Smart card report points - India Electronics & Semiconductor


ISA Confidential 2009 1

Objective and methodology of the document


• The ISA (Indian Semiconductor Association) has proposed a study to understand the smart card industry scenario in India from a semiconductor industry perspective

• The key objectives of the study include

• Understanding the overall dynamics of the smart card industry

• Current status of the Indian smart card industry

• Key usage trends and application areas of smart cards

• Global smart card industry practices

• Smart card industry practices in India

• Drivers for growth, new segments, emerging application areas, changes in technology

• Impact of smart cards on the semiconductor industry


• Around 25+ expert interviews across key stakeholders, including chip suppliers, card manufacturers, RFID suppliers, system integrators, issuing authority, planning commission, smart card association

• Desk research focusing on global and Indian market trends, existing and emerging applications, technology focus, new initiatives, e-governance projects

• Analysis based on primary interviews and desk research

ISA Confidential 2009 An ISA – FEEDBACK Document 2

Smart cards and RFID tags – A brief ideology

Smart cards are plastic cards embedded with a microprocessor or memory chip

Contact based smart cards

Contactless based smart cards

Identification and process based application


Identification based application

• In the Indian context,

• Contact based smart cards and RFID tags currently have moderate penetration, while contactless cards are yet to see a significant application base

• However in select cases, the smarts cards are built only with memory devices and the reader re-programs the card when connected

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Smart card applications in India are currently nascent but have immense potential in the years to come

• A smart card is a combination of electronic modules embedded in a plastic card to perform simple access applications to more complex applications, like monetary computation and identity status. The core function of a smart card is to store and process data based on the application it is programmed for

• The Indian smart card industry is characterized by popular applications like SIM cards, access cards, vehicle registration, tolling, ticketing, loyalty cards, pay TV cards, financial and health cards

• These cards are contact based or contactless, which can be either upgraded or can function as use and throw cards

• RFID, a relatively new technology, is gaining popularity in some areas

• RFID tags are used for product tracking and identification application. Some of the popular applications include vehicle tracking, retail goods tracking, LGP cylinder tracking, library management, auto component tracking

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Indian Telecom is the most successful application market for contact based smart cards

Success rate of smart card implementation

– Global vs India scenario

Segment An India overview



India is one of the fast growing economies for high tele-density. Now CDMA phones also use SIM cards.

As of end-August 2009, the subscriber base stood at

495 mn. Growth rate of subscriber base is at 15%

Only select public transport in metros have implemented smart cards. Eg. Go Mumbai cards for rail and bus transport

Entertainment Availability of spectrum license for satellite television and conditional access has evolved the pay TV market in India. By the end of 2008, the subscriber base stood at 9 mn. Growth rate of subscriber base is at 30%


Health care

Select banks have introduced Chip and PIN cards,

(EMV) which promise high security

Largely a Government initiative to provide medical services to families below the poverty line

Retail Tagging of retail goods




Driving license, MNIC cards, e-passports are amongst select initiatives taken by Government

Select institutions have started issuing access cards to students

Predominantly access cards

India Global best scenario Others

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Status of applications for smart cards and RFID tags in the Indian market






Access control

& Attendance

NFC – Near Feed


Vehicle tracking & parking solutions

Ticketing and toll


SIM cards

Pay TV cards

Banking Access control &


Asset tracking Credit cards

Health &






Retail Raw material & goods tracking


MNIC cards Electronic passports

Identity cards

Toll receipts

Driving license

Vehicle Registration


Library management



Access control,

Loyalty cards

Others Defense plane tracking

Personnel &

Ammunitions tracking,

LGP cylinder, laptop tracking



Under evaluation


• Majority of the pilot projects have been tested for RFID tagging


Already prevalent

Source: ISA – Feedback Study, 2009

• Ticketing, Toll collection and e–passports are the only applications tested for contactless smart cards

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Bulk of the applications are supported by contact based cards




Entertainmen t

Banking and



Applications in India

SIM cards

Registration License Tolling and ticketing

PAY TV cards

Credit card

Patient card

Debit card


Vehicle tracking

Retail Cash transaction

Loyalty cards SKU tracking

Global applications

SIM cards

Registratio n

PAY TV cards

Credit card

License cards

Debit card

Tolling Eticketing

Vehicle tracking

Patient card

Cash transaction


Loyalty cards

Discoun t cards

SKU tracking






Campus cards

Hotel cards

LPG tracking

Predominantly contact based

National ID Security cards

Library cards Library manageme nt

Inventory management

Animal tagging

Predominantly contactless RFID tagging


Campus cards

National ID

Library cards

Securit y Cards

Library manage ment

Discoun t cards




Employee access

Hotel cards Frequency cards

Animal tagging

Inventory managemen t

Source: ISA – Feedback Study, 2009

Segment arrangement is based on popularity of usage

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India is now moving towards contactless cards; however RFID yet to gain popularity

