Thesis Guidelines

What is a Thesis ?
A Thesis is a formal document to prove that an original contribution to
Human knowledge has been done .
Two important things:
Identify a worthwhile problem or question which has not been
previously answered
Solve the problem or answer the question
Research is simply “gathering the information you need to answer a
question and thereby help you solve a problem.”
Why Thesis ?
 Fulfills requirement of getting
Degree /Diploma
 Provides
an opportunity
explore a topic in depth
 Encourages a rigorous, logical
and systematic approach to
 Career development
Thesis Procedure
 Select a Area /domain and narrow it down to a topic
 Write a topic proposal and Scope of work
 Choose an External Guide
 Talk to External Guide and also concerned thesis faculty regarding the proposed
 Submission of Thesis synopsis ( Max 3 pages) to Internal Guide in hard copy with
the External guide letter
 Approval of thesis synopsis by allotment of Registration Number sent through
 Submission of Response Sheets to Internal Guide
 Submission of Final Thesis (It should be between 10000 to 30000 words )
 Appearing for Oral and Written Viva Voce ( The candidate needs to handwrite at least
1200 to 1500 words on the summary of thesis at the time of viva)
Note 1 : The candidate has to compulsorily select the research topic on the specialization he/she studied.
Note 2 : There would be marks deduction or rejection of thesis for Non compliance of thesis rules
Note 3 : Student General Identification Number is different from Thesis Registration Identification Number
Thesis Synopsis
Details of the student
[Name (as per IIPM records), Batch , Centre of study, Section ,
specialization ,Phone No and Email Id ]
Desired Area student intends to do Research
(Eg :Advertising ,branding , Performance appraisal ,Industrial
,Recruitment , corporate finance , Capital Markets, Personal finance etc.)
Title of the thesis
Problem definition /hypothesis /Research objectives
Introduction to the Area of research (In brief )
Scope of the thesis work
Synopsis format
Continues in next file
Thesis Synopsis
Research Methodology
Justification for choosing a particular research proposal
Summer Training Topic ( In Brief )
Details of the External guide
(Name of the Guide ,Qualification and Designation )
Approval letter from External guide
( Signatory note from guide stating that he/she would guide you )
Note : The Approval letter should be either in the form of External guide’s signature in the
company’s letter head or email print out from his /her official email Id or External guide’s
signature letter with company’s attestation or External guide’s signature letter attached with
business card.
Thesis Guide
Internal Guide is the Thesis In charge of IIPM (Dept of Projects)
Student should have at least one External Guide
A student can choose more than one person as his/her External Guide
(External Guide has to be necessarily from the industry .Institute reserves the right to approve or reject the
guide as suggested by the student)
It is advisable to choose one of his/her Guide who is well versed in the area
(technical in nature ) one has chosen. If the student has chosen a company
specific research area, then the external guide has to be necessarily from that
company who is well versed in the area.
A Guide is expected to counsel the students with respect to his thesis work
but not to solve the problems.
Selection of Thesis Topic
 Current
 Commercially viable
 Challenging
 Available
Note : The candidate has to compulsorily select the research topic on the
specialization he/she studied.
Sources of Research Areas/Topics
Magazines / Journals /Essay Papers :
4 Ps , Human Factor, Business and Economy , Strategic factor , Business world , Outlook Money, ICFAI journals on subjects like
applied finance, derivatives, M&A, case study, marketing, branding, advertising etc.
Websites :; ;;
; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;
(*^Highly recommended for Finance and Economics topics) , , , ;;;;;
;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;
Research Related Books
Business Research Methods: by Cooper D
Research Methodology : Methods And Techniques by C. R. Kothari
Introduction To Biostatistics And Research Methods-- by Rao P. S. S. Sundar
Social Research Methods, by Alan Bryman
Management Research Methodology: Integration Of Principles, Methods And Techniques
by K. N. Krishnaswamy, Appa Iyer Sivakumar, M. Mathirajan
Business Research . William G. Zikmund-oklahoma State University, William G. Zikmund
Basic Econometrics by Damodar N. Gujarati
Econometric Analysis by William H. Greene
Statistical Methods For Practice And Research: A Guide To Data Analysis Using SPSS
by Ajai Singh Gaur, Sanjay Singh Gaur
Marketing Research: Concepts And Cases, (Special Indian Edition) by Cooper Donald Et. Al
Marketing Research : Text And Cases ; Nargundkar, Rajendra
Business To Business Market Research (Understanding And Measuring Business Markets)
by Ruth Mcneil
International Marketing Research by Kumar V.
