The control of claims' costs and related services for the insurance market Krzysztof Jablonski & Radu Mateescu Romania, 25 May 2011 Company background Trends and competitive environment ECHO platform TAG ID Garage Management European Claims & Mobility Services Claims Replacement Services BACKGROUND SOME FACTS & FIGURES… Established in the Netherlands in 1945 Market leaders in international claims handling 740 experienced, professional, highly motivated staff Corporate Governance & Quality control Safeguarding the interests of more than 500 customers (in the insurance sector) Independent Dun & Bradstreet 1st Tier rating T/O €62MN (2010) € 500MN of managed funds 260,000 claims files 48 offices First pan-European independent claims managers and adjusters BACKGROUND FOCUS Changing landscapes Credit crunch: huge impact on financial services industry Government intervention Huge impact on private individuals Increased fraud rates Natural Catastrophes Emerging economies: Weak government and private investments Feeble consumption High unemployment Eldering societies Surging energy and food prices Opening of labour markets FOCUS Competitive Environment Shift in the supply chain: new methods to attract & retain customers Financial crisis = ‘shopping around’ Innovation gives rise to new markets On-line aggregators Social media FOCUS Consequences and mitigating actions Rising costs Decreased income Corporate transparency increased requirements Need to innovate Increased efficiency = decreased claims handling costs Prevented fraud Streamlined processes Improved customer satisfaction = increased customer loyalty Innovation and co-creation is a key OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE FOCUS Claims costs ‘Claims handling leakage’ Prevented by superior IT support activity driven system: deadlines are kept automatic presentation of relevant information strict adherence to service levels including reserving protocols preferred supplier networks reporting requirements claims cycle time Resulting in: communication and speediness increased customer satisfaction among Clients reduction in claim handling costs FOCUS Processes: transparency and fraud prevention Processes & data flow merge into one: Insurer’s processes Contractors and repair companies Lawyers Medical specialists Transparency SLA agreements Key Performance Indicators Compliance (SAS70) Fraud prevention CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS ECHO = REVOLUTIONARY REVOLUTIONARY TRANSPARENT ACCOUNTABLE FLEXIBLE REVOLUTIONISED THE CLAIMS HANDLING PROCESS Uniform service across the whole of Europe One virtual organisation with the same business rules Decreased transaction cost Increased control CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS ECHO = TRANSPARANT REVOLUTIONARY TRANSPARENT ACCOUNTABLE FLEXIBLE CREATED COMPLETE TRANSPARENCY Direct access through ECHO Extranet, 24/7 “Real” time view of claim details/status Service level performance check CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS ECHO = ACCOUNTABLE REVOLUTIONARY TRANSPARENT ACCOUNTABLE CREATED COMPLETE ACCOUNTABILITY Secure access through the web Restrictions can be set per user/role Audit trail on all claims handling activities Supports SAS70 compliance FLEXIBLE CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS ECHO = FLEXIBILE REVOLUTIONARY TRANSPARENT ACCOUNTABLE FLEXIBLE INCREASED FLEXIBILITY TO BETTER SUPPORT DEMAND All forms of back-office support and file handling Possible to link your system to ours Custom-made services and products Including branding CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS CUSTOMISATION OPPORTUNITIES CLAIM INTAKE Paper E-mail Telephone Batch file Webservice CHECK COVER Batch file Web service Paper file Customer contact POSITION DEFINITION Fraud regulations Supplier network Reserve strategy REPORTING Payment lists Reserve lists Damage information In ascii, txt, webservice, xls COMMUNICATION Client Look & Feel PAYMENT & RECOVERY Paymentmethods Funding agreements Recovery network CLIENT LOOK & FEEL CLOSING File/ Bordereaux Invoicing Archiving SLAs CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS ECHO ARCHITECTURE ECHO Extranet Track & trace KPI dashboards Claims reporting Organisation Definition Process Flow Definition Document Management CLAIMS HANDLER PORTAL BACK OFFICE Client agreement Claims activity Management Correspondence Look & feel File Management FINANCIAL SYSTEM SAP Claims Financials CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS CONCLUSIONS: WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? Cost reduction Checking claims estimations & quality of repair Transparency Performance monitoring SLA compliance Uniformity Client specific SLAs, branding, … Consolidated information State-of-the-Art Technology How about INNOVATION? CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS What is the Van Ameyde TAG ID? ? 2D QR code connecting the offline & online world Step by step advice in the event of a motor vehicle accident CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS Easy to use SCAN CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS BROWSE CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS Opportunities for Insurer Green Card 2. Scan 3. Download Information 1. TAG What you always need to do in the event of a motor vehicle accident: 4. COMPLETE accident statement & SEND to Insurer 5. Client receives CONFIRMATION from INSURER • Record the vehicle registration plate of the opposing party • Record the name of the opposing party’s Insurance company (see green card) • Record the names and addresses of any witnesses • Notify the police • Take photos of the accident site and the damage sustained to both vehicles • Contact your Insurance company CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS Exemplary IPhone Application Insurer’s E-claims Notification Insurer’s Emergency Services CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS IPhone Application Insurer’s E-claim Notification CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS ADDED VALUE SERVICES – e-claim notification Insurer’s Supplier Network CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS VALUE ADDED FEATURES Insurer’s E-claim Notification Insurer’s E-claim Notification CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS PERSONAL & THIRD PARTY INFORMATION Insurer’s E-claim Notification Insurer’s E-claim Notification CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS Garage Management Strategic partnership with Akzo Nobel CR Suceava Network: Baia Mare Botosani Bistrita Oradea 100 repairers & garages Roman Cluj-Napoca Service: Bacau Arad Alba Iulia 5 year paint warranty Sibiu Manufacturer’s warranty Audatex Focsani Brasov Braila Buzau Pitesti Bucuresti Craiova Calarasi CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS European Collision and Mobility Services We can provide you with a customised telephone number that your policy holders can call in case of an accident. Our professionals, addressing them in their own language, will be able to: • give advice as to the actions to be taken to secure proper settlement of the claim with the other party; • make arrangements with a towing company and body shop; • assess the damage and determine liability; • make arrangements with a car hire company to provide the policy holder with a replacement vehicle; • maintain contacts with the hospital or doctor, in case of bodily injury; • and repatriate vehicle, driver and passengers. CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS CLAIM REPLACEMENT SERVICES Scalepoint integration Web-based platform for content/luggage claims 180K item catalogue Fulfillment of replacement through web shop Replace goods Buy other goods Cash settlement Or any combination A full-service managed network of suppliers with strict Service Level Agreements CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS CLAIM REPLACEMENT SERVICES Solution My camera was stolen! I’ve found your camera in our catalogue. I’ll give you access to our replacement site. You can choose to order a new camera or transfer cash to your bank account. I’ve ordered a new camera, and by using my credit card I even bought myself a new bicycle with your discount. Thank you so much! INTERNET INTERNET SCALEPOINT SCALEPOINT CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS CLAIM REPLACEMENT SERVICES Scenario 5. ACCES TO WEBSHOP 6. ORDER CUSTOMER / INSURED 7. DELIVERY/ PAYMENT 8. SURVEY 1. FIRST NOTIFICATION OF LOSS 2. SEARCH CATALOGUE 3. LOSS ASSESMENT CLAIMS HANDLER 4. IN KIND RESTITUTION SCALEPOINT (country) CONTROLLING CLAIMS COSTS Summary Trends and competitive environment ECHO platform TAG ID Garage Management European Claims & Mobility Services Claims Replacement Services Bucking the trends and fighting claims expenses Van Ameyde = reliability INNOVATION Thank you!