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Using Product Pricer for EVPL
Fast, Flexible, Reliable
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
Firm Pricing Scenarios
Budgetary Pricing Scenarios
ICB Scenarios
Special Construction
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
Overview and Benefits
• This project enables the Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL) Term
Based rate plan to be priced out of Product Pricer.
• EVPL is the first Legacy CTL product to be introduced into Product
• Now you, the customer, can price out your own quotes and
determine on a preliminary basis if special construction is needed
• EVPL loops will now be “qualified” via a firm, budgetary or ICB
quote, based on fiber availability
• Bulk quoting capability is included
• Firm Special Construction Charges can be ordered. Budgetary
Special Construction Charges will require submittal of an ICB.
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
• What’s not included:
• EVPL for ELA-Loop qualification is scheduled for
availability in 2014
• Ethernet over Copper
• The Bandwidth-Based 7 year Flat Rate Structure Plan
• The Volume Based Rate Plan (Low and High Volume)
• Pricing for these plans is available via the applicable
CenturyLink Local Operating Companies Interstate
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
• Product Pricer for EVPL is similar to Product Pricer for QC Metro
Ethernet in that the information provided also includes the loop
• This is done internally as Product Pricer makes a web call to another
internal CenturyLink system to qualify the service address. It will
• Is this an EVPL served wire center?
• Is the address identified as a fiber-fed building?
• Is the distance to fiber identified?
• If there are issues with any of the above qualifications, contact
your sales team who will submit the request for further review.
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
Firm Pricing Scenario
• Firm Pricing
• A quote will receive a Firm Pricing message if one or both of the
following conditions exist :
• The location is fiber fed
• This is an EVC only quote, the configuration uses an existing UNI, NNI, ENNI
• If a Firm Pricing message is received, this quote does not need to
be developed by the ILEC Sales Engineer. (SE)
• You will have a firm price to use and can order the service in the
standard manner, knowing there will be no special construction.
• Message Received: “Pricing quoted here is firm for services with a
term of month to month, 12 month, 24 month, 36 month and 60
month, but is contingent upon engineering approval.”
• Once ASR is submitted, there may be circumstances that require a change to
the design and could impact the pricing.
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
Firm Pricing Scenario
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
Budgetary Pricing Scenario
• Budgetary Pricing
• A quote for EVPL service will be considered Budgetary if both of
the following conditions are present:
• If there are one or more UNI, NNI or ENNI locations configured
for the quote
• A location configured on the quote is not a fiber-fed building, as
identified by GeoWS.
• You will receive budgetary pricing including a special construction
• If you wish to continue, please contact your sales representative.
• The Budgetary message is:
• “Location is served by a wire center that is equipped with EVPL equipment, but
requires manual engineering to produce a firm quote. Budgetary price
produced as an estimate for planning purposes only.”
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
Budgetary Pricing Scenario
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
ICB Scenario #1
• When a validation check is performed, the system will verify if both
the A and Z locations are served by the same Metropolitan
Ethernet Network cloud. If they are in different Metro Clouds an
ICB message will be received.
• No pricing is received
• The ICB message for this scenario is:
• “Locations are served by diverse networks and require ICB
design and pricing. Please contact your account team for
assistance with final pricing.”
• Please Note: IF locations are in different EVPL clouds, service
cannot be offered. (With two exceptions in Florida)
• This message will be updated in a future release.
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
ICB Scenario #2
• If the distance to fiber cannot be found by the system and if the
address is otherwise considered valid, then you will receive a price
for the service but the charge for the construction is ICB.
• An ICB request will need to be issued to the ILEC Sales Engineer
via Salesforce for pricing of the construction charge.
• Standard ICB quote and acceptance processes will be followed
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
ICB Scenario
• Message States: Unable to price until the following validation errors
are fixed: Locations are served by diverse networks and require ICB
design and pricing. Please contact your account team for assistance
with final pricing
• Message States: Unable to price until the following validation errors
are fixed: Locations are served by diverse networks and require ICB
design and pricing. Please contact your account team for assistance
with final pricing
Message States: Unable to price until the following validation errors are fixed: Locations are served by
diverse networks and require ICB design and pricing. Please contact your account team for assistance
with final pricing
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
Special Construction
• Budgetary Special Construction can now be quoted for EVPL via
Product Pricer.
• The same methodology that is being used manually today has been
incorporated into Product Pricer.
• On the PDF generated from Product Pricer, the Special Construction
Charge will be labeled as “Construction” under the Element Column.
• The rate is shown in the NRC column.