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations, by Churchill, Lacobucci
Equity Research And Valuation by Dun, Bradstreet
Thesis Title
 It should be precise.
 It should be argumentative.
 It should be an indication of the structure of the thesis.
 It should not be an announcement.
 It should reflect the key idea (s) of your project.
 Try and use only single sentence for the Title.
 It should be specific.
Sample Approved HR Topics
 Performance appraisal system at MN Ltd
 Attrition analysis and benchmarking retention strategies at PQR Ltd
 An Empirical Study on T&D Practices at LPK Co ltd
 Motivational Practices at MN Co Ltd
 Conflict Management issues at XYZ Co.
 Team Building as an Organization Development Intervention : A Case of
'Employee Morale and Job Satisfaction : A Case of XYZ Co
Work life Balance Study in IT industry : Case of XYZ Co
Behavioral Training Practices for the middle level management : Case of
Assessment of 360 Degree Performance Appraisal at XYZ Co
Sample Approved HR Topics
Talent Acquisition And Onboarding In IT Industry: A case of XYZ Co
Collective Bargaining Agreements with respect to XYZ company.
Induction Training Program study At ABC Ltd.
Reward & Recognition System At PL Ltd.
Leadership Traits study at PQ Ltd.
Change Management in Mergers and Acquisitions: Study of the X-Y
Merger/ Acquisition
Validating “Competency Mapping” For Attaining The Best “Quality Circle
Practices” : Case of XYZ Co
Improving manpower utilization through effective manpower planning: A
study of ABC Co
Employee Engagement - A Study in Relation to XY Ltd.
Recruitment and selection Practices at YK Ltd.
A study on Succession Planning in XYZ Co.
Sample Approved Finance/Economics Topics
Economic Determinants Of Security Analysis
Econometric Valuation Of CAPM Model
Working Capital Management At PQR Ltd
Private Banking Model - ICICI Bank
Study Of Arbitrage Trends In Futures Market
Impact Of Intangible Assets On The Market Value Of XYZ Co
Significance Of CSR Reporting In Annual Reports
Value Creation By Using Acquisition Growth Strategies
Operational Activities And Capital Enhancement Of ABC company
Warehousing And Logistics Issues In Commodity Market : Case of Z commodity
Direct And Indirect Benefits Of Agriculture Futures For Farmers
Identification Of Cost Reduction Opportunities In XYZ Co.
The relationship of money supply in M-2 and trading volume by index (any index such as Nifty
The impact of government policies on freight forwarding industry (country name)
Problems faced by small medium enterprise to be internationalize
The impact of macro-economic factors on stock market index of (country name)
Impact of interest rate, inflation rate and exchange on index performance (any index such as Nifty
index etc.)
Micro finance in Islamic economy
Capital mobility in Islamic economic system
International trade under Islamic economic model
Sample Approved Finance/Economics Topics
 Human Asset Valuation In The XYZ Sector
 Fundamental Study Of Zinc In The Global Scenario
 Credit Risk Analysis In SME Banking (XYZ BANK)
 To study the relationship between price earnings ratio and return on investment ( Industry
specific study or any other methodology find suitable )
A test of price earnings ratio to predict future growths ( Industry specific study or any other
methodology )
Factors affect on the dividend payout ratio ( Industry specific study)
To study relationship between price earnings ratio and growth ( Industry specific study or any
other methodology find suitable )
Relationship between market factors and stock returns of ( Industry specific study or any
other methodology find suitable )
To investigate the association between dividend change and company’s earnings ( Industry
specific study or any other methodology find suitable )
Determinants of capital structure ( Industry specific study or any other methodology find
suitable )
Fund size and indicator of performance measurement for fixed income mutual fund (or any
other kind of mutual fund for the study)
Factors that lead to investment in mutual funds ( specific type of MF)
Factors affecting trade volume the study of Asian development economics
Structure and performance of economy in (country name); comparative study between current
government and former government.
Sample Approved Finance/Economics Topics
Weekend effect on stock relation: evidence from index (any index such as Nifty etc.)
Effects of holidays on stock return: evidence index (any index such as Nifty etc.)
