Draft Work-Plan Human Resources Development Council of South Africa (HRDSA) 7th April 2011 Presentation to Council 1 …purpose To present the draft Work Plan to the Council which is aimed at focussing discussions within the Council Draft work plan took into consideration the following: Draft HRDSA – still to be aligned with the NGP 5 point plan presentation as approved Concerns raised at previous Council Meetings • To request that Council engages with the work plan and provide inputs and comments. 2 …mandate of Council • • • • • • • • Advise DP on the need and implementation of HRD policies and strategies Provide medium for constant dialogue and consensus building among stakeholders Identify skills shortages and recommend appropriate solutions to unblock such blockages Encourage organised business, labour, government and civil society to unlock such blockages Promote knowledge management and benchmarking at enterprise and national levels with the view to increase effectiveness of HRD Oversee continual monitoring and evaluation of all aspects of the HRD Strategy Lead an effective programme of advocacy and communication to build support and gain buy in for the HRD-SA objectives to ensure effective feedback and consultation with stakeholders Mobilise senior leadership in business , government, organised labour, civil society, professional bodies, education and training, science and technology institutions to address national HRD priorities in a more coordinated and targeted way 3 Note Role of the Council is not to implement the strategy, but to create a platform where social partners can engage collectively and develop solution to address bottlenecks in the development of human resources in South Africa • 4 What are the 8 Commitments We Will: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Overcome shortages in the supply of people with the priority skills needed for strategies to achieve socio-economic growth • Increase number of appropriately skilled people to meet demand of current and emerging economic and social development priorities Ensure improved access to quality basic education and schooling Implement skills development programmes to overcome unemployment and poverty Ensure that young people have access to education and training that enhances opportunities and increases their chances for success in further education and vocational training and sustainable employment Improve technology and innovation capability and outcomes within public and private sector to enhance competition in the global economy Ensure that public sector has capability to meet priorities of a developmental state Establish effective planning capabilities in the relevant departments and entities for the successful implementation of HRDSA 5 Pillars in which commitments are based BUILD THE EDUC ATION AND SKILLS BASE REQUIRED FOR A PROSPEROUS AND INCLUSIVE SOCIETY COMMITMENT THREE: We will ensure improved uni versal access to qual ity basic education and schooling (up to Grade 12) th at is purposefully focused on: (a) ach ieving a dramatic i mprove ment in the education outcomes for the poor; (b) equipping learners with opti mal c apac ity for good cit izenship; and (3) the pursuit of postschool vocation al education and training or employment. 1 ACQUIRE AND DEVELOP THE SKILLS NEEDED TO BUILD A MORE COMPETITIVE AND INCLUSIVE ECONOMY 2 ENH ANCE THE LIFE CHANCES OF THE YOUTH AND UNEMPLO YED WHO ARE ALREADY IN THE 3 ECONOMY COMMITMENT ONE: COMMITMENT FOUR: We will urgently overcome the shortages in the su pply of people with t he priority skills needed for the suc cessful implementation of current strategies toachieve accelerated economic growth. We will urgently implement skills development programmes that are purposefully aimed at equippi ng recipients /citizens with requisite skills to overcome related scourges of poverty and unemployment. ENHA NC E THE SKILLS OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR 4 COMMITMENT S EVEN: We will ensure th at the public sector has the capabi lit y to meet the strategic prio rities of the South Af rican Developmental State. COMMITMENT TWO: We will increase the number of appropriately skilled pe ople to meet the demands of our current and emerging economic and s ocial development priorities. COMMITMENT SIX : We will improve the technological a nd in novation capability and outcomes within the pu blic and private sectors to enha nce our competitiveness in the global econ omy and to meet our human development priorities. COMMITMENT FIVE: We will ensure that young people have access to education and training that enhances opp ortunities and increases their chances of succes s in further vocational training and sustainable employment COMMITMENT EIGHT: We will establ ish effective and efficient plannin g capab ili ties in the relevant departments and entities for the successful imple mentation of the HRDSA. 6 Proposed 5 point work plan 1.To strengthen and support FET colleges to expand access 2.Production of intermediate skills (artisans in particular) and professionals 3.Production of academics and stronger industry-university partnerships in research and development 4.Foundational learning 5.Worker education 7 Proposed Interventions 2011-2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Develop recommendations on how to strengthen FET Colleges in expanding access Propose appropriate measures to improve the provision of accredited worker education to promote life-long learning Develop a proposal for the removal of blockages to expedite delivery of artisans across all sectors Develop a proposal on how best to improve Sector Skills Planning and SETA Performance Develop appropriate measures to unblock blockages, strengthen and support basic schooling Align the HRD-SA