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
Special Construction
• Product Pricer provides information if a building is Fiber-Fed or not.
• If after inputting Location A, it is found that the building is NOT
Fiber –Fed, a pop up message states:
• Construction is required to extend fiber access to this location.
The quoted construction charge for this location is budgetary
and reflects the construction charge that is estimated under
ideal conditions. Factors that would result in a higher
construction charge include but are not limited to:
• The fiber route crosses a railroad, interstate highway, or body of water
• The location is a cell tower
• If any of the above conditions are known to exist, your actual
construction charge will likely be higher.
• If a building is not Fiber Fed there may be a special construction
charge. Special construction is not always charged even if
needed. Thresholds apply.
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
• How does this impact you?
• You can still submit an order without a Product Pricer quote.
Standard order process would apply
• If you receive a Firm Quote with Special Construction quoted, the
following process applies:
• Once you receive the price quote from Product Pricer you will need to contact your
sales team with a soft copy of the price quote and/or the quote number that was
generated by Product Pricer.
• Sales will load the quote into and that will kick off notification to the
Sales Engineer that they need to review the quote.
• If Special Construction is required, then the Sales Engineer will follow the existing
ICB process. Your Sales Manager will keep you informed of the results.
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
Demonstration and Other Information
• Now that you have heard about Product Pricer and the new
functionalities that are available with EVPL let’s see how it works.
• Wholesale External GUI
Please e-mail your questions to:
Company Name
Your Name
e-mail address
We will respond to all questions in a timely manner.
The training session will be posted at:
• For download By Monday – January 20th
• Thank you for your participation in the EVPL Product Pricer Training.
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
Forward Looking Statement
All trademarks are the properties of their respective companies.
This document may contain projections and other forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. These
statements may differ materially from actual future events or results. The information contained in this document is a statement of
CenturyLink’s present intention, belief or expectation and is based upon, among other things, the existing regulatory
environment, industry conditions, market conditions and prices, the economy in general and CenturyLink’s assumptions.
CenturyLink may change its intention, belief or expectation, at any time and without notice, based upon any changes in such
factors, in CenturyLink’s assumptions or otherwise.
The information contained herein does not constitute an offer by CenturyLink to provide services, equipment, or materials. Any
such services and items will only be provided pursuant to an effective CenturyLink Wholesale Services Agreement, or similar
agreement, between CenturyLink and Customer. Service is subject to availability and not available in all areas. Additional terms
and conditions apply.
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
For additional information, please contact your
Account Representative.
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
Validation Messages
Validation messages appear after entering addresses and clicking the “validate” button.
Validation Messages
Locations are served by diverse networks and require ICB
design and pricing. Please contact your account team for
assistance with final pricing.”
The locations are served by different clouds that cannot be
connected. An alternative service like Private Line may be
better suited to your needs. The message will be modified
in a future release.
Construction is required to extend fiber access to this
location. The quoted construction charge for this location is
budgetary and reflects the construction charge that is
estimated under ideal conditions. Factors that would result
in a higher construction charge include, but are not limited
to: -Fiber route crosses a railroad, interstate highway or
body of water, -Location is a cell tower. If any of the above
condtions are known to exist, your actual construction
charge will likely be higher.
The address is valid, but no fiber exists at this location.
Pricing is budgetary and could be higher than quoted for a
variety of reasons including but not limited to those reasons
Unable to price until the following validation errors are
fixed: Locations are served by diverse networks and
require ICB design and pricing. Please contact your
account team for assistance with final pricing.
EVPL cannot be provisioned between the two locations
either because they are in separate clouds, states,
territories, etc. No pricing will be displayed.
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.
Pricing Messages
Pricing messages appear in the GUI and on the PDF output and advise the user to
submit their order or if additional engineering is required.
Pricing Messages
Pricing quoted here is firm for services with a
term of month to month, 12 month, 24 month,
36 month and 60 month, but is contingent
upon engineering approval.
Pricing is firm and customer can issue their
ASR. No special construction would apply.
The site is fiber fed.
Location is served by a wire center that is
equipped with EVPL equipment, but requires
manual engineering to produce a firm
quote. Budgetary price produced as an
estimate for planning purposes only.
The system delivers pricing and an estimate
of the special construction if any applies. If
customer accepts quote, an ICB must still be
entered in SalesForce prior to ordering.
This document does not constitute an offer. CenturyLink services or equipment are only made available pursuant to an executed CenturyLink
agreement. © 2014 CenturyLink. All Rights Reserved.