
CGE Training Materials
National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Industrial Processes Sector
Version 2, April 2012
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Target Audience and Objective from Training Materials
These training materials are suitable for people with beginner to intermediate level
knowledge of national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory development.
After having read this Presentation, in combination with the related documentation, the
reader should:
a) Have an overview of how emissions inventories are developed for the industrial
processes sector;
b) Have a general understanding of the UNFCCC and IPCC guidelines;
Be able to determine which methods suits their country’s situation best;
d) Know where to find more detailed information on the topic discussed.
These training materials have been developed primarily on the basis of
methodologies developed by the IPCC; hence the reader is always encouraged to
refer to the original documents to obtain further detailed information on a particular
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Non-Energy Uses
• EF
Emission Factor
IPCC Emission Factor Database
Confidential Business Information
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Outline of course – Industrial Processes
• Definitions (slide 3)
• Approaches and steps
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines (slide 5)
IPCC Good Practice Guidance (2000) (slide 29)
• Problems in using guidelines, and recommendations (slide 41)
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Definitions (Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines)
• Non-energy-related physical and chemical processes in production activities
leading to transformation of raw materials and emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG)
(e.g. decomposition reactions).
• Non-energy uses (NEU) of feedstock in process reactions or stage processes that
do not only release heat but also act predominantly as reducing agent (e.g.
metallurgical coke in the smelting of ores in metal production).
• The energy/heat required for initiating and/or sustaining the chemical reaction
kinetically and thermodynamically is accounted for under energy sector.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Definitions (Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines) (cont.)
• Feedstock delivered to petrochemical plants and used for manufacture of other
products and not for energy purposes (e.g. use of natural gas or other fossils in the
manufacture of ammonia).
• Production-related emissions are NOT classified under the industrial processes
sector but under energy sector are GHGs released from fuel combustion of
feedstock in production activities as sources of energy forms of energy (i.e. heat,
process steam or electricity generation).
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – Approach and Steps
Differentiating Non-energy and Energy-related Emissions (source: IPCC 1996 GL
 Cement production - section 2.3.1
 Lime production - section 2.4.1
 Soda ash production and use - section 2.6.1
 Ammonia production - section 2.8.1 and 2.8.2
 Silicon carbide - section 2.11.1
 Calcium carbide - section 2.11.2
 Iron and steel - section
 Ferro alloys - section
 Aluminium - section
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Differentiation of Non-Energy and
Energy-related Emissions in the
Industrial Processes Sector:
Illustration based on Revised 1996
IPCC Guidelines (vol. 3)
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – Approach and Steps
Source and Sub-source Categories and Disaggregation
• Tools for classification:
a) The UNFCCC GHG inventory software for non-Annex I Parties (electronic
version of IPCC worksheets)
b) IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB).
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Sub-source Categories/Disaggregation:
Illustration with EFBD and UNFCCC
software (Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines)
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – Approach and Steps
Relevant Source Categories
GHGs from the IP sector:
(a) CO2, CH4, N2O
(b) HFCs, PFCs, SF6
(c) SO2, CO, NOx, NMVOCs.
The UNFCCC inventory software “long summary” table specifies all the relevant
GHGs for the various source categories required to be reported. They represent a
ready source of identification of relevant GHGs for sources and sub-sources of the
various sectors.
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – Approach and Steps
General Estimation Methodology
• General equation:
TOTALij = ADj x EFij
a) where:
• TOTALij = process emission (tonnes) of gas i, from industrial sector j
• ADj = amount of activity or production of process material (activity data) in
industrial sector j (tonnes/yr)
• EFij = emission factor (EF) associated with gas I, per unit of activity in industrial
sector j (tonne/tonne).
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – Approach and Steps
Choice of Methods
• For certain industrial processes, more than one estimation methodology is presented.
These are:
Simplified approach, referred to as Tier 1
More detailed methodology, referred to as Tier 2.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – Approach and Steps
Choice of Methods
• Several options are also provided for certain industrial processes under Tier 1,
such as Tier 1a, 1b, 1c, based on data availability and suitability of methods.
• Order of preference for Tier 1 methods is 1a > 1b > 1c.
