Packard Labs; Erik Riedel, Seagate Research; Ram
Swaminathan, Hewlett-Packard Labs; Qian Wang, Pennsylvania State
University; and Kevin Fu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, FAST' 03
Venti: A New Approach to Archival Data Storage
Michael Kaminsky, George Savvides, David Mazieres, M. Frans Kaashoek (MIT,
McGill, and NYU), SOSP' 03
Erik Riedel, Mahesh Kallahalla, and Ram Swaminathan, Hewlett-Packard Labs,
FAST' 02
Enabling the Archival Storage of Signed Documents
Petros Maniatis and Mary Baker, Stanford University, FAST' 02
Archival storage and secure storage ..2
Type-Safe Disks
VXA: A Virtual Architecture for Durable Compressed Archives
Jinpeng Wei and Calton Pu, Georgia Institute of Technology, FALL' 05
A Security Model for Full-Text File System Search in Multi-User Environments
Zachary N.J. Peterson, Randal Burns, Joe Herring, Adam Stubblefield, and Aviel
D. Rubin, The Johns Hopkins University, FALL' 05
TOCTTOU Vulnerabilities in UNIX-Style File Systems: An Anatomical Study
Bryan Ford, CSAIL, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, FAST' 05
Secure Deletion for a Versioning File System
Gopalan Sivathanu, Swaminathan Sundararaman, and Erez Zadok, Stony Brook
University, OSDI' 06
Stefan Büttcher and Charles L. A. Clarke, University of Waterloo, FALL' 05
Block-Level Security for Network-Attached Disks
Marcos K. Aguilera, Minwen Ji, Mark Lillibridge, John MacCormick, and Erwin Oertli,
Hewlett-Packard Labs; Dave Andersen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Mike
Burrows, Microsoft Research; Timothy Mann, VMware; and Chandramohan A.
Thekkath, Microsoft Research, FAST' 03
Archival storage and secure storage ..3
Secure Untrusted Data Repository (SUNDR)
FARSITE: Federated, Available, and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted
Umesh Maheshwari, Radek Vingralek, and Bill Shapiro STAR Lab, InterTrust
Technologies Corp, OSDI' 00
Self-Securing Storage: Protecting Data in Compromised Systems
Atul Adya, William J. Bolosky, Miguel Castro, Gerald Cermak, Ronnie Chaiken,
John R. Douceur, Jon Howell, Jacob R. Lorch, Marvin Theimer, and Roger P.
Wattenhofer, Microsoft Research, OSDI' 02
How to Build a Trusted Database System on Untrusted Storage
Jinyuan Li, Maxwell Krohn, David Mazières, and Dennis Shasha, New York
University, OSDI' 04
John D. Strunk, Garth R. Goodson, Michael L. Scheinholtz, Craig A. N. Soules, and
Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon University, OSDI' 00
Fast and Secure Distributed Read-Only File System
Kevin Fu and M. Frans Kaashoek, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and David
Mazières, New York University, OSDI' 00
Information retrieval
Emerging Technologies
Operating System Management of MEMS-based Storage Devices
Using MEMS-Based Storage in Disk Arrays
John Linwood Griffin, Steven W. Schlosser, Gregory R. Ganger, and David
F. Nagle, Carnegie Mellon University, OSDI' 00
Mustafa Uysal and Arif Merchant, Hewlett-Packard Labs; Guillermo A.
