Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation

National Technical Working Group on Sanitation
Road Map and Way forward for CLTS
in Ghana
Demedeme Naa Lenason
Ag. Director, EHSD
Venue: Accra WASH House, Dzorwulu-Accra
Date: Friday 25th March 2011
 Ghana’s sanitation coverage of 13% is our national shame.
 The 2% increase recorded from 2006 (11%) to 2008 (13%), our
highest in recent years; implies that it will take the country
forty years to reach the MDG sanitation target of 54% if we
continue at this rate.
 As a pace setter on many fronts in Africa, this is not an
acceptable situation for Ghana and we need to put in drastic
and radical measures to reverse this trend.
 Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) has been identified as
the approach that has demonstrated the potential to propel
Ghana back on track to reach its MDG target on sanitation.
Visit by Kamal Kar
 Visited from 7th February to 14th March, 2011
 Financial Support from Unicef Ghana
 Extensive Consultations with all relevant stakeholders at
national, regional, district and community levels.
 Field Visits to selected Communities.
 Advocacy and sensitization of political and traditional
 Community mobilization & sensitization
 Participatory analysis of CLTS practice.
 Briefing and de-briefing sessions on findings and way
 Trainings and Coaching
Field Visits
From 9th to 18th February, 2011
 Objectives:
 To familiarise and interact with CLTS communities/natural
leaders to deepen understanding of CLTS implementation
in Ghana
 To draw lessons and recommendations from achievements
and challenges of existing CLTS projects
 To inform the design of a more appropriate training
sessions for CLTS facilitators
Visit by Kamal Kar
 Visited 3 Regions -Eastern, Northern and Central
 The team visited 9 communities in 5 districts,
 had 2 meetings with CLTS Natural Leaders in Donkorkrom and
Facilitated 9 Community Durbars/Meetings
participated in 2 meetings with Regional Level stakeholders in
ER and NR.
met with the Unicef WASH Team in Tamale office
Met with DCDs of Kwahu South and Kwahu North
Met with DCEs of Karaga and Zabzugu Tatale
Met with Chief Directors of RCC-ER and NR
Met with the Deputy Minister for LGRD, Deputy Regional
Minister ER, Regional Minister NR and Regional Minister, CR
Visit by Kamal Kar
 Advocacy Meetings
Met with the Following personalities;
 The Country Representative and Deputy Country Representative of Unicef
 Unicef Chief of WASH and his Team
 NTWGS Members (selected)
 Ag. Director of EHSD and his Staff and MMCEs/MMCDs in Greater-Accra
Metro Area(GAMA)
 Board Members of CWSA
 Country Director of Plan
 40 National Level stakeholders
 Consultants from European Investment Bank , EU
 Project Staff of AFD Water and sanitation Project in BAR(Mette)
 Technical Meetings
 High Level Meeting
 Public Lecture
 Technology Forum
Visit by Kamal Kar
National Training of Trainers Workshop
 Dodowa (6-Days, Unicef Funded)
63 Participants from EHSD (National, Regions, Districts and
DWSTs), CWSA (Head Office and ESSs from all the 10 Regs),
DCD, Unicef, LNGOs, Consultants, Natural Leaders, etc
 Elmina (5-Days, Plan and WAG funded)
60 Participants from RCC (Central), EHSD (Districts and
DWSTs in CR), Plan and Partners, WAG and Partners, DCD,
SHEP, Tutors(SOHs)
NR CLTS Scaling Up Workshop
 One day sensitization Workshop for NR under the
instance of the NR Minister
 120 Participants from all the 20 MMDAs -5 Reps from
 40 Master Trainers ‘certified’
 10 - member National back up support team identified
 24 Communities in 3 Districts from 2 Regions entered
and triggered
 Advocacy for Political Commitment and support for
CLTS in Ghana. ( Eg the Hon. Regional Minister of
Northern Region made a declaration of delivering NR as
an ODF Region by December, 2012)
 A road map for ODF Northern region was drawn after
one day stakeholders’ workshop in Tamale.