• Encourages country-specific methods, documented and adequately
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – Approach and Steps
Sample Tiers by Sub-source Categories
• 2B1 – Ammonia production (CO2)
Tier 1a – AD as natural gas consumption (m3) and EF (kgC/m3)
Tier 1b – AD as ammonia production (tonnes) and EF (tonne CO2/tonne NH3)
• 2B4 – Calcium Carbide Production (CO2)
T1a – Consumption of petroleum coke (tonnes) and EF (tonne C/tone Coke type)
T1b – Production of carbide.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – Approach and Steps
Tiers by Sub-source Categories
• 2C – Metal production (Iron and Steel, Al, Ferro-alloys)
Tier 1a – Consumption of reducing agent (tonnes) and EF (tonne C/tonne
reducing agent)
Tier 1b – Production of the metal (tonnes) and EF (tonne CO2/tonne metal).
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – Approach and Steps
Tiers by Sub-source Categories
• PFCs from aluminum production
Tier 1a – Direct plant emissions data
Tier 1b – Estimation based on plant measurements and empirical estimation
Tire 1c – Based on aluminium production (tones) and default emission factor
(kg/tone Al).
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – Approach and Steps
Tiers by Sub-source Categories
• 2E – HCFC manufacture (HFC-23 release)
a) Tier 1 – AD (total production in tonnes) and Default EF (% of total production)
b) Tier 2 – Direct emissions from plant specific measurements using standard methods
• 2F – Consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODS) substitutes (HFCs, PFCs
and SF6)
a) Tier 1a and Tier b – Potential emissions
b) Tier 2 – Actual emissions.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – Approach and Steps
Choice of Activity Data
• Plant-level measurements or direct emissions reports with documented
• Where direct measurements are not available, estimations may be based on
calculation with plant-specific data.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – Approach and Steps
Choice of Activity Data
• If there is a lack of activity data at the national level, use:
International data sets (United Nations data sets and industry associations)
National databases where available from appropriate government ministries
(e.g. statistics services, environment ministry, etc.)
Standard production statistics from national statistical publications
• Note that there can be a conflict between activity data collected from various
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – Approach and Steps
Choice of Default Emission Factors
• Process-reaction-based EFs (stoichiometric ratios)
• Production-based emission factors
• Technology-specific emission factors
• Reported country-/region-specific plant-level measurements
• IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB), a summary for process-reaction-based
and technology-based EFs
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Illustrate Use of Emission Factor Database
(EFDB) for IP Sector
IPCC 1996GL Approach and Steps
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Comparability of IPCC Technology-based
Default EF and GPG2000 Plant-level EF
The Case of Aluminium Production
Inventory in Ghana
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Good Practice Activity Data
Plant-level EF based on Tier 1a method
CO2 emissions from aluminum production activity data
Period (year)
production (tonnes)
gross carbon (tonnes)
net carbon (tonnes)
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Consumption of Reducing Agent
Anode carbon
gross carbon (tonnes)
net carbon (tonnes)
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Net Carbon Consumption
production (megatonnes)
net carbon tonne/tonne al
3 per. Mov. Avg. (net carbon tonne/tonne al)
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Comparability of Good Practice
Plant level and IPCC default
Process parameter
Country-specific (plant level Tier
IPCC default including
2) -
baking emissions (5%)
7-year average
Net carbon consumption assuming 98% purity of
anode carbon
(tonne C/tonne)
Emission factor
(tonne CO2/tonne Al)
% difference
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Emissions Estimating and Reporting
Use of UNFCCC GHG Inventory
IPCC 1996GL Approach and Steps
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Good Practice Guidance and
Uncertainty Management in National
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
(GPG 2000) –
Industrial Processes Sector
Approach and Steps
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
GPG 2000 Approach and Steps
Good Practice Principles
• To produce GHG inventories that neither overestimate nor underestimate emissions
so far as can be judged based on the principle of TCCCA, namely:
T: Transparency
C: Consistency over time
C: Completeness
C: Comparability
A: Accuracy.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
GPG 2000 Approach and Steps
Good Practice Principles
• To use limited resources more efficiently for key sources
• To reduce levels of uncertainty
• To improve reporting and documentation
• To apply quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) and improve
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
GPG 2000 Approach and Steps
Choice of Methods
• The GPG 2000:
Identifies potential IP sector key categories
Provides decision-tree analysis for the selected sources
Describes category-specific good practice methods in adapting Revised
1996 IPCC Guidelines to country-specific circumstances
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
GPG 2000 Approach and Steps
Choice of Methods (cont.)