with the New Growth Path and incentives to create more jobs Develop a model for the production of Professionals in South Africa which is applicable to all occupations Develop a model to facilitate stronger alignment between educational institutions and industry and development of academics Capacitate the Secretariat to provide effective and efficient support to Council and its committees 8 Technical Task Teams Task Team • Chairperson Foundational Learning Dr Letseka Production of Professionals Ms Chantyl Mulder Worker Education Mr Rudi Dicks Production of academics and stronger industry / education linkages Prof de la Rey Alignment of HRDSA to the NGP Dr Neva Makgetla Artisan Development Task Team Dr Florus Prinsloo Further Education and Training Ms Makano Morojele Draft terms of reference developed. Task team to present action plan with clear deliverables and timeframes 9 Actions KPIs Leader Baseline Appropriate measures in place on how to strengthen and support FET colleges in expanding access with a target of 21 000 per annum DHET Number of FET Learners Worker DHET Education DOL strategy in place INDUSTR Y Organised Labour Target • •Strategy to expand access in place •Recommendatio ns on how to address challenges communicated •Strategy to align FET colleges with SETA Current •Policy in place programm es to support life long learning Initiatives •Task team to develop recommendations on how to achieve the targets •Task team to deliberate on appropriate policies which will result in national policy on worker education 10 Actions KPIs Leader Baseline Target Increased number and quality of artisans DHET Current • •Policy position Industry number of in place on Organised artisans apprenticeship labour versus learner ship to artisans •Improved coordination between business and government •Rationalized list of artisans •21000 artisans annually •Single funding model in place Initiatives •Task team develop recommendations on how to achieve the targets 11 Actions KPIs Leader Baseline Target Initiatives Improved reporting by SETAs DHET Industry Organise d labour Current Sector Skills Plan reports •Improved sector skills plan to support HR and Skills development •Governance framework for SETAs •Strong linkages between FET colleges and SETAs •Increased number of learner ships and apprenticeships •Strong alignment with sector departments •Task team to develop recommendati ons on how to achieve the targets 12 Actions KPIs Leader Baseline Target Strengthened foundational learning DBE Vision •Blockages related to 2025 foundational learning Action Plan unblocked •Improved relationship with higher education •Foundational learning that is responsive to the needs of the industry and support the growth and developmental agenda for the country Initiatives •Task team to develop recommendati ons on how to achieve the targets 13 Actions KPIs Leader Baselin e Stronger education and industry partnerships DHET DST HEI None DHET Industry Associatio ns HEI None Production of academics Increased number of professionals in strategic professions • Target Initiatives •Strategic alliance between industry and academics •Number of collaborations on innovation, science and technology to advance HRD •Model in place for the production of academics •Task team to develop recommendatio ns on how to achieve the targets •Coherent integrated national plan to advance professionals •Increased number of graduates who •Task team to develop recommendatio ns on how to achieve the 14 targets Actions KPIs Leader Baseline Alignment of HRDSA with the New Growth Path DHET EDD Draft HRDSA Improved HRD research planning at public sector level DHET GOVERNM ENT DEPTS ORGANS OF STATE Target Initiatives •Finalised HRDSA •Task team to develop recommendations on how to achieve the targets • aligned with the new growth path •Proper plan to enhance linkages with prioritized sectors Public •Framework in • sector place for improving HRD plans public sector planning through research Workshop hosted to develop recommendations on how to improve planning for HRD 15 Actions KPIs Leader Baseline Capacitated Council and Secretariat DHET Current Council and Secretariat • Target Initiatives •Fully capacitated secretariat •Restructure secretariat to deliver •administration and coordination, •marketing and communication, •monitoring and evaluation, •policy and research and •information management systems 16 Guidelines for Presenting to Council and Committees Presentation to clearly indicate decision required from Council • Clear articulation of the status of the document • Include purpose, background and discussion and recommendations • Presentation not to be more than 20 minutes and a maximum of at least 15 slides • Supported by a summarised submission and a detailed narrative document as attachment • To be received three weeks prior to the meeting • 17 Critical Success Factors • Buy in and cooperation from lead Departments and social partners • Dedicated leadership with strong support base • fully functioning Secretariat with ability to provide strategic, technical and administrative support • Consensus on roles and responsibilities • Political leadership to ensure coordination in areas of overlap • Proper resourcing and systems to monitor and evaluate impact 18 Conclusion • An educated and empowered population resulting from proper human development strategies can significantly contribute to increased productivity and, thereby, sustainable economic growth and development 19 Recommendations The TWG recommends that Council; • Engages and gives comment and input into the work plan. • Approves the draft work-plan to serve as a business plan for the current financial year. • Note the Draft Guidelines for making presentations to both Council and TWG meetings 20 THANK YOU