
Topic 3 – Commercial/SMB
Stephen Sinclair
Commercial/SMB- RED TEAM
End-Customer Requirements: How should Cisco support you better?
a. Which tier(s) of customers do you target today? Is Cisco targeting the right tiers of customers (T1-2 MidTier & SMBs)?
- Focusing on Commercial is Right - key for New Business
-Strategy on focusing “value” based customers is right BUT how can we identify them ?
- Sales efforts today required to identify T1 & T2 customers – or convert Price buyers to see value
b. What are the biggest issues you are trying to solve for your customers today, and what are your key
challenges in solving these issues?
c. What issues are your customers facing around increasing or sustaining their network spend? How can
Cisco better support you in these areas? Enhancements to our end-to-end ‘value’ proposition?
- Very competitive Market - Competitive products are often good @ lower prices
- Defining, communicating & selling Cisco Value proposition is key but challenging
- Train senior Managers of Resellers – “Why Cisco” – Arm Partners with Holistic Cisco Value proposition
- Cisco do better job “arming” Partners Sales to communicate Value Proposition -
Training, ROI, Case Studies
- Cisco / Resellers joint selling - TAMs go on more Sales calls with Partner to CXo of Customer
- Need products with more appropriate price / Value proposition for SMB’s (i.e Handsets, Access points)
Commercial/SMB - RED TEAM
Demand Generation: How do we grow and hunt better together? (50mins)
What are your thoughts about Cisco’s current Incentive and demand
generation programs?
- Limited awareness of any Cisco programs – but varies by countries
-Too many programs to understand & remember –
- Need to Communicate Better on Relevant Programs for Resellers
– Need to determine right means (i.e Regular emails, & Regular Conferences /
updates / Placeware sessions (must be in local language)
Commercial/SMB - RED TEAM
Demand Generation: How do we grow and hunt better together? (50mins)
-b. What key technology solutions & vertical markets should Cisco focus on over
next 12 months?
- Vertical Priorities
– Manufacturing (High priority across all countries)
- Then next priority varies by country: Education, Finance & Banking, Healthcare, Retail,
Hospitality, Professional Services
-In Smaller Geography – Hard to focus on only one or 2 verticals HAVE to sell across Verticals
to generate required business
-Horizontal Solutions Priorities
-Security – Top Priority
-IPC (Awareness has increased but perceived as expensive – So Program must address ROI
concerns (IP Surveillance)
Solutions NEEDED
-Horizontal & Vertical Solutions are needed:
-Bundled Solutions – with Software companies like CRM – maybe Microsoft
Commercial/SMB - RED TEAM
Demand Generation: How do we grow and hunt better together? (50mins)
c. What Marketing and Channel programmes should Cisco be developing to accelerate
demand in these markets for your success?
What do Resellers NEED Vertical example:- Need Solutions INCLUDING eco-partners to have a Solution
-Cisco to help with Training & Roadmap to succeed in the Vertical & ONGOING Cisco Reviews with Reseller to
see how doing and how can optimize
-Need Solution Guides & Sales Guides
-Case studies
- Partner Incentives & EU incentives
-Market research to assist in targeting customers
-Cisco to Drive End user campaigns to drive Demand
-Joint Seminars
-Co Branded Collaterals for partner that Reseller can use to market directly to End Users
What do Resellers NEED Horizontal “ Secure Biz Communications” example:-Awareness – Ads
-Cheat sheets
-Positioning of “Self Defending Network” – EU Sample Roadmap, case studies, How to upsell
-White papers
-End Customer and Partner Incentives (Distinct)
-Joint Seminars with hands on Demo
-Focus on Manufacturing - Consider Finance & Banking
-Security is a key focus – consider concept of “Secure Biz Communication”
Commercial/SMB - RED TEAM
Competition: How should Cisco respond? (20mins)
a.Competitors Best Practoices
-Deal registration gives you a discount Advantage Support (Exclusive)
Harbour Networks
3 levels of support
-If bring AM in – You get $$$ amount even if loose deal
-If you write tender with Harbour – MORE $$
-If you win – MORE $$$
Executive Biz planning sessions with Cisco & Partner Teams
Protection if register project – No other Reseller can sell
Topic 3 Commercial/SMB – BLUE TEAM
Set up Led by Stephen Sinclair - Facilitators – Stephen, Kip, Carol
End-Customer Requirements: How should Cisco support you better?
Demand Generation: How do we grow and hunt better together?
Which tier(s) of customers do you target today? Is Cisco targeting the right tiers of customers (T12 Mid-Tier & SMBs)?
What are the biggest issues you are trying to solve for your customers today, and what are your
key challenges in solving these issues?
What issues are your customers facing around increasing or sustaining their network spend? How
can Cisco better support you in these areas? Enhancements to our end-to-end ‘value’ proposition?