• Defines tier numbers for alternative names of (unnumbered) methods described in the
Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines
• Provides good practice guidance for various tier levels of assessment (Tier 1, 2, 3) for
selected source categories.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
GPG 2000 Approach and Steps
Potential Key Categories
• 2A1 – CO2 Emissions from Cement Production
• 2A2 – CO2 Emissions from Lime Production
• 2C1 – CO2 Emissions from the Iron and Steel Industry
• 2B2 and 2B3 – N2O Emissions from Adipic Acid and Nitric Acid Production
• 2C3 – PFCs Emissions from Aluminum Production
• 2C4 – Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions from Magnesium Production
• 2E1 – HFC-23 Emissions from HCFC-22 Manufacture
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
GPG 2000 Approach and Steps
Potential Key Categories (cont.)
• 2F(1-5) – Emissions from Substitutes for Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS
substitutes for HFCs and PFCs used in refrigeration, airconditioning, foam
blowing, fire extinguishers, aerosols, solvents)
• 2F7 – SF6 Emissions from Electrical Equipment
• 2F8 – SF6 Emissions from Other Sources of SF6
• 2E3 – SF6 Emissions from Production of SF6
• 2F6 – PFC, HFC, and SF6 Emissions from Semiconductor Manufacturing.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
GPG 2000 Approach and Steps
Decision Trees, and Selection Criteria for
Methods and Structured Tier Levels
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
GPG 2000 Approach and Steps
Decision Trees and Selection Criteria for Methods and Tier Levels
2A1 – Cement production CO2
Figure 3.1 p 3.11
2C1 – Iron and Steel Production (CO2)
Figure 3.2 p 3.21
2B1 and 2B2 – Nitric Acid and Adipic Acid (NO2)
Figure 3.4 p 3.32
2C1 – Aluminum production (PFC)
Figure 3.5 p 3.40
2C – Use of SF6 in magnesium production (SF6)
Figure 3.6 p 3.49
2E and 2F – ODS Substitutes
Figure 3.11 p 3.80
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
GPG 2000 Approach and Steps
Sample Illustrations of Tier Level Methods in
Adapting IPCC 1996GL Based on National
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Problems Encountered in Using IPCC 1996GL and GPG 2000,
and Recommendations
• The problems encountered in using IPCC 1996GL and available GPG options are
summarized in this section.
• The impact of the problem on inventory preparation and practical approaches
recommended, and/or the GPG Options, are provided in the notes.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Potential Problems in Preparing IP Sector Inventory
• Difficulty in disaggregation of country-relevant sources into IPCC categories,
particularly sub-source categories not listed in the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines.
• The “mapping technique” is a practical approach recommended for ease of
identification and disaggregation of country sources into IPCC source categories. The
Handbook provides IPCC disaggregation and corresponding probable national
emission sources.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Mapping National Industry Classification with IPCC Source Categories
• The Handbook presents a sample of mapping national source categories and IPCC
source classification. The table helps to easily identify corresponding IPCC source
categories for each probable national emission source, thus facilitating correct
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Potential Problems in Preparing IP Sector Inventory
Activity Data Collection and CBI
• Direct reporting of emissions without AD and/or EF to national institutions responsible
for data collection because of confidential business information (CBI).
Impact on inventory preparation
Reduces transparency and comparability
Recommended approach/GPG 2000 Option
GPG recommends plant-level verification and assessment of the measurement
standards and QA/QC plan of the industry.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Potential Problems in Preparing IP Sector Inventory
Emissions Estimation Methods and Reporting
• The reporting of industrial process emissions from non-energy use (NEU) of
feedstock produced in combination with fuel combustion under energy sector due to
the difficulty in differentiation and possible double counting of CO2.
• Direct plant-level measurement and reporting of industrial process emissions of
CO2 from chemical processes or stage processes in combination with fuel combustion
emissions from energy uses of feedstock (e.g. CO2 emissions from CaCO3
decomposition and metallurgical coke oxidation in Solvay process).
Impact on inventory preparation
Underestimation of the contribution of IP sector to national emissions (e.g. the use of
natural gas in ammonia production, and coke as reducing agent in iron and steel
Recommended approach/GPG 2000 Option
GPG2000 recommends stoichiometric estimation of the NEU and subtraction from the
energy statistics to avoid double counting.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Potential Problems in Preparing IP Sector Inventory Inappropriateness of
Stoichiometric Ratios as EFs
• Where technology-specific or plant-level data are not available, EF(default) are
based on stoichiometric ratios of process reactions.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Potential Problems in Preparing IP Sector Inventory
Lack of Emission Factors
• Lack of development of plant-level EFs, which leads to the estimation of EFs based on
top-down ratios calculated as EF = Emissions/Aggregate AD.
