Troubleshooting Macs


Hardware and Software

Your Tools

 Install Disk / Mac OS X

Network Utility

System Profiler

 Disk Utility

 and Verbose Start (Apple+V)

 Safe boot (Shift), Single User Mode


 F2 or Install Disk: For running AHT

 Tech Tool (Pro or Deluxe)

 Target Disk Mode (and another Mac)

Generic Issues and Solutions

 PRAM issue (Apple+Opt+P+R)

 File System issue

Try single-user mode or safe boot.

If that doesn’t help, see HD slides.

 Driver / kext issue, startup item issue

(try safe-boot)

Hard Drive Failure – Best


Backup important stuff ASAP!

 Target disk mode.

 External USB adapter (if CRU).

Hard Drive Failure - Symptoms

- reseating HD does not help (if CRU)

- no single user mode

- circle with a line

- pinwheel keeps spinning

- stuck at blue screen or aurora

Hard Drive Failure - Symptoms

- HD not visible in boot manager

- tech tool or AHT do not detect a hard disk

- Install disk does not detect a hard disk

- Disk Utility (install disk) “SMART” error

- HD not visible via target disk mode

Hard Drive Failure - Symptoms

- fails tech tool tests

- fails AHT tests

can’t repair with disk utility

- recurs after Erase and Install (but run

TT or AHT first)

Hard Drive Failure - Solutions

 Best case: have backup, have Apple


Call Apple. Apple replaces HD for free.

 No Apple Care?

 Apple

 Small Dog


 You can try Erase & Install or Archive &

Install, but…

RAM Failure - Symptoms

 Computer beeps (lookup beep codes)

 Power light flashes a pattern (lookup pattern)

 Fails Tech Tool RAM test.

 Fails AHT RAM test.

 Issue reproduced when booted from another location (target disk mode, install disk) – no video corruption.

 System Profiler shows failing RAM module.

RAM Failure – Best Practice

 Test each DIMM separately.

 Determines which DIMM is faulty.

 Test each DIMM slot separately.

 Determines which slot is faulty.

RAM Failure - Solutions

 Reseat RAM.

 Best case: Has Apple Care. Call Apple.


 No Apple Care?

 Apple

 Small Dog


Graphics Card Failure – Best


 Use an external display to test (attach before powering on Mac).

 Reset PRAM.

 Backup!

 Boot from install disk.

Graphics Card Failure -


 No video (external or internal) but can hear startup chime.

 Distorted video.

 Intermittent distorted video.

 Distorted video during HD video playback or screen saver. Computer crashes during these actions.

LCD/backlight Failure – Best


 Use an external display to test (attach before powering on Mac).

 Reset PRAM.

 Backup!

 Boot from install disk.

LCD/backlight Failure –


 No LCD video (or interm.), but external display works.

 Screen very dim.

LCD/backlight/GPU Failure -


 If no Apple Care, extremely expensive


 Very difficult to DIY.

 Small Dog can be cheaper than Apple.

Try buying Apple Care…

Can sell on Ebay…

Can backup via TDM or USB adapter…

Keyboard or Trackpad Failure –

Best Practices

 Test when booted from install disk.

Keyboard or Trackpad Failure –


 Vacuum (gently!) or blow canned air

(vacuum in SR can blow, too).

 Covered under Apple Care (unless accidental damage).

 Very difficult to DIY, but affordable via

Apple, Small Dog.

Small Dog can be cheaper…

Network Card Failure – Best


 Test on multiple jacks (DIRECTLY TO


 Test with multiple cables.

 Test with multiple wireless connections

(midd_u vs midd_s).

 Boot from install disk.

 Check Network Utility, System Profiler,

Network preference pane.

 Create a new location.

 Safe mode.

Network Card Failure – Solutions

 Covered under Apple Care (unless accidental damage).

 Very difficult to DIY (but see below).

Airport replacement affordable via

Apple, Small Dog.

Small Dog can be cheaper…

 Can purchase USB adapter 

AC Adapter or Power Related


 Reset PRAM.

Reset SMC or power management.

Try known good appropriate AC adapter – must verify Wattage.

 Test AC with battery removed (older models).

 Test without AC and a charged battery

(older models).

 If system board issue, service call is expensive (unless covered by Apple Care).


 Older models – only covered for 1 year.

 Newer models – covered for 3 years w/

Apple Care. Not CRU!

 Affordable.

 Can try fully draining then fully charging…

 System Profiler can be very helpful.


 Test from install disk.

 Check System Profiler.

 Target Disk Mode can help w/ Firewire testing.

 Service call expensive (unless covered by Apple Care).


 Test from install disk.

 Test internal speakers.

 Test audio port with headphones.

 Check System Profiler.

 Red light on audio port!?


Canned air

 Service call expensive (unless covered by

Apple Care).

 USB headphones/mic are cheap.