 Video Coverage and still pictures of the entire visit for
knowledge management and sharing purposes
 Inputs into National CLTS Scaling up Plans and
Road Map
 Regional and Agency/Institution CLTS Scale-up
 Increased Institutional Collaboration and
commitment to scale up CLTS
 Key stakeholders sensitized to support the CLTS
Highlights Of CLTS Scaling Up Plan For Ghana
 Widely publicise CLTS through knowledge management
interventions to ensure widespread and complete
understanding of the approach as well as stakeholder buy-in.
 The use of Natural Leaders in communities to scale up CLTS and
MMDAs and communities to appreciate their efforts and
recognise them. The need to establish a network of Natural
Leaders also important.
 Establish a national ODF league showing the status of districts
and the setting up of awards for high performing districts and
regions every year.
 Identify and develop the role of children as pressure groups in
getting their parents to stop open defecation and their
communities to become ODF.
Highlights Of CLTS Scaling Up Plan For Ghana
 The need for access to markets, creative financing and skills for
climbing up the sanitation ladder. Creating this access should
be done in a manner that does not compromise the core
principles of CLTS.
 Incorporate CLTS indicators into the assessment criteria of the
Functional Organisational Assessment Tool (FOAT).
Highlights Of CLTS Scaling Up Plan For Ghana
 The EHSD of the MLGRD shall issue a directive demanding
compliance with the national policy and strategy on
sanitation with respect to CLTS. The EHSD to collaborate with
key stakeholders to institute measures to ensure compliance.
 Establishment of interagency coordinating committees on
sanitation to enhance collaboration among stakeholders at the
district and regional levels.
Highlights Of CLTS Scaling Up Plan For Ghana
 Development of national, regional and district plans for
scaling up CLTS in Ghana in line with the NESP and
NESSAP and as integral components of District
Environmental Sanitation Strategy and Action Plans
 Build Capacity with a special focus on environmental
health staff, DCD and community natural leaders and
 Identify full time staff to be in charge of CLTS at the
national, regional and district levels.
 EHSD to adopt measures to incorporate ODF
performance indicators into the performance assessment
criteria of Environmental Health Staff
Road Map to take CLTS to Scale
 Develop clear Road Map for CLTS in terms of Capacity
Development, Institutional Coordination and
Harmonization, Resource mobilization and Monitoring
and Evaluation
Establishment and roll out of M&E system for CLTS
as part of MINTESAA and MLGRD M&E system
Identify an M&E Officer (in charge of communications and
knowledge management)
Will require a Communications Specialist to support
Identify a Database Officer(to assist M&E Officer)
Require a GIS Specialist to help set up , undertake
training and establish roll-out process
Road Map to take CLTS to Scale
Strengthening CLTS Coordination at the National,
Regional and District Levels
-Appoint National CLTS Coordinators(NCC)-2, Regional CLTS
Coordinators(RCC)-10 and District Focal Persons for CLTS(DCFP)-170
-Strengthen NTWGS, Establish Regional Interagency Coordinating
Committee on Sanitation (RICCS) and District Interagency
Coordinating Committee on Sanitation (DICCS)
Will require CLTS Scaling Up Consultant
3. Develop and Roll out Sanitation Marketing and Technology
Appoint a Sanitary Engineer to coordinate
Will require Sanitary Engineer/Marketing Specialist
Road Map to take CLTS to Scale
4. Develop MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF) for
Sanitation to facilitate the roll-out of Ghana Rural
San Model
Will require 2 Consultants for the following;
Facilitate the adaptation of the rural sanitation model into a GOG
Facilitate and Document NTWG meetings on rural san model
draft formal TOR for NTWG, RICCs and DICCs,
draft the Job Descriptions/TORs for EHSD staff identified.
draft TORs for EHSD support consultants and facilitate procurement
The Way Forward
 Partner with the CLTS Foundation to continue providing
back up support to Ghana CLTS
 Knowledge Management and sharing among West
African Countries notable Between Ghana, Nigeria,
Sierra Leone, Mali, etc
 Need to implement the CLTS Road Map religiously
 Urgent need to bridge the current capacity gap which
requires the support of all.
Thank you for your