Impact on inventory preparation
EFs estimated based on the aggregate AD is basically a IPCC 1996GL IPCC Tier 1
approach. It lacks transparency and comparability and the method is not considered
good practice.
Recommended approach/GPG 2000 Option
GPG2000 provides good practice based on “decision tree” in applying IPCC 1996GL to
various national circumstances.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
"GPG 2000 Improvements in IP Sector Inventory
• Sample Source Category Estimations
2A1 Cement Production
2A2 Lime Production
2A1 Limestone and Dolomite Use
2C1 Iron and Steel
Reference Table 2 IP Handbook
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Other Specific Problems Encountered in the
Use of IPCC 1996GL
Suggested Approaches/Options
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Potential problems in preparing IP Sector Inventory
Notation Keys in UNFCCC Reporting Tables 1 and 2
• Inappropriate use and/or limited use of notation keys (NO, NE, NA, IE, NE) in
UNFCCC reporting Table 1 and Table 2.
• This results in lack of transparency and does not address completeness of the
inventory coverage.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Completeness and Transparency in Reporting – Use of Notation Keys
• NO (not occurring) for activities or processes that do not occur for a particular gas or
source/sink category within a country.
• NE (not estimated) for existing emissions and removals which have not been estimated.
• NA (not applicable) for activities in a given source/sink category which do not result in
emissions or removals of a specific gas.
• IE (included elsewhere) for emissions and removals estimated but included elsewhere in
the inventory (Parties should indicate where the emissions or removals have been
• C (confidential) for emissions and removals which could lead to the disclosure of
confidential information.
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Potential problems in preparing IP Sector Inventory
Activity Data Collection and Reporting
• Production data on large point sources may be available in various national
institutions in data sets that are not easily converted to greenhouse gas inventory
• Where available, mandatory or voluntary plant-level data are reported as total
emissions without relevant AD and EFs.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Potential Problems in Preparing IP Sector Inventory
Lack of Emission Factors
• Mandatory industry reports (e.g. annual environmental reports) provide only
emissions estimates without AD and/or EF.
• Lack of IPCC default EFs due to differences in IPCC source and sub-source
categories and disaggregation of country-relevant sources.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Potential Problems in Preparing IP Sector Inventory
Institutional Arrangements
• National institutions and industry associations collect and present data in formats
not appropriate for GHG estimation (because they are normally aggregated in
data sets relevant for the purposes for which they were collected).
• Limited awareness among industry/industry associations about opportunities
under the Convention and therefore lack of motivation to develop capacity for
reporting GHG inventories.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Potential Problems in Preparing IP Sector Inventory
Institutional Arrangements (cont.)
• Lack of institutional arrangements and clarity over roles and responsibilities of
experts carrying out the technical studies.
Lack of legal and institutional authority to demand data from industry to carry
out the inventories (reporting is basically voluntary).
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Potential Problems in Preparing IP Sector Inventory
Institutional Arrangements (cont.)
• Non-involvement of universities and/or research centres in climate change efforts
that could develop into a more sustainable inventory system.
• Lack of mainstreaming of climate change data collection by national statistical
services and industry associations.
Lack of QA/QC and uncertainty analysis by data collection institutions.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Institutional Arrangement Problems
How a country could benefit from capacity-building
• Establish a national working group of relevant stakeholders for plant-level
verification and peer review of the inventory report.
• Organize a capacity-building seminar for all institutions and relevant GHGcontributing industries to disseminate the IP inventory data sets, to inform about the
need for QA/QC and plant-specific good practice in developing and reporting AD and
EFs in greenhouse gas inventory data sets.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Institutional Arrangement Problems
Recommended capacity-building (cont.)
• Adapt the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines and GPG 2000 and develop countryspecific workbooks documenting methods, AD, EFs to increase transparency and
preserve institutional memory.
• In a capacity-building workshop, disseminate information about the opportunities for
emission reduction under the Convention and the financing mechanisms under the
Protocol to encourage industry participation.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Review and Assessment of Activity Data
and Emission Factors
Data Status and Options
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
GPG 2000 Approach and Steps
Inventory Quality Improvement and Uncertainty Reduction
• QA/QC Approach
• GPG 2000 presents a systematic approach to default uncertainty estimations for
various national circumstances based on decision trees. For instance, in the case of
cement production, a detailed approach is provided in Table 3.2, which is based on
Decision Tree Figure 3.1.
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Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Thank you!
Consultative Group of Experts (CGE)
Training Materials for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories