Synergies between Safety and Security


Synergies between Nuclear Safety and


DG Joint Research Centre (JRC)

Zdenka Palajova

A.8 Nuclear Safety and Security Coordination Unit

Ensuring Safety, Security and Safeguards in Nuclear Power 12 June 2013, Preston


Mission of the JRC

Structure of the JRC

JRC activities

Nuclear activities at the JRC

Synergies between Safety and Security

Generation IV nuclear energy systems

Emergency preparedness

Measurement systems and particle analysis techniques

Ensuring Safety, Security and Safeguards in Nuclear Power 12 June 2013, Preston

Mission of the JRC

… is to provide customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of EU policies.

As a service of the European Commission, the JRC functions as a reference centre of science and technology for the Union.

Close to the policy-making process, it serves the common interest of the Member States, while being independent of special interests, whether private or national.

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Structure of the JRC

IET – Petten Netherlands

- Institute for Energy and Transport t

IRMM - Geel Belgium

- Institute for Reference Materials and

Measurements t t

ITU Karlsruhe Germany and Ispra Italy

- Institute for Transuranium elements

IPSC - IES - IHCP - Ispra Italy

- Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen

- Institute for Environment and Sustainability

- Institute for Health and Consumer Protection


IPTS - Seville Spain

Institute for Prospective Technological Studies

Ensuring Safety, Security and Safeguards in Nuclear Power

Staff: 3000 (about 25% nuclear)

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JRC activities

Helping to fix pollution emission standards

Harmonising measurements of GMOs

Validating new methods alternative to animal testing

Preventing nuclear trafficking

Developing safe, secure and ecofriendly building standards

Improving testing for safer food and feed

Testing the safety of nano-materials

Responding to crises and natural disasters

Ensuring the safety and security of the nuclear fuel cycle

Providing econometric indicators

Monitoring business R&D spending

Supporting enlargement

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Nuclear activities at the JRC

The nuclear activities of the JRC aim at reflecting the R&D obligations of the

Euratom Treaty and supporting both

Commission and Member States in the fields of:

• safeguards and non-proliferation

• safety of nuclear installations

• safety of fuel cycle

• radioactivity in the environment

• waste management

• radiation protection

The JRC has a role as a European reference for dissemination of information, training and education

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Synergies between Safety and Security

Nuclear Safety: The achievement of proper operating conditions, prevention of accidents or mitigation of accident consequences, resulting in protection of workers, the public and the environment from undue radiation hazards.

Nuclear Security: The prevention and detection of, and response to, theft, sabotage, unauthorized access, illegal transfer or other malicious acts involving nuclear material, other radioactive substances or their associated facilities.

Synergies between Safety and Security at technical level:

Technologies and design architecture (GIF)

Emergency preparedness

Measurement systems and particle analysis

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New Design Concepts-GIF

New Design Concepts - GIF

- Collaborative efforts to develop next generation of nuclear energy systems (NES)

- Advanced and new reactor systems (2030 and beyond)

- JRC coordinates EURATOM contribution to GIF

4 Goal areas for Generation IV NES:

- Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection (PR&PP)

- Safety and Reliability

- Sustainability

- Economics

Proliferation Resistance is that characteristic of an NES that impedes the diversion or undeclared production of nuclear material or misuse of technology by the Host State seeking to acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.

Physical Protection (robustness) is that characteristic of an NES that impedes the theft of materials suitable for nuclear explosives or radiation dispersal devices (RDDs) and the sabotage of facilities and transportation by sub-national entities and other non-Host State adversaries.

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New Design Concepts-GIF

GIF technology goals

Safety and Reliability -1

Generation IV nuclear energy systems operations will excel in safety and reliability.

Safety and Reliability -2

Generation IV nuclear energy systems will have a very low likelihood and degree of reactor core damage.

Safety and Reliability -3

Generation IV nuclear energy systems will eliminate the need for offsite emergency response.


Generation IV nuclear energy systems will increase the assurance that they are a very unattractive and the least desirable route for diversion or theft of weapons-usable materials, and provide increased physical protection against acts of terrorism.

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New Design Concepts-GIF

Coupling between PR&PP and safety goals:

-Passive systems and structures

-Protection of nuclear material

-Human performance programs

Potential conflicts:

-Emergency response (multiple access)

-Dissemination of knowledge on protection system operation

Need for integrated consideration of safety, reliability, PR and PP

PR&PP and safety evaluation methodologies share a common paradigm.

PR&PP evaluation approach:


The safety and reliability assessment paradigm can be defined in a similar way:


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Information exchange for emergency purposes


European Community Urgent Radiological Information


Technical implementation of the Council

Decision 87/600/Euratom on early notification and exchange of information in event of a radiological or nuclear emergency

MS promptly notify the EC and all the MS potentially affected when they intend to take counter measures in order to protect their population against the effects of a radiological or nuclear accident

ECURIE agreement - EU27 + HR and CH

Data-formats of WebECURIE and ENATOM

(IAEA's notification system) harmonized and automatic exchange of relevant notifications

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Information exchange for emergency purposes


European Radiological Data Exchange Platform

-Internationally recognized standard format for radiological data

-Network (33 European countries with > 4400 stations participating)

-Daily and hourly transmissions/ routine and emergency operation

-Currently mostly γ-dose rates

-Web-site to view and download data

-IAEA is implementing the EURDEP for its purposes at world-wide level


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Synergies between

Safety and Security

JRC activities in data and information exchange for emergency purposes


- exchange of information to facilitate decision making process

- originally designed and developed for major accidents

- also for smaller scale events (accidental or malevolent) – depends on sensitivity of the device, sampling density

Atmospheric dispersion modelling tools

JRC project for EU CBRN Action Plan

- assessment and validation of existing modelling tools that are or can be used in decision support systems following RN incidents

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Synergies between

Safety and Security

Measurement systems

ITRAP+10 (Illicit Trafficking Radiation Assessment


- JRC, US Department of Homeland Security (DHS –DNDO), IAEA

- evaluation of available radiation detection equipment relevant to nuclear security - 8 different families of equipment tested (RPM, SRPM, PRD, SPRD,


– approx. 100 instruments in total

- reference for regulatory and other MS authorities

Radiation Portal Monitors

– for trucks, containers, wagons

- operated by EU Customs in mega ports

- security (to prevent import of radioactive material by terrorist)

- safety (to detect contaminated containers from Japan after Fukushima event)

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Synergies between

Safety and Security

Particle analysis techniques

Dounreay particles

– radioactive particles about 1 mm in size

- Al/U matrix fuel + K, Ca, Fe, Mg, Nd, Si, P, S, Cl (EDX)

- Isotopic composition of U, Pu

- Particles discharged 40-50 years ago

SEM picture of the U/Al particle

Contaminated material

- 2011 scrap metal contaminated with enriched U

(the Netherlands)

- SIMS of powdered material – mixture of particles of LEU and HEU (up to 96 mass%) (used e.g. TOPAZ) + 2 Russian fission chambers

- results communicated to MS authority and IAEA









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85 95 100 90

235 atom %

236 U vs. 235 U isotope abundances in single particles

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Synergies between

Safety and Security


EU – highest standards of safety and security for peaceful use of nuclear energy

JRC – R&D Euratom Program – safety, security, safeguards, and non-proliferation

Technical synergies between safety and security

 - Generation IV nuclear energy systems

 - Emergency preparedness

 - Measurement systems and particle analysis techniques

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Thank you for your attention!

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