Indian Smart Card Industry Evolution

Processing type



SIM cards)



8 bit card

Contact based

Memory card

Access control

 Majority 8 bit, but 16 bit finding acceptance

 Around 80% contact based, 20% contactless

 Select cards are memory based, while others are microcontroller based

 Access control, identification, driving, tolling, license

 16 bit & 32 bit to find maximum applications

 Majority of cards being contactless

 Only microcontroller based cards

 Integrated application cards, likely to be the key

Historic Current Future

Source: ISA – Feedback Study, 2009

• Shift from the simple application of identification, to more complex applications, like data processing from smart cards

• Technology orientation and scope to integrate futuristic applications, have led to the usage of 16 bit processors

• Need for an all in one card - national acceptance for multiple applications

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Government initiatives – potential applications specific to India for smart cards




Rashtriya Swastya Bima Yojana –

Health insurance service for families below poverty line

Number of people enrolled with the scheme

• 6.2 mn families enrolled till date and have been issued a smart card

Possibility of a smart card conversion and activeness of the project

• Highly active project for issuance of smart cards

• Target of 15 mn families in FY’ 10

NREGA National Rural Employment

Guarantee Act – Employment to the rural poor for a minimum 100 days in a year

• Employment provided to 100 mn households till date

• Highly active project for issuance of biometric based smart cards

• Target of 10 – 15 mn in

FY’ 10

• Unlikely to convert into smart cards

Voter ID Photo identification card issued to people to authenticate identity for voting

Ration card Identity document for public distribution system classified using the monthly household income of a family

PAN card Permanent Account Number for

Income tax

• 586 mn voter ID cards in India

• 222 mn families with ration cards in


• 84 mn PAN cards issued

Kerala government plans to issue smart card based ration cards

Unlikely to convert into smart cards

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Chip suppliers and card manufacturers are technology drivers, while market is driven by governing bodies

Chip suppliers

• Third party evaluators to verify the sanity of the system


Smart card manufacturers

• Manufacturers of smart cards

• Integrate SOC with the plastic cards

• Policy makers

• Regulatory authority

– set out guidelines for all needs of card users from design, integration to supply

Key entity to roll out national level projects

Government agencies



• Design the system based on the key objectives of usage

• Integrate technology with infrastructure for optimum usage and maximized operations

• Technology standardization




Application developers

• End users have limited influence in driving the need for smart cards

• Majority of the smart cards and components are imported; Chip sets, SIM cards, readers, etc.

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Market dynamics of smart cards have time and again posed operational challenges for stakeholders in the Indian market

Chip suppliers

 Hitachi




ST Micro

Card suppliers






M -Tech




System integrators




Explore Infotech iSmart International

M -Tech

Score Infotech


Active consortiums


NIC (National Informatics


SCAFI (Smart Card Forum of


SMARS (Smart Rupee System)

Zero Mass

Promote smart card based transactions in payment and identification areas

Refer standards and specifications

 Smart Chip

Reader suppliers


Data Net Systems



M -Tech



User segments:

Government Sector


Non – Telecom

• Industry evolution started with chip suppliers followed by consortiums, system integrators, card and reader suppliers

Note: This is only an indicative list, established through market interaction. The listing is done on alphabetical order

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Regulations and policy framework need to be strengthened to advocate higher issuance of smart cards across segments

Focus areas

• Need to ensure conformance to standards and guidelines

• Policy framework should warrant that all the applications and software is developed/ tested by the department of IT (NIC), specially for government projects

• Promote collaborative working across departments various systems

• Build a wider network of semiconductor companies for authorising and certifying smart cards for the varied applications

Issues to be addressed

• Ensure faster implementation of projects

• Build capabilities for implementation of large scale projects – addressing mass market volumes for smart card application

• Synchronizing cards usage across multiple applications – integrating geographic usage to common user pool

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Indian smart card industry estimated at USD 130 mn for FY’ 09 where cards account for 64%

Overall size of the smart card industry

2008 - 09

Market estimates for smart cards and RFID tags




+ software


Smart cards


Value: INR 6,500 mn (USD 130 mn) Value: USD 84 mn Volume: 158 mn

Conversion norm: USD 1 = INR 50 Source: ISA – Feedback Study, 2009

Of the 140 mn contact based cards, SIM cards account for125 mn

Chip sets account for 40 – 50% of the total project cost, while the balance is made up by card, OS and integration costs

Smart cards chips are primarily imported from China, Taiwan, United States and European