Performance study of Islamic bank and conventional bank in a selected country
Comparison between sales price, debt-equity and book market value of equity in analyzing stock
Relationship between cash flow and investment spending in XYZ industry
Development or establishment of issues of Islamic banking – in particular country or region
Islamic finance system and economical growth
Impact of dividend on investment decision
Relationship between Assets and Liabilities in balance sheet
Impact of fiscal policy on economy of (country name)
Determinants of bond market capitalization in (country name)
Relationship between CPI and bond price
Islamic Banks performance in industrial lending
Development of SME in Islamic based economies
The relationship between corporate strategy and capital structure
Assessing the profitability determinants of Islamic banking in (country name)
Public Private Partnership: A Model
Funding Development in India: Official Development Aid from a donor
country/ organization
Sample Approved Marketing Topics
An empirical study to enhance the market share of ABC Co in Delhi & NCR
An empirical study of consumer behavior in the Hair color industry
An Empirical Study of Marketing Strategies of VR Co
A Study on the Sales and Distribution Strategies of ABC Co Life Insurance
A Study on Market Perception of XYZ Co and Market Penetration in Delhi and NCR
Effectiveness of Advertising Strategies - A Case of Indian Soft Drink
Role of Advertisement in the Purchase Behavior of Women
Strategies to increase the Market Share of XZ Co in Ice Cream segment
Market Mapping of HQ Co Fan Division
Quantifying bullwhip effects and reducing its impact
Automated supply chain frame work model for mid-sized XYZ Industry
Study of factors affecting the decision making of outsourcing in XYZ Industry
Sample Approved Marketing Topics
Strategic Analysis study with respect to SQ Energy (Wind-power Market)
Factors Affecting Sale Of SM Brand Mustard Oil In Agra Region
Impact Of Sales Promotion On Customer Retention : Case of XYZ Co
Brand Loyalty Of Teenagers (Industry Apparel)
Preference Of Youth Towards Foreign Brand And Indian Brand Industry - Textile
Implementation Of Six-sigma (Σ) Technique In Fast Food Service Industry
Leads Generation In Sync With Sales Force Survey Of XY Ltd.
Study Of The Brand Positioning Of PQ Ltd
Competitive Intelligence Study Of Bisleri In Mineral Water Market
Marketing Of Software Through Search Engine Optimization
Market Research On The Perception Of Youth Toward The Counterfeit And Fake Products in XYZ
Governance Issues in Development Sector: A study of XYZ NGO
CSR Activities in India: The Case of Y Corporate
Strategic Issues in Policy: Aligning Corporate Governance (or CSR) with Profit
Aligning Business Strategy with CSR: Study of a corporate CSR department
Rural Markets in India: Financial Products by an insurance company
Effects Of Changing Government Policy on Business: A Construction Company
Sample Approved Marketing Topics
 Export Marketing Strategies Of Leather Footwear And Footwear Components In
UK And Germany : Case of XYZ Co
RH Co (Branding) Position In The Switchgear Segment.
Export Potential Of Handicraft Items To EU Countries
The Indigenous Product Placement And Strategic Analysis Of Dealer Perception Of
SV Co Air Conditioners
Scope & Feasibility Of Supply Of Cotton To Various Spinners In Punjab
An empirical study of the distribution network of XY Cola in South Delhi
Dealer evaluation study for ABC Industries
Sales Promotion Schemes - A Study in Relation to Consumer Electronics of XZ Co
Assessment Of Demand & User Preference For Surgical Medical Equipments &
Implants For Neuro-spine, Endoscopy & Orthopedic Segment At XYZ Ltd
Study Of The Retail Operations Of RT Co Dairy Fruits And Vegetable Unit, And
Suggesting Improvements In Light Of Emerging Competitions
The Manuscript consists of three main parts
 The Preliminaries
 The Content or the text
 The References
The Preliminaries
 Title Page
 Abstract
 Certificate of Originality
 Thesis Topic approval letter sent over email
 Acknowledgments
 Table of Contents
 List of Figures & Tables
 Synopsis
Note : Preliminary pages
Numbering should be in lower case Roman numerals; Centered at the bottom of the page; Numbers at
least ½ inch from bottom edge
The Preliminaries
 Title Page
- Institute logo ,Name and place;
- Name of the Title ,Student and Guide ; Batch and Alumni No
- It should contain all capital letters ; Counted, but not numbered ;
 Abstract
- This should include the problem under investigation; the research methodology and
theoretical orientation; and the expected out comes and implications of the research
- Not to exceed 350 words
 Certificate of Originality
- It should include original signature of the Guide . It indicates that the guide has
approved the thesis as a complete and final work requiring no further alterations. This
signatory format is completely different from the format when submitted at the time
of synopsis.