What are your thoughts about Cisco’s current Incentive and demand generation programmes?
(Channel Incentives – Channel Rewards, VIP; End User DG – Success Builder, Vertical Campaigns)
What key technology solutions & vertical markets should Cisco focus on over next 12 months?
What Marketing and Channel programmes should Cisco be developing to accelerate demand in
these markets for your success?
Competition: How should Cisco respond? (20mins)
Which competitors should Cisco be most concerned about in the Commercial Market? Pick 2-3
What are these competitors doing from a channel and end user perspective to gain share?
What do our competitors do that we should replicate or learn from?
How can Cisco support you in taking share from these competitors?
Commercial/SMB – BLUE TEAM
End-Customer Requirements: How should Cisco support you better?
a. Which tier(s) of customers do you target today? Is Cisco targeting the right tiers of customers (T1-2 Mid-Tier
& SMBs)?
• Partners segment – size & budget
• Cisco segments by SME & behaviour
• Agree on segmentation – size & budget
b. What are the biggest issues you are trying to solve for your customers today, and what are your key
challenges in solving these issues?
• Cost of ownership
• Increased resiliency
• Future proof their infrastructure (protect their investment)
• Ease of management
• On-Demand operating environment
Challenges: Ease of management – uptake of IP Tel
Commercial/SMB – BLUE TEAM
End-Customer Requirements: How should Cisco support you better?
c. What issues are your customers facing around increasing or sustaining their network spend?
Customers want to do more with less
Mature market cyclical $
Customers don’t change vendor
How can Cisco better support you in these areas? Enhancements to our end-to-end ‘value’ proposition?
Cisco Finance
IP Tel update – end to end
- Bundle generic cross-industry applications with products – IP Tel
- Develop framework for partners to ensure quality – functionality, quality & uniformity
- Communicate/educate partners on Cisco financing options
- Cisco provide in-house demo equipment
Commercial/SMB – BLUE TEAM
Demand Generation: How do we grow and hunt better together? (50mins)
a. What are your thoughts about Cisco’s current Incentive and demand generation programmes? (Channel
Incentives – Channel Rewards, VIP; End User DG – Success Builder, Vertical Campaigns)
• Growth available in 837 market
b. What key technology solutions & vertical markets should Cisco focus on over next 12 months?
Korea: Security
China: Security
NZ: Security
Taiwan: IPC, Mobility & Security
Singapore: Mobility, Security
Hong Kong: Security – firewall, CSA (not anti-virus)
China: retail & healthcare
Singapore + NZ: Government & education
HK: All but government
Taiwan: Military
• Security, mobility, IPC, storage, retail, healthcare, education, manufacturing, government, military
Commercial/SMB – BLUE TEAM
Demand Generation: How do we grow and hunt better together? (50mins)
c. What Marketing and Channel programmes should Cisco be developing to accelerate demand in these
markets for your success?
SP payment terms 300 days – be fair allow us similar terms + we will sell IPTel
Drop price of handsets will drive volume – release licence to 3rd party to make cheaper
Create a product/bundle solution for under 50 users, wireless, CSA & firewall
Suggest to work with
• Product enhancements
a. Security as the primary focus – not competitive
b. Mobility
c. IPC – billing, call management, reporting, password access to IDD access, gateway solutions
d. Storage
• Channel programmes
a. to create more awareness creation with
b. Trade in program for old equipment including old phone systems
c. Apply vertical rebates to horizontal sales – if we achieve growth target we get rebate
Commercial/SMB – BLUE TEAM
Competition: How should Cisco respond? (20mins)
a. Which competitors should Cisco be most concerned about in the Commercial Market? Pick 2-3
Security – Watchguard, Cyberguard, Netscreen, Checkpoint
b. What are these competitors doing from a channel and end user perspective to gain share?
c. What do our competitors do that we should replicate or learn from?
d. How can Cisco support you in taking share from these competitors?
Topic 3 Commercial/SMB – GREEN TEAM
Set up Led by Stephen Sinclair - Facilitators – Stephen, Kip, Carol
End-Customer Requirements: How should Cisco support you better?
Demand Generation: How do we grow and hunt better together?
Which tier(s) of customers do you target today? Is Cisco targeting the right tiers of customers (T12 Mid-Tier & SMBs)?
What are the biggest issues you are trying to solve for your customers today, and what are your
key challenges in solving these issues?
What issues are your customers facing around increasing or sustaining their network spend? How
can Cisco better support you in these areas? Enhancements to our end-to-end ‘value’ proposition?
What are your thoughts about Cisco’s current Incentive and demand generation programmes?
(Channel Incentives – Channel Rewards, VIP; End User DG – Success Builder, Vertical Campaigns)
What key technology solutions & vertical markets should Cisco focus on over next 12 months?