Penetration of smart cards has been driven by the acceptance of Governing bodies or nodal agencies, despite higher cost of cards

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Contact based cards form bulk of the smart cards business in India

Smart cards –18 mn cards (excludes SIM cards) RFID Tags – 15 mn tags

Source: ISA – Feedback Study, 2009

• Contactless is a superior technology, but is yet to find strong foothold, due to cost economics; is likely to gain prominence in the coming years

• New technology phones like Nokia 6212C with NFC driver, capable of acting as smart cards and also as reader terminal (NFC project implemented in Bangalore on a pilot basis)

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Contactless cards are likely to become more popular in future due to competitive costing and longer life of cards

INR per card

• Smart cards are typically of the following sizes

• 2.5 cm x 1.5 cm (SIM cards)

• 8.5 cm x 5.5 cm (Others)

Source: ISA – Feedback Study, 2009

• Contactless cards gaining popularity over contact based cards – The ratio likely to change to 50% share for contactless, from the present 20% for non-SIM card applications

• Life of contactless is higher (8 – 10 years) than contact based (3 – 4 years)

• RFID tags with a reading range of 5 – 10 cm are the most common; strong challenge against barcode labels valued at 20 paise per label

• Minimal changes in infrastructure for contact based solution and contactless solution; variation in cost of solution is primarily driven by cost of card

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Large scale project implementation and technology upgradation amongst key challenges


• Build allied infrastructure (like reader terminals) and improve its penetration across cities


















• Work towards educating customers on the extent of application of smart cards across user segments and governing bodies

• Streamline procedures in Government funded projects (approvals, standardization)

• Database generation, integration into one system and authentication - major challenge for UID project

• Integration of existing non smart card users to smart card user pool for existing applications (e.g: e-passports: existing book form passport holders to convert to e-passport)

• Increasing cost pressures from substitute products like magnetic cards (for smart cards) and bar code readers (for RFID tags)

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Government projects likely to be the key growth driver for smart cards in India

• Government schemes like NRGEA,

RSBY, ESIC and e–Governance projects

• Government participation and strong policy framework

• Growth in telecom subscriber base

– key driver for contact based smart cards (SIM cards)

• Government –

• Employee's Provident Fund to issue smart cards for its 26 mn subscribers

• Smart Cards for Government employees & laborers in Goa

• The Kerala government to issue smart card based ration cards

• 6 mn cards under RSBY scheme; 10 mn ESIC cards

• Banking and Financial Sector –

• ICICI Bank: Smart cards for facilitating transactions, payments to utilities and services etc.

• Reserve Bank of India (RBI): SMARS (Smart Rupee) project

Mumbai Campus Scheme for 150 merchants

• Increasing awareness on applications of smart cards and reduced prices, likely to see greater acceptance of smart cards in private organizations

• Technology integration and multiple applications of smart cards, expected to drive growth

• Transport –

• Driving license : Gujarat State & Delhi Traffic Police.

• Ticketing: Metro railway, Kolkata & (BEST) Mumbai

• Loyalty card –

• Promoted by BPCL, HPCL, Snowhite, Homesaaz

• Library Management –

• Used for stock taking, to determine the location of the books at DFRL Mysore, Kerala State Central Library

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UID program will be issuing an unique identification number alone and will not necessarily influence the usage of smart cards

UID can be used for applications which demand background checks

• Need for UID number is primarily governed by security requirements of the Indian economy and access to opportunity for the poor, which is identity governed




Bank account

• Around USD 20 mn planned under UID project for FY’

10. The authorities will work in close coordination with Home Ministry’s National Population register through the Registrar General of the census, in accordance with the Indian Citizen Act

• National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, Sarva

Shiksha Abhiyan, National Rural Health Mission,

Bharat Nirma are government schemes covered under UID

Police complaints

Property transaction


Identificati on number to every resident of


Driving license


• Karnataka has been chosen as the pilot state to implement the project; potential of around 50 mn

Employment schemes



Institutional admissions


• Phase 1, which is database collection, is estimated to complete in around 2 years

• Authenticity and safeguard of information through government nominated data collection centers

• First set of UID numbers expected to be rolled out by


• Biometric information like fingerprint and photograph to be used for identification and authentication of a particular UID number

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UID can be a backbone to drive high potential for smart cards

• Scope to feed the UID number onto a smart card

• Ease of carrying the card and use in applications which require UID number

• Individuals do not have to remember 16 digit UID number

• Large number of issuing authorities like Banks, Insurance companies, Mobile phone operators, Schools, Government bodies, Corporate firms can incorporate the UID number in the smart cards for their respective users

• Easier and faster background checks

• Since UID will be accepted nationwide, the migrating population will be hooked onto the existing services