Note : The Certificate of Originality should be either in the form of External guide’s signature in the
company’s letter head or email print out from his /her official email Id or External guide’s signature
with company’s attestation or External guide’s signature attached with business card.
The Preliminaries
 Acknowledgments:
- It should generally include acknowledgment of assistance received
persons .
- Center the heading “ACKNOWLEDGMENTS”
 Table of Contents:
- Lists all sections with page numbers ;Double space between entries; Single space within
 List of Figures:
- Required if figures appear in thesis
- Non-text items; Numbered consecutively throughout
 List of Tables:
- Required if tables appear in the thesis
- Tables should be numbered consecutively throughout.
 Synopsis: Original synopsis (without any alternations) should be attached.
A General Thesis Content
 Introduction
 Research objectives & Methodology
 Literature Review
 Primary Findings & Analysis
 Recommendations
 Conclusions & Implications
NOTE: Page Numbering should be in Arabic numerals ;Upper, right-hand corner; At least ½ inch from
A General Thesis Content
Introduction of topic.
Literature Review :
Relevant literature to establish a sound base for the proposed research
Research objectives & Methodology :
Explanation of what is the research objectives and the methods used to
achieve the specified objectives.
Primary findings & analysis:
Report on the primary data collected using the research methods and
techniques .
A General Thesis Content
It should be based on resolving the Research problem. A thesis is written
from a consultant’s perspective.
Conclusions & Implications:
It should include how the data collected and the literature reviewed,
together contribute to answering the research questions and resolving the
research problem.
Research Methodology
It Should cover the following details:
 Method used
 Tool used
 Target Audience
 Sample size
 Sampling method used
 Research Area
Considerations :
 It must be appropriate to the objective of your study
Triangulation Method is mostly used at master level thesis
( Triangulation refers to the use of more than one approach to the investigation of a
research question )
Justifications regarding specific methods chosen or used
Data collection methods
Qualitative marketing research
Generally used for exploratory purposes - small number of respondents -
not generalizable to the whole population - statistical significance and
confidence not calculated - examples include focus groups, depth
interviews, and projective techniques
Quantitative marketing research
Generally used to draw conclusions - tests a specific hypothesis - uses
random sampling techniques so as to infer from the sample to the
population - involves a large number of respondents - examples include
surveys and questionnaires.
 Bibliography
- It should include all works which are referred to in the thesis .
- May be placed at the end of the main text .
- Use any standard manual .If one is not using a style manual, single space
within each entry and double space between the entries.
 Appendices
- Inclusions : Articles , Questionnaire format ,Old forms or reports,
Sample filled questionnaires with Business cards attached
- Exclusions : Case study, Power point slides
 Response Sheets
- All thesis should contain all the Response Sheets in the prescribed
Layout Requirements
 Spacing
 Font
 Header and Footer
 Margins
 Paper
 Overall appearance
 Printing the final copy
Layout Requirements
 Spacing
1.5 Inch space or Double space throughout
Exceptions: Title page and approval page, Table of contents, Captions,
table or figure headings, Extensive quotations, Footnotes or endnotes,
Entries in reference section, Appendices.
 Font
Any standard font is acceptable ; Use the same font throughout; Use font
size 12
Exceptions: Captions (not smaller than 9 point), Headings (not larger than
20 point)
 Header and Footer
The Header should include the Institute’s Logo with Name (extreme
The footer should include the Student’s Batch ( Extreme left) and
Thesis Alumni Id Number ( Extreme Right )
Layout Requirements
 Margins
Pages must have at least:1.5 inch left margin ; 1 inch top, bottom, and right
Exceptions: pg no’s must have at least ½ inch clearance from each edge
 Paper
8.5 X 11 inches (A-4 Size) , White bond,25% (or higher) cotton content.
 Overall Appearance
All corrections should be made before final copy is printed
Unacceptable: Overstrikes or cross-outs ,Handwritten additions or corrections,
Lines, dots or shading from paste-ups .
 Printing the Final Copy
Print must be sharp and of uniform darkness ; One side only .