What Marketing and Channel programmes should Cisco be developing to accelerate demand in
these markets for your success?
Competition: How should Cisco respond? (20mins)
Which competitors should Cisco be most concerned about in the Commercial Market? Pick 2-3
What are these competitors doing from a channel and end user perspective to gain share?
What do our competitors do that we should replicate or learn from?
How can Cisco support you in taking share from these competitors?
Commercial/SMB – GREEN TEAM
End-Customer Requirements: How should Cisco support you better?
a. Which tier(s) of customers do you target today? Is Cisco targeting the right tiers of
customers (T1-2 Mid-Tier & SMBs)?
- Mostly mid-market and SMB, one partner services the lower end SMB
- Partners are looking to expand both up and down into other customer sub-segments
b. What are the biggest issues you are trying to solve for your customers today, and what are
your key challenges in solving these issues?
- Advanced technology sale helps Partner margins and adds value to Customers
- Partners are challenged with acknowledging and servicing their Customer’s Customer  ie
being able to address compliance standards within verticals
c. What issues are your customers facing around increasing or sustaining their network spend?
How can Cisco better support you in these areas? Enhancements to our end-to-end ‘value’
- Smaller customers are just looking for connectivity, don’t see the network as a strategic part
of their business
- For Mid Market, customers see the utility of the network which allows Partners to up/cross
sell more
- Look to do more Marketing on relevance of Networking in the SMB space
Commercial/SMB – GREEN TEAM
Demand Generation: How do we grow and hunt better together? (50mins)
a. What are your thoughts about Cisco’s current Incentive and demand generation
programmes? (Channel Incentives – Channel Rewards, VIP; End User DG – Success Builder,
Vertical Campaigns) - VIP is well received. Good money coming back & gross margins have been improved
- On VIP, suggestion of lower targets
- Channel Rewards is more flexible and benefits the Partners more than when it was rewarding
the individual
- Cisco needs to do a better job with Partner readiness on our end user demand gen campaigns
b. What key technology solutions & vertical markets should Cisco focus on over next 12
- Healthcare/Pharma
- Banking/Finance
- Manufacturing
- Higher Education
- Hospitality in select countries
- Wireless, Security, IPC & Management as solutions offerings across ALL verticals
- Simple solution architectures
- Less high level, broad advertising campaigns  some but keep them very targeted
- Better campaign targeting
- Need better lead qualification, distribution and tracking
- Focus seminars  make them relevant
Commercial/SMB – GREEN TEAM
Competition: How should Cisco respond? (20mins)
a. Which competitors should Cisco be most concerned about in the Commercial Market? Pick 2-3
b. What are these competitors doing from a channel and end user perspective to gain share?
c. What do our competitors do that we should replicate or learn from?
d. How can Cisco support you in taking share from these competitors?
End-Customer Requirements: How should Cisco support you better?
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Demand Generation: How do we grow and hunt better together?
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Security, Mobility, , IPC, Storage
Trade-in programs, awareness, vertical rebates to horizontal sales?
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Competition: How should Cisco respond?
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List top 3-5 most critical things that Cisco should consider based on your discussions.
(Can be addressed within 6 months – before next CCAB)
(Requires significant changes to policy, strategy &/or GTM)
1. Focus on Vertical and Horizontal campaigns…
which ones are TBD, but manufacturing &
security look most promising… finance
interesting? Fewer, impactful (targeted)
1. SMB Products… appropriate price/value trade-off
for customers
2. Defining, communicating, and selling Cisco ‘Value’
proposition… executive and sales level
Cisco ownership TBD
3. Financing options
4. Bundled solutions for less than <50-100 users
5. Partner protection for hunting new customers..
6. Increased marketing to drive relevance of
networking in SMB space… TBD
7. Trade-in program for old telephony products….
Great Exchange??
8. Review current communication strategy… what
programs are available?
2. IPC - Hand-set pricing & bundles apps
GTM Initiatives For Verticals or Horizontals… Key Deliverables
Need Solutions INCLUDING eco-partners to have a Solution, bundles… e.g. MSFT for CRM
Marketing –
-Case studies, ads,
-Joint seminars, white papers,
- hands on ‘deminars’,
-Co Branded Collaterals for partner that Reseller can use to market directly to End Users,
-Market research to assist in targeting customers,
-Cisco to Drive End user campaigns to drive Demand
-Financing Options – critical for SMB success
--Sales – local sales team (TAM) engagement to help partners drive programs
-Training –
Solutions guides,Cisco to help with Training & Roadmap to succeed in the Vertical & ONGOING Cisco Reviews
with Reseller to see how doing and how can optimize
Cheat sheets
Leads qualification, tracking, distribution…. telesales, E-Leads in development etc.
-Need Solution Guides & Sales Guides
-Partner Incentives & EU incentives..
-Partner planning and follow-up for the campaign