Alvarez, IBM Almaden Research Center, FAST' 03
Optimizing Probe-Based Storage
Ivan Dramaliev and Tara Madhyastha, University of California, Santa Cruz,
FAST' 03
Mobile/Internet-scale/Wide Area Storage
"Wide-Area Cooperative Storage with CFS"
Taming Aggressive Replication in the Pangaea Wide-Area File System
Niraj Tolia, Carnegie Mellon University and Intel Research Pittsburgh; Jan
Harkes, Carnegie Mellon University; Michael Kozuch, Intel Research Pittsburgh;
M. Satyanarayanan, Carnegie Mellon University and Intel Research Pittsburgh,
FAST' 04
Segank: A Distributed Mobile Storage System
Yasushi Saito, Christos Karamanolis, Magnus Karlsson, and Mallik
Mahalingam, HP Labs, OSDI' 02
Integrating Portable and Distributed Storage
Frank Dabek, M. Frans Kaashoek, David Karger, Robert Morris (MIT), Ion Stoica
(UC Berkeley), SOSP' 01
Sumeet Sobti, Nitin Garg, Fengzhou Zheng, Junwen Lai, Yilei Shao, Chi Zhang,
and Elisha Ziskind, Princeton University; Arvind Krishnamurthy, Yale
University; Randolph Y. Wang, Princeton University, FAST' 04
Data Staging on Untrusted Surrogates
Jason Flinn, Intel Research Pittsburgh and University of Michigan; Shafeeq
Sinnamohideen, Niraj Tolia, and M. Satyanaryanan, Intel Research Pittsburgh and
Carnegie Mellon University, FAST' 03
Workload patterns/modeling tool ..1
I/O System Performance Debugging Using Model-driven Anomaly
TBBT: Scalable and Accurate Trace Replay for File Server Evaluation
Nikolai Joukov, Timothy Wong, and Erez Zadok, Stony Brook University,
FAST' 05
Buttress: A Toolkit for Flexible and High Fidelity I/O Benchmarking
Ningning Zhu, Jiawu Chen, and Tzi-cker Chiueh, Stony Brook University,
FAST' 05
Accurate and Efficient Replaying of File System Traces
Kai Shen, Ming Zhong, and Chuanpeng Li, University of Rochester, FAST'
Eric Anderson, Mahesh Kallahalla, Mustafa Uysal, and Ram Swaminathan,
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, FAST' 04
Passive NFS Tracing of Email and Research Workloads
Daniel Ellard, Jonathan Ledlie, Pia Malkani, and Margo Seltzer, Harvard
University, FAST' 03
Workload patterns/modeling tool ..2
Recent results in mathematical modeling and performance evaluation ofdisks
and disk array
Analysis of file I/O traces in commercial computing environments
K. K. Ramakrishnan, Prabuddha Biswas, Ramakrishna Karedla
A synthetic workload model for a distributed system file server
Eitan Bachmat ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2001
Robert Bodnarchuk, Richard Bunt SIGMETRICS '91
Latency Management in Storage Systems
Rodney Van Meter, Quantum Corporation, and Minxi Gao, University of
California at Berkeley, OSDI' 00
Storage Interface
A Scalable and High Performance Software iSCSI Implementation
A Performance Comparison of NFS and iSCSI for IP-Networked Storage
Peter Radkov, University of Massachusetts; Li Yin, University of California,
Berkeley; Pawan Goyal and Prasenjit Sarkar, IBM Almaden Research
Center; Prashant Shenoy, University of Massachusetts, FAST' 04
More Than an Interface—SCSI vs. ATA
Abhijeet Joglekar, Michael E. Kounavis, and Frank L. Berry, Intel Research
and Development, FAST' 05
Dave Anderson, Jim Dykes, and Erik Riedel, Seagate Research, FAST' 03
Storage Over IP: When Does Hardware Support Help?
Prasenjit Sarkar, Sandeep Uttamchandani, and Kaladhar Voruganti, IBM
Almaden Research Center, FAST' 03
Papers from SIGMETRICS
A synthetic workload model for a distributed system file server, Robert
Bodnarchuk, Richard Bunt, SIGMETRICS '91
DASD dancing: a disk load balancing optimization scheme for video-ondemand computer systems, Joel L. Wolf, Philip S. Yu, Hadas Shachnai,
Analysis of file I/O traces in commercial computing environments, K. K.
Ramakrishnan, Prabuddha Biswas, Ramakrishna Karedla, SIGMETRICS
Obtaining high performance for storage outsourcing, Wee Teck Ng, Bruce K.
Hillyer, SIGMETRICS '01
Feasibility of a serverless distributed file system deployed on an existing set
of desktop PCs, William J. Bolosky, John R. Douceur, David Ely, Marvin
Theimer, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2000
Comparing random data allocation and data striping in multimedia servers,
Jose Renato Santos, Richard R. Muntz, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto, ACM
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2000
Papers from SIGMETRICS
Recent results in mathematical modeling and performance evaluation of disks and
disk array, Eitan Bachmat, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2001
Some new disk scheduling policies and their performance, Alexander Thomasian,
Chang Liu (Poster), ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2001
Disk scheduling policies with lookahead, Alexander Thomasian, Chang Liu,
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2002
Empirical evaluation of multi-level buffer cache collaboration for storage
systems, Zhifeng Chen, Yan Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhou, Heidi Scott, Berni
Schiefer, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2005
Semantically-smart disk systems: past, present, and future, Andrea C.
Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, Lakshmi N. Bairavasundaram,
Timothy E. Denehy, Florentina I. Popovici, Vijayan Prabhakaran, Muthian
Sivathanu, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 2006