Every content of the thesis should be in New Page
Cover should include following – Bounded form (Black color) stating Institute
Logo ,Name and Place; Thesis Title ;Student Name ,Alumni No, Batch ;
Thesis Guide ; Title and Alumni No ( cover Side ); Capital letters in Golden
color; Portrait format
Thesis Deadlines
Submitted to Internal Guide
 Submission of Thesis synopsis in
Hard copy ( Due date: As decided
by the respective IIPM branch)
 Submission of at least four
response sheets before submission
of final thesis (Every time the
guide is consulted )
Submitted to Internal Guide
 Submission of Final Thesis
( Due Date: As decided by the
respective IIPM branch )
One Hard copy + One soft copy)
 Submission of Redo Final Thesis
(Due Date: Within 30 days from
the date of rejection )
Note : Delay in submission of final
Note :Delay in synopsis submission
thesis and redo thesis will attract
will attract penalty of 5 marks per
penalty and also disqualify the
week from the last due date)
student for convocation.
Thesis work follow up – Response Sheets
Response sheet - format & submission:
 Details of the student [ Name (as per IIPM records) ,Batch, Section, Alumni Id
,Phone No and Email Id )
 Thesis synopsis ( Attached with the response sheet every time )
 Progress of the work (should be sent as separate attachment ): Students are
supposed to send actual work content ( like preparation of the questionnaire ,
data collection , analysis done etc. which is generally considered as the main
area of the thesis )
Note: - Whenever a student sends his/her response sheet, he/she has to send all
the previous response sheets along with the thesis synopsis .
- Response sheets can be sent through Email or can be given in person .
- All response sheets need to be appended to the report
- The Institute reserves the right to reject any thesis for which response sheets have not been received
Purpose of the Viva Voce examination
•To examine whether value addition to the existing knowledge was generated
•To establish that the research has been carried out independently and genuinely
by the candidate
•To determine the candidate’s understanding of the literature used in the thesis
•To examine the conceptual and logical approach and research techniques used in
the thesis.
•To allow the candidate to defend the originality of the thesis
Thesis Evaluation Parameters
Research objective/ problem definition / Scope of thesis
Research methodology / Description used
Research results//analysis
Achievement of aims / research objectives
Originality //Value addition
Quality of recommendations & conclusion
Relevance of the Literature used
Structure and technical presentation of the thesis
( Writing style , Grammar, Punctuation ,Spelling ,communicativeness and Layout requirements )
Assessment of Process
(Independency shown by the student , Pace of work and Response sheet follow-ups)
Viva Performance ( Oral and written)
Check list -1
 Ensure that the set research objective /problem has been achieved/solved.
 Ensure that your thesis extends the understanding of a subject and makes an additional
contribution to Human knowledge.
 Ensure that the data collected has been properly analyzed .
 Ideally a thesis is a combination of secondary as well as primary data. However the
requirements may vary depending on the topic chosen
 Ensure that the writing style should remain same throughout the thesis report. Plagiarism
would lead to rejection of thesis.
 Ensure that preliminary requirements (Thesis topic approval mail, Guide signatory page and
synopsis) have been met.
 Students must always use the thesis title as approved and sent to them by email
 Ensure that the structural requirements have been met.
 Ensure that grammar, punctuation marks etc have been met.
 The student should use Thesis Registration Identification Number but not the Student
General Identification Number
Check list -2
 The Final Thesis report should be between 10000 to 30000 words
 The format for the Approval letter is different from the certificate of originality which has
to be arranged from the external guide.
 The approval letter / Certificate of Originality should be either in the form of External
guide’s signature in the company’s letter head or email print out from his /her official email
Id or External guide’s signature letter with company’s attestation or External guide’s
signature letter attached with business card
 Ensure that Appendices include Articles ,News papers cuttings , Questionnaire format ,Old
forms or reports, Sample filled questionnaires with Business cards attached.
 Ensure that Paper used in the thesis should of 8.5 X 11 inches (A-4 Size) , White bond,25% (or
higher) cotton content
 Ensure all data , tables and graphs should be in the color format
 Final Thesis should be submitted in the form of a single Hard copy along with a soft copy
 There would be marks deduction or rejection of thesis for Non compliance of thesis rules
Ramakar Jha ( Head - Department of Projects)
( )
Dipti sharma ( Thesis queries related to Human Resource and Marketing Area )
( ;
Vijay Kumar Boddu ( Thesis queries related to Finance ,Operations and Marketing Area )
( ; 011-42789878 )
Rachna Singh (Thesis queries related to Human Resource and Marketing Area)
Swarup ( Thesis queries related to Finance ,Operations and Marketing Area )
Rajiv Kumar ( Thesis Registration ID and Thesis Result status enquires )
(; 011- 30168408)
Postal Address : IIPM , Thesis Dept , Satbari, Chandan Haula, Bhatimines Road, New Delhi , 110074
Best of Luck !