• Eliminates the possibility of re-allotment based on location

• Scope to converge multiple applications onto the UID based smart cards to make the system future proof

• Passports

• Vehicle registration and Driving license

• Ration cards

• Banking and insurance, etc

• Likelihood of an all in one card in the years to come

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India offers a huge potential for smart cards with e–governance applications leading from the front



• Increase in immigrant population mix of students and working professionals seeking overseas opportunity; around

8 - 10 mn passports issued every year

• Initiative to provide free health check up and treatment for the rural population has given rise to the need for health cards; an estimated 800,000 is the rural population of India

• ESIC – provides health services card to 40 mn people at government subsidized rates Pointers defining potential for smart cards

Transport and


• Government focus on metro rail projects across major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad; scope for integration by using common card across public transport



• Huge potential, replacing existing magnetic cards with smart cards; smart cards offer scope for multiple applications using a single card

• Growth in the retail sector and need for tracking the goods helps in efficient stocking

• Growth in segments like transport (vehicle tracking), logistics (container tracking); fuelling demand for RFID Tags

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Strong regulations and technology convergence likely to help achieve realistic market numbers by 2014


Source: ISA – Feedback Study, 2009

• Other applications like hotel cards, club cards, access cards are likely promising ones, along with the above listed key application segments

• The Indian market exhibits a huge limiting potential owing to the large population base

• Need for technology future proofing likely to be driven by the usage of 32 bit processors

Action points which would help achieve realistic volumes

• Regulations

– Need for a strong regulation which would govern and monitor smart card implementation on a pan

India basis

– A consortium could ideally drive smart card implementation

• Technology convergence

– Learnings from the global market and showcase integration with existing technology

• Inflection points for smart cards

– Faster implementation of pilot projects and converge to established applications

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In summary…

Learning from the global smart card market

• Suitability of new applications, which can be directly implemented in India

• Technology barriers overcome and converted into proven success, which could be replicated in India

Capabilities of Indian companies to address smart card demand

• Strong base of system integrators with exposure to complex system applications

• Import of select components like chip sets, high integrated application smart cards, readers, etc.


Emerging trends – application and segments

• NFC devices likely to be the next level technology products; doubly used as a smart card and reader terminal

• 16/32–bit cards expected to become more popular, governing the applications built on smart cards

• While India offers a huge potential for smart cards, the biggest challenge is timely implementation and existence of strong regulatory policies

• Different Government departments need to work as a consolidated unit for successful implementation of smart card based projects

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Need for an active consortium comprising stakeholders in the smart card ecosystem to increase penetration of smart cards and redefine the market in India

Key challenges associated with smart card implementation

• Targeting mass population for smart card implementation likely to be a challenge as rural population is widespread

• Integration of services like authenticity of cards and processing specific applications from a remote location, likely to be a challenge

• Reaching out to the rural population and setting up a strongly networked infrastructure for smart cards

Way forward for the Indian semiconductor industry

• Import of semiconductor chips to address the potential; foundry set-up requires huge investments and rapid change in technology

• SC supplier needs to be a “solution provider” to reap higher benefits in the smart cards and identification business

• Associate strategically with key IT vendors who “ exercise” significant control over potential customers

• Proactive investments in pilots projects; unconditional supply of chipsets and RFID tags for developmental and pilot projects

• Leverage the experience of global markets to develop standardized solutions

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Themes for Recommendations – Inputs from the

Team (based on the things to be done to benefit the semicon industry)

• Government programs – Enlist various government programs which could potentially make use of smart cards. Showcase the benefits to individuals and Government by usage of smart cards for these programs

• Implementation and impact on economy - How will the use of smart cards impact the economy as a whole – learnings from the global market

• Government policy and regulations – Flexibility in operations, interoperability, use of local foundry

• UID to create opportunity for smart cards – Convince Government to include UID number onto smart cards, along with biometric and photo image of individuals

• Benefits to the ecosystem – Enlist the benefits for the stakeholders/ companies involved in the smart cards ecosystem from a semiconductor perspective

• Boost local manufacturing – Activities that could be locally managed (design, manufacturing of cards, readers, etc.) relate to employment generation with local interest

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Glossary of terms used in the document









LPG mn



Bombay Electric Supply and Transport Company

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited


Defense Food Research Laboratory

Europay Master Visa

Employee State Insurance Corporation

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited

Indian National Rupee

Liquefied Petroleum Gas


Near Feed Communication

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Glossary of terms used in the document












National Informatics Centre

National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

Operating System

Radio Frequency Identification

Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna

System Interface Module

Smart Rupees

Unique Identification

United States Dollar

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Thank you

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